Spider-Man, along with other characters are from Marvel and Stan Lee

Loonatics Unleashed is from Warner Brothers

Just clarifying this Spider-Man's origins isn't really from comic, movie, or show - just my own hodgepodge

For Spider-Man fanfiction readers the beginning may seem familiar because it is I decided to use the beginning of Agent-G's Spider-Man meets Justice League story, but tweaked it a bit. It was so good that I had to try it for myself at least once.

Chapter 1:

A new life

It is tiring for any youth to endure the harsh reality of mankind, but it even harder for those who put the safety of others before their own. "Damn, those thugs stealing from that jewelry store actually put up a decent fight this time." A boy barely in his teen years said as he walked home holding onto his right arm. "Well, at least I didn't have to fight with Wolverine tonight." He added with a smirk and recalled of how their first meeting was like. 'Well, looks like I am going to get chewed out by my aunt and by my girlfriend.' The boy thought with his head hung down and a blush evident on his face; the fact of having a genuine girlfriend that knows who he is was still new to him. A whooshing sound shortly cut off his thought he looked up only to see the house he was walking to was burning. All of that joy and happiness was replaced by anger and sorrow; to make matters worse he heard a familiar laugh that told him who did it. "Goblin!" The boy said with so much hatred and spite it was hard to believe that he had a good side.

"You ruined Norman's life, so it was only fair that I returned the favor." The creature stated cocky as it flew away. The boy did nothing at first just stared at the blaze and remembering the first time he felt this lousy. He vowed that he would never feel this way again, but he failed in that view. His hands balled into fists, his teeth clenched and he only said one thing in great distain.

"This time when I kill you I'll make sure that you stay gone." He tore off his clothes to reveal his true self. He swung after the creature and found him on a bridge the hero landed in front of him and heard a statement from his soon to be dead opponent.

"Let me guess, you just want me to stop and change." He laughed maniacally after that, but he noticed that spider creature did not budge, he just stood there. "Well are you going to say something or…" The creature's statement abruptly ended when a fist rammed into his chest sending him to the edge of the bridge.

"You wasted all of your chances with your useless revenge scheme, but I am going to make sure that will never come to pass." The goblin's opponent stated angrily and for the first time the goblin feared for his own life. Unfortunately as soon as he tried to run away he was assaulted by: three punched five kicks and two knee kicks.

"We will meet again!" Goblin stated and leaped away with his internal bleeding body. The masked boy looked up at him and yelled at him.

"I'm not finished yet!" The goblin looked back which was a big mistake on his part because his chin was assaulted by both red boots and landed in what seemed to be a decrepit building.

"At least I'll be safe in here for a while, and a still have a backup plan." The cretin muttered as he remembered that this is where he put a back up glider.

"I told you that you would not hurt anyone ever again and I meant it." The teenager said aloud in great rage. As he was pounding the creature, that abomination, that beast he ignored the fact that he was clawing back. After what felt like an hour the goblin monster's body was in horrible shape: Internal bleeding, a destroyed rib cage, and a collapsed lung. "Time to finish this once and for all." He yelled as he towered over his opponent; he reared back his right fist and threw it straight at him, but nothing happened.

'Why am I still breathing?' The former Norman Osborn thought before looking to his left and saw Peter's fist went through the wall. 'Why didn't he finish me off?' That was the only thing he could ask himself. He turned back to the torn up mask and for a split second saw a hint of pity in those veteran eyes before he walked away. Watching him walk away aroused something within the ex-human being screaming out. "Get back here Parker; I'm not finished with you yet." Parker calmly turned his head over his right shoulder and said to him in a tranquil tone.

"But I'm through with you, you're not worth it; ya never were." As he continued to walk away Osborn became enraged and activated the spare glider, it flew over the wall and jutted out its three pronged blade.

"Then say hello to my son for me." He shouted and with that the glider headed straight for his prey, but Peter was through giving him chances. Using his spider sense, strength, and reflexes he caught the wing of the glider and threw it back at him; in that motion the goblin was killed for good. He swung away from the disaster area and did not stop until he landed on a familiar roof: the roof where he cried when he let his uncle down. He sat in the center of the building's roof and cried again.

'Now I am truly alone.' He thought as he tore off what was left of his mask and stared at the single white eye starring back at him. 'My life has been nothing less than shit since I first put you on.' He thought bitterly before hearing beautiful, festive music being played on the street below. 'Oh, yeah tonight is that hero festival hosted by Tony.' He thought remembering about this event before a sorrowful thought entered his mind, 'Mary Jane wanted to see this.' He peaked over the ledge, still unmasked, and saw several floats with some of the heroes that he worked side by side with. His mood was shifting from sorrow to happiness until they came to his float and heard shouting along with people throwing several objects at it: glass bottles, beer/soda cans, and of course rotten fruit.

"Go back to what ever rock you came from and stay there!" Most of the people said that or something rather similar. Those words in combination with the physiological trauma that he endured earlier made Parker's final decision.

'Fine! These guys don't even appreciate what I do for them then so be it. This world would be better without Spider-Man anyway.' He thought before putting on what was left of his mask and swung away from the praising and jeering crowd not knowing that some of the people that he helped were there as well.

'…this world would be better without Spider-Man anyway.' The thought entered the mind of a certain red head of the team. 'I wonder if that means he is going to retire.' She thought before feeling an arm wrap around her waist she turned her head and saw Scott Summers, the field leader of the team. A single tear came out of her left eye which he saw and had to ask a rather difficult question for her to answer.

"Is everything alright Jean, your crying?" He spoke in a soothing tone that put her at ease, but not this time. For one she did not to worry Scott and for another she did not want to miss this parade so she lied.

"Don't worry, Scott, I'm fine." She said to him and tried to back it up with a fake laugh and to truly throw him off she pointed to an up coming float. "Hey look, here comes another Fantastic 4 float." With that said those two enjoyed the parade and Jean tried to stop worrying about Spider-Man. She was not the only one who could tell that he was around. An African woman with snow white hair saw a lone figure swing away from the festivities. She turned to the man beside her who had the eyes of a veteran, but compassion as well. She could tell that her friend saw him too and she could only think.

'Be safe my young friend.' She resumed enjoying the floats even though that there was a part of her who wanted to go over to him and see how he was. As he was swinging through the city that would rather throw him into the pit of Hell itself rather than thank him for his actions the more he was sure of his actions. Before he went through with his plan he swung by his house which was now a pile of ash.

"I'm sorry." He muttered as he stared at the mound of cinders that he basically caused. He should have been angry at Nick Fury since he said that he would prevent something like this to happen, but he truly knew that he was the cause of all of this. Without saying anything else he swung away and knew exactly where to go now. A thought from his consciousness was trying to convince him to forget this idea but he retaliated with another thought. 'It is true that I have the other super heroes as friends, but it will only be a matter of time before I cause them misfortune too.' After a few more moments he added, 'This is for the best!' He swung as far as need be until he saw the tallest building that the state of New York had to offer. "Not even my damn spider luck will stop me." He muttered as feeling of regret came into play, but he ignored it and just climbed the building. He climbed all the way to the top floor, but he did not stop he climbed on top of their radio tower and then looked down. 'I just wonder who Jameson will badmouth when I am gone.' He thought with the last bit of humor he could muster. He then preformed one last vertical jump and dove head first into the concrete jungle. As he was falling the wounds that he received from his last battle began to open from the fast wind on his exposed skin, but he did not care; before he even touched the ground something did away with him.

"Uh-oh…" Come a comment from a worker from an organization that had monitored not only Peter but along with other creature's existence and did what was right to stop them.

"What is it?" A red haired woman asked as she looked at the man in question. The man tried to sound like he did not have bad news, but he failed miserably.

"We have lost all traces of Spider-Man. It is as though he vanished." The man said, but the woman said nothing she simply put on some ear piece and contacted another person.

"General Fury, I believe we have a problem." She began and told the man all that she knew which was very little. Unfortunately, this development did not go over very well.

"Very well do all what you can, I'm coming over." As he was walking away he could only think of one thing. 'What the hell did you step into this time Parker?' The light that surrounded him quickly brought him to an unknown dimension with heroes that he did not know existed.

"Those will be your names for this team the Loonatics." A blonde haired woman said to a group of six after telling them their names even though that one of them did not like the name that they were left with.

"Danger Duck? That is the best that she can come up with." A mallard with an orange and black outfit said aloud in distain. The other five only rolled their eyes at his statement another one of them was about to talk.

"Look Duck at least it's…" His statement was cut off when a tattered red and blue hero flopped on to their table with blood gushing out like Niagara Falls. He completely forgot what he was about to say and switch gears. "Rev, take him to the infirmary." He said to another beak based member and with a head nod he picked up the body and took him away and in under a minute he came back.

"That's done Ace but that guy was seriously bleeding I mean the entire hall has a solid red floor." The member said to them in a fast talking voice that it made others wonder if he spaced his words. They all then went to the infirmary and went over to the bed that had their unknown, unconscious visitor.

"I just wonder who this guy is?" The designated leader thought aloud and the others had to wonder the same thing. He turned to the green canine and said to him, "Tech, give him a scan with one of them scanners over there." He gestured over to one of the several scanning devices that he spoke of.

"Sure thing, Ace." Tech replied walking over and wheeling over a device that looked like half of a CAT scanner. He placed it over the person and the others walked behind Tech and they all saw a skeletal structure of the person. After a few moments Tech spoke to his teammates. "There seems to be no serious wounds on this guy so let's fix his current wounds." That said they all walked over to him and wondered how to start with this costumed man.

"Let's start by taking off his shirt." The pink and black member of the team suggested. All of them nodded and carefully lifted him up by his shoulder and being very careful not to open his slowly healing wounds took off his top. The upper body of this man was even stranger than his outfit, what they saw was a damaged body that had plenty of scars there was even a bullet wound.

"What are you?" Ace mouthed as he inspected the body while putting some fresh bandages to help the healing a bit. Tech noticed a strange belt around his waist that looked like a utility belt. The bulky member of the team noticed that the gloves that he had on did not go with the rest of his upper body, so while the others were mending him he carefully took of the gloves and grunted out a phrase that sounded like.

"Guys, what are these things?" The others who were done doing the patch-up job noticed them as well. The said item that they were all looking at were wrist mounted devices, but for what purpose? Tech took them off as quietly as he could and began to inspect it.

"This device's design is both simple yet effective." He said in awe and tried to figure out what it did. He put one on his own wrist to inspect it a bit better. However Rev had to start babbling.

"It does look cool Tech, but the question is what is it for?" The genius of the team was trying to concentrate and that is when he saw some sort of pressure type of device in his palm.

'I wonder what this is for?' Tech wondered as he thought about the alien device on his wrist. Then he positioned his arm at Rev who was still talking then steadily pushed down on the device in his palm which fired a web-like substance all over Rev's beak. "Fascinating, these devises seem to fire a solution that seems to harden when it comes in contact with air. This will require additional information, and I will need his belt." He said to his friends, Ace tossed him the belt which they had to remove to repair some cuts around his waist. With those items in hand he left the infirmary, and that was what the others were about to do too until a somewhat annoying voice was heard.

"What about this nearly destroyed mask, shouldn't we see if his face is fine?" The others glared at him since they wanted to be respectful, but he had a good point. Being as careful as they were with his body they took off his mask with extreme caution, and what they saw was even more bizarre than his outfit and his scars.

"You got to be kidding, he is no older than we are, and he had these kinds of scratches." Ace bellowed out of disbelief and the others were just as confused as their leader was. "Since he does not have any scars on his head we'll leave it alone, but maybe one a' us should stay here for an hour or so." He said to his teammates and he was surprised to hear the pink one volunteer.

"I'll do it." She said calmly to the others.

"You sure Lexi, what if he wakes up." Ace asked as he looked at his fellow teammate. She only shrugged off his concern with an easy going statement.

"Don't worry, even if he wakes up, he really can't do anything." What she said did make sense. His body was not in the right condition to move, so after a head nod Ace and the others left the infirmary leaving Lexi alone with an ailing alien. She walked back to him and sat down beside the occupied bed. 'Why did I want to watch him? I mean I could leave for an hour and he would still be here.' She thought but for the life of her she could not figure out why. As he slept Parker dreamt that he survived that fall and was wondering Queens, New York in his school clothes.

"My family was counting on me and I let them down." Peter muttered in his dreams and turned to a sliding glass door, but he did not see him he saw his alter ego: Spider-Man looking back at him. "This is all your fault!" Peter yelled at his currently hated form, but something awkward happened.

"You know that is not true." He got a rebuttal from his reflection. This type of thing never happened when he talked to his reflection before. "I am only a costume; everything that you have done has been done by your own choice. The only thing that I do is give you the courage to speak your mind during battle." He said in a calm tone looking at his true self. Peter did not know how, but he was wearing the battle scarred version of his suit and was in the center of what was left of his house with a pile of ash in both hands.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry that I let you down. I should have been here to stop that maniac." He said in his dream and as for his body he actually shed a tear of sorrow which was wiped away.

'Guess he must be having a really bad nightmare.' The female rabbit thought as she did that action, but as soon as she did that her hand was caught by a trembling hand of his. 'It must really bad if his hands are shaking this bad.' She surmised however she did not pull her hand away, but waited for him to let her go on his own and after a few moments he did so and resumed a steady rest cycle. 'Just what has this guy been through to act like that.' She thought with a little concern for his well being. For the next hour or so nothing else has happened just sleep and vigilance.

'That was a good rest.' Thought the arachnid based teenager as he stretched his arms, but there was something wrong with that thought. '"Good rest?" Why would I rest, I should be dead, shouldn't I?' He then took in his surroundings and realized that he was in some sort of hospital. "Where the hell am I?" He thought aloud, not really expecting a response from anyone, no one at all.

"Oh, looks like your up. Did ya have a nice nap doc?" Peter turned and saw a…a…rabbit creature in the doorway, but he overlooked that for a while and nodded as a response to his question. "Ya left a pretty good red stain on our table." The rabbit informed him as the creature advanced to the confused teen.

"A big mess, what do you mean by that?" Peter asked as he was searching for the right name but did not wish to insult the man. The rabbit creature somehow knew the boy's confusion decided to give him a name.

"Oops, sorry about that; the name's Ace Bunny, and by big mess I mean your bleeding body on our table." That sort of embarrassed Parker and that is when he felt his face with his fingers and realized that he has been unmasked.

"What exactly did you do with most of my costume, Ace?" Peter asked and felt like puking as he remembered that sorry excuse of a dust rage that has given him so much trouble.

"Rev is working on your suit and Tech is working on those things Slam found on your wrists." He responded and saw utter confusion on the teen's face. "Those guys are part of my team maybe you'll meet them when your strength returns." That said Ace walked over to the door until he heard a response from their out-of-towner.

"Or I could meet them." The bunny turned and saw Peter getting out of bed and stood beside it. Since Ace was staring at him in disbelief Parker decided to tell him. "Don't worry about these scratches; I've had it a lot worse. There is one thing I have to ask you." The rabbit's face went from shock to curiosity. "You have some new pants I can borrow because I think I soiled these, and I am not into the hospital robe look." At first Ace could only blink in disbelief at what he said for a while before pointing under his bed.

"Down there, we usually put black pajama pants and gray sleeveless shirts." The leader gestured under the bed and decided to wait in the halls for the teen. After a few moments Peter came out wearing a pair of black pajama pants, but no shirt. The two then went down the hall Ace curious of the boy and Peter was wondering why he was still alive.

'I guess I can't even die when I want to.' Peter thought bitterly, but he soon realized that this silence could not go on so he had to say something. "Looks like you guys have done a great job patching me up." Ace who was also getting bored of all of all the silence answered him.

"Yeah, we sure did. I can't believe you haven't bled through them yet." By this time the two of them have made it to a lounge type area with humanoid type creatures around it, which were now looking at them. There was a red roadrunner playing a game of pool all by himself, a purple Tasmanian devil cheering him on, a green coyote and an orange duck sitting on the couch, and a pink rabbit who was also sitting on the couch. "Look who decided to wake up." Ace said and all Peter could do was wave to them nervously.

"How's it going?" Was the only thing Peter could think of saying to them since he had no clue who they were.

"Just to let you know I repaired your suit; where do you want it?" Spoke the strange roadrunner creature. After being around Quicksilver a guy who is a master of tongue twisters Peter knew what he said so he gave him an answer.

"Back on the med bed; where my pants are." In under a minute the speedy member of the team was already done. The yellow rabbit beside him decided to talk.

"I guess the ol' introductions are in order." He began and received a 'do you think' look from the teen so he continued. "I already said my name was Ace Bunny and these guys are my team." He began pointing to the individuals. "That over there is Slam Tasmanian." Pointing over to a creature in purple and black who waved and grumbled a…

"Hi." Peter waved back to him, and Ace continued on with the prologue of his team.

"Then you have Tech E. Coyote and Danger Duck." Pointing over to the couch was an orange and black duck along with a green and black coyote who simply waved at him; Peter did the same to them. "You also met up with Rev Runner." This guy on the other hand grabbed Parkers hand and began to shake it vigorously saying to him.

"Hello it must be interesting running around in that outfit." He said that along with several other things that Peter only nodded to. The former web-slinger did not want to impose luckily another voice did.

"Rev, ya' mind letting go; I think he would like his arm back." Rev did as the voice said and with that done the sixth member walked over and extended her hand. "Hi, the name's Lexi Bunny." Peter shook her hand with a little bit of his spider strength, but not a lot.

"Since you guys told me your names it is only fair that I tell you mine. The name is Peter Parker, but when I wore the suit I was known as Spider-Man." He told the six in a relaxed tone, Lexi was about to ask more until Tech had beat her to it.

"Hey, Peter, where did you get these things from?" The obvious brains of the team said pointing to the wrist mounted devices. His eyes widened in surprised when he realized what they were.

"So, that is where my web-shooters went." He said aloud walking over to the couch while thinking, 'I really wish that those guys tossed them or sold them.' When he reached the couch he put one of the devices on his wrist. "Like I said these are web-shooters, I mean whoever heard of a spider without a web. I made them myself, but the formula is from my father it was unfinished so I finished it." The green canine smiled because he may now have another genius that uses his intelligence for good rather than personal gain.

"Something tells me, you tweaked it a bit." Tech guessed which Peter nodded to that, but also emphasized on it.

"You're right I did tweak it, with a shift in chemical balance I can make it stronger, weaker, and even less sticky." That statement was a little too much for Slam and Duck, but the others seemed to have gotten the gist of it. "Aside from that I also like it add a certain chemical that allow my webbing to freeze like ice or burn like fire. The web shooter has another effect." He told them and put one on, but to their surprise he turned a dial like object on the wrist of the shooter and demonstrated it to them. "With the shooter I can shoot off a thick web-line or a fine wide spray." To their surprise he used the webbing in his shooter and created a swing, he then picked up Lexi and put her in the seat before pushing her. "By the way you guys can't keep this swing, just like real webbing its biodegradable: meaning it will dissolve in an hour or so.

"Hate to change the subject, but you said things in the past sense. You know: 'but when I wore the suit I was known as Spider-Man.' what did you mean by was?" Lexi asked while silently enjoying the ride.

"Not to mention those scars, no way you could have gotten those in a bicycle injury." The Duck stated rather rudely at the teen before adding to him. "What is you origin story?" Right after he said that he stopped pushing Lexi and simply sat there.

"Before I tell you is there anyone else I should know about." Peter said in a serious tone. Ace walked over to what would be their television and pressed a button which Peter had a vague idea wasn't for the screen. He was right a holographic image of a blonde haired woman in a dress whom asked the others a simple question.

"Is there a problem Ace?" The woman said in a somewhat concerned tone which the rabbit answered her in a sincere tone.

"Nope, just wanting to introduce you to a guy that dropped in on us as soon as you were done telling of us of our names and the team name, Peter this is Zadavia; Zadavia Peter Parker." The two only looked at one another before Peter continued on with his life's story.

"I just hope it's not boring." Danger Duck stated with an irritated look in his eye. Wanting the others to pay attention to him rather than some virtual unknown that none of them have seen.

"Make no mistake, this story is filled with nothing but sorrow." The web slinger of the concrete jungle said to the mallard.

'I really hope that this doesn't turn out to be a bad idea.' The leader thought before adding to it. 'This might be a little bit tough on that guy.

"The truth is I was never brought up right, and no not in that cense more like in a not raised by my biological parent's kind of way." That beginning statement confused the Loonatics, but Slam had to ask as best as he could; through the groaning and growling it sounded like:

"What happened to them?" This question was also hard to answer because Peter had to admit that he had no idea who his parents were.

"They died in a plane crash in World War II, But that crash may or may not have been staged. The really bad thing is that happened when I was still a baby so I don't know their voice or their faces." Parker stated with a heavy sigh, and as for a response from the pink member of the team.

"That's horrible not knowing how they sounded or what they looked like." As soon as that sentence was done she immediately yelled at herself. 'Great work Lex, kicking a guy when he's down.'

"Believe me Lexi that isn't the worst of it." He said to them and this caught all of their attention, if not knowing who your parents was the minimal part what was the maximum damage to this person. "I was raised by my Uncle Ben and my Aunt May. They treated me as their own son providing me with kindness, trust, and of course love. At the start it was good I went to the carnival with them, fishing, and they even took me to science camp." He began but was interrupted by Danger Duck.

"Oh man! You went to a camp to learn during the summer; talk about a nerd habit." That got Peter a little relived that there were still people that still badmouthed the science geeks. Tech on the other hand defended scientist.

"Truth be known I too went to science camp, but after blowing up three camps in a row I was banned from all forms of camp." The blonde haired founder decided to step in at that time.

"Please continue, Mr. Parker." The man once known as Spider-Man nodded and went back to his story.

"Those years were some of the best, but everything went downhill when my high school class and I went to Osborn Industries Inc. A spider found its way to my hand and bit down hard, it wasn't until later of what that bite did to me." He waited a while before he continued since even that was a lot to take in. "That spider transferred all but its webbing ability to me, I was in total shock of having all of that power, and it was incredible. The first real thing that I did was a little bit of wrestling." As soon as he said that he heard some very happy grunting coming from the bulky member of that little team. "You like that idea, don't ya Slam?" He asked and received a somewhat garbled response that sounded like.

"Yeah, Yeah!" The web-slinger had a feeling that he used to be a wrestler too.

"Back then everything was getting along great. I was the best basketball player at school and the most popular too; not to mention the money I was getting for fighting." He could tell that the others did not see anything wrong with that, but they were in for a big let down just like he was. "When I was going home to tell my aunt and uncle that I was going to a party I ran into a guy that just stole some loot and I…" He hesitated, but Rev did not he immediately voiced his opinion.

"You creamed that little weasel for stealing that money. You gave him so many bruises that he was going to think twice before doing that." They all nodded that sounded logical considering they thought a guy with a Super Hero name would do something like that.

"I let him go." That was all that he said and after that he heard a collective gasp from the others. "That's right I just let him go. That's right; I let him walk away because back then I was only interested in number one: me."

"Nothing wrong with that." Duck stated lazily which earned him a harsh response from Peter.

"That is what I thought too, but after I came back from a party that one of my friends was holding there were police and ambulance at my house." All of them had a feeling that something really, really, really bad was about to happen. "When I came in I did not see my uncle anywhere, just my aunt sitting on the sofa crying. Turns out someone broke into my house, my uncle tried to stop him, but the guy was armed." He did not need to progress any further, but he did anyway. "After hearing where the guy was I put on my suit and leapt there as fast as I could, I did not have my web-shooters yet. Once I was there I batted away his gun and gave him the hardest punch I ever threw knocking him out."

"What…what happened next?" Questioned Tech after a hard gulp and after a long silence he continued even though it was breaking his heart for the umpteenth.

"When I got a good look at the guy, I realized that it was the creep from the street corner, the one I should have stopped, but I didn't. I ignored the responsibility that came with this great power and for that I lost my uncle." As soon as he said that the room had fallen deafly silent not even Duck wanted to say anything. They all saw him slam his eyes shut trying not to cry over the action that he had done.

"Are you going to be alright?" Lexi asked as she was still seated on the web-based swing. She only saw him cry once so she had a pretty good feeling that there was something even worse in store.

"I'll be fine Lexi, thanks for asking. My Uncle Ben said that my father had lived by a philosophy: 'With great power comes great responsibility.'" Zadavia only smiled at that philosophy and said to the hero.

"It sounds as though your father was a wise man." Even though he was in pain of remembering that moment of his life he felt at ease that she said that.

"If only I took it to heart earlier." He said lowly before continuing on. "Since my uncle's passing I made amends to my arrogant attitude: I quite the basketball team at school and I also quit wrestling all together." That said Duck began balling about all of that money that he was losing, but he continued just the same. "Since then I made other Super Hero friends and I also made villains, and that is where it leads to the end of my tale." They all seemed confused at that statement, but they had a bad feeling that it was about to get a lot worse. "One of the villains the Goblin was around and he was out for blood. I was returning home from a jewelry heist, man were those guys strong but they still lost, I was a few blocks away from my house where I was going to show and tell my aunt everything, my best friend and my girlfriend were there to console her."

"How did she take the news Pete? I mean about your powers and all?" Ace questioned and at first Peter looked at the yellow rabbit straight in the eye for a moment before answering him.

"I never got the chance. The Goblin obliterated my home before I got there destroying my friends and my aunt." Once again they were all silent before he said the last bit of the story of his former life. "I chased after Goblin and ended things with him once and for all. I ignored all of the times that he scratched at me because all that I wanted was to send him to his grave, and once I was done with that I lost my will to live. After a minute of thinking I jumped off of the tallest point in New York."

"So you tried to commit suicide and ended up here." The female rabbit summarized on her own. He merely nodded to her summarization not noticing that she seemed angry over what he tried.

"I vowed from that day on never to pick up my mask again. That is my story." He said ending her thoughts and the others seemed to stop thinking and stared at him for what he said. In truth after he said that he was not expecting anything else to happen, but something did. "Slam…" He said in a wheezing voice; Slam who was now balling while bear-hugging the former arachnid. Finding his left arm free he tapped on the shoulder and said in the same wheezing voice: "I'm going to have to breathe at some point." Slam saw that his friends face was turning blue so he let go. As soon as Peter was gagging for air he heard Lexi say in an angry tone, dripping with bitterness.

"Maybe you should have let Slam squeeze you. That would have been a lot easier to clean up." The others were shocked at what their teammate said, but Peter wasn't, after all he was used to those kinds of statements.

"That is all for now, Peter. Until we learn of what to do with you, you can stay in one of the bed rooms." Zadavia said in a gentle tone, and once again he nodded and walked off, but not before giving him the web-shooter he had on to Rev who seemed a little stunned over the whole thing.