Hi everyone. LionPrankster here. For those who don't know me, I hope you will enjoy my story and I present you the first chapter of it. Along this story, I will not give spoilers, but I will accept suggestions from my readers in the reviews. I can't promise that I will use them though. Also, please keep the flaming and mean words for yourselves. I am not disturbed by criticism, as long as it is constructive, but don't leave me a review to tell me my story sucks because it has no CoD elements or no Mountain Dew or Doritos :))) For those who know me, welcome back to another of my stories. I know I haven't yet finished the other ones, but I felt the need to start this one. I didn't forget them and I will continue to write them until I finish them. Also, this story will no longer be a musical story so to say. I won't name my chapters after songs in this one, unless I really find a song that fits and that I want to share with my readers. At some point in the story, there will be lyrics from songs, and I will mention the title of the songs and the singer's name in the AN from the bottom of the page. Also, this chapter will be the only one that will have a reference to a specific scene in the first movie, just so you know before hand when you see it. So, now that introductions have been made, I present you the Alpha and Omega M-rated story, The Cycle. Enjoy :D (This story will have a rating of M from the beginning because I am too lazy to change it later, so there's that :)) )

Chapter one - A howl to remember

Blue. The sky was blue and the sun was shining like a molten golden orb over Jasper Park. In a den not far away from the Feeding Grounds of the Western and Eastern territory, 2 wolves, one golden and one grey and blue, were sleeping together. The blue wolf was coiled around the sleeping form of the golden one and was looking at the sky with a frown. A couple of days passed since he and Kate had returned from Idaho and Garth and Lilly united the packs. The golden wolf began stirring and Humphrey let the frown fall as he looked at his beautiful mate. Well, not yet mate, but soon to be. Kate opened her eyes and looked at a grinning Humphrey.

"Morning Humphrey. How long have you been starring like that?" Kate asked giggling a little.

"Morning, beautiful. Not too long" Humphrey said as he nuzzled her neck.

"I see. So why are you grinning?" Kate asked, grinning herself.

"Oh. Nothing. Just thinking that after today I will become the mate of the most beautiful Alpha in the pack" he said nuzzling her again.

"And I'll become the mate of the funniest Omega" Kate said nuzzling him too.

"Ah-hmm" a voice said outside their den. Both Kate and Humphrey stopped nuzzling and looked outside, where they saw Winston looking at them and smiling.

"Oh, good morning dad. What brings you here?" Kate asked putting her head under Humphrey's chin, not bothering to get up.

"I came here to remind you that your mother wants to see you before the wedding" Winston said taking some steps closer to them.

"Oh. Right. One second" Kate said as she took her head from under Humphrey's chin and kissed him on the cheek. Humphrey's tail began wagging from left to right.

"I'll see you soon, Humphrey" Kate said with a bright smile and she got up.

"Yeah, see you soon" Humphrey smiled as he looked at her leaving the den. Her beautiful curves sent him in a fantasy where he and Kate were always together and ran around fields of flowers and...

"Humphrey...Humphrey" Winston said sitting in front of him. Humphrey blinked a few times before turning his head to Winston and saying with a paw scratching the back of his head:

"Sorry sir. Day-dreaming. What was it that you wanted to talk about, sir?"

"Humphrey, I wanted to talk to you about the wedding" Winston said as Humphrey got up and sat by Winston.

"What about it?" Humphrey asked with a quizzical expression.

"I wanted to thank you Humphrey. From all the wolves Kate could have chosen as her mate, I am really glad she chose you. She is really lucky to have you?" Winston said with a fatherly expression.

"Sir, I must say that it is the other way around. I am lucky that she chose me. And I love her with all my heart. I will never force her to do anything and I will always stay by her. I will die for her, if need be, sir" Humphrey said with a serious expression.

"I know Humphrey and I appreciate all of it. Also, I have another question" Winston said with a smile.

"Anything, sir" Humphrey said smiling himself.

"Have you and Kate...considered having pups?" Winston asked looking at him straight in his eyes. Humphrey was taken a little by surprise by the question.

"I haven't had the occasion to talk with Kate about that. I, one, am ready to have pups. You know me, I love children. But, it is her decision to make, as I will not enforce anything on her" Humphrey answered with a serious face.

"Thank you, Humphrey. You must love her very much" Winston said getting up and giving Humphrey a hug.

"Anything for your daughter, sir" Humphrey said, returning the hug.

"And Humphrey, from today on, call me Winston" Winston whispered in his ear. Humphrey's expression changed in a second as he heard this and his hug became a little more powerful. One second later, the broke the hug and Winston said:

"I am proud to call you my son-in-law, Humphrey."

"Thank you, si...Winston. You have no idea how important this is to me" Humphrey said with a big, goofy grin and a tear visible in his right eye. Winston nodded fatherly towards him, before turning to leave. He stopped just outside the den and said, without turning back:

"You should get ready for your wedding. It's only a couple of hours away." And then he left. Humphrey nodded and put his head back on his paws, closing his eyes, before suddenly opening them and crying loud:


From some distance away, Winston smiled as he heard Humphrey enter panic mode and shook his head, mumbling:

"Just like his father." Then he frowned. He turned his head back towards the direction of Humphrey's den and was just about to walk back, before he stopped and said in a whisper:

"He deserves a week to himself. I'll talk with him after. Well, back to Alpha duties."

-at the main den-

"Oh, dear you will look just lovely" Eve said as she was combing Kate's fur with a big pinecone.

"Thanks mom" Kate said with a small smile. She looked at the sky and a tear escaped her eye.

"Why are you crying dear? Has Humphrey done something bad?" Eve asked in a threatening tone. Kate quickly turned to her mother and said with a serious face:

"Mom. You know Humphrey would never ever do such a thing, unless I wanted him to. No, that is not the reason I am crying" Kate said her face now a mile and another tear falling.

"Then why are you crying?" Eve asked with a quizzical look. Kate sighed and said:

"Because I am finally getting married to the love of my life. He was my friend since we were pups. But when I left for Alpha training, our connection kind of faded for a moment. And when I returned from the Alpha training, I kind of ignored him. Yet, his love never wavered. He waited for me. When we were relocated in Idaho, he saved me not once, but twice. He never asked something in return and was always there to cheer me up on my way home. And his voice. His howl. It's the most beautiful howl I've ever heard. It strikes something in me..."

"Kate, dear, you are rambling. What are you trying to say?" her mother asked still confused.

"Mom, Humphrey opened my eyes. And the eyes of the pack too. Without him, our packs would have never been united" Kate said stopping her tears. Eve looked at her with a smile. Then her expression changed suddenly and she ran into the den. Kate was really puzzled until she saw her mother returning with a small, pink flower in her mouth. He put the flower in Kate's ear and said:

"Now it's perfect. A wonderful howl, you say? Well, we will hear it tonight then" Eve said with a grin. Kate almost face-pawed when she remembered that tonight was the Full Moon Howl.

-at the lake near the feeding grounds-

"Guys, could you please hurry a little?" Humphrey asked as his friends Salty, Mooch and Shakey as they were grooming his fur.

"Chillax dude. We got your back. Plus, you really have to take care of yourself today" Shakey said with a grin.

"Yeah, today is the Full Moon Howl, remember?" Salty said chuckling a little. Humphrey literally paw-faced. Mooch looked at him and asked:

"What, you forgot?"

"Yeah, I did. I'll ask Kate after the wedding" Humphrey said with a grin as he looked at the sky. Shakey continued to comb his fur until he pulled the pinecone a little too rough.

"Hey, watch it. That hurt" Humphrey said laughing a little.

"Yeah, I know. Sorry" Shakey said as he and the others finished grooming him. Humphrey got up and turned a few times in front of them.

"You look perfect. Kate will love it" Shakey said giving him the thumbs up. His friends nodded and Humphrey smiled.

"Well, then, let's get going. I wonder if Kate is there already" Humphrey said walking by his friends to the hearth of the feeding grounds at the wedding stone.

-the wedding stone-

The sun shone bright over the sky. All of the wolves of the Eastern and Western packs were there, around the wedding stone, waiting for the groom and the bride. Lilly and Garth were sitting the closest to the stone. Beside Garth stood Tony. As Humphrey and his friends approached the wedding stone, Humphrey stopped and gulped, before he whispered to his friends:

"It is just me, or are there a lot of wolves here today?"

"Oh, come on Humphrey, don't chicken on us now. Of course there are. You are the reason the law of Alphas and Omegas never being together has been abolished and, extending from that, the reason the packs are united. They all want to celebrate" Salty said.

"Oh, come on guys, I didn't do all of that. All I did was return with Kate home and save Wiston, Tony and Kate from a stampede" Humphrey said as they continued to walk towards the sea of wolves. The wolves all turned to see Humphrey walking to the stone and made a path for him to walk on. His friends lost themselves through the crowd and when Humphrey reached the wedding stone, he was alone. He looked around him and saw that all the wolves sat waiting, while he was standing up. He was about to sit too, when he saw the wolves parting, forming a path. On the path walked Winston and Eve proud and with smiles. They stopped in front of Humphrey and nodded. Humphrey nodded too and then Winston and Eve sat beside Lilly. The crowd of wolves parted again and the most beautiful wolf Humphrey has ever seen walked towards him and stopped in front of him. Kate nuzzled him for a second and Humphrey said:

"You are amazing and look amazing."

"Thanks. Shall we begin? "Kate asked, blush visible on her face. Humphrey nodded and they began accepting each other's scent. Kate smelled like fresh summer flowers and cloudless sky, a smell Humphrey loved. Humphrey smelled like pinecones and he also had his musky scent, which made Kate tremble with delight. After that Humphrey gently nibbled on Kate's ear. She sighed in delight. Then, when Kate nibbled on his ear, Humphrey's wagged his tail. Then, they touched their noses for a second before they kissed long and passionate. They heard the crowd go wild around themselves, but it didn't matter. This was their moment and they enjoyed it completely. When they broke the kiss, Humphrey hugged Kate and she hugged him back. He whispered in her ear:

"Kate, would you do me the pleasure to go with me to the Full Moon Howl?" Kate broke the hug and looked him in the eyes:

"Of course, my mate. Plus, I think my mom wants to hear you howling" Kate said with a giggle as she licked his face. Humphrey smiled and said:

"We will be the best." Then they turned to the crowd, which erupted in howls and cheers once again. Kate and Humphrey walked to Winston who was trying to wake up a fainted Eve. He saw them coming and said:

"Congratulations you two. Me and my wife are so happy for you." Just the Humphrey heard "Wolf pile!" and before he had time to move, his friends landed on him.

"Okay guys, give me some air" he said as his friends got off of him while Kate giggled. His friends high-fived with him as Garth and Lilly came to them to congratulate them.

"Congratulations Humphrey" Garth said as he hugged him roughly.

"Yeah. You and Garth are now brothers-in-law" Lilly said hugging him too. Winston cleared his throat. Everyone looked at him as he said:

"Humphrey, as the leader of this pack, I congratulate you officially and wish you and Kate a happy life together. And, in honor of your marriage, we prepared a small amount of about twenty caribous as your wedding meal. "Humphrey nodded and looked at the crowd, before saying:

"Well guys and girls, what are we waiting for? Let's get this party started!" The wolves cheered again and everyone began eating and having a good time.

-some hours later-

"Okay guys! Listen up!" Humphrey called around the feeding grounds. All the wolves looked at him, some of them still cheering. "Let's move the party to the Full Moon Howl! Everyone grab your partner!" Humphrey said with a cheer. Everyone cheered again and they all made their way to the Full Moon Howl. Winston caught up with Humphrey and said:

"You really have your way with crowds. When did you learn to do that?"

"Since I was a pup, I knew how to talk to many wolves at once and captivate their attention" Humphrey said with a smile. Just then he heard a growl behind him. He turned around to see an Eve with murdering eyes.

"You. Kissed. My. Daughter. I will kill you!" she called as she was ready to pounce on him. Winston quickly got in front of him, as did Kate.

"Dear, would you please move away? Humphrey is still breathing" Eve said in a sweet voice to his husband.

"No Eve. Humphrey and Kate are now married. It was their marriage kiss. I don't think you and I have a say in this anymore. Only Kate has, since she is now his mate" Winston said with fierce eyes.

"But...but he kissed my baby" Eve said confused.

"Yes, he did. And, I loved every second of it" Kate said with a big grin. "Plus, mom, didn't you want to hear Humphrey howl? If you kill him now, how would howl with me?" Kate asked again. Eve stopped on her tracks and thought for a second.

"But he kissed you" she said again, not getting the point.

"Look, mom. I know it will be kind of hard for you to accept this, but Humphrey is my mate and will kiss me every day. And one day we will have pups. And there is no thing that you can do to stop me from enjoying my time with Humphrey as he and I please" Kate said sitting in front of her with a serious face.

"But...but...wait, did you say pups?" Eve asked making sure she heard it right.

"Yes. Pups" Kate answered again. Eve snarled again, but Winston jumped on her before she could pounce on Humphrey.

"Darling, please listen. If you won't leave Humphrey alone, I will have to take you home and make Barbara give you calming herbs for stress management. Plus, we will miss the howl. We haven't missed it since we are together. Understood, Eve dear?" Winston said. Eve nodded and got off of her. "Now, let's go to the howl, we are missing the fun" Winston said, his happy face coming back to him. Eve walked beside him, while Kate and Humphrey walked a little slower, falling behind. After Humphrey made sure Eve was a secure distance away, he whispered to Kate:

"Did you just tell your mom that you are going to have pups with me?" Kate stopped and looked at him.

"Did I?" she asked with a sly smile and a wink. "Well, I guess it can't be helped than. We will have pups." Humphrey just looked at her and kissed her right there and then. When he broke the kiss, he said:

"You are the best, you know that?"

"I do now" she said giving his cheek a lick as they resumed their walk to the Howling Rock. When they reached the rock, they saw wolves that already started howling in harmonious voices and also their feathery friends, Marcel and Paddy close to the top of the rock, having a discussion with Winston and Eve.

"Let's say hi" Humphrey said as they started climbing the paths in the rock to reach Winston and Eve and from there to go to the top of the rock. When they reached Winston and Eve, Marcel noticed them and said:

"Ahh, and here are the high-maintenance couple of the night. Wonderful wedding. Congratulations!"

"Quite a wedding indeed, sir" Paddy agreed. "You made his old hearth cry a little today" Paddy said, looking at Humphrey and Kate.

"Now, now Paddy, I am not that old" Marcel commented before Humphrey and Kate hugged them.

"Are you here to enjoy the show?" Kate asked Marcel as they broke the hug.

"I didn't hear there was going to be a show" Winston said with a confused look.

"You will see what I am talking about soon, dad" Kate said to her father.

"Ah, oui mademoiselle, we will be enjoying the show, I think" Marcel said with a wink. Paddy nodded and they flew in the tree closest to the top of the Howling Rock.

Humphrey and Kate followed them to the top and when they reached it, they looked at all the wolves that were now quiet and looking at them expectantly.

"Ready?" Humphrey whispered to Kate.

"Oh yeah" he said with a grin. Humphrey took a big mouth of air, and let loose the most beautiful howl the wolves have ever heard. Kate looked at Marcel and Paddy and saw them giving thumbs up. Then she looked at her parents. Winston had a confused look, then his face went into a deep, approving smile as he nodded to Kate. The most shocking thing, however, was to see Eve looking at Humphrey transfixed, a small tear falling from her eye. Kate smiled at her mother and looked at the wolves below, all of them looking with admiration at Humphrey. She felt him nudge her a bit, and she turned her attention back to him. He smiled a hearth-melting smile and joined in, their voices melting one in the other and sounding beautiful. (Just like the scene in the movie, when they howled in the train)

-ten minutes later-

Humphrey stopped howling and looked at the other wolves. As soon as he stopped, all of them howled in unison a happy howl. He chuckled and Kate smiled:

"I guess you were right" Kate said nudging him to follow her.

"How so?" he asked following her to her parents.

"We were the best" she said with a smile. Marcel and Paddy flew down to them and stopped them just before they returned to Winston and Eve.

"Wonderful song" Marcel said giving them a hug.

"Indeed" Paddy added, also giving them a hug.

"Thanks guys. Me and Kate are happy you enjoyed it" Humphrey said with a smile.

"Always happy. If you ever need any help or are planning a trip somewhere, give us a howl" Marcel said with a smile as he and Paddy flew to get some sleep since it was past midnight now. Kate and Humphrey returned to Eve and Winston and sat by them.

"That was really beautiful, Humphrey. I didn't know you had it in you" Winston said with a smile.

"Thank you, Winston" Humphrey said with a grin.

"Well mom? Did you like it?" Kate asked with a smile. Her mom looked at Humphrey, than at Kate, than back at Humphrey. She got up and got closer to Humphrey. She raised her paw as to strike him. Humphrey's hearth sank in panic, while Winston and Kate looked petrified. Then she hugged him. Winston mouth dropped, as did the mouths of all the other wolves in the pack.

"Humphrey, I am sorry for what I almost did earlier. From now on, I live Kate in your paws. Look after her, or you will answer to me. May the stars shine bright and guide you two through your life" Eve whispered in his ear. Then she let him go. She looked at Winston, who still had his mouth opened. Then she turned at the pack and saw they had their mouths open too. She cleared her throat and said:

"You all should close your mouths unless you want to eat flies as a midnight snack." Everyone quickly closed their mouths, including Winston, and returned to their partner, without a doubt discussing the scene that happened earlier. Winston quickly recovered from his stupor and said:

"Me and Eve will return to our den now. Kate, for the next week, you are free from your Alpha duties. Spend your time with your mate and have fun. Humphrey, until next week, you are also free of your Omega duties, whatever those were. When the week ends, I wish to talk to you about something, so please come by my den. Kate should come too. You should get Lilly with Garth too. Have a good night you too." He smiled knowingly and then left with Eve. After they were a safe distance away, Kate looked at Humphrey and asked him:

"Did my mom just hug you back there?"

"Yeah she did. And she transmitted a clear message to me too" he said laughing. "So, what do you want to do now, Kate?" Humphrey asked looking at her with a smile.

"I don't really know. Do you have something in mind?" she asked, brushing her body on his side. Humphrey nodded and said:

"Follow me. I want to show you something."

They walked together under the moonlight through the forest. Their sides were touching with every step and they enjoyed each other company very much.

"This is so romantic. A walk under full moon" Kate said in a whisper, and with a giggle.

"You think? You haven't seen anything yet" Humphrey said with a grin. Kate laughed this time and said:

"Okay, so what exactly do you have in mind?"

"I wanted to show you a place I found on the day I joined this pack. I've been wanting to show it to you since I had a crush on you, when we were pups" he said with a grin and a blush.

"A what? You had a crush on me when we were pups?" Kate asked giggling.

"And I still do have a crush on you. I love you" Humphrey said giving her a lick on the cheek. She became redder in the face by the second.

"You know, I kind of liked you too back then" she said with a girlish voice.

"You did what now?" Humphrey asked looking at her with a smile.

"Yeah. But I kind of forgot my crush when I had to go to Alpha school. I kind of forgot how funny and caring you were. I kind of forgot the real you. But you brought it all back and opened my eyes" she said with another small giggle.

"Boy, am I glad I did that. Else you would have married Barf" Humphrey said with a chuckle of himself. Kate laughed at his little jokes and said:

"It would have been strange to be considered Madame Barf by Marcel, wouldn't it?" Humphrey lost it and started laughing really hard. They kept walking in since, leaning one on the other, until Humphrey stopped in front of some bushes. He turned to Kate and said with a smile:

"Now close your eyes, and don't open them until I say so." Kate giggled excitedly and quickly closed her eyes. Humphrey started walking with her leaning on him and went through the bushes. They walked for another half a minute until Humphrey stopped and said:

"Okay Kate, open your eyes." She opened them and remained speechless. They were in a small clearing just above the waterfall in their territory. There were flowers everywhere and even a small den under a big pine tree.

"This is beautiful. Does anyone else know of this place?" Kate asked looking at him excited.

"Nope. This is our special place. A place where only you, me, and our love exists" Humphrey said taking the lead and laying close to the edge of the clearing, facing the moon and the waterfall. Kate joined him and laid down beside him, her left side touching his right side. She put her head on his paws and looked at the moon. Humphrey put his head over her head and intertwined their tails.

"We are so much closer to the moon" Kate said in a whisper looking at the big full moon.

"Yeah. I used to come here a lot when I was little and there was full moon. " Humphrey said beginning to howl lightly in his wonderful voice. Kate joined in and they howled for a long time. They were together now, and when they were in their magical world, they were the only one that existed. It was them against the world.

Aaaaaaand….scene :D

I hope you all enjoyed this first chapter of this story. Please tell me your opinions and your ideas, if you have any. I will read and respond to each and every review in a matter of 24 hours. I'll see you all soon.

LionPrankster, over and out.