Alright so before anyone says anything I just wanna say its pretty impressive that I managed to stay away for more than a year (lel). Sorry fans :C. Anyways pls enjoy this chapter that was due a year ago.
Everyone was in awe. Their dragon slayer whom they assumed dead 3 years ago was standing right there in the doorway of the guild hall. People started rubbing their eyes and pinching their cheeks to affirm that their favorite and destructive dragon was home. Reality hit them soon enough and everyone started racing to hug Natsu as he was home.
"Where the fuck were you flamebrain!" yelled a charging Gray as he slammed a chair into Natsu's face. To his shock, Natsu broke the chair with his hand before it could do any damage. Everyone's eyes popped open. Was it possible he got stronger in his time away from the guild?
"Alright you two take it outside!" shouted Makarov as he was interested to see the two brawl like the good old days. However it was pretty obvious that he himself wanted to see what sort of power the dragon slayer acquired while away from the guild.
As they started exiting, Natsu asked Lucy where Erza was. Lucy just looked at him or a few seconds before warning him that she might be a bit well, violent, when she figures out that he returned. She explained that Erza had blamed herself for his death that night 3 years ago and has never forgiven herself for the "sin" she has committed.
"So what actually happened that night" Lucy then queried.
"Huh, let me think about it..."
Flashback 3 years ago to the Tower of Heaven
Natsu had just entered the ethernano leaving a sobbing Erza behind him. He looked ahead and saw nothing but blue crystals and liquid. He saw a bright light ahead and blinked before he saw himself floating above a graveyard. Why was he here?
A funeral. His funeral. Squinting carefully he could see the members of Fairy Tail looking grim and huddled around a tombstone that read Natsu Dragneel, the 4th Wizadd Saint. Wizard Saint? But as far as he knew he was only an S-Class member of Fairy Tail.
Then appeared several members of the magic council.
"It is with our sincere gratitude that we award Natsu Dragneel the title of Wizard Saint on his account of preventing the ressurection of the dark wizard Zeref. With this they took a wizard saint's medal and placed it by Natsu's tombstone which was covered in flowers.
He could see his friends. No. Family. He could see his family mourning the death of him. It was unbearable for him to watch. This is what he was trying to prevent! This wasn't supposed to be about him. It was supposed to be for them. He had failed as a member of his family.
"I refuse to sit here and watch as my family falls into depression! I have to live" shouted Natsu as if the heavens could here him. And sure enough, they did.
The ground around him started shaking and the funeral was becoming a blur. Natsu blacked out.
He then awoke to the sound of a soothing voice calling his name. "Natsu. Natsu" it ushered drawing him closer and closer to the source. As he was walking it looked as if he was in the middle of a cave. He reached where he thought the voice was coming from and ended up in the middle of an empty room.
He looked up and this jaw dropped. Descending from the sky was a beautiful figure. She looked like an angel. She descended with grace clothed in a green dress. She spoke softly as if they were being overheard but just loud enough for Natsu to fully understand her.
"Greetings child. My name is Gaia, goddess of the Earth. Mother of the land that stands beneath your feet"
Natsu was appalled. Such a legendary figure was appearing right before his very eyes. What was he to say? What was he to do? He only stood there in shock as she descended upon him with arms opened wide. She whispered just enough for him to hear her "Come child".
A white light blinded him before he knew what was happening and Natsu now found himself in the middle of a large garden with a giant massive tree in the middle surrounded by animals. The garden was beautiful with green luscious grass, greener than the color itself.
In the middle of the garden standing by the tree was the same figure herself, Gaia, the goddess and mother of the very Earth itself. Natsu walked towards her as if she was dragging him closer and closer. He finally got to her and reached out to her as if she were holding her hand open towards him.
"Where are we...?" Natsu questioned.
"Welcome child, to the Garden of Eden. This, is the tree of life."
Natsu stood in awe and gazed at the beautiful garden all around him.
"Tell me Natsu. Do you seek power?"
"I desire the ability to protect my family and those I care dearly for. So I guess... Yes"
"Very well. I will grant you this power. But you will have to undergo training before you can acquire this power. I will train you and in order for you to reach your full potential you must complete my ENTIRE program. Is that understood?"
"As long as I am able to protect my family like I said..."
Natsu didn't know it at the time, but he just met someone who would change his life forever. Natsu trained for days, weeks, months, years. He didn't realize it but 3 years just flew by in a flash. He had learned a lot in the course of 3 years. His magic was on another level compared to when he "died". Natsu had increased the power of his original magic at least 10-fold. He had not learned any new magic, but his old dragon slayer magic was now a force to be recokned with.
3 years passed. Gaia had treated Natsu like a son of her own and he had to come to see her as such. Natsu awoke one morning and looked around unable to spot Gaia. He smirked. It didn't bother him that he couldn't see Gaia anywhere. He knew this day would come just like it did with Igneel.
He rose from his sleeping place, exited the garden that he had trained in for 3 years and walked into the outside world. He appeared on a beach of some sort. With the flick of his wrist he threw on his jacket and started pacing northwards. He had two things on his mind, getting home to his family and Erza Scarlet.
Look I know this chapter was short based on the "hype" but I assure you good things are to come. My next chapters will be several thousand words don't worry and sorry again I guess for the 1 year gap but I did sorta warn you in my own defense. Thx for sticking with me and I'm back to the fanfiction community so expect more!