Disclaimer: Do Not Own

Chapter Eight


Every time a Hyuga member walked through the doors of the main house, the air thickened with dread. The beige walls of the meeting hall seemed to darken to a dreary gray. The room was as cold as some of the vacant stares the members had on their faces. Hanabi settled restlessly next to Hinata. The stern look on her sister's usual gentle features only added to the ominous atmosphere in the room.

"Thank you for coming." Hinata said. Her soft voice somehow eased the tension that was brewing in the room.

The Hyuga members settled into their respective position. Each member wore a different look of bewilderment, not quite understanding why a meeting was being held in the early afternoon.

Katashi Hyuga scoffed as he stood from his seat. He seemed to loom over the room like a dark storm cloud. His white eyes looked upon the two sisters with disdain and contempt.

"This meeting," Katashi stated, "should address the heir's lack of conduct concerning Hyuga traditions."

"My sister did nothing wrong." Hinata said, her voice sharp and clear.

"Your sister," Katashi countered, "disrespected the tradition of our clan with her reckless behavior. She confused the branch members, making them afraid of their duty with her brash defiance against me."

"Because that child was scared!" Hanabi yelled, "You were prying him away from his mother!"

"Lady Hanabi acted without question." Katashi said, "Your insubordination was the direct cause for the boy's fear. Undoubtedly, you exposed how weak the main family has become in front of our fellow branch members."

"You're lying!" Hanabi shouted angrily. Hinata gently touched her shoulder, imploring her to not say anything more.

"You dare accuse me of lying?" Katashi exclaimed, his white eyes flared with rage.

"Quit playing the victim, Katashi," Takuma interjected, "Everyone in this room knows you're quick and cruel when it comes to the cursed seal ritual."

The members remained silent but not objective to Takuma's accusation. Takuma fixated his pearl eyes onto the room, directing everyone's attention toward him. He stood confidently, almost arrogantly. His demeanor unnerved Hinata. He reminded her of a wolf circling a sheep's pen.

"If anything, Lady Hanabi was proving how adept she would be as our leader." Takuma stated, "In fact many in this room would agree that Hanabi should have succeeded her father."

"What?" Hinata said sharply, her breath hitching in her throat in nervousness at the rumble of whispers throughout the room.

Many in the clan complained her father had failed to raise adequate successors. She quickly figured out Takuma's game before he even made his first move. He wanted Hanabi as the leader. It would guarantee him the Birds. That vindictive bastard would make Hanabi his personal puppet in order to implement his way.

"Takuma-san is making a valid observation." Niroshi stated, his stocky frame did not compliment his overbearing presence in the room, "Lady Hinata, under your reign, the clan has divided even further and one cannot help but think the lack of progress in the clan is due to the fact that you have no adequate preparation for this role."

"My preparation was enough." Hinata claimed, her voice like steel, " I reclaimed my title seven years ago, and have been faithful to my teachings since then."

"If by reclaim," Niroshi stated, "You mean your father reinstated you as the head."

Hinata frowned at Niroshi's implication. Her title was granted to her through clan approval. Her seat was not handed to her by any means.

"He couldn't have given me my seat without a vote." Hinata countered.

"In any case," Niroshi continued, "I believe under the Hyuga coalition we can put leadership to a vote."

Hinata's eyes snapped toward Akane. She was almost invisible in the main room. Her brown hair woven into traditional buns were her only outstanding quality, "Is this true?" Hinata demanded.

Akane reluctantly nodded. "Yes, but it was to settle a dispute between two heirs."

"So you're saying the stipulation only applies to Hyugas who are already in line to be the head?" Hinata clarified.

"Yes." Akane responded, pushing her glasses upward, a comforting habit for the young historian.

Sweat began to build around Hanabi's neck. A nervous heat began to rise in her cheeks and ascended all the way to top of her ears. If Hanabi was honest with herself, she would abdicate her seat in a heartbeat. She was not leadership material and something told her Hinata was well aware of the fact.

Despite her lack of sincerity when it came to being the next leader, Hanabi remained the heir, for her sister's sake especially. Otherwise, she would have been demoted to the branch family and Hinata would either have to produce her own heir or give up her seat entirely.

"Then it's settled," Takuma gloated, "We can vote between the two sisters."

"We've settled nothing." Hinata responded, "You're forgetting that Hanabi doesn't have to be my heir. She can abdicate."

Hinata received a bitter satisfaction from the scowl across Takuma's face. She was relieved that she had never agreed to his previous arrangement. How could she trust someone so eager to retaliate and disregard the consequences of his actions? Simply because he thought he was bringing justice.

"And as we've just stated," Hinata continued, "Your election won't work without another heir."

"You're fucking stupid if you think I would denounce my own sister." Hanabi exclaimed, "This is her birthright. My time will come soon enough."

"Enough." Nishi said, her voice smooth and demanding the attention from the entire room, "It is foolish to even consider a seventeen year old leader who lacks battle and political experience."

Hinata turned surprised eyes toward Nishi. Her voice, demanding as ever, brought a sense of hope to Hinata. However, she remained cautious against her words. It was a harsh lesson, but Hinata had learned that members of the main house only wanted to benefit themselves.

Nevertheless, Hinata could not deny that Lady Nishi had a certain power in the main house. The members had receded in their arguments and Hanabi as the leader was nearly forgotten.

"My student will amend his mistakes." Nishi continued, ignoring Katashi's indignant stare, "He will apologize to the offended branch family."

"Thank you." Hinata said sincerely. Lady Nishi scoffed in response. She stood from her position, her presence dominating the entire room. She spared one final look toward Hinata then left the main house room without another word. Her exit abruptly ended the meeting.

Naruto's brain throbbed with confusion, bewilderment, and amazement. The presentation before him was unlike anything he had ever seen. He was partly relieved when he realized Sakura and Shikamaru were also struggling to process the idea before them.

"In conclusion," Moegi stated, her once wild red hair, now tame and smooth. She adjusted her pink pull over shirt before she continued, "with this new system, otherwise known as the "train;" travel between Suna and Konoha would be easily accessible and quick."

"Furthermore, " Udon continued. His voice filtered out of his nose as he pushed his glasses up his face, "The train will benefit both civilians and the shinobi of the the leaf and we hope one day we could connect all the shinobi villages with this transportation system."

Unlike Konohamaru, Moegi and Udon could not pass genin rank. Both of his former teammates were talented in other areas of study. Moegi understood computers, a rather new invention, better than the inventor. Udon was an incredibly gifted engineer. No doubt, this "train" was a result of both their brilliant efforts.

"So you're saying, if I travel using this," Shikamaru said, eagerness building up in his voice, "I could be in Suna in two hours rather than three days?"

If anybody had a reason to be excited about this prospect, it would be Shikamaru. He has somehow managed a long distance relationship with Temari over the past five years. This train could be a solution to most of his traveling problems.

"Yes, we are aiming at that time." Udon answered.

Naruto could practically see Shikamaru's brain turning. He was calculating everything, from costs of production to the amount of time it would take to complete.

"Shikamaru," Naruto said, snapping the young strategist out of his thoughts, "Why don't you take these two to Suna and have them propose the idea to Gaara?"

"Yeah." Shikamaru agreed, "The Kazekage will definitely approve."

"Good, I will send Konohamaru with you." Naruto said, leaning back in his chair. A devious smile crossed his face when he saw Moegi's entire demeanor light up. It was no secret how the young genius adored her former teammate. The very mention of her affections would light Konohamaru's cheeks on fire. Although, both were hesitant to begin their relationship, everyone knew they were never going to show interest in anybody else.

"And Tadeki as well." Sakura chimed, "He has been trying to get back to Suna to check on his patients."

"Very well!" Naruto agreed, "Your mission will start two days from now. You're dismissed."

Shikamaru, Moegi, and Udon left the room in a hurry, as if there quick movements would hasten the time they had until their journey. Sakura however lingered behind, her green eyes narrowed in concern.

"How have you been?" she asked. It was such a general question but Naruto knew the exact implications from her inquiry. With Sasuke, Naruto could get out of talking about his feelings. They understood each other through other means, their fists. That's all they needed to communicate.

Sakura, however, could never understand the language of fists. And Naruto was somewhat grateful he had a friend he could explain all of his pent up emotions. The irritating denial he had to put himself through in order to comply with the Hyuga clan. His absolute and uncontrollable longing for Hinata.

"I've been better." he answered, a bitter smile on his face. His answer only caused Sakura's eyebrows to furrow even more as she reached out and placed a comforting hand on his shoulder.

"You can't lose your faith in her." she said, "It's not like you to give up and not fight."

"That's just it!" Naruto exclaimed, pulling away from Sakura's comforting touch. He pulled at his short spiky hair before turning desperate and tormented blue eyes toward her.

"She was the one person I never had to fight for." Naruto said, his eyes averting away from Sakura, "She's always been there, and now.." Naruto stopped, "I feel like she's never coming back."

Sakura stared at Naruto, a blank expression across her face. She crossed her arms, a loud and irritating sigh leaving her mouth.

"That has to be the dumbest shit I've ever heard come out of your mouth." she said. Naruto returned his full attention on her. His mouth wide open with disbelief.

"You have always fought for Hinata." she explained, "You've sworn on her own blood that you would fight for her.

Naruto saw an image of his twelve-year old self, extending his fist that was drenched with Hinata's blood toward Neji. That was when the change in the Hyuga clan started. When Hinata demonstrated her true strength and Hiashi begged for Neji's forgiveness. It has been Hinata's goal for the clan ever since. Hinata was always by his side, encouraging him and setting him towards his right path. Her influence was so powerful over him, he completely overlooked how he had stayed by her side as well.

"That's right." Naruto whispered. Hinata hadn't strayed away from him. She wasn't lost or waiting to be rescued. She had been stolen and was fighting as hard as she could to return to him. He owed her an equal fight.

"Thank you, Sakura-chan." Naruto said, his mood lifted tremendously by Sakura's words.

"Of course!" she said, her smile lighting up her entire face. Naruto couldn't place it, but somehow Sakura seemed different. Her usual tense shoulders were relaxed and loose. Her steps were light and carefree. He even caught her several times during their meeting staring into space, her green eyes glazed with unspeakable happiness.

"What's going on with you?" he asked, narrowing his eyes at her. silently telling her he knew something was up.

"Nothing!" she answered hastily, confirming Naruto's suspicion, "What makes you think something's wrong?"

"I never said anything was wrong." Naruto defended, "You just seem..." he paused, searching for the correct words.

"...so happy. It's almost like you're glowing." he finished.

"Oh." she answered, her eyes becoming distant and blissful. Naruto watched her place a gentle hand on her stomach. She held it with tenderness and love.

The movement made everything clear to Naruto. How did he not notice sooner? All of her actions made it so obvious. He jumped from his desk in excitement, startling his pink haired teammate.

"You're pregnant!" he shouted, pointing a finger in her direction.

"Not so loud, idiot!" Sakura reprimanded, causing the smile on Naruto's face to widen.

"Wow, proof that Sasuke actually did it." Naruto joked, only to be promptly hit across his head.

"Don't be such a pervert!" she screamed, annoyed by the stupid joke. Her anger immediately disappeared as she placed her hand on her stomach again, "It's ours." she said, her heart fluttering at the admission.

"This is so great!" Naruto continued, "You're going to be a mother!"

"I'm going to be a mother!" she screamed like it was her first time reaching that conclusion. Her body jolted in excitement, "You're going to be an Uncle!"

"I'm going to be an Uncle!" Naruto shouted, gripping onto his blond hair excitedly. The two teammates began to laugh uncontrollably, partly at the revelation, but mostly at their antics.

"Could you two be any louder?" Naruto looked over to the entrance of his office, to find Sasuke leaning on the door frame, his arms crossed as he smirked at them. His singular eye reflecting pride at the knowledge of becoming a father.

Sakura eagerly ran to him, jumping to wrap her arms around his neck. Sasuke responded by looping an arm around her waist. Instantly, Naruto was next to his two teammates, enveloping them both in a hug.

"Congratulations." he said, "You guys deserve this!"

He let go of his teammates and beamed at them. Sasuke smirked and placed his hand on Sakura's small belly. "This is what we fought for, right Naruto?" Sasuke said, his eyes completely focused on the pink headed ninja in his arms.

"Yeah." Naruto said.

A soft and polite knock interrupted the happy moment. "Come in." Naruto answered distractedly, his attention still focused on his joyful teammates. Hiashi Hyuga appeared in the doorway of his office. He leaned on his cane, but still retained his proud posture. His lavender eyes, so similar to Hinata's, were serious and troubled.

"Hokage-sama," Hiashi said, "May we speak in private?"

Naruto briefly recalled a time, when Hinata would sneak into his apartment, a bold and thoughtless action, no doubt influenced by him. However, he relished in the sheer joy he felt whenever he woke up to her soft kisses in the middle of the night. And only later, did he contemplate the idea of her father finding out.

The fear he once felt from Hiashi finding Hinata in his room was no where near the fear he felt right now. To hear Hiashi Hyuga addressing him so formerly only cemented the reality of his situation. He stared at the proud Hyuga, unable to contain his uneasiness.

"Of course." Naruto responded before turning to his two teammates. Sasuke and Sakura left the room quickly with only a small word of parting. Naruto watched as Sakura closed the door tentatively, undeniably certain that she would eavesdrop on the impending conversation,while ignoring Sasuke's futile attempts to pull her away.

"Hinata?" Naruto asked, panic rising in his chest. His nervousness began to affect every part of his body. His mouth felt like sandpaper. His face and neck heated up tremendously as beads of sweat began to form. He clenched his fists in a soothing manner, however his anxiety remained.

"Hokage-sama," he started, "I have failed as a father to both of my daughters. I pushed one too far, while shunning the other one."

The older Hyuga then knelt before him, lowering his forehead to the ground in a pleading manner.

"We have depended on you for so many things," he said, his voice cracking from unseen tears, "and I ask, please help me amend my mistakes a father."

Naruto leaned down, grabbed Hiashi by his arms and hoisted him upwards. "What is going on?" Naruto demanded, intense blue eyes meeting troubled white ones.

"The clan tried to make Hanabi the head" Hiashi explained, "Hanabi was in no position to refuse. If she had, she would have been branded a branch member and Hinata," Hiashi paused, his tone becoming more sensitive.

"Hinata would have been forced to produce an heir with another Hyuga member." He said. Naruto's hold tightened around his shoulders, "Without an heir, her only other choice would be to give up her seat"

Naruto's eyes flared with rage. The whisker marks on his face became more enhanced as the fox within him became aware of his anger. Hinata had such a gentle soul. How could her clan diminish her to an object that they could bend at every single one of their whims?

How could the clan claim they had power over her children? Naruto felt his stomach sink. His feet felt anchored to the ground, as if it was pulling him down to the hopelessness that overwhelmed him. The clan was indirectly threatening their children.

"They can't do this!" Naruto screamed, "Hinata is their leader! She is trying to help them!" He furiously let go of Hiashi shoulders, turning away from him with his fist clenched.

"What am I supposed to do?" he said through a clenched jaw, "I'm the Hokage. I have no jurisdiction over the internal affairs of the Hyuga."

"Naruto," Hiashi said, surprising him with the informal use of his name, "I trust that you have thoroughly read all the Konoha documents about the Hyuga."

"Yeah," Naruto answered bitterly. Everything he read about the Hyuga only reaffirmed his uselessness in this situation. It enhanced his guilt over his inability to stay at Hinata's side.

"You Hyuga are like a small village." he continued, " You have your own laws, customs, and even land. All completely protected against Konoha's interference."

"Yes," Hiashi said, "There are all sorts of rules protecting the Hyuga from Konoha. It seems absurd, considering Konoha has only one law that protects it from the Hyuga."

Naruto's shock was apparent. He had read every file concerning the Hyuga three times over. He would lie awake at night trying to find loopholes in any law, trying to find a way to help Hinata.

"It is a fairly new law," Hiashi stated, "It's not really in the traditional Hyuga documents because it's written into Konoha's agreement with the clan."

Everything seemed to come together for Naruto. Hiashi had known the cruelty of Hyuga politics. It caused him to lose his brother. It seemed he would rather rot in hell than sacrifice his daughters to them as well. While he and Hinata had been blissful fools about their leadership roles, Hiashi had been preparing for the worst situations.

"Where is this law?" Naruto asked, "What exactly does it say?"

"Every two years," Hiashi began, "There is a formal renewal of habitation for all of the clans that reside in Konoha."

Naruto listened intently, hope swelling inside of his chest. Every word Hiashi spoke filled him with confidence.

"When I had renewed the Hyuga contract," Hiashi continued with his story, "I had expressed my concern about the tension in my clan."

"There is no war forcing my clan together right now," Hiashi explained, "We have yet to resolve any of our deepest conflicts. My term was approaching its end. I knew then, that the clan was on the verge of splitting."

"I couldn't abandon my daughter again." he said, "So I had Kakashi pass a law that gave the Hokage the right to intervene in Hyuga affairs, under the purpose that it was for Konoha's protection,"

Naruto's breath hitched in his throat. He could finally do something. He felt his entire body surge with unexplainable urgency. He knew Hiashi's next words would grant him the permission he had been waiting for since Hinata had been torn from him.

"A disruption in leadership is one of the stipulations that allows the Hokage to intervene, in order to prevent any Hyuga conflicts to spread into Konoha." he finished.

Naruto regarded this information with uneasiness. It had given him the legal right to do something inside the clan. But that was the very reason the clan wanted him away from Hinata. They were afraid he would not fight for their best interests, only his.

Naruto grimaced. He admitted to himself that his only interest was Hinata. He didn't give a damn about Hyuga sovereignty.

"How did you even get this law pass the Hyuga?" Naruto asked, "Surely there was some disagreement?"

Hiashi looked away guiltily. "The renewal of our contract is a rather mundane and routine process." he said, "I purposefully wrote the law in a section about waste management and water usage."

Despite the severity of the situation, Naruto laughed incredulously at the admission. Hiashi Hyuga slipped such a drastic law under the noses of all the Hyuga because no one bothered to read the section about the compound's plumbing.

"Naruto," he stated firmly, "I wrote this law, because I believed you would be able to stand by daughter, not only as her lover, but as the Hokage."

Naruto was speechless at Hiashi's statement. The stern man in front of him had believed he would be the Hokage, anticipated it even. He deceived his clan, in the hopes that Naruto, the Hokage, would be able to protect his daughter from the clan.

Naruto grinned, his smile filled with determination and confidence. He placed a heavy hand on Hiashi's shoulder, looking directly in his eyes.

"Thanks old man," Naruto said, "Now, it's finally my turn to fight for her."

A/N: I'm back! Yeah I know I've been neglecting this story but it' only because I've been really stuck on this chapter. Before someone messages me about the Konohamaru and Hanabi ship, I just want to say I know okay, I fucking know. I'm not against the ship at all, in fact I think it's very clever and makes perfect sense. It's just I really didn't think about it when I wrote this story. So for the purposes of this plot it's Konoegi? and Hanabi/oc. But also keep in my mind these are minor subplots, I really only have one scene that I'm actually planning to elaborate on.

Anyway, thank you for all the reviews, follows, and favorites. I hope you are enjoying the story. Again thank you for reading.

Much love,