I know this was a pretty short chapter (sorry :/) but I promise more stories are on the way since I'll have a whole month to write! Thank you for all the support! I really appreciate it! :)
A soft had and a dim light woke Ciel. He opened his eyes slowly and saw Sebastian holding a candle. He sleepily rubbed his eyes. Was it really night already?!
"Sorry to wake you, young master, but I wanted to check on your shoulder. You've been sleeping a long while. How are you feeling?"
"I feel fine, you should've woke me up. I didn't get any work done today…"
"You needed rest. I'm sure taking one day off will not make that much of a difference."
Ciel sighed. "I suppose you're right. If I slept all day I guess I did really need the rest."
"Exactly. Now if you could sit up, I'll make sure your shoulder is all right." Sebastian turned on the bedroom light and blew out the candle.
Ciel did what he was told and allowed Sebastian to examine his shoulder until he was satisfied it was fine.
"It looks fine, no sign of infection. Are you hungry? I know it is late, but you haven't eaten anything since last night."
"Yes, I do feel hungry."
"I made roast turkey, carrots, and rolls with butter for supper. Unless you'd prefer something else?"
"No, that's fine thank you," Ciel replied. He was so hungry, he was sure he could eat just about anything.
When Sebastian returned with the steaming plate of food, Ciel's mouth almost watered. His stomach had been growling, and he was glad his butler had been busy reheating the food so he didn't hear it. The young boy ate everything on his plate (even the carrots), and Sebastian took the dishes from him.
"Is there anything else you need?" Sebastian glanced at his pocket watch. "It's past midnight, but I can understand if you are not tired any longer."
Ciel couldn't believe it, but he was still tired. Perhaps it was because of the warm food in his stomach. "No, I'm fine. I'd like a bath in the morning, though."
"Of course, my lord. Sleep well."
Surprisingly, Ciel fell right asleep and no nightmares came that night.
When Ciel woke up, it was still dark outside. He usually never woke up this early unless he had a nightmare. He rang the bell to call Sebastian, and the butler arrived in mere seconds.
"Good morning. You're up awfully early."
"I'd like to have a bath now."
After preparing the bath, Sebastian led his master to the tub and helped him undress. The butler was careful not to get the young master's wound wet.
The water soothed Ciel's aching body and he tried not to think about how his arm was sewn-he didn't even look at is because he was afraid he'd feel sick again.
After bathing, he took to his study to pour over paperwork while sipping tea and eating toast. The bath had given him a new sense of strength and determination, which he used in both his paperwork and his studies. Sebastian gave him an easy history lesson that day, knowing that Ciel was probably still tired from his injuries, to which Ciel was thankful for.
By noon, Ciel was quite worn out. Sebastian brought him some apple pie and warm milk with honey to boost his energy, which worked until supper.
Ciel dragged himself from his study and into the dining room, where he seated himself. He didn't want to eat in bed again though-that was the last place he wanted to be. Sebastian served quite a feast that night-roast beef and potatoes, peas, dinner rolls, and fruit tarts for dessert. Ciel ate as much as he could before retiring for his bedroom for the evening.
Sebastian found him in bed reading when he popped in.
"Sorry to bother you my lord."
"You want to check my shoulder again." It wasn't a question. Ciel had grown accustomed to the routine by now.
Sebastian smiled. "Yes."
After another thorough examination, Sebastian declared that the wound looked very good.
Days later, the stitches were removed and Ciel's wound had almost completely healed. Surprising, there was only a faint scar. Guess Sebastian is one hell of a healer too. Ciel smiled to himself.
The End :D