She had made his coffee just how he liked it.
Strong, way too strong for her taste. But he was an Irishman, and he liked the bitter taste of his beer and coffee.
Splashing a touch of whiskey into the mug, Emily wisped her hair from her eyes and jogged up the stairs of their new home. They had had it for just about three years now, but it was the longest Emily had ever stayed in one place.
Peeking around the corner with her smile wide, the brunette woman walked into the bedroom. "Good morning, sleepyhead," she chuckled, setting the coffee down as she sat on the bed and shared a kiss with the older man. "How did you sleep?"
The blond haired man squinted as the sunlight streamed in through their windows. "Is it late, love?"
"Half past nine," she nodded. Watching as he immediately jumped up, Emily put a hand to his chest. "Relax."
He shook his head, throwing the covers off of him and quickly finding the pants Emily had torn off of him the night before. "I'm hours late, Em. I'll be back before lunch, alright?"
Emily forced herself not to laugh as she stood up and walked around to the other side of the bed, pulling on her husband's belt loops to force him to stop. "Sweetie, are you listening to me?" she smiled. "Relax. I called Dennis to tell him you weren't coming in today because you didn't feel well."
"Because I thought that from everything that went on last night, you'd be a little worn out," she smirked, pulling the older man closer by her hooked fingers in his belt loops so she could kiss his lips.
He grinned against the younger woman's lips and wrapped his arms around her back. "You want more time with me, love?"
Emily readily nodded her head, feeling her body turn slightly and the backs of her knees bump against their bed. "I always want more time with you, Ian," the brunette pouted.
The Irishman laid them both down on the bed, his body resting above hers with himself leveled up on his elbows. "My beautiful wife," Ian purred, his fingers running through the ponytail his wife had put her hair in earlier that morning. "Tell me something?"
She got herself comfortable in the once weapon dealer's arms and let him place a kiss to her neck. "Of course."
"How did you get this beautiful body back so quickly?"
Emily found herself giggling as her husband nuzzled her nose in the crook of his neck, and she wrapped her arms around his neck. She had had his baby not a month ago, her maternity leave almost up, and she had dropped back down to her previous weight within maybe a week of having their little Annabelle. "I try hard."
"Liar," he laughed. "I've seen you every day and not once have you had anything to eat other than those chocolates and greasy burgers you love."
Emily pulled back and glared at him. "Are you calling me fat?"
Ian rolled his eyes at the question. "Darling, what did I just say? You have your figure back, your gorgeous sexy figure. How is that calling you fat?"
"You said I only eat cheeseburgers," she huffed.
The blue eyed man gave a shake of the head. "I did not. I also said chocolates."
Emily smacked at her husband's chest before her arms were immediately pinned down beside her head. She grinned up to the older man, rolling her hips underneath his and smiling to herself when she heard him groan. "Good, baby?"
Ian let out a breathy chuckle as he bent down, nipping at the brunette's lips. "You know we can't do anything until your stitches are healed, love."
"Doesn't mean we can't have a little fun."
Seeing the wink from the younger woman, Ian was about to dive in and tangle his tongue with hers.
But he could hear the baby crying.
Emily pouted as Ian's face fell against her chest, and she got her hands free and scratched lightly at his head. "We can play later, I promise," she whispered, patting his shoulder before she got herself up.
Ian gave a slap to his wife's ass. "I have all day now," the older man grinned, bringing her back into his arms when he saw the surprised look on her face.
"You seem a little excited."
"Excited?" he questioned, his blue eyes sparkling when he saw her bite into her bottom lip. "That barely covers it, love."
Before she could answer the older man, Emily heard her baby's cries grow louder and their middle child immediately begin to yell from her playroom. "Ok, I have to go," she chuckled. "But I'll be back later," the mother of three winked.
Emily quickly made her way down the hall and peeked into the playroom, watching as her daughter stood from the pink carpeted floor. "What's wrong, honey?"
The two year old ran away from her older brother and immediately jumped into her mother's arms. "Mommy, Dec is hurting my barbies."
The brunette tried her best to hide her smile as she saw her son roll his eyes from inside the playroom, and she carried the toddler with her to go and see the baby. "You want to stay with mommy for a little bit?"
Rose clutched her mother and nodded into her chest.
"Look," she smiled, setting down her daughter to pick up the other, holding her fussy baby in her arms. "I think it's time for Annie's lunch. You wanna help me?"
The blond girl hastily grabbed at the cloth her mother kept on the changing table in the nursery, quickly covering up her mother when she saw her little sister latch onto her breast. "Is she really hungry, mommy?"
"She is. Can you tell?"
Rose threw her hands up. "I can't see!"
Emily laughed, glancing down to her baby whose head was covered with the beautiful cloth blanket. "Well once she's done, we're all gonna go down and have a huge breakfast with daddy, ok?"
"Daddy's gonna stay?"
"Daddy's gonna stay all day," she nodded, grinning wide at the excitement her daughter held at the news. It was a family day.