Before he could even consider it, Harry downed the rest of the small bottle that would lead him further. It felt like ice was going through his veins. He knew his sword was at his side, but he gripped his wand tightly in his hand. It felt right to only be holding that in the moment. He couldn't really explain it.

Harry charged through the flames. He knew, deep down, this was it. He was past all of the trials. All that was left was to confront Quirrell.

Quirrell was alone in the chamber, except for the Mirror Harry had seen after Christmas. Harry raised his wand up. "You've been after the Stone all along."

"I never would have thought Longbottom capable of figuring it out," Quirrell replied. His voice was deadly calm. There was no trace of the nervous professor any longer. "I did fear Granger might catch onto me. That was why I didn't want you to involve your friends. This would have been so much easier without them."

Harry felt the anger swell within him. He gave a shout and ran towards Quirrell to attack him. Quirrell snapped his fingers and ropes shot out of nowhere, wrapping around Harry before he could get close.

Harry struggled against his bonds. No, it was impossible. None of it could really be happening. He felt sick to his stomach. His head was splitting in pain. It couldn't be Quirrell. It just couldn't.

No, he hadn't trusted Quirrell at the start of the year. He'd felt uncertain of the man. He'd chalked it up to once having a crush on Dora. He should've trusted his instincts... "You're engaged to my cousin."

Quirrell paused for a moment. There was a look on his face... Something akin to regret. But he quickly shook it off. "Made it very convenient for me. You are a boy with great distrust of anyone outside of your family. But you told me yourself... I'm family now."

"You used Dora," Harry snapped. He raised his wand up. "She loves you!"

"She's a foolish girl!" Quirrell's face contorted in a snarl. "If she loves me, she will fall into line! I did this for her! I left the school to become powerful... All for her! She's going off to become an Auror and was going to leave me behind. A pathetic Muggle Studies professor... I couldn't allow that! I had to seek power in order to keep her."

Harry thought he might throw up. He tried to edge closer to the mirror, without turning his back on Quirrell. The bonds around him were too tight and he slipped, hitting the ground hard. Harry managed to look up at Quirrell. "You didn't want to keep her. You wanted to control her. You're amonster!"

Quirrell shook his head. "There is no such things as monsters, Potter. There is no good and evil. Only power... And those too weak to seek it. I sought power and I found it. Oh, I found it. My master taught me everything. How I could rise to true glory! I have served him faithfully... Although I have let him down many times." His hand reached up to touch his turban. "He does not forgive mistakes easily. When I failed to steal the Stone from Gringotts, he was most displeased. He punished me... Decided he would have to keep a closer watch on me."

Harry went through the list of spells he knew in his head. There had to be something he could use to get out of his bonds, to take down Quirrell. "You're going to take the Stone... All for Voldemort... To bring him back."

"My Master will reward me more than any other if I do," Quirrell said. He turned to the mirror. "I can see the Stone. The mirror is the key. Trust Dumbledore to come up with something like this. But how do I get it? Do I break the mirror?"

Harry felt another wave of nausea hit him. He wanted to find the Stone before Quirrell more than anything else in the world. If he looked in the mirror, he knew that's what he would see. Maybe he would be able to find out where it was hidden if he did so... But he couldn't look into the mirror while he was bound.

"Use the boy... Use the boy..." A voice seemed to come from Quirrell. It was the same voice that had ordered Neville's death, before Harry intervened. The pain in Harry's head grew intolerable, but he knew what that voice was. Who that voice was.

"Voldemort," He murmured. Voldemort was in the room with them. Voldemort was a part of Quirrell.

Quirrell snapped his fingers and Harry was forced up to his feet, the bonds holding him giving way. One rope stayed around his torso, keeping his arms pinned to his side. "I'm not stupid, Potter. I know of your skills. I won't let you have use of your hands. Now look in the mirror and tell me what you see!"

Harry had to lie. He couldn't let Quirrell- and Voldemort- know the truth of what he saw in the mirror. Harry moved towards the mirror and looked into the reflection. Unlike last time, he did not see himself as Padfoot and Kachan's natural child. The reflection that looked back at him was like the one he saw in every other mirror. He was pale. He could see the injuries on him from the Devil's Snare and fight with the troll. The fear on his reflection faded after a moment and it smiled at Harry. It put his hand the pouch hanging from his hakama, next to his sword and drew out the blood-red stone. It winked and put the Stone back in its pouch. Harry then felt the weight of something heavy dropping into the pouch. He knew what it was. He'd gotten the Stone!

"Well?" Quirrell demanded. "What do you see?"

Harry tried to find the courage within himself, but at the same time tried to make himself look as woeful as possible. "I see my parents. They're taking me home. I want to go home. I don't want to be here anymore."

He could hear the voice, high-pitched and chilling coming from Quirrell's turban. "He lies! He lies!"

"What did you see?" Quirrell demanded. "Tell the truth!"

Harry inched his bound arm to his hip and pulled out his sword. He was able to free it just enough that he could cut through the binding holding him. He held his sword up, facing against Quirrell. He reached down and picked up his fallen wand, arming himself with both to face off against his opponent.

"Let me speak to him..." The voice was speaking again. "Face-to-Face."

Quirrell shook his head. "Master, you are not strong enough!"

"I have strength enough... For this..."

Harry knew Voldemort was somehow inside of Quirrell's body. That still did not prepare him for the moment. Harry's blood felt as cold as it had when he'd downed the potion to go through the fire. Quirrell unwrapped his turban, turning around so his back was to Harry.

The pain in Harry's head was agonizing as he looked into the face of Voldemort, coming out of the back of Quirrell's head like some sort of horrific parasitic twin. The face was chalk white with glaring red eyes and nostrils like a snake, just slits.

"Harry Potter..."

Harry took a step back, gripping his sword tighter still. He needed to attack. Why wouldn't his body move so he could attack? This was what he had been waiting for. This was what Dumbledore had been waiting for. He was supposed to be able to defeat Voldemort.

"See what I have become?" Voldemort groaned. "Mere shadow and vapour... I have form only when I can share another's body... But there have always been those willing to let me into their hearts and minds... Unicorn blood has strengthened me... And once I have the Elixir of Life, I will be able to create a body of my own... Now... Why don't you give me that Stone in your pocket?"

Harry slipped his sword away. Again, he felt compelled to face Voldemort with nothing but his wand. He raised it up, green eyes focused on him. He pushed aside all of his fear and doubt. He had to be strong.

"Don't be a fool," Voldemort "Better to save your own life and join me..."

Harry stayed still, keeping his wand trained on Voldemort.

A small smirk appeared on Voldemort's lipless mouth. "Bravery. Your parents had it too. Tell me, Harry... would you like to see your mother and father again? Together, we can bring them back. All I ask is for something in return. Together, we can do extraordinary things. Just give me the Stone!"

As dire as the moment was, Voldemort's deal made Harry chuckle. He shook his head. "I have a mother and a father." His glance shifted towards the fire guarding the entrance. He could hear the voices outside of it. He smiled. "And they're coming to get me."

"Seize him!" Voldemort cried. Quirrell whirled around and launched himself at Harry. He was too quick and Harry wasn't able to fire a spell at him. Quirrell's hand seized his wrist. Harry felt the sharp pain go through his scar at the touch.

The pain lancing through Harry was nearly blinding, but still he could see that Quirrell in was almost as much pain. His hands were smoking, just like they had when he'd grabbed Harry's sword. But this was worse... So much worse. The skin was blistering and burning away.

"Seize him! Seize him!" Voldemort continued to shriek over and over again. Quirrell wrapped his hands around Harry's neck. Harry gasped as he tried to breath. He had never felt pain like this before! His head felt like it was going to split open.

"My hands! Master, I cannot hold him! My hands!"

Harry pushed aside his own pain to take advantage of Quirrell's. He kicked at Quirrell, forcing him away. He could see the skin had burnt clean off of Quirrell's hands, exposing muscle and bone. Quirrell groaned and reached for Harry's wand, abandoned on the floor. He needed to act quickly!

Harry threw himself onto Quirrell and did the only thing he could think of... If Quirrell couldn't stand to touch Harry, he probably couldn't stand if Harry touched him! Harry put his hands on Quirrell's face. He watched the flesh sizzle away.

"Kill him!" Voldemort demanded. "Kill him now!"

The pain was too much for him to bear. Harry couldn't see anything any longer. He tried to hold onto Quirrell as long as he could, but his body couldn't stand it any longer. He let go of the man and fell backwards.

This was it. It was the end. Harry allowed his eyes to close, hearing the cries of "Kill him! Kill him!" mixed with Quirrell's shrieks of pain.

The last thing he heard before unconsciousness took him was a soothing voice. "It's all right, Harry. Padfoot's here... I'm not going to leave you, Harry. Never, ever."

Sirius and Yuki glowered at Dumbledore as they stayed at Harry's bedside. An imperturbable charm has been put up so the other patients- Harry's friends- wouldn't hear them. Alice and Frank were doting over Neville, while Ron rested, his own parents on the way. Hermione was the only one who had managed to get out of the secret chamber unscathed.

"You wanted this, didn't you?" Sirius growled softly. He held tightly to Harry's slackened hand. "You knew Voldemort would go after the Stone. You were trying to lure him out. You gave Harry all of the information he needed to find it... You wanted both of them in the same place at the same time."

Dumbledore shook his head. "No, Sirius... I know you wish to think the worst of me, but that is not the case. I did not want both of them in the same place at the same time... I knew it would happen. I simply gave your son the means and knowledge to get there as safely as possible."

Yuki stood up. Despite her small stature, she looked incredibly imposing. "Did you know it was Quirrell? Did you know he was working for Voldemort... was Voldemort?"

Dumbledore shook his head. "I assure you, I did not. I began to have suspicions about him after Halloween, but I had absolutely no proof. I had dearly hoped he let the troll in merely to be the hero. Perhaps to impress the girl he planned to propose to by rescuing her cousin."

"Dora!" Sirius let go of Harry's hand. "Does Dora know about any of this yet? Dammit, this is going to kill her..."

Lowering his head, Dumbledore let out a great sigh. "As his fiancee, Miss Tonks was Quirrell's next of kin. I have a responsibility to tell her what has occurred at the school. She has been contacted, but not told what has occurred."

Sirius thought about the body that he'd pulled off of Harry in the Mirror's Chamber. Flesh was burnt off of Quirrell, exposing the muscles and sinew beneath. His face had been contorted in pain and shock. But he could not muster up any sympathy for him. Sirius hoped he'd suffered. Hoped he felt every agonizing moment. He was only worried about how Dora would react.

Turning his attention back to Harry, Sirius took the boy's hand again. "Headmaster, I suggest you leave right now and let me and my wife be with our son."

"Sirius... There is much to explain. What happened down in the chamber..."

Sirius glared at him. "It was the Blood Magic. Lily's sacrifice to protect Harry. It made Voldemort unable to touch him. It's obvious, isn't it? You've already told us about how Harry had the protection on him. I mean, it's not common for them to be done unintentionally, but blood protection isn't a complete mystery. We can explain it to Harry as well as you can. But now... Leave us with our son, or we'll be thinking really hard as to whether or not we want him to continue at this damn school."

Yuki hissed softly. "As if we're not thinking about it already."

Dumbledore nodded. "I will take my leave of you then. I am glad the children are safe. Never doubt that. I don't wish for any of my students to be hurt."

Once the Headmaster was gone, Yuki looked to her husband. She touched Harry's forehead gently. "Do you really think Harry should stay at Hogwarts? After all of this?"

Sirius sighed. He hugged his wife and kissed her on top of the head. "I don't know, Love. I think we're going to have to leave it up to Harry... After we have a very, very long talk with him."

Please let them be alright, she repeated over and over again in her mind.

Dora heart felt like it would burst out of her chest as she raced to the school. She needed to get to the Hospital Wing. She'd received Dumbledore's owl. It was so cryptic, but she knew... Deep down, she knew that it was something very, very bad.

There was an incident with Harry and Professor Quirrell.

She was terrified that one of them- that both of them- were gravely injured. Or maybe worse.

When she got into the Hospital Wing, she saw several children in beds. The one on the end made her breath catch. It was Neville!

"Alice... Frank!" She ran to the couple sitting by his side. "What happened?"

Both Alice and Frank looked at each other, their expressions grim. Alice took her hand and squeezed it gently. Too gently. It was too comforting.

"Where is Harry and Quirinus?" Dora asked softly.

Frank pointed to a privacy curtain. "Harry is with Sirius and Yuki. They're waiting for you."

Dora didn't want to go through. She didn't want to know what was happening. That would make it all real. But her feet moved by their own volition. She couldn't hide herself from the truth. She played with her engagement ring.

Harry was with Sirius and Yuki...

But where was Quirinus?

As soon as she stepped around the privacy screen, Sirius stood up. He crossed the gap between them and grabbed hold of Dora, hugging her tightly. "Dora."

Dora hugged him back, but looked past him to gaze at her cousin in the bed. "What's happened to Harry?" She asked. She wanted to run to him, but Sirius was still clutching her tightly. "What's happened? Is he alright? Where's Quirinus?"

Sirius kept an arm around Dora and led her out of the Hospital Wing. He walked with her through the corridors. "Dora... There's a lot I have to tell you. Something's happened at the school. Something very bad."

Sirius began to tell Dora about the Philosopher's Stone. How Nicolas Flamel asked Dumbledore protect it for him. How Voldemort had tried to steal it to bring himself back. How Harry had taken it upon himself to protect the Stone.

Dora gasped as Sirius told the story of how Harry and his friends went through the protections around the Stone in order to protect it from Voldemort. How Harry faced off against Voldemort himself and that was why he was in the Hospital Wing.

Her face pale, Dora frowned deeply. "I'm glad Harry is going to be okay. I hate seeing him like that. But... I'm confused. Why was I called? And where is Quirinus?"

Sirius held Dora's hands tightly. "Dora, Quirinus was working for Voldemort."

Dora actually laughed. "What?"

Sirius kept his eyes downcast. "When he went to Albania, Quirinus found whatever was left of Voldemort and he joined forces with him. Voldemort promised him power. Voldemort possessed Quirinus's body. When Voldemort faced Harry, he found out the Blood Protection Lily left with Harry made him unable to touch Harry. When Quirinus attacked Harry, he was severely burned. Voldemort abandoned his body when it was too badly damaged..." Sirius put a hand to Dora's cheek. "I'm sorry, Dora... It killed him."

Dora laughed again, shaking her head. "You're lying." She took a step back. "Tell me you're lying, Sirius. You have to be lying."

Sirius shook his head. "Dora, you know it's true. Deep down, even if you won't admit it to yourself. Quirinus had been acting strange for months now. It was because it wasn't him... It was Voldemort."

Dora's heart stopped pounding. In fact, Dora wondered if it was beating at all. She blinked up at Sirius. "Take me to him."

Sirius led Dora to Quirinus's chambers. There on the bed was a covered body. Dora cocked her head and just stared at it.

"Quirinus didn't have any family left and you were his fiancee. Dumbledore wanted to know what you wanted to do with his body."

Dora continued to stare at the sheet, standing stock straight. "Leave me."


"I said leave!"

She heard the door close behind her. Dora walked to the bed and pulled back the sheet. Quirinus looked like a hollow shell. There was nothing left of him in there. His body was marred with ugly wounds across his face and hands.

Dora's bright blue hair faded, as if the colour was washing away. It was replaced with ebony tresses. "How could you do that? You said you loved me. You said you wanted to make me happy. So you... Joined You-Know-Who? Tried to kill my family? You're disgusting." She leaned in towards the corpse. "I wish you were still alive so I could kill you. No one. No one hurts my family."

For as angry as Dora was at Quirrell, she was just as angry at herself. She was so stupid! She was a stupid, silly little girl! She had let Quirrell into her life, into her bed! And what for? So he would be able to gain Harry's trust? She had put her cousin in danger... Because she thought she was in love.

She wouldn't make that mistake again. Never, ever!

She tore the ring off of her finger and shoved it into Quirrell's mouth, wishing for all of the world he were capable of choking on it. Dora then took a step back, drawing out her wand. She extended it towards the bed. "Incendio."

She cast the spell several more times, letting the flames engulf the bed. She watched as Quirrell's body burned. She'd never seen anything like it before. She should have been horrified by the sight.

Instead, she felt nothing.

When the bed- and the body- were reduced to ash, Dora cast the Aguamenti charm. She looked at the soggy remains, blinking impassively.

She turned and walked out of the room. Sirius was waiting for her outside of the door. "Dora... Are you..."

"I have to go back to work," Dora interrupted him. "I have a lot of things to do."

Sirius gripped her shoulder. "Dora, no one's expecting you..."

Dora pushed his hand away. "I'm expecting me. I need to train hard. I need to stop people like that from hurting people like Harry."

Dora walked slowly down the corridor, away from Sirius. "Owl me when Harry wakes up. I want to know he's alright."

As she walked, Dora repeated the words over and over in her head: Never, ever again.

Nico clasped his hands and sighed. He glanced up at Fawkes, sitting on his perch near Albus's desk. His feathers were falling out and he looked worn and emaciated. Nico smiled sadly at the bird. "I know how you feel, my friend."

Albus entered the room and walked to his desk. "Sorry to keep you waiting. I'm glad you were able to come so quickly. I do not think you will be any danger here. Voldemort has made an attempt on the Stone, but young Harry has done an admirable job of defending it. The threat has passed."

Nico nodded his head. "Yes. I shouldn't be surprised about Harry. He is a strong, brave boy. Of course he would succeed in repelling that fiend."

Albus laid out the whole story of the attempts on the Stone. Nico remained quiet, keeping his eyes on Fawkes.

Albus sat across from Nico, stroking his beard. "I believe you and Perenelle have some things you need to discuss. Of course, I cannot force you to do anything you do not wish, but the Stone will continue to be in danger as long as it exists."

Nico nodded again, just listening to his old friend. He didn't need to be convinced. He and Perenelle had been discussing it for a very long time. Every few decades the ennui would sink in. But then, something would happen. Someone would come into his life and enliven it. At one time, it had been Albus himself. Then it was Newton, Porpentina, Queenie and Jacob. Most recently, it had been the Blacks and the Longbottoms.

"The Stone will never be safe," Nico agreed. "Nelle and I have enough Elixir to put our affairs into order... But you are right. As long as there are people like Voldemort, the Stone cannot exist." He shook his head sadly. "And there are always people like Voldemort."

Dumbledore held out the Stone to Nico. He accepted it. "Would you like help in destroying it?"

Nico tucked the Stone into his pocket. "I would like to take care of this in my own way."

Nico walked to the door. He paused before he left, looking back over his shoulder. "It was quite lucky, you had the Stone here. Under your protection. There are so many ways you could have chosen to protect it from Voldemort. But this... Was very effective. The boy nearly killed him this time."

Albus nodded. "Yes. We were very lucky that Harry is alright, but a blow has been struck against Voldemort all the same."

The weight of the stone was heavy in Nico's pocket. "It was also lucky that Voldemort and one single follower managed to find one of my homes. I am so very careful concealing them. But then... No one was hurt. Nelle and I weren't even there. It was just enough to frighten us. To have you hide the Stone here. Very lucky."

Albus blinked. "I do not know what you're saying, Nico."

"Perhaps it was a mistake, Albus. A rare one on your part. Introducing me to the boy's mother. I love that boy. If I thought I was manipulated at all in any way to put him in harm's way... I might become quite upset."

Albus nodded. "We are very lucky that he is okay."

Nico nodded. "Yes. Lucky indeed."

When Harry awoke, he saw blurry faces looking back at him. Even lacking his glasses, he knew who those people were. He smiled and felt his glasses pressed into his hand. He slid them onto his face so he could properly look at his family.

"Harry!" Noriko cried happily. "You're awake!"

Harry knew he should have felt worried. The last thing he remembered was Quirrell trying to get the Stone from him. But no, that wasn't the last thing he remembered.

He turned to Padfoot and Kachan. "You saved me."

Padfoot smoothed down his hair. "I'll always save you, Pronglet."

"Hey Harry, can I have one of your Chocolate Frogs?" JJ was examining the large pile of sweets by his bedside.

"Where did all of this come from?" Harry blinked at the large pile, but waved his hand in allowance of JJ taking one of the treats.

"You think something like this was going to stay a secret?" Moony laughed. He eyed Neville. "It's all over the school already."

"It wasn't me!" Neville protested. "I think Ron's been talking about it. But he doesn't know everything."

"Shame Madame Pomfrey threw out the toilet seat Fred and George Weasley sent you," Padfoot commented. "Said it was a hygiene issue. I thought it was bloody hilarious."

Lex hopped up onto the side of the bed. "Harry, did you really see You-Know-Who?"

Harry nodded. He looked to Padfoot and Kachan. "Where is he? Is he in Azkaban?"

Padfoot shook his head. "No... He was gone by the time we got in there. You'd hurt Quirrell badly enough that Voldemort fled his body."

"What happened?" Harry asked.

"This family is just too big!" Madame Pomfrey tutted. "This is even worse than when both of the Weasley twins took Bludgers last year! I need some of you to clear out of here!"

Alice and Frank gathered up the kids. "We'll take them out," Alice smiled supportively. "I think you three have some things to discuss with Harry."

Harry was left alone with his parents. He looked over their worried faces. "So the Stone...?"

"The Stone is safe," Moony assured Harry. "Nico has it again. He's going to destroy it."

Harry's eyes widened. "But... Grandpere... Grandmere... They'll die without the Elixir of Life."

Padfoot squeezed Harry's hand. "They have enough to put their affairs in order. And after six hundred years, they have a lot of affairs. And once they stop taking it... Things will happen naturally. We're not losing them quite yet."

Harry glanced down at his hands. He remembered placing them on Quirrell, feeling the skin burn beneath it. "Quirrell is dead, isn't he?"

Padfoot nodded.

Harry tried to swallow the lump in his throat. "Dora..."

"She knows already."

Harry continued to stare at his hands. He could only imagine how Dora was taking her fiance being in league with Voldemort. "Why couldn't Quirrell touch me?"

Moony sat on the edge of his bed. "That's old magic. Your mother..." He looked to Kachan . "Lily... She gave up her life in order to protect you. That leaves a mark. In your very blood, your skin. Someone like Voldemort who is fuelled by hatred and ambition... Your touch is like poison to him."

Harry turned his attention to Kachan. "You did something like that with my sword. Quirrell couldn't touch it."

"Knowing what your mother did for you... Of course it was going to leave that sort of mark. So I took a chance. There's more than just Dragon's Blood in that Sword. Some of your blood is in it as well. Along with a few other things." Kachan winked.

"My blood?" Harry goggled at Kachan. "How did you get my blood?"

Kachan rolled her eyes. "Oh please! The number of times you've come running to me injured while I've been working, I'm surprised all of my swords don't have your blood in them!" She ruffled his hair. "But it means your sword should protect you... And will never be able to be used against you."

Harry grew somber, looking at Padfoot, Kachan and Moony in turn. He then looked down at his lap. "I think Dumbledore wanted me to go after the Stone. Everything that happened... It was like it was made for me."

"We think that too." Padfoot gripped Harry's shoulder. "I know we've got a bias against Dumbledore, but the most important thing is you and Neville are safe. Ilvermorny might be out, but with your aunt and uncle in the Ministry in Japan, we might have some sway at Mahoutokoro..."

Harry shook his head. He looked up at his parents once again. "I can't do that."

"Harry." Moony's hazel eyes were filled with concern. "This isn't going to stop. You defeated Voldemort for the moment, but he wasn't killed. You know there is a prophecy about you..."

"And I can't run from that," Harry finished. "It's a Prophecy. You can't hide from that sort of thing. So I'm going to stand up and face it. I'm going to be here with my friends... And we're going to be ready."

Padfoot smiled, tears in his eyes. "Your father would be so proud."

Harry smiled back. "I know he is."

After the excitement of going after the Philosopher's Stone, school felt so mundane. The next few months passed in a haze of classes and games and just having fun with his friends.

As Harry predicted, they received a tremendous amount of points for saving the Stone. Of course, considering they had lost points for trying to steal the Stone it was a bit of a wash. Still... Under the expert leadership of Wood, they were able to net the Quidditch Cup, which earned them quite a few points, enough to no doubt clinch the House Cup when the Leaving Feast finally came.

Professor Grubbly-Plank- a substitute professor- filled in for Professor Quirrell for the rest of the year. Harry was glad for her presence not only because she wasn't secretly trying to kill him (he hoped), but it was much easier to take notes from a professor who did not stammer.

Harry felt so guilty about what he had done to Hagrid in order to find the Stone, he admitted everything to him one day over tea.

Hagrid seemed surprised at the confession. He brushed it off with a shake of his head. "Dontcher worry 'bout it, Harry. Yeh were doin' what yeh though were right. It can be hardta tell right from wrong."

From then on, Harry made a point of going to visit Hagrid's hut every time he went down onto the grounds to practice. While he and Hagrid may not have had the best first meeting, he knew that Hagrid would be by his side no matter what.

Soon enough, the day came when they were heading back on the Hogwarts Express. He and Neville hugged Ron and Hermione good-bye before he went to go see his family.

"You'll come and visit us over the summer?" Harry asked. "Both of you? I don't want to not see you for months."

Ron grinned. "Of course! And maybe you guys can come to my house too!" He put an owl treat through the cage on his cart. "And I'll be sure to send Oberon with letters!"

Harry grinned. "I think Hedwig would like that."

Neville nodded. "Trevor too."

Harry and Neville parted from their friends to join their family. They were surprised to see two additions to the large family.

"Grandpere... Grandmere..." Harry smiled broadly. "I didn't expect to see you. What are you doing here?"

Nico smiled back at him. "Now that we're not on the run any longer, we want to have to rest for our retirement... And what better place to rest than with those we care about. Your family's been very generous and allowing us to enjoy our twilight years with you."

"It's your family too, Nico," Padfoot said. He clapped Harry on the shoulder. "Are you boys ready to go?"

Harry looked back at the Hogwarts Express. He nodded. "Yeah. I think I could use a bit of a break. Get ready for next year."

Moony nodded sagely. "Yes. I suspect next year will be a big year for you."

With a whoop, JJ leapt onto Harry's back. "Because next year, I'm going to be there with you!"

It was late on his first night back home when Harry was roused from his bed by Padfoot. "Come on, Pronglet. I think you'll want to see this."

He saw that Neville was already awake. So Harry grabbed his glasses and allowed Padfoot to lead him out into the back garden. Moony, Alice, Frank,Grandpere and Grandmere were sitting around Kachan. She was holding her Naginata, leaning against it.

"Good of you to join us." Moony smiled. "Nico thought you would want to see this."

Harry then noticed the glimmering red stone on the ground in front of Kachan. Neville's eyes grew wide. "Is that...?"

"That's the Philosopher's Stone," Harry gasped. "I thought you'd destroyed it."

"Why do you think you're here?" Grandpere asked. "Yuki, if you would...?"

Kachan raised her naginata over her head. Flames engulfed the blade. "I really hope this is strong enough to take it out."

"Darling, you were trained by my Nico," Grandmere assured her. "Of course it is strong enough."

Kachan brought the sword down and the Stone turned to ashes beneath the fiery blade.

Harry smiled. "That's it... It's over..." He looked over his family. "But this isn't the last of it."

Padfoot shook his head. "Probably not."

Harry hugged Padfoot. "Then we'll be ready for it. Together."


Harry Black is starting his second year at Hogwarts. Not only does he have Neville, Ron and Hermione, but his little brother, JJ, is starting to attend the school. But Harry knew when he decided to stay at Hogwarts, trouble wouldn't be far away. Harry and his friends must defeat the creature in the Chamber of Secrets... Before it defeats them first!

AUTHOR'S NOTES: This story- and all stories in the Twist of Fate series- are dedicated to the memory of Susan aka Pablo... My mother, my beta reader. When she was sick, I read her Prisoner of Azkaban. Afterwards, I read her Twist of Fate and Twisted Stone up until where I had written. It took me a long time to get back to this after she passed away, because it was so difficult to work on it without her giving her thoughts. But I'm glad I finished this and look forward to writing more.