I sit in the waiting room, tapping my foot anxiously.

"Calm down,"

I feel a hand on my shoulder. Mama is smiling at me softly.

"Do I have to go?" I ask nervously.

"You'll be fine, Elsa," Mama replies.

I fold my hands on my lap. Maybe I wouldn't be here if it hadn't happened. If I hadn't broken down. But, I did, and now, they have to fix me.

"Elsa?" A friendly looking woman stands in the doorway, beckoning to me. "You can come in now."

I nod, biting my lip. "Thank you."

I walk into a room with four couches. The walls are lined with degrees and artwork.

"You're awfully early, Elsa," The woman notes.

"Sorry," I respond.

"Don't be sorry," The woman says. "The early bird catches the worm."

I smirk softly and sit down on one of the couches.

"I'm Ms. Gerda, by the way," The woman, apparently Ms. Gerda, greets.

"Nice to meet you," I say.

"Is this your first time in group therapy?" She asks.

I nod. It's my first time in any therapy, and I'm terrified. I think to myself.

I feel my leg tense up as a headache buds on the left side of my brain. "May I get some water please?"

"'May I'. How polite!" Ms. Gerda grins. "Of course."

I rush out of the room and back a beeline for the water fountain. I keep my head down. Conceal, don't feel, conceal, don't feel, conceal, don't- "Woah!"

I crash into something and before I know it, I'm on the ground.

"Ahh! I'm such a klutz!" A voice exclaims.

I look up and see a girl with twin strawberry blonde braids on the floor in front of me. I guess something was a someone.

"I'm so so sorry. I'd help you up if I could up myself, but with this backpack, I'm finding myself in a very turtle-like situation," The girl says.

I brush myself off and push myself up. I hold out my hand to the girl laying on the ground, balanced on a green backpack.

"Oh, you shouldn't have to do help me up. I'm the one who knocked you over!" The girl responds. But, she grabs my hand anyway. "Thanks!"

"It's fine," I say. "I wasn't looking where I was going."

"Neither was I," The girl adds. "M'kay, now count to three, and I'll somehow get up. One...two...THREE!"

I pull her arm, and she leans forward enough to be pulled upward.

"Thank you!" The girl smiles. "And, sorry to bother you with more of my rambling, but do you know where..."

She pulls a paper out of her pocket and reads, "Ms. Gerda is?"

My eyebrows lift with surprise. "That's where I am," I answer.

"Oh! Perfect! That's fate for you, huh?" The girl laughs. "Well, let's go!"

A smile tugs at my lips, and I lead her to the room. I realize that the panic attack that was threatening to happen disappeared.

I open the door and there's about for more girls in the room.

"Great! You're back!" Ms. Gerda grins. "And, you brought someone else?"

The girl nods and we sit down on a couch together.

"Now, we can get started!" Ms. Gerda says. "Welcome girls, I'm Ms. Gerda. I'll be leading our little group here for the few weeks that we're here. To start things off, let's say our name, why we're here, and one interesting thing about ourselves. I'll start off: My name is Gerda, I'm here to help you gain confidence in yourselves, and I can play the saxophone. Now, let's go clockwise."

I can't pay attention to what the first person says. I have to tell everyone why I'm here? It's bad enough that everyone at my school had to see it. Just...conceal, don't feel. Don't get upset when you say it. Calm yourself. Control yourself.

The girl from the hallway is next. "Hi, I'm Anna. It's usually pronounced Ah-nah, but you can say Anne-ah if you want. Um, I'm here because I've been in about five thousand and one different foster homes, and I swear I'll burst if I have to keep moving. I guess my current family thinks that bursting wouldn't be good for me, so they sent me here. Sooo, interesting thing? I'm not exactly the definition of interesting, but I'll try. I...I have a snowman living in my backpack. His name is Olaf."

Anna flashes everyone a smile when she's done to break the awkward silence. She gets more silence in return. "Wow, tough crowd," She mutters.

It's my turn next. "Um..." I start. I wring my hands. "I'm Elsa. I had a nervous breakdown at school, and ran away. I take ice skating lessons."

I relax when no one raises an eyebrow, like the kids at school. Maybe this won't be so bad.

I listen to Merida, (who argues with her mom too much and does archery) then Belle, (who needs to make friends, and has a huge collection of books) and then Aurora, (who just recently got out of a coma and likes to sew).

"Great girls!" Ms. Gerda smiles. "It was brave of you to share that with us. I guess that just proves that we're all friends here."

Ms. Gerda talks about the exercises we'll be doing to help us for a while. I half-listen until a note is pressed into my hand. Curious, I read:

"I've run away before, too. - Anna (The turtle from the hallway.)"