At last we had won. Gaia and her army were returned to Tartarus. It was not without a price. Many of my fellow campers died in the war both roman and Greek. I didn't not see a difference between either camps, I only saw what I could maybe call family. It saddened me to see those that allowed me lead them, believed in me die. Sadness… it all that remained in my heart.

It all ended, with the defeat of Gaia. My anger, and sadness broke my heart. My mind became corrupted, I only wished peace but was given only pain. If even after the war was won, I could not seem to celebrate. I was still forced to attend the festivities in Olympus due to my mother's orders. Words of refusal could not seem to escape my mouth when I wished to decline. I still went any ways as I knew my mom only wished to help me.

I wandered around the main streets of Olympus. The streets were mostly empty except for the occasional couple seeking some privacy from the festivities in the main palace. I walked to a bench that overlooked Demeter's garden and sat on it, sighing. The garden itself is a beauty. A feeling of peace, safety emanated from the garden. A small pond stood in the middle with a small bridge crossing over the pond.

Why did everything become so complicated? It was as if that fates stood against, probably thinking of ways to make my life miserable. My love life is an utter mess. Annabeth was gravely injured, so she remained in the infirmary. Seeing Annabeth covered in blood, shook me. At one point I seemed like a hysterical super villain that normally come out in movies. Apollo banned me for being rowdy and overdramatic….really he is a rowdy god all together himself but I know he cares for his patients, no matter how much he tries to hide it. I was also not in my right state of mind at that moment.

I looked up to see a bright, silver moon shining in the distance. The warm silver light made me feel…safe but why?

"The moon is beautiful isn't it…" said a soft, soothing voice.

I turned to see Artemis, the quote on quote moon goddess. Breathtaking… the moon light shone on her as if she were an actress in a play. Sure… I went to some plays on my spare time, on a quest or too. It seemed that I inherited what you would call an interest of theatrics from my uncle Zeus…Not that I would call him that in public. But artemis beauty would beat those actresses any day. Wait… I should not be thinking that… Annabeth is injured, my heart throbbed every time I saw covered I bandages. Her breathing was barely audible and was very pale. Death doors still remained opened.

Using my nonexistent thinking skills when dealing with a man-hating goddess I answered, "Yes… the moon is truly a beautiful sight."

She raised her eyebrow in suspicion. "Trying to flatter me, Jackson," she hissed.

I shifted uncomfortably in my seat. What do I do? I angered Artemis. Do I run, nope… not possible she would catch me unless I make it to the sea, it would be too risky. Then I would not be able to see Annabeth as she recovers. Damn… my only choice is take her punishment. That could be anywhere from being a slave for her hunters to turning me into a jackalope and personally killing me.

"No… Ma'am." I said. Giving her a full military salute.

"Perseus, calm down… I won't do anything too you…"she said.

"Oh… okay, that is good to know,"

Artemis sat next to me. Not too close but not too far either. She is a maiden goddess, of course. I kept on guard, just in case I angered her… it seemed one of my best talents my ability to anger divine beings.

"You know Perseus, I have never sat down with a man like this before," she said, gazing intently at the silver moon in the dark sky.

"Why me?' I said, "wait…I mean why are you here… with me…a man, Lady Artemis."

"Can't say exactly why… but maybe the reason is that I respect you," she said," Perseus you have saved me twice and saved my hunters without any ulterior motive."

The silver moon brightened, almost as it were responding to Artemis. Wait… I forgot she is the moon goddess, so she has a close relation with the moon. "Likewise…" I said.

"I must go now… I have delayed my duties long enough," she said, "Don't Change Percy… you are the only respectable man…I have met.''

With those words, Artemis left silently, almost as if the dark night had swallowed. I signed. I begin my journey back to the main palace. The soft, gentle music resonated throughout the city. Many celebrated the end of the war, not me. The memories of both wars became etched in my mind. Friends and comrades have died in both wars. I still remember their faces…calling for me, blaming me and tormenting me for not saving them. They are right, I could not save them. I failed to be their hero and protector. It would not be right to celebrate since they are not here with us. I would give anything to get them back even if it cost my life.

These feelings frightened me, I did not know what to do. Looked up to see again the bright, silver moon. It would always remain there, giving me at least a direction to follow in the faint moonlight. As I reached the street below the main palace, Apollo and Hermes came down from a set of stairs that led to Aphrodite's palace…weird. Both clearly not sober, they stumbled around, hold each other by support. My stealth were quite lacking, so decided to give them go. Unfortunately, even in a drunkard state a god can still find you.

"Hey…perc…y, come take a walk with us," yelled an Incoherent Apollo.

"A walk, no clubs or anything," I said. Not that I distrusted them, may be a little since that birthday incident… they almost dragged me strip club weren't it for Artemis who coincidently happened to be walking by…in the middle of New York. Suspicious…yes but I did not have the courage to question a goddess. Apollo managed to incur her wrath ending quite badly for him.

"Yeah… only a walk," Apollo said.

"I guess… if it is only a walk," I said.

I followed a drunk Apollo and Hermes through almost Empty Street that circled around Mount Olympus, but somehow they still managed to get into accidents like tripping on a flat surface. Even with all the mishaps, they somehow made it to a small garden that I seemed to have missed before. It stood at the foot of a silver palace, with a small set of stairs etched on the side of the mountain leading the palace itself. Statues of wolves, birds, deer, bears and many others were scattered around the garden. The Statues were almost lifelike.

"Perce…Sit…down with…us," Apollo asked.

I sat on the bench with both gods, Hermes taking out a cup of wine, handed it to me.

"Drink… it should help you forget some of your troubles…like ours," Hermes said, the more sober out of the two gods.

I took the cup without question but I could not drink. I could only gaze at the dark red liquid. Should I drink or not? These feelings have been tormenting me, ever since Tartarus…no why am I lying? I have felt this pain since Zoe's death. She had become a trusted friend but I failed to save her … I gained her trust but in a single moment I felt as if I betrayed her.

I wanted to not feel anything… the pain is agonizing. They should have lived not me. I would give everything to have them back. I have failed as a friend and as a hero.

"Apollo…what are you doing in my garden with Hermes… and…Perseus?" called Artemis, "shouldn't you be at the party at the main palace.''

She scowled at Apollo and Hermes before her gaze lingered on me for a second before noticing a cup. Her eyes looked at me questionably.

"All we wished for was a quiet place… your garden was the perfect place,'' Hermes said.

"Really…Then why did you give Perseus that cup of wine?" she asked," or did you have other intentions." Her menacing glare shook the hearts of everyone in the area.

"sis…Percy… seemed in a slump… so I was… helping him out," Apollo said," I was going to take him to a club right after this…maybe he would get… umm… lucky."

The murderous glare seemed to have found its target, the crazy sun god. In a flash of what seemed lighting, Artemis shot at Apollo with her bow. The arrow narrow missed the sun god, which I would guess was a warning…a narrow one. For the first time I saw true fear in Apollo eyes.

"Hey… that was close…little sister," Apollo said, trying to regain his composure, "Apollo called," that would have hurt."

Artemis is a scary goddess. She seemed so different from the goddess I spoke with an hour ago. She became aggressive almost ruthless that correspond to the legends about her. It seemed that I was the only man…she respect enough to show me that side of her. It brought a smile to my lips.

"For the thousandth time Apollo…. I am older," Artemis hissed," never mind that, what is in the cup?''

"The cup… it is some wine ….a party can't be complete without wine, "said Apollo, "do you want some sister." Apollo summoned another cup of wine handing it to Artemis. She took it…unlike her usual self. Apollo face was unforgettable, he seemed almost as surprised as me when she took the cup. With one swift movement she drank the cup. Earning several questionable looks.

Apollo smiled for some reason. I looked to see Hermes with a similar smile. Did they just prank Artemis? Or I may just be imagining things.

"Perseus it is safe to drink… if you wish but don't overdo it," Artemis said softly.

Artemis is sure acting weird. I thought see would threatening and insulting us for drinking wine in her garden. Her reaction was quite the opposite. Well… she said the drink was safe. I guess here goes nothing. I quickly drank the wine. It was not too bad…bit tasted like grape juice, I think.

"Lady Artemis…" I started to say. My vision blurred, and the world seemed to go in circles. Was I drunk? No that was impossible unless there was something in the wine. I tried standing up but I fell to my knees. I could faintly hear Artemis calling my name. It did not matter, the darkness soon overtook me.