An update on this story.

I told myself three years ago that I wouldn't let a story die, so I'll stick to that. As it stands right now, I had lost all the notes to Hanyou and Vampire about 2 years ago, between that and how I didn't like how chapter 8 turned out as it was way too close to canon. I had the plans to move forward with the story, but every time I wrote the next chapter, it would turn into a near copy paste of the manga. Now that I can go into this with a fresh mind, I plan on rereading through the story several times to rethink my plans moving forward with it and to try and start chapter nine this week. As for why I'm saying this without the chapter included since it has been three years since I've updated the story is because I went back these past 2 days and fixed all the grammar errors that plagued the original chapters I wrote. Back then I didn't really think about editing my work and was too excited simply to publish something which going back through it now was really sloppy. If you have any ideas you can message me them or leave a review I will get back to you with my thoughts on those ideas. I would ask that you try not to message over things like power scaling as I plan on making a full power scale this week, whether I'll release it once I'm done with it I'm not sure yet.