Here's another update from yours truly, Hope you enjoy it.
Okay… calm down… it's not like she is going to kill me. She wouldn't kill a defenseless demon turned human in a semi-public area. Right?
I'm so getting killed.
Her heels walk closer towards me, louder every step she takes.
"Tell me again! How could you, Maou? It was my goal to take you down…"
Emi pauses…
I didn't mean for it to happen, Emi! I wish you could hear me, but more than likely you'll yell at me even more…
I hear her sigh, "I didn't want this to happen to at all… "
Neither did I... But it couldn't be helped.
Seems like she calmed dowm… somewhat. At least for me to dismiss the reason or thought for her being here to kill me.
"If only I knew why you were here."
I… don't know what happened to me… I lost... the most powerful demon lost to a simple angel. I want to know why you are here as well…
She pulls a nearby chair. My guess is to sit on it because that's what you do with chairs.
Emi continues, "Did Gabriel do this to you? Did one of his attacks hurt your brain enough?"
Gabriel…? He did fight.. and he beat me. I wasn't strong enough to protect anyone! He tried to take Alas=Ramus and did!… Then he fought Emi, but Alas=Ramus.. isn't here... her took her. My guess is that Emi took him down, even an elite angel can't stop Emi. At the same time, even she couldn't save Alas=Ramus.
Wait another minute, is Emi showing concern towards me? No, that can't be. She is the Hero Emilia and I am the Demon King Satan. We can never mix. But this might be a friendly concern, it isn't as bad nor as good. It still bad for enemies. Even if we have Alas=Ramus. Well, had.
Maybe… she more of a rival now
Ugh, I just want to wake up now and find that damn Gabriel! I know he took someone important! Where the hell is he?!
I must have zoned out for some time now on Emi because she stopped talking. I hear her heels click once more, she stood up and her heels sounded farther in the distance as she headed for the door.
Don't leave me yet… I want someone here with me.
She must be at the door now.
She sighs. Why is she sighing? Did she hear me on not wanting to for her to leave? I know she can't hear me…
I hear nothing but a small child like yawn, does Emi yawn like that? No, I've heard her yawn before and that is not it… it remind me of… of... Alas=Ramus.
That's who Gabriel took from me. That freaking bast-
All of my thoughts came to an end.
3rd Person Point of View-
"Did Gabriel do this to you? Did one of his attacks hurt your brain enough?"
Emi stared at the almost lifeless body in front of her after saying those words. The body of Maou. The only signs of life being his steady but slow breathing and his heart rate connected to a small monitor alongside the pure white bed Maou was resting on.
"I know he gave you a beating, I had to finish him off!" she said as she slowly gotten louder, letting on a small laughter as she continued, "Who ever thought a Demon King needed help from the Hero her self to save the day."
Nothing, there was no response from Maou. Of course she knew that, the doctors told her that Maou was in a coma. No telling when he'll wake up.
She looked around as if to see if no one was around in the room. There wasn't anyone , she knew that but couldn't help to look around, "There's something I've meant to tell you…" she paused, "Alas=Ramus is… infused with me… she is apart of me now… That's it. Nothing else."
'Then why did it seem like it wasn't all?' Emi thought.
Emi stood up, and pushed the chair got had gotten to sit on, back to the side. She walked slowly to the door, she didn't want to leave yet, but her 5 minutes that the doctors gave her were almost up.
'Don't leave Papa.'
Emi looked around as if she had heard a ghost. Then it hit her, it was Alas=Ramus.
'Please dont, Mama… I want to feel Papa! Let me out!'
'Ah,' Emi thought, the voices in her head now confirmed it were just Alas=Ramus. They have fused together. Alas=Ramus was in Emi now, wanting to go out to see her father. No, she wasn't the mother. Well, not the REAL mother, an adopted one.
'She must have waken up from her nap,' Emi thought, knowing Alas=Ramus would hear that.
'Yes, I am no more sleepy. I want to see Papa. Now! Please Mama!'
Alas=Ramus continued to whine for her father. What was she suppose to do? The only thing to do is to let her out, but Emi didn't want Alas=Ramus to see Maou like this. She could say Maou is taking a long nap.
Emi sighed, knowing that she had no other choice but to do so. She closed eyes for a bit, "Maou, I all most forgot, there is someone wanting to see you again."
In a flash of very dim pink light, Alas=Ramus appear in the arms of Emi. Alas=Ramus yawned, not being too long since she had awaken from her nap to see her father.
Alas=Ramus searched the room, her eyes stopping when she saw her 'sleeping' father. Alas=Ramus' eyes filled with cheer and smiled brightly, saying one single word.
Did you know I finished 80 perfect of this chapter while laying on my bed,.not want to get up? Yeah.
Three or so months later, and I update! Hehe… I actually have another one shot in the work… suppose to have been released Christmas, But I haven't finished all of it yet. For it being this late, I might just upload it next Christmas. So Review on how bad or good I am doing would be great.
Thank you all for review.
This is for guest fyphoniex You can google her wiki online, to see how her charcter was introduced, Hataraku Maou Sama Light Novel Volume 3 os where she came, currently posted somewhere on archiveofourown by Zeroceilx after the group owner took it down for it being copyrighted.