Conan's POV:

I swear those kids of my elementary school are as annoying as hell. Not only did Ran make me go to Teitan Elementary, also three of those students made me part of their geeky group, the Detective Boys. I've decided to help them on some of their cases, but seriously, it annoyed me...

"Say Conan-kun did you hear?" I heard the only female of that group, Yoshida Ayumi, say. "There's going to be a new transfer student in our class."

"Really? Didn't I just get transferred here?" I asked back.

"Indeed," one of the boys, Tsubaraya Mitsuhiko, answered. "It's fairly soon indeed."

"It would be cool if it was a pretty girl," the other, Kojima Genta, answered.

"What do you think, Conan-kun?" Ayumi asked me.

"Could be anything, I guess," I answered.

"Didn't you see her in the cafetaria, Ayumi?" Genta asked her.

"No," Ayumi answered. "But I do know what her name is, it's Haibara."

"Haibara?" Genta asked out loud.

"It's not a common name," Mitshuko added.

"Oh well," Genta smirked. "It's still better than Conan."

"Shut it," I glared.

"Ah," Ayumi shrieked in excitement. "There she is!"

Ai's POV:

Ugh, elementary school. Is there anything more annoying than little pests that get excited over everything? Those spoiled brats get everything. Toys, attention, friends. Some luck they have.

When I entered the class I heard all those boys go gaga over me. It's annoying. Calling me cute, what a joke.

"Children," I heard my new teacher say. "Meet Haibara Ai, your new friend."

Friend? Dream on.

This class, it's big. Take a look, the boy with glasses looks so much like Shinichi, it almost hurts.

Wait. Could it be...?

"Well, where are you going to sit?" The teacher thought out loud.

I heard some fat boy say that there was a chair for me next to him, fat chance boy. The chair next to the boy with glasses was free too, I had to find out. If it's true what I think, then that boy is in for a very good scolding.

"Hi," I said to him.

"Oh, hi," he answered back.

Conan's POV:

This girl. Could it be? She looks too much like Shiho. It almost hurts.

"What's with her?" I heard Genta yell.

"She's very cold," Mitsuhiko added.

"No, she's just shy," Ayumi said to the boys. "That's all."

How am I going to find out if she's Shiho or not? Can't just ask her I guess.

Ai's POV:

"Haibara-san!" I heard some girl scream. "Let's go home together!"

"No, thanks," I simply said and walked away.

"Don't bother, she's weird," I heard the fat boy say.

I noticed that the fat boy and boy with glasses, Edogawa Conan as he called himself, were standing still. But the other two pests walked up to me.

"Where do you live?" I heard a freckled boy say. "Did you just get moved here?"

I nodded.

"Don't be shy with us!" I heard the girl say. "We're going to walk you home!"

"Nuber 22 at the Second Department in Beika," I simply answered. "That's where I live now."

Let's see if I get some reaction out of him by that.

"What?" I heard him mumble.

I see, it seems that got him thinking.

In the locker room the three kids were bragging something about their group.

"Detective Boys?" I asked. "You?"

"Yes!" the freckled boy said. "We stay alert day and night, always ready!"

"Wanna join?" the girl asked me.

So those kids want me to join, this could be interesting.

"Is Edogawa-kun in your little group too?" I asked.

"Yeah!" the fat boy said. "But he's like my assistant."

Yeah right, boy. You don't look very smart to me. The kids explained me how their group worked.

When I thought that I could get some information out of Edogawa to clear some of my suspicions, their group got some case on their hands. One kid his brother was missing.

I must say, when I heard them talk about some man in black, it frightened me. If I had a say in the matter, we would've gone home. However, the way Edogawa-kun behaved through this case confirmed what I thought, Edogawa Conan was indeed Kudo Shinichi, the fool didn't even change his attitude. However I didn't either.

For my last suspicions I'm going to ask those kids some questions. Maybe it could also answer some of his living conditions for now.

"You want to know more about Conan-kun?" the girl, Yoshida, asked.

"Indeed," I answered. "He seems to be quite... different."

Different was the good word, because he just dumped us on the case at the train station. We needed to go home, that's what he said.

"Conan's always like this," the freckled boy, Tsubaraya, answered.

"He's always tricking us out," the fat boy, Kojima, said. "He want's to take credit for everything we did."

Yeah sure, and I'm the queen of the world.

"Where is he living now anyway?" I asked.

"He lives together with a girl and her detective father," Yoshida said. "The girl, Mouri Ran-neechan, is really nice."

"Her father however is a little weird," Tsubaraya said. "But he's the great detective, Mouri Kogoro."

"Tell me more about this girl." I demanded, the tone was a bit frustrated.

"Why?" Kojima asked. "Already jealous of her?"

"Don't make me laugh," I said. "However I would like to know how she's like."

"From what I've heard she's 17 years old," Yoshida answered. "And she's really pretty and a karate champion."

17 years old and pretty, Kudo you damn...

I'll get to the bottom of this.


After the case was over, I pretended to cry. Those kids did something good for a chance, they made Edogawa walk me home.

When Edogawa wanted to dump me to go home instead, I thought it was time for a confronation.

Conan's POV:

I hated girls who cried. But how could I blame her? She just fired a gun. I must say, she looked extremely like Shiho there. However Shiho wouldn't cry like that.

When I wanted to walk home myself, I could hear her say something that frightenend me.

"How long do you think you could keep this up?" she asked me.

"What do you mean." I answered.

"Don't pretend that you don't know anything at all," I heard her say to me. "You never could hide anything to me and you never will!"

I was startled, so was she really...?

"Are you just pretending that you don't know me or did you REALLY not recognize me, Edogawa Conan?" she asked, her tone now was how she normally spoke. "Or should I say Kudo Shinichi?"

"Are you... Shiho?" I asked. "Miyano Shiho?"

"Ping, pong," she said sarcastically. "How did you figure that out so fast, Sherlock?"

I still couldn't believe it, my fiancee, she suddenly appeared before my eyes.

"You come with me," she demanded. "I have to talk with you about those living conditions that you're having right now."

I couldn't say a word, normally I had an answer to anything. But this time... Thanks to Akemi, I knew that Shihou could be alive. But I didn't think she would appear in the same condition as I did...

"I told you were I live right," she said. "The place must sound familiar to you, does a certain professor ring a bell to you?"

That's true, why didn't I think about it before, the home is Professor Agasa's.

"You didn't do anything to him, did you?" I demanded her for an answer.

"Maybe, maybe not," she simply answered.

Damn this woman, if there was something annoying about her, then it was the fact that she answered everything with a sarcastic answer.

I ran, ran away from her, to find the professor. In his house he was nowhere to be found. He didn't pick up his phone either. Then he suddenly appeared from the toilet.

"Ah Shinichi," the professor said. "What brings you here?"

"I wonder why," I said while panting.

"I'm home," I heard Shiho's voice sing, now that I was certain it was her, I felt stupid that I didn't recognize her immediately.

"Ah, welcome home Ai-kun," the professor said. "How was your fist school day?"

"Quite enjoyable," she said.

Yeah right, that dry answer gave the real answer to that question.

"Why didn't you tell me she was here, prof?" I whispered to the professor.

"She said she wanted to talk to you herself, Shinichi," he answered me.

Suddenly I saw her walk up to me, grabbed my arm and pulled me with her.

"You. Come. With. Me," I heard her say with quite an annoyed voice.

She was angry, that's for sure.

Ai's POV:

I took Shinichi to my basement, yes my basement, the first thing I took when I got to this house of the professor was his basement. I made it my personal lab so that I could research the APTX4869 further. Because the basement was quite large I used it as my bedroom too.

"Don't you have to say anything to me," I said, while we entered the basement.

"What do you want me to say?" He asked back.

"For starters," I said while I walked up to him. "Tell me about Mouri Ran."

I saw that he was scared, that's good, he got every right to be.

"H-How do you know her?" he stuttered.

"Those annoying brats told me about her," I said with an angry voice. "For some reason you are living with a woman that's around the same age as yourself. Is it weird that I'm quite upset with you?"

I laid the accent on upset, because that was an understatement, I was livid.

"I needed some place to live right?" he said. "And I thought you were dead."

"Me being dead is not an excuse," I said, banging my forehead against his. "You are not allowed to see any girl in a romantic way. Except. For. Me."

"You're quite possessive of me, aren't you?" he dared to say.

"Shut it," I said in a menacing tone. "At the moment I want to kill you."

"Get in the line," he answered sarcastically. "Many want to kill me at the moment."

For some reason I had to laugh at his comment, for some reason he made me feel safe again. But that didn't mean he was of the hook.

"I missed you, you know," I heard him add.

I blushed a little, for some reason he was the only that could get me blushing.

"I missed you too," I admitted. "But that isn't going to save you here. That you didn't recognize me made me quite displeased."

Suddenly he kissed me, at first I thought I was going to slap him away, but I had forgotten how much I missed this. After the kiss he rested his forehead against mine again.

"How do I make it up to you, Shiho?" he mumbled to me.

"Come live here," I mumbled back.

"You don't trust me with Ran?" He asked softly.

That I heard him call her by her real name made me quite angry again, but I want to have a peaceful life. Even if it's for only a few months.

"I-I do," I answered. "But I want you near me."

"Sexual frustrated, Miyano?" He asked me jokingly.

"Yeah sure, Kudo," I answered back. "Like we can do it in these bodies."

"We could try, right?" He asked.

"Yeah sure, let's film it too," I added with my sarcastic voice. "There are quite some sick bastards that would pay big time for two kids that go at it like rabbits."

We laughed. I was actually glad that the tension between him and me was gone. At least, a little.

"But please," I asked. "Come live with me."

"Alright," he finally said. "I'll look what I can do."

It didn't took very long for him to move to the Agasa residence. I made him sleep in my room, which could lead to some askance faces later.

"What are you going to do?" I asked in anger.

It didn't however took long before we got into our first fight.

"I'm going to take out the Organization," he said calmly. "When I destroy them, it wil finally be peaceful."

"Are fucking out of your mind?!" I screamed at him. "We could be happy for maybe a few months, little time maybe, but it could be a nice time!"

"But if I destroy the Organization, we could be happy forever," he tried to reason with me.

"Yeah, after freaking bars that is," I screamed at him. "We'll be locked up forever, you know."

"We could stay as Edogawa Conan and Haibara Ai," he said. "But seriously, Shiho my love, do we have to do this at 2 at night?"

I growled and turned around.

"I'll be careful," he tried to reassure me.

"We'll talk about this later, goodnight," I said icily.


Conan's POV:

Seriously, I was never going to win those fights of Shiho. I knew she was just cautious, but I did this for her too.

"Good morning, Shinichi," I heard the professor say.

"You look like hell, prof," I said to him. "Didn't you sleep well?"

"Some teenagers were having a fight or having sex, because I heard those two argue for over an hour last night." the professor said sarcastically.

"Oh, sorry." I quickly said.

"So what was it?" the professor asked.

"Oral sex," I heard Shiho say who just walked in. "However that little sardine in my mouth was not really satisfying. Shall we try it with viagra next time, Shinichi?"

I was well known with this teasing manner of hers, but the professor was stunned. Living with us was going to be really hard for him.

Normal POV:

"So Sherry escaped from that room," Gin thought out loud. "How did she possibly do that?"

"I don't know Aniki," Vodka answered. "Do you think she had help?"

"Most likely it was Port that helped her." Gin said.

"But Aniki, he's dead." Vodka answered him.

"Believe me Vodka, he isn't," Gin said evilly. "And I'm so going to enjoy it when I kill them both."

Conan's POV:

My phone rang. My phone never rang.

The number was quite familiar.

I walked out of the room, which made Shiho suspicious, I could tell by the look on her face.

"Hello?" I answered the phone.

"Hiyaa, how's my favorite brother doing todaaaay?"