The golden crown floated in the air just above the horizon sending a majestic glow to the surroundings, a woman with a sea of curls framing her face approached a familiar door, however, this was an unfamiliar occurrence for her because she had to ring the doorbell and wait for a man she had known for centuries but didn't know her. If the woman was correct, like she always was, well accept when she was wrong but she was never wrong, her vortex manipulator had brought her to the house exactly one week after its owners had gone off traveling with a mad man in a blue box, a time frame that wouldn't worry the man that came to water their plants whenever the occupants went gallivanting off exploring the universe.

The door opened wide to reveal a face, although aged, the woman recognised whilst she was wearing a face that had changed in every possible way since they last saw each other. "Hello, can I help you?" The man asked stopping the woman's trip down memory lane a pulling her back to the here now standing in front of a man who didn't know her. "Brian Williams, I am here about Amy and Rory" the lady uttered earning her a ticket inside.

Brian ushered her through the familiar house into the living room where the women saw a sofa for three in front of a T.V, a sofa that holds so many memories of the three of them, Amy, Rory and her. The woman sat in Amy's usual seat at the far end of the sofa whilst Brian sat in the corner Rory used to sit in. The pair would intentionally sit in those seats to squish her between them.

"I take it you're a friend of Amy and Rory's then seeing as you know my name. May I enquire as to yours?" Brian asked, tugging at the woman's heartstrings whilst reminding her that he didn't know who she was.

"I'm Professor River Song but you can call me River." The woman informed Brian trying to find the right words to explain to a man that his son and daughter in-law, the only family he has, is never coming home.

"What is it you wanted to tell me about Amy and Rory? Are they in trouble? Or did they send you as they thought I would be getting lonely?" Brian asked, obviously aware that River was the bringer of bad news but clinging to the last grain of hope and denial he could.

"I'm sorry Brian, there was an incident and they got trapped in nineteen thirty eight. They were alive and lived out their lives happily until they died of natural causes" River explained but it had got all too much for Brian.

"The Doctor promised me he would bring them home safe!" Brian yelled completely losing it at the thought of never being able to see his family again.

"The doctor had every intention of bring Amy and Rory home safe, they mean so much to him" River started to calmly explain.

"Then why did he leave them behind?" Brian asked confused as to why the doctor would leave them behind to live out their lives in the past if they were alive and well.

"He didn't want to but if he was to bring them back home it would cause a paradox that would tear the entire universe apart. The Doctor has sacrificed a lot of things he cares for just so that the universe can keep on existing. It doesn't mean he didn't love Amy and Rory but he is one of three people in the universe that have to make these incredibly hard sacrifices and decisions as for the other two we only exist because of him and his Tardis, but believe me when I tell you the Doctor would rather die than have the universe die" River tried to explain

"If that's so why didn't he come and tell me himself?" Brian questioned no feeling betrayed because The Doctor didn't come and tell him he had to find out from a stranger.

"Because at the moment The Doctor is blaming himself for losing Amy and Rory, going back over that day to see if there was anything he could of done differently to stop you from feeling that immense pain he knows all too well of losing a child." River Told Brian

"He doesn't know what it's like to lose a child. To feel this alone." Brian snapped

"I am afraid he does. The Doctor had to kill all his people, destroy his home in order to save the universe." River told Brian "that includes his family, his children, that were still alive and fighting the war. Not to mention time lords are telepathic beings so when the deed was done all of the voices that the doctor could feel inside his head were gone. The Doctor is the loneliest man in the universe as not only does he have no family he has no home and is the very last of his kind. All he has for company is a blue box that can take him anywhere in time and space except home. The Doctor is just a very lonely man that needs company, needs people to love like family and to show the stars. That was Amy and Rory, he will never forget them, he never does, the pain of losing them will never leave but one thing I do know is that Amy and Rory wouldn't change a thing"

Just as River finished talking the Tardis blue front door was knocked down.