I own nothing but the device I'm writing on. And the errors. The errors are all mine, for sure!

It is my first story, and English is not my first language, so the comments are very welcomed, and the review even more!

Bumblebee's gun hum to life, and the young mech aim to barricade. "Let the boy go, decepticons, it's between me and you! Don't worry Sam everything will be fine..."

Both the older mech and the young boy look at him, with identical sad and pitiful expression. "Bee" the human said, "'Cade will not harm me, he has been your spark mate for almost an year by now, do you remember?"

Sam regrets he didn't said nothing ten months before.

To be completely honest, Sam knows in his guts that something was going to happen, because everything seems to good for him. He had a brilliant and gorgeous girlfriend, his best friend is a giant alien robot and said robot disguises himself becoming the sweetest car a boy can dream.

But said robot-slash-car-slash-alien recently seems to Sam a little bit distracted and far away. The teen angsty kick in, telling him that probably a super-cool-robot-warrior can get bored of a human teenager. Especially if said robot had just started to screwing around with an ex-enemy, a black, red-eyes interceptor called Barricade. 'Kaela keep telling him how cute the new couple was, "stop to be jealous and be happy for Bee, Sam…". But Bee became more and more distract, and sometime I cannot remember stuff that Sam told him.

"He's in love Sam, give him a pause" "but Mikaela, he is a robot, he's not supposed to forget stuff"

And now said robo-best friend was looking at him with wild, lost optics.

Bee try really hard but he cannot recall anything.

'Cade, on the other hand can see all their life together, from the last fight to the first race ran only for fun. Like it happened 10 minutes ago instead of ten months, he can remember how he court the younger mech, in a shy and awkward way (but, shut up, he is a warrior not a lover). Fortunately Mikaela played cupid for them!

And now his spark mate cannot recognize him...

So they stay still, staring each other.

Or, in Sam's case, staring the giant weapon of is guardian, but ok, you know, it is such a huge cannon...

And Bee?

Bee is there.

Bee is there, trying to understand.

Bee is there, trying to understand why his spark keeps telling him that he's in front of his own other-half-spark and his processors keeps telling him that he's in front of an enemy.

Bee is there, trying to not panics.

Bee is there, failing to not panics.

And Bee is there, and Cade wandering if he will faint like five months ago, when during a meeting with Optimus and all the staff, Bee just falls like a marionette with cut wires. That time Cade really believed that his spark stopped. But that time Ratchet said to them that the young mech was too tired, because between patrol, his guardian duties and nocturnal activity (Cade winced at that), he got no time to sleep. Easy to foreseen, Hide tried to kill Cade to harm his youngling. But Cade is the sparkmate of said youngling, and killing him means kills Bee as well.

Ratchet said that was nothing, but what if he missed something?

Because, of course, something's completely wrong with Bee.

Bee, who looks at them, and try to inhale to calm down and to avoid overheating. But the key word seems to be "try". "Try" like in "do your best, and fail". And suddenly start to heavy panting, and that's not enough. Cade's arms are all around his waist, just under his door wings, to keeps him stable, and Bee can hear his (beloved!) (no! enemy!) murmur "everything is gonna be ok, babe, just vent, I'm here, I'm here, Sam, please, bring here Ratchet…hush, my dearest, you will be ok…"

After that, and with several alerts on his HUD, the darkness that devour him is a nice comfort for his abused mind.

The ex-con feel come back all the rage his spark mate help him to dominate, and only the fainted body in his arm keeps him to attach everyone all around.

But as soon as he lean his lover on their berth to leave the medic visit the yellow mech, he feels like he had to run away to the desert, to make cactus explodes.

except for the fact he cannot do so, cannot leave Bee out of his sight.

Bee's optics flash, and he come back online. Cade stare at him, as the younger mech looks around in confusion, till their optics meet and Bee smile weakly "hey Bad Boy, what happen?"

Cade let out the breath he don't notice he is holding, and in no time the yellow mech is safe in his arm.

Bee can feel Cade's spark, the fear and the anxiety and the relief. Lover? what's happen? he asks though their spark link. but Cade is not looking at him, he is staring at the CMO, waiting for an explanation.

An explanation that Ratchet hasn't, not for the moment. But he will find it, if it is the last thing he'll ever do.