Hey! All I have to say is enjoy and review! BUT READ THE BOTTOM
Chapter I : The Wish That Changed His World
"You're late," said Mr. Lancer, as Daniel Fenton walked into his classroom with a semi-noticeable limp. It was only noticeable by his friends because they were the only ones who cared, while his teacher and other classmates didn't. Danny had a small cut right below his left eye and his right hand, which he wrote with, was bandaged up, due to Skulker slicing it with a knife, last night. His excuse?
Running with scissors.
No one really cared for the poor boy, not even his parents. They were too caught up in their own work, which they failed at miserably. And his sister, well she was too busy deciding which college to go to. She was always smart, reading big books and learning long division, when she was only four. She always cared about education and psychology. She did care for her brother, but was simply too busy.
Danny, on the other hand, was failing every class, since last year, but no one knew why, except for him, his best friends and sister. Danny was the town hero, fighting ghosts 24/7, skipping meals and classes, not doing homework assignments, failing the tests, and protecting people, who some think he's still evil. He doesn't know why he continues to do it, but it just makes him happy, except when he remembers about school and starts stressing out again.
"Detention, again," Danny said, not even bothering sparing Mr. Lancer a glance. The over-weighted teacher lifted an eyebrow, somewhat concerned for Daniel and somewhat surprised by his reply.
"So, class, that is how Arthur "Boo" Radley became known as a horrible and mysterious person," he said, writing on the green chalkboard.
The students stood with smiles and thanked the Lord that class was over. They collected their bags and didn't pay attention to what Lancer said about some homework assignment.
Danny didn't move an inch, only tracing a cartoon in his notebook. Mr. Lancer felt a little guilty for all the detentions and punishments he gave the boy. He did try his hardest to make it on time for class, but it was impossible. That was when Lancer noticed his hand and eye, giving a slight gasp. What had the boy been doing? Was this his parents work or was it his own?
"Mr. Fenton."
Danny looked up, surprised. "Yes?"
"You may go home," he gave him a small smile.
"Really?" Danny asked, getting out of his seat.
Mr. Lancer nodded and stopped him before he could leave the doorway. "Finish that assignment!"
"Will do, sir! Thank you!" Danny shouted back. "Woohoo!"
Mr. Lancer lifted an eyebrow, but quickly shook it off and chuckled at the boy's silly actions.
Danny met his two friends, Sam Manson and Tucker Foley, at his locker, ready to go home and go out for patrol.
"Lancer let you out?" Tucker asked, Danny nodded in reply.
"Lemme guess…" Sam started. "Box Ghost?"
Danny shook his head, "Lunch Lady wanting to give me a good lesson about eating a healthy lunch."
"Yikes, didn't again?" Tucker asked, as they opened the double doors of freedom.
Danny nodded. "I'm sick and tired of detentions and barely even having three meals a day. My parents don't even care, that I've lost like 30 lbs, then again, they never notice," Danny grumbled, kicking a pebble and sending it across the pavement.
"Still obsessed with Jazz and the ghost inventions?" Sam asked.
Danny shrugged, "Obsessed is a weak word for that. More like it's their life."
Sam took Danny's hand in her and blushed. "Sorry, but we still care, we'll always be best friends."
"Yea, dude," Tucker exclaimed with a smirk. "We've always got your back, when a ghost or your parents kick your butt."
Danny smiled. "Thanks guys. Now, who's up for pizza and a movie?"
They tilted their heads. "No patrol?" Sam asked.
Danny shook his head. "No patrol, let's spend the night, just the three of us."
Later that night, when Danny arrived home, his parents were yelling in the kitchen, probably arguing about a new invention, that didn't work. Danny rolled his eyes and started to march upstairs, when Jazz, who had her nose buried in a book sitting on the couch, called for him.
"No patrol?"
Danny shook his head. "No ghosts either. Pretty strange," he said, then flinched, when his parents shouting increased. "Another weapon?"
Jazz shook her head. "No. It's about you," she answered, not missing a beat.
Danny blinked. "About me? Why?"
"Lancer called," she said, dropping her book. "They wanted me to announce when you got home."
Danny groaned. "Please, Jazz, don't. Tell them I didn't feel good and fell asleep."
Before Jazz could open her mouth, Maddie's voice hollered for Danny. Danny winced, dropped his bag on the stairs and shuffled into the kitchen.
"Yes, mom?" Danny asked.
Maddie narrowed her eyes at her son, not noticing his cheek, hand or leg. Not noticing the bags that were forming under his eyes. Not noticing his slouch, as though he worked in a coal mine.
"The school called. Danny I can't believe you. What makes you so late for class? Why have you been skipping your homework and flunking your test? We raised you better," She sternly said.
Danny's hands clenched, his eyes held fire. He was starting to get angry. "You didn't raise me at all! Jazz was the one, who took care of me. Who took care of my cuts! Who gave me breakfast, lunch and dinner. My sister is practically my mother! She's cared for me, when you were too busy with your 'job'," he said, using air quotes. Jazz, who heard the whole thing, walked slowly in the kitchen.
"How dare you, young man?! I am the one, who gave birth to you! I held you in my womb for 9 months and went through all that pain to have you!" Maddie shouted to him, pointing a marker covered finger at his chest.
"I didn't ask to be born. Just because you gave birth to me, doesn't mean you did your job as a mom for me! I've went through sleepless nights, waiting for you to tuck me in, for you to tell me you love me! I had to go to Jazz for comfort," Danny yelled, "Now, all you do is criticize me because of school, but really you don't care! You only care for your smart, amazing daughter! Not your slacking, 'lazy' son!"
"We do care, maybe if you weren't lazy, we wouldn't be having this chat!"
"Because you don't understand!" Danny said, huffing away the tears, that almost slipped from his face. Jazz placed a hand in her brother's and tried calming him. She loved him so much, she hated seeing him this way. She knew her parents didn't understand, though she understood Danny's frustration.
"Don't understand what? That you're too busy playing video games and going out with your friends to do homework? Because if so, I do understand! I was in high school, once too, you know," Maddie asked, stepping forward, while Danny placed one back.
"No, you don't," Danny whispered, turning around and going upstairs.
"Where are you going? We are not done!" Maddie said.
Danny turned around, faster than Maddie expected. "I'm going upstairs. We are done. I have things to do."
"Daniel James Fenton! Why are you acting like this! This isn't you!"
"Maybe it is, have you ever got the chance to know who I really am!?" Danny asked, but Maddie said nothing. "God! I wish I was a child again, I wouldn't have to worry about school or you or even ghosts!" he screamed, running upstairs, shaking with anger. He slammed the door shut, not realizing the ghost hiding in the shadows, in the corner of his room.
"Why me!? Why is it always Danny Fenton?" he whispered, as he fell asleep, not bothering to worry about the homework. Who cared?
"So you have wished it, so it shall be…"
Tsk Tsk. Bad idea, Danny
Danny : What do you want from me? I was frustrated, besides, who wouldn't want to be a kid? You don't have to worry 'bouts anything.
Me : I hate school too, I wi-want to be one. Life sucks more, when you get older. Anyway, off that topic. I hope you guys liked my first story. I'm thinking I'll finish this in like 10 chaps? but Idk what to write next. That's where you guys come in.
Danny : ... Wait? Why do they get to decide what happens to me?
Me : Because... uh... I don't know what to do *smiles sheepishly and blushes* ANYWHO, please Review.
Danny : Yea do that and tell us how bad Alexia writes
Me : *Thumps him on the head* Shut up! I need to know if you guys like the story or nah! Thanks and Btbubs I'm new and so glad to be part of the FanFiction :)