I do not own Five Nights at Freddy's. I only own Victoria.

Story Start

Victoria flinched at the screams and cheers of children as she stepped into Freddy Fazbear's Pizza. She had just been hired as the new website designer for the restaurant, but she was also hired to keep the animatronics working smoothly. A few children raced past her with pizza sauce and cake icing on their faces. She stepped to the side to miss the kids before she walked down the hallway to knock on the manager's door. She had to wait a minute before she heard the manager yell for her to come inside.

"Oh Victoria, glad you're here," the manager, Mr. Fazbear, said as he was sitting behind his desk with a stressed but happy look.

"Thank you for this opportunity," Victoria said as she shook his hand. She was just happy for the job. Finding a job after college is practically a nightmare with how the job opportunities were practically slim to none in this city.

"Oh no need to be so formal. I'm just happy I could find someone with your talents. Let me get the paperwork for you to fill out and then I'll show you around the place. I'm sure you're excited to see your office and the animatronics," he said as he started digging through one of the filing cabinets behind his desk.

Victoria took that time to look at the pictures around the room. Most of the pictures were actually posters of the animatronics, but a good bit were of Mr. Fazbear's family and pictures from times in the restaurant. "It's a good job. Screaming children may not be your thing, but just deal with it," she told herself before smiling when Mr. Fazbear handed her the paperwork.

It only took a few minutes to get everything filled out, signed, and filed away. Victoria was led out of the office and back into the chaos of the pizzeria. The delicious smell coming from the kitchens made her stomach growl, but she would have to worry about eating later. She had a feeling that after this tour, she was going to be put straight to working on the website. If only she had taken the time to wake up early and eat a big breakfast instead of a piece of toast.

"There they are, this place's pride and joy," Mr. Fazbear said as he paused at the entrance of the main dining area. He was looking at the three animatronics performing on stage. "That's Freddy, Bonnie, and Chica," he continued as he pointed to the bear, bunny, and chicken. "Foxy is in Pirate Cove. He doesn't perform anymore," the manager said almost sadly.

"Why not?" Victoria inquired as she stared at the out of order sign and closed curtains, which was located in the left corner of the dining area.

"He bit one of the kids pretty bad a few years ago," Mr. Fazbear said sadly before pepping himself up as he talked about the room where she would be working on the animatronics when they needed to be fixed. He smiled down at the kids as he and Victoria walked past them to get to a doorway near the stage.

The door said employees only as the manager stuck the key in the door and opened it. He motioned for Victoria to quickly get inside and he followed after her before turning on the lights and locking the door. She gave him a weird look and he just shrugged.

"I don't want the kids getting in here," he said quickly before smiling at all of the empty animatronic heads and body parts. "You won't have to do much with these, but we always have extra just in case. If you do a checkup on the animatronics once a week then we're good to go," he was saying as he showed her where the tools were located and he went over the main points about the animatronics.

"So where is my office located?" she asked as they exited the workroom, and he quickly locked the door behind them.

"It's near the security office," he said and they once again got the joy of dodging the happy children.

Victoria watched in surprise as the animatronics walked off the stage and were handing out cake to the children. "I didn't know they could move like that," she uttered shocked.

Mr. Fazbear puffed up his chest as he looked at the company's animatronics. "They're the best you could ever ask for and we have plans to make them even better, eventually, which is where you come in," he continued before walking down another hallway.

Victoria looked back at the animatronics and tilted her head to the side curiously when they were all looking at her. She gave a small smile before turning away to focus on what the manager was saying. She found a little weird that they all looked at her at the same time, but she would think about that more later. She had to figure out what this office was going to be like. She hoped it wasn't just a little hole in the wall with a tiny chair and no space to keep any files.

"Here is your office," Mr. Fazbear exclaimed happily as he threw open the door on the opposite of the hallway, which was near the security office.

"It's a hole in the wall," she thought sadly while never losing the smile on her face. "This is great," she said even though she wanted to break down a wall to have some actual room.

She stepped into the office to only find an old office chair, which looked about ready to break, and a dusty desk. The computer was also something that would need to be gotten rid of and replaced with a newer model. She had a great computer at home but she didn't want to use that for work.

"Well I'll leave you to get settled. We usually close up for the night at 9 p.m. You'll be working from 10 a.m. until 8 p.m. with an hour lunch break. If you need to stay over some tonight then that's fine too. Just let the security guard know so he can let you out at night," he said before walking down the hallway to leave her alone. "Oh and if you need a new computer or anything just go ahead and get one. Just put it under my name at the store and they will bill me later," he shouted before disappearing from sight.