Kurt smirks at Blaine from his position. He's standing on his toes, arms tied above his head, body on perfect display for Blaine. It's a hard position to keep. When he can't hold himself on his toes it pulls at his arms painfully and so he holds on as long as he can. The look of pride on Blaine's face is worth it, though. It's worth it to be displayed and for Blaine to take his time deciding what he wants to do with Kurt. Everything is worth it.

They've been seeing each other casually for two months. They had decided they would meet every Tuesday and Thursday and eventually they'd exchanged numbers so that they could text if the other wouldn't be there. The first Thursday that Kurt had shown up alone he'd felt sick to his stomach but he'd paired himself with another Dom anyway. No reason not to still have fun just because Blaine was stuck at work. He didn't know that Blaine had had the same feeling, had been barely able to pair himself up and had ended up getting the sub off without coming himself, much as he had the first night with Kurt when he'd gone in on one of the days that Kurt couldn't make it.

They're glad that they're here on the same night again. Kurt had been naked when Blaine had entered the room, on his knees just the way that Blaine likes him. Blaine hadn't said a word when he'd gone to the cupboard, grabbing ropes and tying Kurt up. It's only for Blaine that Kurt will greet him on his knees. He knows that while Blaine doesn't wait, doesn't ask for permission, Blaine knows what he likes. He won't hurt him.

"You're such a good boy," Blaine murmurs, his hand resting on Kurt's shoulder before slowly sliding down his skin. Kurt tries not to twitch, the ropes digging into his palm as he holds onto them, trying to stand on his toes. "I wish I could just keep you on display here all day."

The words make Kurt shift, wincing at the burn on his wrists and he wishes for it. He fantasizes about it. Late at night he thinks about what it would be like if he belonged to Blaine, if Blaine was there to fuck him whenever he wanted. Kurt swallows audibly, looking at the ground. "Yes, Sir."

Blaine's lips curl into a smile that Kurt can just barely see out of the edge of his vision. "Would you like that, pet? Would you stand here, let me show you off as Doms come in one after another to see how well you look standing on your toes? I see the strain on your face," Blaine says and Kurt gasps, jerking against the ropes again as Blaine's hand smacks against his ass. "Not a noise in response to the pain, pet. Not unless it's a safe word."

Taking a deep breath, Kurt nods. "Yes, Sir," he murmurs again, closing his eyes. He can feel as Blaine runs a hand down his spine and then he's gone, making Kurt's eyes snap open.

"I'm going to blindfold you," Blaine tells him, glancing at him to see his reaction. For a moment, Kurt feels a surge of panic. He hates being vulnerable to a Dom like that but then he relaxes because it's Blaine. It's Blaine and he doesn't say a word, not even his word to slow down. He simply closes his eyes again, completely relaxed as Blaine wraps the fabric around his head and ties it carefully.

Kurt shakes his head as Blaine asks if he can see, his heart beating fast. No, he can't see at all. His lips are parted and Kurt doesn't think that Blaine will gag him right now. He can safe word and he can snap if he doesn't like it as Blaine has told him multiple times. Right now, the scariest part to Kurt is that he's not scared of Blaine. He just knows that Blaine will keep him safe. He hasn't hurt him before, not any way that Kurt hasn't wanted at least.

Without his sense of sight, Kurt's other senses are heightened. He sniffs the air but there's nothing, just the light raspberry smell that he's come to associate with his Dom. No smoke so there's no wax play coming. He can hear a drawer being opened, Blaine's feet against the floor, the sound of Blaine's breathing. Kurt's been half-hard ever since Blaine had first tied him up and he feels the blood rushing to his cock, his hand tightening around the ropes.

After another moment there's silence and Kurt glances up, as if trying to see Blaine. Kurt hesitates, letting it go but as the seconds stretch, he starts to worry. Blaine wouldn't leave would he? Of course not. And Kurt would hear him. "Sir?" he asks, his voice shaking.

Kurt knows that he would deserve punishment for questioning Blaine but then he can feel Blaine's hands against his shoulders. His touch is so much gentler than he'd expected and Blaine's lips are pressing to his cheek, his bare chest against Kurt's back. "It's alright. I'm right here," he tells him and Kurt takes a deep breath, shaking and he leans back against Blaine. "I won't leave you."

There's something so much more in his words, a promise there that Kurt thinks he probably shouldn't hear. But he does and they stay for a moment, Blaine's hands simply sliding across Kurt's slightly sweaty skin, thumbs brushing across his nipples, fingers teasing at the trail of hair leading to Kurt's throbbing dick. "I want… Sir, I want to have sex." It sounds almost naïve, childish in a way, but Kurt knows that Blaine will know what he's talking about.

Blaine seems to tense against Kurt's back but then his lips are against Kurt's neck and he tilts his head to the side, appreciating the sweet kisses. He hasn't been touched this way possibly ever. Adam had never been particularly affectionate. He'd always wanted to keep their dynamics alive inside and out of the bedroom. Kurt was his sub and that was all.

Blaine is different, though. It's only been a few months but Blaine touches Kurt as if Kurt is something special, something to be cherished. Even when Blaine is hurting him, pouring wax onto his skin, digging his thumbs into Kurt's neck until Kurt's pink and gasping, smacking his hand against Kurt's ass until he's raw and it hurts to sit for days. There's always cuddling afterwards, always sweet words. Kurt never feels like just a sub around Blaine.

The thought makes Kurt worry, wondering what it could mean. He doesn't think that this is anything more for Blaine. The two may meet twice a week but that doesn't mean anything. Sceneing with the same person is easier, not having to memorize new hard limits and they both are so open about things. Kurt knows that Blaine might just be in it for an easy fuck.

The more that Kurt is touched by Blaine the more that Kurt wonders if it could be more, if he wants it to be more. He breathes in sharply as he feels Blaine smack his ass twice, focusing on the same cheek each time to make it sting. "I'm talking to you, pet. Are you listening?"

"Sorry, Sir," Kurt says, realizing now that he's swaying, Blaine's body not pressed against his and Kurt really was lost deep in thought.

"Are you sure that you're ready for that, my pet?" Blaine asks, his voice so deep, a warmth that Kurt just wants to sink back into.

Kurt nods immediately, his body swaying as he lowers himself onto the flats of his feet. He has no warning before Blaine pulls the rope off the hook in the ceiling, using his grip on them to pull Kurt. The sub stumbles but Blaine's arms are there, pulling the taller boy's body closer. Immediately Blaine's lips are against Kurt's, no hesitation in the kiss, and Kurt feels like all he can do is attempt to kiss back while Blaine kisses him, while Blaine takes him.

"I'm going to lead you to the bed. You're going to lay on your back and I'm going to tie your wrists to the headboard." While it's not exactly a command, there's no real question in Blaine's tone. Short of a safe word, Kurt will have to follow Blaine's directions but he doesn't mind that.

Kurt swallows hard as Blaine rests a hand on his back, leading him towards the bed. There's only a few short steps before he's there and Blaine adjusts him. Kurt can't see, can only listen as Blaine re-connects Kurt's hands to the head of the bed.

"Can you touch your emergency button, pet?"

Surprised by the question, Kurt stretches his fingers, letting them graze upon the button that's there. It's the first time that Blaine has asked him since their very first time together and he wonders whether he should be scared of that fact. "Yes, Sir," he responds, breathless with anticipation. Kurt isn't a virgin, not by a long shot, but this time with Blaine feels different. It feels… special.

Blaine makes a little humming sound in agreement, patting Kurt's cheek before he's stepping away. Kurt can hear movement, the pad of Blaine's feet against the wood floor, the click as he opens a cabinet. "I'm just grabbing what I need. Do you want a condom used?"

The question makes Kurt falter, thinking about it. He hasn't been with anybody sexually since he started playing with Blaine and he wonders what the answer should be. On the one hand, most sexually transmitted diseases are so hard to spread for them and there's also no chance of them dealing with an unwanted pregnancy. On the other hand, Kurt's putting trust into Blaine… If Blaine was tested when he first joined the club then he doesn't have to get tested again for another month.

"I haven't been with anybody since I got checked," Blaine murmurs from across the room, his voice washing over Kurt.

Perhaps it's naïve or foolish but Kurt trusts him. And that's something that he's going to have to think about another time. "No condoms."

Although Kurt can't hear anything, Kurt imagines that it pleases Blaine to hear that. After all, Kurt's heard that it's better without a condom. He closes his eyes underneath the blindfold, losing himself to the rush of it all, to letting Blaine take so much control of his body. "Just give me a minute, Pet."

"Take as long as you need," Kurt murmurs, hearing the click of a bottle of lube and he wonders what Blaine's doing when he doesn't feel him join him on the bed. There's some sort of sound, something that sounds wet, perhaps the lube. Kurt hopes that Blaine won't try to penetrate him without preparing him. That doesn't sound like something that he'd do but now Kurt just isn't sure… With the blindfold on, suddenly Kurt feels a wave of panic and he wonders what he's doing.

He doesn't know Blaine. Just because the two have had sex doesn't mean that he knows the other man. What if Blaine tries to hurt him? What if Blaine takes from him something that he doesn't want to give? Kurt's eyes clench tighter under the blindfold as memories and 'what if' scenarios run through his mind. His finger just grazes the panic button but before he can touch it fully, he can hear the soft tread of his feet and then the bed is moving.

Kurt swallows when he feels Blaine join him on the bed, the creak sounding so loud, echoing in the room. "Relax, pet," Blaine whispers soothingly and Kurt feels himself melt against the bed when Blaine's hand cups his cheek, his thumb running along the lower edge of the blindfold as he presses his lips lightly to Kurt's. The kiss is sweet, gentle… Kurt almost wants to call it loving but no. They're not like that. They're just here to get off, to ensure that they have what their bodies need biologically. It relaxes Kurt, though, in a way that he rarely feels from Doms. "I won't hurt you. You know that I won't hurt you. Tell me what you're feeling, sweetheart."

"I'm nervous." The words are automatic although he didn't exactly mean them to be. But he was answering a Dom's question and Blaine's voice had been so kind. Kurt draws in another breath, his stomach trembling, making the breath shake on exhale as he wonders whether he should try to explain.

Then Blaine's lips are on his again, his hands sliding over his body, skating across the planes of his ribs, slipping along his collarbone to cup at his neck. The hold on his neck steadies Blaine and Kurt can feel as he straddles his hips, kissing him deeper, his thumb pressing into his neck just on the edge of painful. The bed creaks underneath them as Blaine sits up again, hovering over Kurt's body. "We don't need to do this. There's plenty that we can do without sex, you know that. Tell me if you don't want this and there's no harm done. I'll do what I had planned originally."

Kurt leans up, searching and Blaine kisses him easily over and over again, obviously knowing what the submissive wants. The kisses are kept short and when Kurt pulls away, he smiles lazily, laying back against the pillows and letting his hands fall to rest against the pillow. "I want you. Please, Sir. Please."

It should scare Kurt the way that he can't move but as his lips tingle from the feeling of Blaine's kisses it doesn't. He tries to think about what's happening, wondering when Blaine is going to spread his legs and get on with it when he feels Blaine's hand wrapping around Kurt's dick, slick with lube.

"Oh!" Kurt moans, surprised, working to keep his hips on the bed because he wasn't given permission to move like that. The feeling of Blaine's hand on his dick was not what he was expecting, though, and it's hard to hold in the pleasure.

Blaine chuckles, stroking him in slow, easy motions. He doesn't move his fingers or even squeeze, simply strokes him for a moment. Kurt has to bite his lip to keep from begging Blaine to touch him again when he feels…

Kurt's brain short-circuits, the thought not processing for a long moment before he realizes that Blaine is currently sinking down on his cock, torturously slow. "Sir?" Kurt's voice cracks on the word, his fingers scratching at the pillowcase, trying to grasp and not quite managing.

"Mm-hmm?" Blaine asks, a hint of amusement in his voice and he lets out a huff of breath as he moves. Kurt wishes for a moment that he could see Blaine's face, could watch as he takes Kurt's cock the way that he is. His hips jerk as Blaine tightens around him and Blaine's body shakes a bit. "Stay still."

"Sorry, Sir. I just… I didn't expect- Oh!" Kurt's words are interrupted as Blaine lowers himself the rest of the way, seating himself snugly on Kurt's cock and doing an almost wiggle on top of him.

Blaine chuckles breathlessly, obviously just as affected by this as Kurt is and that's so comforting in a way. Kurt isn't the only one surprised by how this feels. And it feels… amazing. With his gaze obstructed by the blindfold, with the way that his hands are tied up, Kurt can focus so much on every single inch of his dick buried in the Dom. "Do you want me to get up? If you don't like it then we certainly don't have to do this but on your form it said that you wanted to try it."

Kurt bites the inside of his lip as Blaine lifts up hesitantly, shaking his head viciously and if he wasn't tied up by his wrists, he would be grabbing frantically at Blaine's hips to keep him there. "No! No, I want- I just- You're a- I didn't expect."

There's a moment of hesitation as a warm flush slides up Kurt's cheeks. He thinks about the past, about Adam who would never have even dreamed of letting Kurt top him. Kurt has topped before but only a handful of times and never in a way that so highlights his submission. Because while he's technically topping, while he's technically inside the other man, he is still most definitely not the one in control.

"Being a Dom doesn't mean that I can't enjoy you being inside of me, just like being a sub doesn't mean that you can't enjoy being the one inside," Blaine says tenderly, his hands resting gently on Kurt's chest. "Don't move your hips, that's an order, and don't you dare come until I tell you that you can. Now shh. Lay back and enjoy, alright, sweetheart?"

The petname washes over Kurt as he feels Blaine begin moving. Kurt's entire body jolts although he manages to, just barely, keep his hips pressed against the bed. It's not easy as Blaine rolls his hips, obviously trying to figure out the angle that he likes. Kurt wants to open his mouth, wants to contribute somehow but… he doesn't. Because Blaine is in control. Blaine is taking care of him. Kurt may be the one who is getting pleasure but Blaine is taking the pleasure. Kurt can only lay there as Blaine takes from him, uses his body the way that he wants.

Kurt feels the way that his body relaxes, muscles that he didn't even realize were tense that lay limp now. He can still feel that urge to twitch his hips up, to fuck into his Dom but the utter submission that he feels far outweighs that. Euphoria fills him as he feels like he's floating, the natural high of what could be subspace prickling at the edges of his subconscious. It's, quite possibly, the most amazing thing that he's ever felt.

He swallows hard, listening to the steady squelch of the lube, the little groans and 'uh' noises that keep leaving Blaine's mouth. Kurt's fingers itch to touch but he doesn't know if he could move right now even if he wanted to.

"You still… unh, with me?" Blaine asks, his nails digging into Kurt's chest and he leans up to cup Kurt's neck again as he presses his lips to Kurt's.

Kurt can muster up enough strength to kiss him back, Blaine's lips somewhat chapped against his own soft lips. "Mm. Barely, Sir," he murmurs against Blaine's lips, feeling the way that Blaine traces his finger down the line of his neck, pressing two fingers in midway down. Kurt can feel the sting of it, the ache as Blaine pulls his fingers away, letting him take a breath although it hadn't really constricted his breathing.

"Don't come," Blaine reminds him softly and Kurt lets out a loud moan when Blaine tightens around him, clenching as he moves his hips at a faster pace, making sure to take Kurt fully each time. "Not yet. Gonna come first, going to cover you in my come. Then maybe, if you're good, I'll let you."

There's no words for the pleasure, no sound that can make it's way past the haze in Kurt's mind. All he can feel is submission, is an almost reverent feeling towards the man fucking himself on Kurt's dick. Kurt simply floats, simply feels, his eyes closed and his head back, baring his throat for Blaine with trust.

Blaine's noises get louder, moans now, some of Kurt's name and those send shivers down his spine. He wants to hear Blaine moan his name always, he thinks, not realizing the implication of those thoughts right then. He wants to hear every single way that Blaine can say his name. He wants to hear his name while Blaine's fucking Kurt, while Blaine's getting fucked, lazy as he makes Kurt fuck him.

Through his haze, he can feel as Blaine tightens around him, moaning and squeezing at Kurt's neck, really restricting his breathing this time and Kurt gasps as he feels Blaine's come on him. "Please, please, Sir, please," he gasps out, breathless, his fingers grasping for purchase that they can't find.

"Come," Blaine tells him, barely able to get the word out obviously.

Kurt doesn't need to be told twice, near to screaming with pleasure as he thrusts up, not caring about any punishment as he comes deep into the other man. His hips pump through his orgasm, through the aftershocks and then he lays back, limp and still dazed from all of the feelings, from the pleasure that he felt.

He senses more than feels, his body numb, as Blaine stands up, grabbing a rag to rinse off Kurt's body and then the cuffs are being taken off Kurt's wrists, the blindfold lifted from his face. Kurt doesn't think, doesn't let himself think as he smiles hazily up at Blaine, his eyes soft. "That was the most amazing sexual experience of my life."

Blaine lets out a surprised laugh as he slips his arms around Kurt's body, hauling the other man against his body and pushing a strand of sweat-damp hair off Kurt's forehead. "I'm sure that you're going to re-evaluate things when you're a bit more coherent."

"Maybe," Kurt admits because he is in the blissful afterglow stage. Perhaps that's why he snuggles closer, why he doesn't try to hold himself back as he slides his arms under Blaine's, their chests molding together as he cuddles him. "Don't care."

A note of tension is evident in Blaine's body before the Dom relaxes and he settles with Kurt. Kurt nearly purrs as Blaine begins petting his hair, his other hand firm on his back, holding him close. Blaine doesn't even need to hold him tightly to make Kurt feel so secure. He wonders about the easy dominance that Blaine is able to display, wonders if it's as easy as Blaine makes it seem.

"Will you meet me for coffee?"

If there's ever been words to shatter Kurt's afterglow it's that and the sub shoots up, looking down at an obviously startled Blaine. The Dom immediately holds up his hands in a non-threatening gesture as Kurt stares at him. "What?"

"Meet me for coffee? Instead of coming here on Thursday. You can say no if you want. Say no and we can forget and either we meet again on Thursday or we don't if you'd rather not," Blaine says quickly, obviously needing Kurt to know that he has all of the choices here. Kurt appreciates it even as his heart pounds and his mind races and he wonders if that's a headache forming in his temples. Why couldn't Blaine have given them at least another few minutes of afterglow?

Kurt takes a deep breath, mostly to give himself another second to think. What does this mean? Does it mean- Has Kurt been right all along? Does Blaine want more? Does Kurt? Does Kurt want to actually be with Blaine if they both do? That terrifies Kurt. He's imagined that he'll be alone at least for a while still but if Blaine wants him… "As a date?"

"If you want. Or as friends. I just… I want to get to know you, Kurt."

Fear threatens to overtake him but really, Kurt knows that there's only one way that he can answer him. He has no real choice in the matter because the truth is, he does want Blaine. It scares him and he doesn't know how much of Blaine that he wants but… he figures that he owes it to himself to see how this can go. Blaine's different than every other Dom that he's had. Blaine is the kind who wouldn't mind if Kurt wanted to continue his career, to follow his dreams. At least, Kurt thinks from what he's seen.

"Yes. I'll… okay," Kurt whispers, fear making his words quieter than he intends them but the look on Blaine's face soothes him. A smile forms and the look on Blaine's face is so fond that it makes Kurt's heart skip a beat. This is something that he's going to see through to the end, though. This is something that he thinks could make him happy. "Thursday at 4 pm if that's not too early for you? I have classes before that but I should be able to get to that coffee shop a block away by then?"

Blaine nods, making a content little humming sound as he reaches up to pull Kurt back down with him. "Perfect. Thursday at 4. Now c'mere and enjoy the afterglow alright, sweetheart?"

The demanding tone makes Kurt giggle softly and he moves willingly back to Blaine's arms. He presses their chests together again, cuddled close and he closes his eyes, the tips of their noses brushing. "Yes, Sir," he mumbles, humming happily as Blaine returns to petting his hair.

He can't wait for Thursday.