In a darkened room, moonlight illuminated cotton sheets along with two bumps buried under the covers. A half empty bottle of wine resided on the nightstand beside the bed, two glass cups keeping the beverage company. Slowly and slightly the covers moved up and down from the calm breathing of a man, and a woman. The man had long crimson hair that splayed messily on the mattress. His right eye, covered with a strange white mask. On the other side rested a woman with shorter, wavy brown hair. Her emerald eyes sparkled in the dark for the moonlight was mostly directed on her side of the bed. Both stared at the ceiling as if it was a book with a plot that unnecessarily dragged on.

Neither one looked at each other, nor did they make any gesture to starting a conversation. Both were at peace with the silence of night and the slight breeze from the open window that helped to chill the summer heat. After a couple more moments of silence the woman spoke.

"You were more gentle tonight. I'm guessing you've probably figured out the secret I've been hiding from you. Marian." Neither took their gaze off the ceiling but the man gave a small chuckle as he replied.

"As nothing gets pass me it seems that you are quite the same my lady. Yes I have noticed however that is not the reason I decided to be more 'gentle,' in fact there was no reason at all. In addition I prefer you call me Cross, not Marian." Again silence blanketed the room. It was not an awkward silence but rather both were taking their time to contemplate their situation.

"As you know Nadia I have been with many other woman but now I can finally confess that never in any of my, intimate, encounters did this predicament ever come to life." This time it was Nadia's turn to laugh. Pushing herself up she then grabbed a cigarette out of a box and lit one. Passing the carton to the red head Cross gladly excepted one and put it in his mouth beckoning with his finger for Nadia to lean down. He lit his cigarette from her already lit one and in a simultaneous motion, both breathed out the nicotine that helped to soothe their inner pains.

"Two months. This baby has been inside me for two months now and I will raise him or her with or without you. " Nadia took another drag and continued. "I expect that I'll be raising the baby without the presence of a father so there's two questions I need to ask of you." Another drag.

"Shoot." said Cross.

"First, would you ever like me to tell our kid about his or her, precious father and two...I'm quite horrible with names so if you have any ideas that would be great." Smoke was starting to suffocate the air that was in the room. Cross got up, put his pants on and walked over to the window to open it a little more. He stood gazing at the moon and the stars in the sky feeling the impatient stare of his partner boring into his back.

"I'll have to say no to both of your questions. First this kid doesn't need to know that a man like me was his father. Second I must congratulate you for being the only person who ever found out my one and only weakness, giving names to babies. They're hideous by the way, I can't stand them."

"Then I'm glad you won't be here to see your kid grow up. Knowing you Marian you'd be a terrible father anyway. Heck, you'd give him brain damage or worse turn him into a Marian Jr." Emerald stared into Amber and in an instant both broke out in hearty laughter.

Though it was true that Cross had indeed been with many other woman and would never change, Nadia to him was unique. She was full of spunk, strength and was quite a sarcastic person. He had met many interesting woman but very few did he think equal to him. Though Nadia's personality was light the emotion that shined in her eyes were dark, full of knowledge and suffering. Those eyes were the first part of her that attracted Cross. She was also the first and so far only person who could backtalk him to crushing defeat. He came to a be close friends with Nadia and on more than one occasion did they get, a little more closer than they should have. However no matter how much he did care for the woman the red head did not love her and even one night Nadia herself spoke that she did not feel love towards him either. So they continued on with their routine and stayed friends, but only friends.

Nadia beckoned for Marian to come back and both fell into a peaceful sleep that night. Warmth hit Nadia's face and she slowly awoke rubbing the sleep from her eyes. Next to her was an empty spot, Marian had left. She felt the imprint left by his body, still slightly warm. He was a good enough man to at least leave early morning and not the middle of night she would give him credit for that. Looking over at the nightstand a piece of paper replaced the bottle of wine. She lazily reached out to grab it and read it's contents.

I had quite an experience with you Nadia and I promise to go out drinking with you again. Someday. By the way your cigarettes were a perfect parting gift.
Cross Marian ~❤

Letting the note fall out of her hands Nadia feverishly looked for her box of cigarettes with no luck. "I take it all back, that man is nothing but a thieving bastard." Nadia continued her mumbling rant however the small smile plastered on her face made the event all the more pleasurable.