I want to start off my author's note by being royally pissed. There have been TWO guests with the same sort of review and I'd like to give them a piece of my mind because I can't DM them. Here's to you idiots!
Guest #1 - Yo dumbass Naruto has 100 time more than Boruto. Naruto could've made a 100 clones and Boruto wouldn't able to do anything. Also Naruto HAD NO ONE growing up Boruto did. Boruto is and always will a spoil brat.
My reply - The match that Naruto and Boruto had with each was TAIJUTSU ONLY, which you would know if you read that chapter properly. As far as I know, during this period, Naruto had incredibly sloppy taijutsu, which was highlighted by Kakashi during the bell training. Please do your research before trashing me. Also, it is exactly because Boruto had parents growing up, that he s so strong right now. He grew up training in Hyuuga-style Taijutsu which makes his Taijutsu stronger than the normal person. If you know none of this, we can conclude that the real "dumbass" here, is none other than you. I am working with facts here.
Guest #2 - If you actually paid attention to the Naruto series, then maybe should've known Naruto HAD NO ONE growing up. He was hated and ignored(not attack) by everyone while he grew up. Boruto was not. Boruto grew up with both of his parents and it was shown that Naruto and possibility Hinata along with Hiashi and Hanabi train Boruto. Naruto can make 100 or 1000 clones(Mainly when he's fighting) when was 12 and Boruto cannot. Boruto only can 3 max. You saying Naruto is weaker. You're just one those Boruto fanboys that believes that thinks that Naruto is a terrible father, but he's not. Boruto is spoil rotten brat that cries if he cannot get his way.
My reply - Yes, I've been told that Naruto had no one growing up already. And yes, I know that he was hated. And like I'd already explained, Boruto and Naruto were competing in TAIJUTSU. If Naruto could make clones, I'm sure he would've won more than half the time. Since Boruto grew up learning the strongest style of Taijutsu, it's only natural that he won. I'm not saying Naruto is weaker. He has less experience that Boruto at this point. Boruto was not only trained by Hiashi, but also frequently sparred with Hanabi and Naruto himself, not to mention, Konohamaru had taught him the rasengan which is why he is stronger than Naruto during this period (the rasengan also works as a great exercise for chakra control).
Also, I'm not a "Boruto Fanboy" who thinks that Naruto is a terrible father. I think that Naruto has and is always trying his best to do whatever he can, not only for his village but also for his family. But he can't do everything because he's only one person.
Naruto has yet to get stronger in this story, and he will, just like he did in canon.
Note that I'm also not a boy and I will always think that the Naruto series is better than the Boruto series, because it holds a special place in my heart (even though I do like Boruto too).
Either you two a**holes are siblings or the same person reviewed twice to get some sort of satisfaction by bashing me without knowing anything about me or what I feel about Naruto.
Peace out to the stupids!
Now, getting on with the story for all the people who only had nice things to say (which really brought up my mood) and for others like He Who Seeks The Joys in Life and asingh123 who had observed some problems in my writing. I hope you like this chapter!
"Is it really okay for us to walk around without a disguise or something?" Sarada asked.
Boruto snorted in response. "Who'd recognize us? It's not like someone would just come up to us and ask us whether we came from the future."
Mitsuki chuckled. "That would make them a very suspicious person."
Boruto didn't care about the topic at hand. He just continued sulking as he did since the day before. After asking for burger joints around Konoha, Naruto revealed that they didn't have any burger joints. They got burgers in convenient stores and bakeries. Boruto was more than convinced that those weren't real burgers.
"This is ridiculous, how could they not have burger joints?!" Boruto cursed under his breath. Himawari, who was holding onto his arm while they walked, heard him clearly.
"Hm? Oh no, Hima, it's okay. I'm not angry, just a little disappointed." Boruto assured her. Then something caught his eye in the bookstore nearby.
"Hey, isn't that…"
"Boruto?" Sarada followed him as he pulled Himawari towards the store.
Boruto went into the bookstore where he found an old manga that his father still had. It was such a new edition in this store because it just came out, but the one he remembered was a battered old thing with tea stains. Maybe he should buy it for Naruto.
"What are you doing here?"
Boruto turned and saw the owner glaring at him.
"What do you mean?" He frowned. "I was just looking at the book."
"Well take it and go. Just don't come in here again." He spat. "There are other customers, and they like to feel safe."
Sarada, getting angry on Boruto's behalf, shielded him with her body. "Hey, what's that supposed to mean?"
The assistant in the shop, who could obviously see better than the old man speaking to him, gasped and pulled him away.
"Housai-san, that's not him."
"What?" The owner asked, confused. Then he put on the glasses that were hanging from his neck with a string. "Oh! I'm so sorry, young man. You look very similar to someone else I know. Please forgive my rudeness. Would you like to buy that book?"
Boruto narrowed his eyes. "Who did you think I was?"
The owner hesitated before answering. "There's a boy who causes commotions around here. He regularly defaces the Hokage monument by painting on it or something equally preposterous. If you don't know of him, then you must not be from here."
Now Boruto didn't hesitating in glaring at the man. He turned around and then walked away, Himawari still sticking to his side, but confused about the situation. Sarada and Mitsuki were startled, but followed after him as well.
"Wait, don't you want to buy that book?" The owner called.
Boruto stopped and looked over his shoulder. "Not from somebody like you. I-diot!" He blew a raspberry before running away – his accidental partners in crime, running away with him – leaving behind a gaping employee and her shocked employer.
They ran quite a way before stopping to catch their breath.
"What was that all about?" Sarada asked, tucking a lock of hair behind her ear. "A kid who looks like you?"
Boruto scowled. "It's Naruto, obviously."
"Why would they treat papa like that?" Himawari asked, her eyes watering.
Sarada, Mitsuki and Boruto were silenced by realization.
"Because of the nine-tailed fox." Sarada whispered, covering her mouth with her hand. "Did you see the way that man looked at you? It was with such… contempt. Like you were a demon."
"Did dad always have to go through this?" Boruto asked, mostly to himself.
"Seeing as how they do it now, it's certain that they have always done." Mitsuki stated. "So this was what it was like for the Hokage."
"I bet that's why he doesn't have friends either." Boruto concluded out loud.
Sarada looked at him in confusion. "What do you mean?"
"Before you guys came, I met Chocho's and Shikadai's fathers and Inojin's mom. As kids, obviously." The blond told them. "They aren't like we know them. None of them really seemed to care much about Naruto… though they don't really ignore him either, and Shikamaru oji-san seemed to at least be on speaking terms with him, but…"
Sarada pursed her lips. "Naruto-sama…"
"Papa…" Himawari sobbed. "Poor papa..."
Boruto looked at her in surprise, then stretched his lips into a grin and ruffled her hair. "What're you guys getting so grim over? We all know what his life turns out like!"
Sarada blinked, and returned Boruto's grin. "Your right."
Himawari stopped crying but her lips still trembled. Mitsuki smiled at them all.
"You just had to choose the biggest dog, didn't you?" Sakura complained as she supported Naruto. Sasuke was holding the blonde up from the other side.
"I'm afraid to think of this idiot as the Hokage." Sasuke sighed. "The future must be burning."
Naruto felt a blood vessel pop in his forehead and released himself from his teammates' grips. "Sasuke –"
Sakura immediately shielded the mentioned brunet. "If you try anything, I'll finish you off." She glared.
Kakashi stood behind them and looked on in exasperation. 'Here I thought that their teamwork had improved immensely.'
The silver-haired man also knew, though, that whenever things went too well, there was bound to be something bad waiting around the corner to pounce at them. There was still a ways to go for this team.
"How about we call it a day? I'll be leaving to hand in the mission report." Kakashi announced before flickering away.
The genin of team seven just stared at the empty spot their instructor had left behind for few seconds before falling back into their usual roles.
"How about we go on a date then, Sakura-chan?" Naruto grinned and Sakura frowned in response.
"Who'd want to go on a date with you?" She huffed, before turning towards her crush with a sweet smile. "Sasuke-kun, I know this place that sells some really nice dango –"
"I'm going to train," He said, and turned his back on her, and before leaving, said only one last thing. "Besides, I hate sweets."
Sakura was left behind in shock at the fact that there was something she didn't know about Sasuke. And to think he hated sweets!
'But it makes sense, now that I think of it.' She thought in dejection.
"Say, where is that place with really nice dango?" Naruto asked her.
Sakura glanced at her blond teammate. She was still bitter about being rejected by Sasuke, but Naruto has been much better towards her lately. He didn't interrupt her when she was talking to Sasuke anymore and he was looking pretty roughed up by suddenly having three roommates. Maybe she should give him a chance.
"Should we go?" She asked with a raised eyebrow and a crooked smile. Naruto's eyes widened almost comically.
"Like a date?" He asked, in disbelief.
"If you're paying." She shrugged and walked off. Naruto stilled for a moment before checking his wallet.
"Ah… how much is that dango again?" He inquired fearfully, following her.
"I didn't say." Sakura giggled, and thought it was almost fun. Then she noticed a conspicuously square-shaped rock with eye holes in it following them. "Uh…"
Naruto followed her line of sight and groaned. "Konohamaru, I don't have time for you today."
"As expected of my rival!" A muffled high-pitched voice stated before the 'rock' blew up and three kids had appeared.
"You used too much gun powder!" Konohamaru coughed and shortly noticed they were being stared at.
The three academy students proceeded to dramatically introduce themselves as the Konohamaru Corps.
"…Who are they?" Sakura asked Naruto who stiffened.
"Ah! I've underestimated you Nii-chan. She's your that right?" Konohamaru lifted his little finger.
"Oh? Where did a kid like you learn such a gesture, I wonder?" Sakura gave a dangerous smile and turned her eyes towards Naruto.
"I-It wasn't me!"
"But it was. You taught me the oiroke no jutsu that day too, remember?" Konohamaru chirped, credulously.
'Konohmaru… does he hate me?' Naruto thought before getting punched mercilessly by his pink-haired teammate. Sakura huffed before walking away.
"Wha-! What the hell was that for?" Konohamaru exclaimed in shock at the ruthless behaviour Sakura displayed towards her teammate. Udon and Moegi were in panic about Naruto's pulse and the small brunet ground his teeth. "No wonder he doesn't want to go out with you, you ugly, violent woman!"
Sakura stopped walking away and turned around slowly, like a machine badly in need of oil. "What... did you… say?"
Konohamaru flinched and took a step back. Then Sakura launched herself at them, to which Naruto's and the Konohamaru corps' reaction was to only run away as well. Konohamaru, who had insulted the rosette in the first place, felt more in danger than the rest, and overtook his comrades. He was in such a rush that he didn't look where he was going and slammed into someone.
"Ouch!" He exclaimed, stumbling backwards from the impact.
Sakura stopped in her tracks as did the rest when they observed who they'd run into.
Kakashi was sitting on the branch of the tree and reading his book. Well, he was trying to read his book, anyway. He couldn't concentrate on the story at all, since his mind kept wandering off to yesterday's conversation with the Hokage.
"If that device truly uses collected chakra, then it's almost certain that nearly all of it is used up by now." Hiruzen said, rubbing his chin.
"Boruto only arrived here a few days ago, sandaime-sama." Kakashi explained. "There's no way that so much chakra could've been collected in such a short time."
Hiruzen leaned back in his chair and exhaled through his nose, wearily. "I think that it still contained chakra."
There was a brief pause, then Kakashi spoke again. "Then why didn't it work when he wanted to go back to the future? Surely, that should be easier than coming into the past."
Time-travel into the future has already been experimented with, Kakashi knew. There have been many studies on it, which proved it possible with the proper amount of natural chakra needed. But Kakashi also knew that only a sage could collect natural chakra, and that meant that Boruto could no longer go back into the past.
"I believe that a trigger is required." Hiruzen revealed. "For the device to work, something essential is required, and if we don't know what that is, then Boruto-kun will not be able to return home."
"Is that why you gave him permission to participate in the chunin examinations?" Kakashi asked, intrigued.
"Precisely." Hiruzen nodded. "Maybe he will find what he was looking for and the trigger can help him go home. But this is nothing more than a gamble, because, as I said before, there may no longer be any chakra stored in it."
Kakashi sighed. "It seems that we don't have a choice."
*End of Flashback*
He closed his book and hopped down from the tree. He should probably go submit those reports now like he said he would.
"That hurt."
Naruto looked at the person Konohamaru crashed into as he picked up the boy by the collar. "What do have to say for yourself, huh brat?"
"Konohamaru!" Moegi and Udon cried.
The boy who held Konhamaru up had paint covering his face in a gothic design and his partner was a girl who tied her thick hair into four pony tails. She seemed to look more reasonable, Sakura thought.
"Stop that!" The girl with him scolded. "We'll get into trouble."
"I'm sorry, this was all because I was fooling around." Sakura apologized. "Please let him go."
"Yeah, let him go, you idiot!" Naruto barked.
The older boy looked at them menacingly and smirked. "But I'd like to play with him some more before any noisy people arrive."
The girl next to him gave up and turned away from him saying something about how she 'isn't responsible for what happens'. The boy with the face paint looked at all of them like they were some new, interesting toys that he would like to break. Naruto hated those types of people.
Naruto charged at the older but, but tripped. When he landed on his back, he noticed that the older boy had done something to trip him before he could land any attacks. The blond glared at his opponent and stood up groggily, gritting his teeth.
"Let him go." He commanded, voice low but dangerous.
The older girl next to the boy flinched. "K-Kankuro. Maybe you should let go of that boy." She said darting glances towards Naruto, her previous indifference to the situation disappearing.
"What's this, Temari? Don't tell me you're afraid of them." He snorted, making no move to stop the fight he started.
Temari hesitated. "I'm not scared of them but… Kankuro, that kid is strange." She whispered. It was so low that only Kankuro could hear what she was saying. "I swear that his eyes flashed red for a moment. He might be trouble."
He turned to look at the short blond and raised an eyebrow. "That kid? Are you sure? He doesn't seem like a big deal –"
Kankuro stopped mid sentence as his wrist got hit by a speeding object and he dropped the small brunet. Konohamaru ran towards Naruto and hid behind the blond. The older boy looked at the direction from where the object – which he observed to be a stone – had come from and noticed a pale boy sitting on the branch of tree.
"What do you think you're doing in another village?" He glared.
"Sasuke-kun!" Sakura exclaimed in delight.
Naruto glowered at his rival, at the interruption. For a moment, it looked like he could actually stop the thing by himself.
"Get lost." Sasuke told them, crushing the other rock that he had in his hand and allowing the fragments to drop.
"So cool!" Sakura screamed along with Moegi. Udon also looked quite impressed. Konohamaru on the other hand, was vexed.
"Nii-chan, your way uncool!" He said, accusingly.
Naruto looked at him in shock. "Wait, I would've been able to do that too, you know?"
"Hey kid, why don't you come down?" Kankuro asked, his eyes on Sasuke now. "I really hate kids like you."
He held onto the bandaged doll on his back and started unwrapping it. Temari gasped.
"Wait, are you really using Karasu?!"
But whatever Karasu was meant for, none of them saw. Everything stopped the instant a cold voice broke through.
"Kankuro, stop it."
Naruto looked up and saw a red-head boy standing upside down on another branch of the tree Sasuke was on. He had the kanji for love written on his forehead and the colour of his eyes was as cold his aura.
"You're a disgrace to our village." He continued.
"G-Gaara…" Kankuro stated.
Gaara turned to look at Sasuke and analysed him carefully. "Excuse them." He said and then turned into sand, gracefully allowing himself to settle into his human form on the ground. "Let's go. We don't have time to fool around over here."
Kankuro nodded reluctantly before walking away along with Gaara.
"Wait a moment!" Sakura stopped them. "You guys are from the hidden sand, aren't you?"
Temari looked over her shoulder. "Yes, why?"
Sakura bit her lip. "Are you here to participate in the chunin exams?"
Temari and Kankuro looked at her in surprise. "I see. We'll be taking the exams along with you, is that it?"
Naruto stepped forward. "You better believe it! And just wait, you weird-assed makeup dude. I'm gonna kick your butt, so say your prayers!"
Kankuro smirked. "I'm shaking in my boots."
Sasuke hopped down from the tree and looked straight at Gaara. "What's your name?" He asked.
Gaara stared at him and opened his mouth, but before he could say anything, a loud voice shattered the tense atmosphere.
"Hey, if it isn't Naruto and gang!" Naruto watched as Boruto came over. "What're you guys doing standing around here?"
"Boruto!" Sakura exclaimed. She looked glad to see a few more familiar faces.
"Hm?" Boruto's eyes rested on Gaara who was behind Naruto and Sasuke. He then roamed his eyes over Kankuro and Temari. "Hey, I know you guys."
Sarada blinked and then gasped in realization. "Boruto, that's –!"
"Ah!" The blond exclaimed, suddenly recalling the face that is continuously interviewed with his father. "Sunagakure's Gaara!"
So, this chapter was pretty long, but it was mostly canon from where Kankuro came in, excluding a few parts from here and there. Whoever that guest was, don't bash me for writing something canon.
I've also been told my writing is lazy, and that might be so since I'm in a hurry to finish off this fanfiction. Please do let me know your opinions and if the writing is still lazy. I don't want it to seem like I'm uninterested in this project, I just have a part that I really really want to write and it's kind of far into the story.
And before I conclude my A/N, I'd like to put all of you at ease. No, Naruto will not be ending up with Sakura anywhere in my universe.
Hope you guys enjoyed this,