Disclaimer: I do not own Twilight

Chapter 1: Moving

Nessie's POV

I really hated my life sometimes. Right now was one of those times. I was being forced into something that I really wanted no part in at all. I currently lived in Los Angeles, CA, USA and I was being forced to move to Forks, WA, USA. I didn't want to leave the city life that I knew so well here in LA for some small little town in a place where it constantly rains.

I begged my mom to let me stay and live on my own. Unfortunately I'm only 16 years old so that was not going to happen. My mother, god bless her soul, was not my biological mother. I didn't know who my biological mother was, but I wish I did. I didn't even know the full story of how or why she and my dad chose to adopt me in the first place, not that it really matters I guess. It would just be nice to know the truth about myself. My mom always refuses to talk about it for some reason, and my dad died when I was little.

My mom had recently gotten a job offer as a doctor in Forks. Since she had been out of a job for a really long time now she was desperate for work. So as much as I hated the idea of moving to a new town in a new state I had to remind myself that it was for our own goods. I also reminded myself that I would be moving to the setting of my favorite story; Twilight. I absolutely loved Twilight. I had every single movie, every single book, and a ton of merchandise that was a Twilight themed. I also write Twilight fan fiction on fan fiction. net. I use the username Renesmee Cullen. Mostly because Renesmee happens to be my real name as well. Sadly, my last name wasn't Cullen. How much I wish that could be true.

I sighed. I wished that I could be writing or reading fan fiction right now instead of packing. I love writing for myself and for my reviewers. Some of my most loyal reviewers are sibuna826twihard, GamecockFan2, LillyZ, KleoCullen and twilightfanjm. I definitely would much rather be reading and writing right now instead of packing up my bags. But I didn't have much of a choice. We were set to leave in the morning. Updating fan fiction was just going to have to wait, but god only knows how long that will be because we still have to get wifi set up at the new place.

"Nessie are you done yet?" I heard my mother ask.

"Almost!" I shouted back to her.

"Well hurry up!" she shouted. I didn't know what her hurry was. We weren't leaving until morning. I still had a few hours to finish up my packing and I didn't even have that much left. My mother had made me get rid of a lot of my stuff so we'd have less to take to the new place. Sometimes I think that mothers just love to be annoying.

I finished packing the remainder of my things. Once I was done with that I doubled checked that I had packed everything I had left. I laid down on the floor because my bed was now gone. My mom had sold it and the people that bought it came to pick it up this morning. So I just laid there staring up at the ceiling.

Moving really does suck. I didn't like that I had to leave all of my friends. Not that I had a lot of friends in the first place. Most people think that I'm just to weird. Perhaps I am. My skin is much paler then normal for one. I'm also the type of girl that prefers a good book over obsessing over a boy any day. I also don't care as much about makeup as other girls seem to. I mean, I like it, but I don't see the need to reapply makeup so many times throughout the day. Unlike a group of girls at my school I don't care to look like those supermodels you seen on the covers of magazines. They even made fun of for being 'fat' when really I'm at a normal weight and they look anorexic.

Despite the uncomfortableness of laying on the floors I was able to fall asleep. When I woke up the next morning my whole body was hurting. I was sure that it had something to do with sleeping on the floors all night long. I got up and took two Advil to take the edge off of the pain. My throat was also hurting like a hell. I could already tell that I was going to have what I like to call a sore throat day which basically meant that I would have a sore throat all day long. I don't have normal sore throats either. My sore throats are so badly that I just want to claw my own throat out sometimes. It feels like my throat is on fire and nothing I do cures it. This is a problem that I've been dealing with for as long as I can remember.

I quickly got dressed and ate some breakfast before it was time for us to start heading out to the airpot. It was only a two hour flight to Seattle. Then another hour in a plane to Port Angeles. Then it was a one hour car ride to Forks. I had to say that Stephenie Meyer's description of the town were pretty accurate. It hadn't once stopped raining since we had first landed. I really hoped that the constant rain was just an over exaggeration. But so far that did not seem to be the case.

However, it was pretty cool to live in a town where your favorite story takes place. I'm almost tempted to go into the forest just to find the Cullen mansion. I had to remind myself that it didn't exist though. That was a sad thought.

The house that my mom had bought was already fully furnished. Which a relief to me. I didn't think that I'd be able to handle sleeping on the floor again. The house wasn't very big. But that was okay with me. After all it was just my mom and I.

We really weren't in the mood to unpack when we had gotten home. We were to tired from having to get up early and then traveling is always pretty tiring. So instead I got my umbrella and rain jacket, and then I left. I found a coffee shop and bought myself a cup of coffee and a donut. I walked outside because there was no more seats inside. It was pretty lonely outside because of the rain. Which meant that I would have some peace and quiet. I pulled out my phone and checked my email. I saw three alerts from fan fiction. sibuna826twihard, KleoCullen and twilightfanjm had all updated stories recently. It was not unusual to see an update from twilightfanjm. She is always updating and coming up with new story ideas.

I started drinking my coffee and eating my donut as I read my three stories. I was on my second story when I heard a nearby voice say "What are you doing here?!" really loudly.

I nearly spilled a coffee all over myself. I looked up and saw two angry looking girls standing there. They were every bit as pale as I was. What had I done to them?

"What are you doing here on our territory?!" one of them demanded.

"I don't know what you are talking about" I said as calmly as I could.

"You know exactly what we are talking about hybrid. You are on our territory! Don't you know that you are not allowed on territory that has already been claimed?! If our parents even get a sniff of you you will be in big trouble so-"

"Do you really think that I am here by choice?! I don't even want to be here. But nobody is going to tell me whether I should stay or go!" I shouted back to them.

"You are not allowed here. We have already claimed this territory!"

Before I could even say another word someone else appeared. My jaw nearly dropped to the floor when I saw the handsomest boy that I had ever seen before. His skin was also as pale as mine was. However he had a hint of blush to his cheeks. He had black hair, and he had the most beautiful green eyes that I had ever seen.

"Daniel, Clarissa, what is going on here?" the boy asked.

"Nothing Mason. We are just trying to explain to this girl that she is on our territory and needs to-"

"Why don't you two go home and let me handle this" he said.

"Okay brother" they said. They stared at me angrily one more time before leaving.

"I'm sorry about my sisters. They can be a bit temperamental sometimes" he said.

"It's okay. I guess" I said.

"Anyway my name is Mason. What would yours be?" he asked me.

"I'm Renesmee" I answered.

He was about to say something else when my phone rang. It was my mom telling me to come home.

"I have to go" I said and got up as quickly as I could.

"Well I hope to see you around Renesmee" he said and I blushed.

In case anyone is wondering Daniel, Clarissa and Mason are hybrids just like Nessie. So what do you think? Please let me know in a review.