This is an AU based on the novel The Island of Dr. Moreau by H.G. Wells. The first part matches up relatively well with the book but will stray in content after a few chapters. This story is set in modern times and no one has super powers... yet.

Disclaimer: I do not own Young Justice.

Note: The Morrow in this story is not T.O. Morrow; he is actually the Brain before he became... the Brain. The Brain has no canon alternate identity, so I made him the son of T.O. Morrow, who is in a coma during the time this takes place.

Dick Grayson opened his eyes, gasping as he sat up. He was sitting in a small room; the earth was moving slowly beneath him. No, I'm in a boat. Dick stood and turned to the door, wincing at his aching head. He reached out and grabbed the handle, twisting the cold metal.

As Dick climbed to the deck, a blanket still wrapped around his shoulders, he was alarmed to see a large gorilla. He cried out and backed away, panicking as he tripped down the stairs to below deck. The gorilla reached down and grabbed his shirt, pulling him back to a standing position. "Monsieur, please stay calm." Dick turned and realized the gorilla itself was speaking; his voice was deep with a french accent.

"Who… what..?" His words trailed off as he got his bearings; a sunset, blue water that carried the cold vessel. It was a small cargo ship.

"How much do you remember?" The gorilla leaned in, examining him. Dick glanced down at the hulking, furry form that spoke with such clarity, such diction that he wondered if the creature was really an ape at all.

"I'm… cold and wet… I was in the sea, wasn't I?" Little by little memories trickled back. "The sailors, they tried to… But they didn't… Oh, my head." The gorilla pressed a cool, damp cloth to his forehead. "And you're a gorilla," Dick mentioned exhaustedly.

"Oui; we found you in a dinghy. We saw no others."

Dick stood on his own and made his way to the railing. "Where are we?"

"Two hundred miles from Hawaii; we are approaching Morrow's Island. Once we come ashore, we will make preparations to send you home."

"Thank you," Dick murmured absentmindedly. He was staring at the island before them. It was not immense in size, nor was it more jagged than any other. He couldn't place the feeling, but the island felt… wild.

"Mallah!" Gorilla and boy both turned to see a man walking towards them. "May I speak with you?"

The gorilla looked peeved. "It is Monsieur Mallah to you, Capitan."

The captain still looked angry, but seemed to know better than to pick his battles with someone twice his size. "Monsieur Mallah, a word."

Dick turned back to the sea as they went to speak. His eyes never left the island.


Dick wrapped the blanket tighter around him. The need to use it as a shock blanket was long over, but he still felt comfortable with it near. Mallah was helping the men unload crates of rabbits. There was something he liked about the gorilla; his conversation with the captain had revealed a bit about his true nature, which was definitely more brutish. However, the ape seemed much more eager to play the part of a noble, and the men around him certainly respected him for it.

"Hurry up, boys, we're leaving as soon as we can!"

Dick decided to climb back aboard, since the ride home would still be a few hours. He was out of the gorilla's line of sight when the captain grabbed the front of his shirt. "Look here," he growled. "I don't have time to worry about a little urchin like you. When we get back to Hawaii, you're on your own, got it? You're-" The captain stopped suddenly, frowning down at the boy's hand. "What do we have here?" He snatched his fingers, rubbing the small gold band on them. Slipping it off, he read, "Wayne." The captain's eyes widened, and he looked down at the boy. "Bruce Wayne?"

Dick tried to back away but the captain yanked on his arm. "Oh no you don't; tell me, Mr. Wayne, how much would your… dad? What do you think the reward for finding his brat would be?"

Dick struggled but the captain covered his mouth. "Probably a lot less than what he's willing to pay for a ransom, eh?"

"Capitan." Dick stumbled backwards as the captain stood straight up to attention.

"Mal- Monsieur Mallah, I was just telling the boy here about the rules on my ship."

"What rules?" Mallah glanced down at Dick. "You know, I think ze boy should stay here, just for ze night."

"Oh well, if you insist, but there won't be another boat for weeks."

Mallah ignored him, speaking to Dick, "Of course, ze doctor will not be pleased."

The captain pressed. "We can still take him tonight."

Still Mallah refused to look at him. "What would you prefer, young man?"

The captain stepped forward. "We can take-"

Mallah's hand snatched his throat, lifting him into the air. Dick held back a gasp, only staring up in alarm as Mallah faced the captain. Calmly, he murmured, "I was not speaking to you."

Dick spoke up, his voice surprisingly calm. "I'll stay here."

Mallah glanced at him, dropping the captain. "Excellent. I will radio ze doctor to tell him ze good news." Without looking at the captain, Mallah straightened his beret and walked off the vessel. Dick looked at the captain, who was coughing still.

As Dick followed the gorilla, he wondered if he'd made the right choice.


As the door to the large, actually quite lovely house, opened, Dick leaned in to see the face of his host. The man was shorter than he expected, but still taller than the boy. Dr. Morrow's form was wiry and thin black hair was neatly in place, framing an elegant face with a moustache.

Morrow seemed less than thrilled to see Dick, but he was still accommodating. Mallah led the boy to a room that had probably never hosted a human being. He was given a set of clothes that was too big while his current clothing was taken to be washed. Dick was invited to dinner; they were serving rabbit stew.

From what Dick could tell, Mallah did most of the chores, but it was Morrow who looked exhausted. Mallah doted on the man in a way that made Dick feel almost uncomfortable, but the awkwardness of the situation was shoved aside the second food fell in front of him.

Dick tried not to scarf down the meal but couldn't help himself. He was aware of Morrow mentioning something about not wandering around the house and not entering certain doors. Dick only agreed to the doctor's terms, his primary focus on food.

When Dick came up for air, Morrow asked him in a coppery voice, "So Dick… May I call you zat?"

"Yes, sir."

"Dick Grayson… Mallah tells me you are ze ward of the famous Bruce Wayne."

"Yes, sir."

"Interesting… Tell me, is Monsieur Wayne ze type of man to send… search parties?"

Dick paused. The words felt like a threat. "I'm lost at sea, sir, how could anyone possibly find me?"

Morrow raised an eyebrow and smirked. "You are a clever boy, non? However, I am certain your father is missing you… I can pull some strings, if you wish, and call for a boat in the next few days? At the latest, you will be back in Hawaii at ze end of ze week."

Dick nodded his head. "Thank you." As an afterthought he added, "And I won't tell anyone about your island."

"I appreciate zat, Monsieur. I have grown to… relish my isolation."

Dick excused himself from the table. As he walked back to his room, something howled outside. He climbed in to bed, wondering what kind of creatures lived on these islands.

Boring, right? Just wait until chapter 2.