(I've never written a pairing fanfiction before so this is my first time! Please tell me if it's good or not- I need to know! ;A;.)

Disclaimer: I do NOT own Soul Eater- if I did I would make Soul and Maka a couple and ship them off to death-knows-where :)

It was a dark night in Death City. The creepy grinning moon glowed overhead as the murderous demon creature lay crouched over a struggling child. It opened its wide mouth to reveal several rows of razor sharp teeth that were ready to devour the terrified soul. The monster reached its deformed hand out and inserted its fingers into the child's chest, latching onto the soul. With a slow sucking noise, the monster tugged the small orb-shaped object out from the child's body.

"Hold it right there!" A voice interrupted. Startled, the monster-demon tore its gaze away from the soul it was holding and instead looked up to glare at the two imposters. "Your soul is mine!" The short pig-tailed girl declared as she held her hand out towards her white-haired partner, "Soul, transform!" she ordered as the boy beside her suddenly began to alter his shape.

"Right" The boy, Soul Eater Evans, answered simply as his human body quickly glowed and transformed into that of a long scythe. "This guy's just a regular Kishin egg. It should be easy work for us, Maka."

Replying with a simple knowing smile, Maka grabbed onto her scythe partner with both hands and charged forward and into battle. The Kishin screeched and ran at the challenger, leaving the soul of the child behind.

Maka rushed at her opponent. With a ferocious cry, she sliced a clean cut through the middle of the monster. Immediately the Kishin's body disintegrated into dust and blew away in the cool night air, leaving only its angry red soul behind.

"That was easy." Her weapon partner stated as he transformed back into the form of a boy, "And I'll be taking that!" he announced as he reached his hand out and grabbed the floating soul. With a single gulp and a swipe of his tongue over his pointy teeth, Soul Eater devoured the small morsel.

"Great job Soul, now all we need are seventy-two more dark souls and one witch's soul and we'll have our Death-scythe." Maka said cheerfully as she tapped her partner on the shoulder, "This time we won't be fooled by cats like Blair pretending to be witches!"

Soul laughed at her statement and was about to reply, but froze as he saw the look on his meister's face. Maka's eyes were larger than normal and the few strands of hair on the back of her neck stood straight up. Soul knew this look, he had seen it before, and he knew that it meant that Maka had sensed something. Something bad.

"No way..." Maka breathed as she spun around to look upwards. On the tall roof of a building behind them, there stood three outlined silhouettes. Their monstrously deformed body parts glowed in the moonlight and their red beady eyes stared menacingly down at the two students whom had just killed their friend.

"Crap not more of them..." Soul groaned as he transformed himself back into a scythe and landed in Maka's waiting arms, "Looks like this may not turn out so cool after all- for you guys!"

Maka blinked and then realized what Soul meant. Closing her eyes, she slowly adjusted her breathing to match that of her partner's. Suddenly both Meister and Weapon felt a powerful force zapping throughout their bodies as their soul wavelengths connected. "Soul Resonance!" They both shouted as Soul's body glowed a bright blue and then changed shape to portray a crescent moon shaped scythe, "Witch Hunter!"

Jumping from the ground to the rooftop to confront their opponents, the duo began to pull out their attack. Maka swung her weapon to and fro, slicing through the first and second Kishin Eggs as if they were nothing but paper. But her scythe landed hard on the claws of the third Kishin whom instead blocked her attack.

She jumped backwards and landed a few feet away from the monster. Breathing heavily, she looked down at her partner. Soul's human form was just visible to her through the glow of the Witch Hunter. "What are you waiting for, Maka?" Soul demanded, "Get a move on already! This technique can't hold long!"

She nodded as she again charged at her opponent. This time her scythe's blade connected through the Kishin's body but didn't penetrate the soul. Shocked at the sudden resistance, Maka froze just a moment too late as the Kishin swung its left arm up and sliced claws up through her body. Leaving three long bloody wounds from Maka's waist to elbow.

Shocked at the monster's sudden blow, Maka lost her footing and began to fall backwards towards the ground below. Having dropped her weapon on the rooftop in the process, Soul quickly transformed back into his human form and he dashed to save his meister. But as he leaned over the rooftop and stretched his hand out, his fingers only touched Maka's fingertips as she plummeted to the ground below.

(A/N: Eeeh, cliffhanger much? I've never even written a story off of a boy and a girl so this is my first! Please, if you read this, please take a few seconds off of your time to review it! It helps me get motivated!)