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She had seen a lot of shit in her life. But none could've prepared her for this mess…
The sound of the helicopter drowned out everything else around her. It was like watching a silent movie in slow motion as the napalm bombs were dropped onto the swarming streets below. Atlanta was a goddamn war zone and they were in the middle of it. All around people screamed as they burned alive or got ripped apart by the swarm of biters down below.
They multiplied so incredibly fast as people died every second. The reanimation were much quicker here in the city then they had been in the country side a couple of days ago. They were trying their hardest to keep the outbreak contained but she could see that they were fighting a losing battle. They couldn't win this.
The choppers radio crackled again as they were given new orders. They had to get in with the ground troops, support them in closing off the city. This was a fucking suicide mission and she knew it. She looked to her left to see Vitya nodding at her. Her Russian friend was with her till the bitter end.
She faintly heard Jeffry yell something at the pilot as the chopper hovered over one of the rooftops of a large office building. She nodded at her teammates and jumped the two yards down with ease. The squad of six slowly made their way down to the street to provide extraction for the tank drivers that gotten stuck in their vehicle.
They never even got close…
They shot down everything that came near them, no matter if it was a man, woman, child or a biter. Everybody was immediately executed.
And then they started running out of ammo. Holliver was the first to fall, his throat ripped out by one of the biters. Next was Vitya who tried to save a woman from some biters but was chased into an alley instead. She had no idea if he made it out or not. Jackson got taken out by some survivors who mistook him for a biter. Clean head shot so he wouldn't come back either.
The three of them pressed on, hoping to find shelter in one of the many buildings. Jeffry ran away when things got hot again. The little coward had turned around and gotten himself out before the biters could come in. That's how she lost Browning. Without Jeffry's cover her squad mate's left side had been wide open.
He was down in ten seconds.
And she had used that to get away. She ran off and into the sewer system below the city. There were a few walkers down there, but it wasn't too bad. She managed to survive so far.
That was two months ago…
Today had been an average day so far, she had ditched her military outfit and replaced it with cammo pants, a black tank and a sturdy leather jacket. She still had her combat boots, weapons, first aid kit and survival gear with her. It was the only good thing that had come from the military lately.
Surviving in an infected city wasn't easy, especially not if you were on your own. But she managed, barely. One of her goals was to get out eventually, once an opening presented itself.
She was scavenging supplies in one of the many shops when she saw it. A man on horseback riding through the city as if he belonged there.
That fool was gonna get himself killed if he wasn't careful. She watched him for a few minutes, returning to her supply run once he'd gotten out of sight. With some luck, he would draw the chompers away from the shops and towards him. It certainly would make her supply run easier.
She loaded up her pack and carefully checked her surroundings before heading out into the street. The building opposite hers was relatively empty most of the time. It had a few small apartments and usually some sort of canned food. She'd been living off canned beans and peaches for months, so anything else would be a welcomed break.
She heard the gunfire and dying cries of the horse as she ran across the street and went into the apartment building. That guy wasn't her problem. She was done rescuing civilians. It wasn't what she had sworn to once upon a time, but the apocalypse will do that to you after awhile.
Old values were replaced by new ones, ones catered to survival instead of aid. She didn't care about the handful of living people still in or around Atlanta. At least that's what she told herself anyway. Not thinking about it all made it easier.
There was a lot of commotion out on the street before it went quiet once again. Chompers flooded the streets again, cutting off her route to base camp. Not that she left many things there. She usually just took everything with her for swift relocation. She left her sleeping bag though… Not the smartest idea in a situation like this.
She was just gonna have to find a new one, she supposed. Couldn't be that hard, right? She slowly made her way through the apartments, scavenging all the canned food she could carry. She was loading up the last few cans when she heard it. A car alarm blaring through the otherwise silent city, drawing all the chompers away from her location. She stooped low and hid for a moment or two before continuing her little scavenge hunt. She found a place to sleep in one of the empty apartments, the kitchen was still working and it was stocked with bottled water. So she could camp out here for a few days if needed. She didn't think it would be a problem though, at least not at first…
And then she heard him scream. Yelling at the sky that he wasn't gonna beg for it, he deserved it but he wouldn't beg. And then eventually that died down too. The night rolled into dawn when she heard the door to the adjoined rooftop open. She came to her senses quickly and hid behind the door, gun in hand and ready to shoot if it decided to attack her. But the stumbling man never even came near her, instead he seemed focused on something else entirely. It took her a moment or two to realize he was missing a hand…
And he was cauterizing the gaping wound with the fire coming from the cooking pits. Smart, and yet pretty dumb. He could get an infection that way or the wound could become necrotic. That was probably the last thing the guy could've wanted. The man froze when he spotted her bag and turned around to face her, her knife almost touched the tip of his nose and he looked at it for several seconds before passing out. He obviously wasn't having a good day and she didn't really want to make it worse.
She kneeled down to get a good look at him and her eyes widened when she recognized the man in front of her. She'd seen him before, had dealt a lot with back in the mountains of Georgia. Sitting in front of her was none other then Merle Dixon himself. This was gonna be good…