"Pikachu finish this with Thunderbolt!"

A powerful electrical attack struck the opposing Pinsir, which collapsed in defeat. Upon a close inspection, the referee made his decision "Pinsir is unable to battle, Pikachu is the winner! Which means the victory and the match go to Ash Ketchum of Pallet Town!"

Joy. That was the only thing Ash Ketchum could feel at this moment. He stood on the Indigo League platform with a trophy in hand. Ash Ketchum, christened the next Pokemon Master after his dominant performance in the Indigo League. 10 years old, and Ash orchestrated the most magical run in the 79 years the Pokemon league existed. He swept through the group stage without losing a single pokemon, and once he advanced into the knockout rounds his skill was truly put on display. Ash and his team defeated every opponent's full team each round, while only losing 1 pokemon per battle. That was a 6:1 ratio of wins to losses, the best possible ratio, achieved by a rookie trainer.

Standing on Ash's right was his best friend from childhood, Dawn Berlitz. She left Pallet Town with a Bulbasaur and a Piplup(a gift from her grandmother from the distant Sinnoh region.) She was also a Pokemon trainer, but her skill level was not on Ash's level. A finish in the top 8 was above average for a rookie trainer, but Ash's miracle run had taken the spotlight from her. She wasn't angry, but instead she was proud of her best friend(and current crush.)

Standing on Ash's left was Brock Harrison. A former gym leader and aspiring breeder, Brock took on the brotherly role over the two younger Pallet Town pals. He did all off the cooking and cleaning, but he didn't mind. It was something he did his entire life at the gym for his family, so in fact it was much easier doing it for 2 people instead of 10. He was happy for his younger friend's accomplishment, because it was no small task. When Brock and Ash faced off for the Boulder Badge, Brock knew this kid was special. Using a Pikachu against a rock-type gym leader was a bold and seemingly stupid idea, but Ash won with a few lucky breaks.

On Ash's shoulder was his loyal starter Pikachu. The past 10 months had been a roller coaster for the small yellow mouse. He was given out as a last resort for the late trainer, and he did not like Ash at first. Why didn't he like Ash? No one knows, but he hated him. But at the beginning of the journey, when Ash was willing to sacrifice himself to a flock of Spearow to save the pokemon he just met, Pikachu knew there was something special. Through thick and thin, the two bonded and were now inseparable. Pikachu was the powerhouse behind Ash's championship, defeating opponents of every type. Without the electric type's efforts, there was no way Ash would have won.

Walking to the stage and the microphone was Mr. Charles Goodshow, President of the Pokemon League. He approached the young champion and offered him a handshake, which got cheers from the people watching the closing celebration. He than raised a hand, signaling for everyone to sit down and get quiet.

Mr. Goodshow cleared his throat before speaking. "Thank you all for your support in the 2013 Indigo League Tournament! This competition was one for the ages, as our young victor, Ash Ketchum swept through his opponents on route to the most impressive run in a league tournament in Pokemon League history!" The crowd roared at the mention of the historical feat.

Goodshow raised his hand again; he knew he had to let the boy speak quickly. "Now please welcome to the stage, Mr. Ash Ketchum"

Ash gulped at the sound of that because public speaking was not his strongest suit. He walked to the microphone, and shook Goodshow's hand once more, before stepping up to deliver his speech.

"Well, I'm at a loss for words. I'm still trying to understand that I just won this whole thing, it's just pretty crazy." The crowd cheered in support for the young man. "How many rookie trainers can say that they won a league in their first year competing? This was without a doubt the greatest time of my life to date. I could not have done it without my two best friends, Brock and Dawn, or without my pal Pikachu leading the charge in all of these battles! I want to thank all of you who supported me, and I can't wait to see you all at the closing ceremonies tomorrow morning!" The crowd cheered again, chanting Ash's name as he left the stage with his friends.

"So Ash, how are we gonna celebrate this?" Brock pondered

Ash flashed his trademark bright grin, and said "I need to eat first!"

*Short chapter, but this is just the intro. All other chapters will be longer. Ash's team has different Pokemon that his original Indigo league team, and if any of you want a sneak peek feel free to PM me. Chapter two will contain the celebration of Ash's win, the next region, and the revelation of Ash's 8 pokemon. Remember to read and review!