"Well it all began on Amy and Rory's wedding night. The Doctor turned up and whisked them away, however, this didn't stop the newlyweds from consummating their marriage. It was during this exploit that they managed to conceive, unfortunately Amy was kidnapped before they discovered she was pregnant and replaced with a flesh avatar, so Rory and the Doctor didn't know anything was wrong until Amy went in to labour and the connection to the flesh avatar was severed. Rory and the Doctor went to Amy's rescue and on the asteroid Demons Run the Doctor went to battle against the kidnappers who took Amy. However, the Doctor was unable to save the baby girl whom Amy had named Melody Pond" River informed the pair
"Melody after Mels" Brian whispered.
River couldn't help but smile knowing Amy had named her daughter after her daughter "yes"
"What happed to my granddaughter?" Brian asked "Is she alright? Why did they want her?"
"Because Melody was conceived whilst the Tardis was in flight she was exposed to the time vortex and, therefore, became part time lord. This made Melody special she was part time lord and she was the Doctor's companion's child, for the people who took her there was no better person for the job, they wanted someone they could train to kill the Doctor" River said answering Brian's last question.
"But you killed the Doctor" Jack butted in.
"That I did" River smiled at Jack's misconception in thinking that because she killed the Doctor that meant Melody didn't need to be trained. "But that is later on in the whole scheme of events although I would like to remind you I was pardoned"
"Yeah, because apparently the man you killed never existed" Jack said stubbornly as he knew the Doctor was real and he was out for vengeance
"Excuse me we can quarrel about the rights and wrongs of the future justice system later, right now all I want to know about is Melody" Brian butted in angrily.
"Right, sorry" River apologised "Melody was taken and raised in 1960's America. Her captives trained her to be a weapon of mass destruction and fed her lies about the Doctor, telling her that he was a blood-soaked devil who was as evil as evil can be and must be stopped. She managed to escape and lived on the streets for a while, however, she got ill and died. But due to the time lord DNA running through her body she was able to regenerate, it's like getting a whole new body but as well as the outside being different aspects of the persons personality also changes" River explained to Brian "Melody regenerated in to a toddler and went off searching for her parents she went to Leadworth, however, when she arrived there she found that Amy and Rory were still children themselves so Melody shortened her name to Mels and used the last name Zucker."
Brian gasped "Mels is my Granddaughter"
"Yes she is" River confirmed
"You know Amy and Rory always acted like her parents she would, at the time we thought, jokingly call them Mum and Dad whenever they had a go at her for getting in trouble. Boy did Mels get in trouble, you know she stole a bus once and then drove it straight through the botanical gardens. She told us it was a short cut" Brian reminisced to Jack and River.
River smiled at the memory, she couldn't deny she liked causing lots of trouble. "Well, after Amy and Rory had returned from Demons Run they had a lot of crazy plans to attract the Doctors attention. Mels followed them one day in a stolen car. The Doctor showed up, Mels held him at gun point as he navigated the Tardis to pre-war Berlin. They were aiming for some time during the war but the Doctor isn't very good at piloting although admittedly that time it might have been Mels' fault as she shot the Tardis but only to prove the Doctor wrong as he said they were in a state of temporal grace so guns wouldn't work." River admitted
"When will the Doctor learn clever lies will always back fire" Jack sighed
"I think it's one of those things he will always do." River said "Anyway when they got there they learnt that Hitler was a lousy shot as he ended up hitting Mels instead of the person he was aiming at. Thus, causing Mels to regenerate in to a body Amy, Rory and the Doctor were all very familiar with and revealing her true identity. This new body of Melody's didn't have a specific name yet but Melody heard them using a name to describe her once she left the room to weigh herself. When she got back into the room she got straight to business and started her attempts to kill the Doctor, however, as soon as he realised who she was he had tidied up. He even had the nerve to switch on of the guns with a banana," River said with annoyance
"He did that to me too." Jack piped in
"Anyway Melody already knew it wouldn't be any type of gun to kill the Doctor, a man of peace who understands every type of warfare except perhaps the cruellest so Melody killed the Doctor with a kiss using lipstick laced with poison from the Judas tree. Unfortunately, for Melody the Teselecta recognised her as the women who killed the doctor and, deciding she was worth more than Hitler was, followed her as she ran away after she committed the fatal act. Once the Teselecta caught up with Melody, it started its punishment. Amy and Rory caught up and got beamed in to the Teselecta, the Doctor then swooped with the Tardis and even though he was dying the ridiculous man had wasted time getting changed." River said with a fond smile, "He tried his best to act as if nothing was wrong, he fought for Melody begged the Teselecta to leave her alone. Eventually Amy and Rory managed to do something inside causing the people inside to need to evacuate. The Doctor sent Melody to the Tardis telling her to save her parents and that as she was the child of the Tardis the Tardis would show her how to fly her" "Hang on the Doctor let somebody fly his Tardis!" Jack interrupted in shock because the Doctor did not let anybody fly his Tardis.
"Yes" River replied, "Melody managed to save Amy and Rory and they got back to the Doctor to hear his last words. He gave a message to Melody to give to the somebody with a name she had heard the Doctor calling out several times in the past few minutes. Melody asked Amy who this woman was, Amy managed to get the Teselecta to change shape into the mystery woman, and what Melody saw was a perfect replica of her new body. It was then that she realised how much the Doctor would mean to her and how much she means to the Doctor. Melody made the decision to use the rest of her regenerations to bring the Doctor back; however, she didn't know how to do it properly so she ended up being hospitalized. They left Melody in the 52nd century and she went to university to study archaeology, the Doctor visiting from time to time of course. Melody completed her doctorate on the Doctor and the day after she was made a doctor of archaeology Melody was abducted by the people who kidnapped her as a baby. Melody was forced in to an astro nought suit with special adaptations that she was forced into many times in her childhood. When Melody awoke she was in Lake Silencio, a lake in America, she rose out of the water and the Doctor walked towards her. He told her he knew who she was and that she was forgiven now and forever. Melody tried to change the fixed point of the Doctor's death and rewrite time, much to his protests, however, you can't change a fixed point and an explosion threatening the existence of the universe occurred, all of history happened at once. The Doctor tracked Melody down and on top of a pyramid confronted her. The Doctor of course didn't want this and knew how to end it, he married Melody on the top of the pyramid and with a kiss time went back to normal and Melody was back on the shore of Lake Silencio killing the Doctor. However, something important happened during that marriage ceremony on top of the pyramid. The Doctor asked Melody to look into his eyes and in doing so; she saw a miniature version of the Doctor. It was his plan to escape death. He had a Teselceta help him so that he could pretend to be dead and Melody would be free. Melody accepted her punishment of being sentenced to twelve thousand life sentences in the highest security prison in the known universe because she was finally free." River concluded
"Hang on you killed the Doctor at Lake Silencio. You had twelve thousand life sentences given to you." Jack said and then it dawned on him "You're Melody"
"Yes she is now I would appreciate it in future if you didn't aim a gun at my wife Jack," the Doctors voice said appearing out of nowhere.
"Doctor how did you get here?" Jack asked
"The Tardis has a silent setting didn't I tell you that Jack" The Doctor informed Jack "Hi Honey I'm home" The Doctor said to River
"And what sort of time do you call this" River said in her usual flirty tone.
"Well I thought I would wait until the big reveal was over, speaking of which, how are you doing Brian?" The Doctor asked as he turned his attention to a teary-eyed Brian.
"You're my granddaughter?" Brian asked River
"You're Mels"
"The Mels that was over here most days"
With that, Brian scooped River in to his arm enveloping her into a hug. Pulling away from her he wore a smile on his face and said "You have some explaining to do young lady I want to hear what you were thinking when you were busy making so much trouble"
River laughed "A little less of the young lady I think you are the youngest here" River said
"I don't look it" Brian laughed, "How old are you then?" Brian inquired
"Oh Grandfather don't you know never to ask a girl her age. I have actually lost count but let's put it this way I am well over a hundred." River admitted.
"How about you two?" Brian asked the men in the room.
"Oh I'm a thousand and something must be nearing two thousand," the Doctor told him
"And I am older than that" Jack told Brian
"Wow you do know how to make a man feel young. So am I the only human here?" Brian asked
"No, River is human plus, so she counts as human, and Jack is fully human, however, he is immortal. And I am actually half human on my mother's side so therefore theoretically all of us here have some human in us" The Doctor explained.
"Wait you're half human!" Jack exclaimed
"Why did you think the Time Lords hate me so much?" The Doctor asked
"Well you are pretty infuriating and you stole a Tardis," Jack reasoned
"Hey I didn't steal her I was going to return her." The Doctor defended "And I am not infuriating am I River?"
"I am not entering this discussion," River said with a twinkle in her eye causing the Doctor to huff.
"Doctor, what are you wearing?" Jack asked setting River and Brian off and causing the Doctor to pout.