NEED TO READ: Hey guys this is my first hunger games fanfic so a few things you need to know. One is all the clothes will be on my account just search up my name and look at my description. Two is if I don't update fast enough it's because I'm either punished busy or I'm working on the clothes. Oh and to make the clothes go on . So Happy Reading!
My Life
Katniss's POV
I woke up to the sound of my phone. I look at my I phone 5/5S to see my best friend Madge texting me.
(Madge bold Katniss Italics)
Get up and tell Peeta 2 come down to the bakery the group is waiting outside and we r freezing
Just call Rye 2 open the doors but we'll get ready
O ya I forgot he exsisted K and hurry up we have school in an hour
K ttyl love you
Love u 2
We always say love you at the end of our texts because we all have been best friends since 1st grade and when I say group and all I mean our group we call 'The Victors'. We are the most popular group in school. In our group we have me, Peeta, Madge, Gale, Finnick, Annie, Clove, Marvel, Cato, Glimmer, Johanna, Gloss, Cashmere, and Thresh. We all love each other and tell each other everything we also plan on going to the same college and living together in Upstate New York or Miami in a big mansion. We also have 2 sets of siblings in our group Annie and Finnick and Gloss and Cashmere.
Peeta stayed at my house for the night because we are friends like that. But he has his own special room in my house since he practically lives here. He is like part of our has his own room his own seat at our dinner table and we spend Christmas and Thanksgiving together but with his family to. We have been friend since we were 3 when we saw each other at the park
I was sitting in the sand box when I lost my shovel. I looked all around the sand but when I looked up I saw a little Peeta using my shovel to dig a hole."Hey that's mine, I said. "Oh I'm sorry here you go, said Little Peeta. "I'm Peeta, "I'm Katniss."Hi Catnap, said Peeta. "See I already have a nickname for you,said Peeta."I'll nickname you Peety,I said."OK,said Peeta "Wanna be best friends, I said. "Sure let's go tell our mommy and daddy, said Peeta. "Sure, I said. Then we got up and ran to our parents. Lucky they were already talking and getting along. "Mommy Mommy this is Peeta but I call him Peety, I said. "And mommy this is Katniss and I call her Catnap,said Peeta while his mom lifted him in her lap as my mom did the same thing. "Hi Peeta. "Hi Katniss. "Mommy can Peety sleepover today. "As long as if it is OK with Peeta's mom. "Sure, said Peeta's mom. "Yay,I screamed. "Come on Catnap let's go to the monkey bars. "OK, we got up and ran to the monkey bars.
(Flashback over)
Since that day we did everything together he came with me to see my mom in the hospital when my little sister Prim was born, the first day of pre school, also we went on vacation with each other from Pittsburgh to LA. Also when I turned 15 the Mellarks gave me a job at the cafe as a waitress so I got to work with Peeta all day. Prim is now 13 while me and Peeta are 16. I grab a pilliow and walk to Peeta's room that has his name on the door. I opened it and see Peeta still asleep. He looks so cute when he sleeps. Yes it's true I like Peeta and I think he likes me but I like us as friends but it would be perfect if we dated but oh well. I throw the pillow at Peeta's head and yell "Peety wake up" and also jump up and down on his bed. "Catnap, he groans. "Catnap it is 6 in the morning and I'm trying to sleep now get over here, said Peeta playfully and then playfully tackling and tickling me. "Guys come on breakfast is ready and I'm leaving for school already, said Prim. "Wait back up, said Peeta. "Yes, said Prim rounding her head around the corner. "You need to give us our hug, said Peeta with his arms out. "Later I need to go meet Brandon, said Prim and ran down the hall. "TRAITOR, yelled Peeta.
Brandon is Cato's little brother. Those to brothers are like exactly alike they ac the same way wear the same clothes sometimes. But we all love them. "Come on Peety we have to change the rest of the group is at the bakery, I said. "I'm going to go change (If you read the A/N then you would know where to find it but if you didn't search up my name and look at my description), I said. I finished changing and since it is fall I put on my leather jacket on and walk down to the kitchen. Before I walk through the door Peeta comes running through the door and slides on top of the counter like he always does. "Peety you almost made me fall, I said then fixed my skirt with suspenders attached. "Sorry Catnap, said Peeta then leaned up against the wall and put his feet on the counter. "Ah Peeta feet off, said my dad. "Dad where's mom. "She got called to the hospital early apparently someone got trampled in the stomach and broke some bones and lose some blood. "That's gotta hurt, Peeta said with a mouthful of a doughnut. "Come on doughnut mouth we got to go bye daddy, I said while grabbing a doughnut, Peeta's hand, my bag, and kissing my dad on the cheek. "Bye , said Peeta still with a doughnut in his mouth. "I told you to call me Rick Peeta, my dad said. "Sorry. We walked out the door and since the bakery and school aren't that far the group always meet at the bakery with there cars but they leave them there and we all walk to school together.
We got to the bakery with 30 minutes left to get to school. "Hey guys, said Peeta. "Finally we are freezing, said Annie. "I told Madge to call Rye to open the door, I said while pointing at Madge. "I did he wouldn't open it he has been sitting in there and mocking us, said Madge then pointing to Rye who is sitting at one of the high tables. Peeta can see me getting mad so he wraps both his arms around my waist since he is behind me and he is super strong I can't get out. "Catnap calm down you can't do that in public, do that inside the store, said Peeta. Peeta let me go sadly and I ran into the bakery and jumped onto Rye.
I did that for like 10 minutes until he surrendered. I got up to see the group at our table and eating a whole bunch of desserts. I look over at Peeta and see he is on another sugar rush. His eyes are huge and he has frosting all over his face and kicking his legs back and forth and was bouncing up and down in the chair. The last one he had was at my sweet sixteen a month ago. He slept over and trashed my room so me and him went outside to play some basketball so he could run around. "Who gave Peeta cupcakes, I said. Everyone pointed to Cato and Finnick. "Ya we did, Finnick said while nodding his head slowly but freshly. "Guys you know what happens when he eats a lot of sugar. "Nothing happens I'm totally fine oh what's this, said Peeta really fast and grabbing the sugar to play with it. I quickly grab the sugar out of his hand and took a napkin and whipped his face of the frosting. "Great now I'm babying him, Glimmer can you get Peeta some water and Clove can you get him and apple, I told them. "Sure they both said then got up to go get it. "Come on guys we have 20 minutes to get to school, said Gale while grabbing his and Madge's bag from under the table. We all got up and Finnick was holding his and Annies bag and there macbooks as did Cato with Glimmer, Gale with Madge, Marvel with Clove, Gloss with Johanna, and Thresh with Cashmere. Also since Peeta was on a sugar rush I carried our macbooks and Peeta carried our backpacks. But he eventually calmed down
When we got to school the first sight we saw was Prim Brandon Rue and Rory. Rue is Thresh's little sister and Rory is Gale's little brother. Everyone knows they like each other and that Prim and Brandon like each other that is why Cato calls me sister and I call him brother and Thresh and Gale call each other brother because we know they will get married one day. "Sister let's go see what they are up to, said Cato. "K Gale Thresh Peeta you coming, I called to them. "Ya, they said.
Prim's POV
Rue, Rory, Brandon (A/N Brandon looks like Greyson Chance if you don't know him then look him up), and I were sitting on the school bench when our siblings came over. "Hey little children, said Cato. "Cato Peeta, I scream and then run and hug them as did Rue. Cato and Peeta are mine and Rue's favorite out of all 4 of them because Cato always brings a present and Peeta always brings us cookies there like our uncle. "Hey girls Prim your hair looks amazing and is that the bracelet I gave you, said Cato. " Ya and thank you I did my hair myself. Your welcome,you want to see what I have for you, he says while kneeling down to our level because Cato is 2 feet taller than us, he is like 6 feet tall. "Ya, we say. He get's his backpack and pulls out 2 boks of beats headphones. Cato always gets us something expensive because his family are billionaires and he likes to spoil us. "OMG, I scream. "Thank you Cato, we say and hug him. "No problem, he said then kissed both our cheeks. "Hey Rue, Peeta says then picks her up and spins her and kisses her cheek. Peeta loves Rue she is like the sister he never had but he still also loves me. He put her down and reached in his bag and pulled out 2 bags of cookies. "Yay ,we scream. Caoi then lifted up me and put me on his neck. "Ahh, I scream our more like giggled. "Cato put her down, said Katniss. "Fine. He put me down and then lifted Rue up and put her on his back. "Come on guys, we here Johanna scream. "K, Katniss screams. "Bye Girls, said Cato and Peeta. Before leaving Peeta hugged me and kissed Rue's cheek as did Cato. We then kissed there cheeks to and they got up and ran back to his friends right before Cato slapped Brandon up side his head.
Peeta's POV
Good I love Rue she is like my little sister I never had besides Prim. I met Rue when Prim had her over one time. The minute she saw me she swallowed me in a hug. She did that every time I came over. I also was her first crush. I bring them cookies every morning or afternoon it matters when I see them I do that because I want to be nice and a whole bunch of extra cookies.
Cato's POV
Rue and Prim are like my little sisters. We started our friendship when I was in 6th grade. We were having a sleepover at Katniss's house and I was coming out from the bathroom when I bumped into Prim who said she had a bad dream so she asked me if I could stay with her and Rue. So I did and we became best friends also that's the day I started to spoil them. I was also there first crush well beside Rue Peeta was her first crush but they got over it when Prim saw my brother and Rue saw Rory. It was hilarious.
Peeta's POV
I ate like 5 cupcakes and half a cake and my stomach is hurting. But I was happy when Katniss was wiping my mouth and helping me. Katniss took my hand and dragged me to our spot on top of the stairs "Peety are you calm, said Katniss while looking me in my eyes. She's so beautiful with her grey eyes and she looks so hot in her outfit today (On my profile) she looks even more hot when she is using her bow. But I admit I like Katniss we have been best friends since we were 3 also she is beautiful sassy and she has a great personality and sporty."Peety. "Oh ya I'm calm, I said then grabbed her hand.
"Thanks for taking care of me, I said. Then the bell rang so we got up and grabbed Katniss's bag and we walked to our class together. When we got there we saw 'The Victors' in our spot. We have a spot in every class no one dares to sit there because Cato Clove Johanna Thresh and Gale will probably hurt zipped through that class until it came to lunch. Me and Katniss still were holding hands, when we walked through the doors and the room went silent then walked straight to the front of the lunch line. (I got this part from mellarkfan121 sorry but they were just so good) Since we are the most popular group in school we get like special treatment we don't like it but we just stick with it. I got pizza and 3 cupcakes with root beer and Katniss got a hamburger with fries and diet pepsi with and apple. I sat down at our table about to stuff my face with the cupcakes before Katniss took 2 of them and threw them away. "What the hell was that about, I said. "I don't need you having another sugar rush I don't need to baby you anymore. "Fine I still might be able to get a sugar rush, I said then stuffed my face again which got all over my face. Katniss then got a napkin again and wiped my face from the cupcake. "You've got to stop doing that, Katniss says.
"But it's so good, I said with a mouthful of cupcake. The rest of the group soon came and Thresh started to tap his drumsticks on the table while Madge started to play a few chords. I then noticed they were playing Jingle Bell Rock by The McClain Sisters. Clove Johanna Madge Glimmer and I hopped on the table and started singing.
(All Clove Johanna Glimmer Katniss Peeta)
Jingle bells, jingle bells
Jingle all the way
Jingle bells, jingle bells
Jingle all the way
Dashing through the snow
In a one horse open sleigh
Over the fields we go
Laughing all the way
Bells on bob tail ring
Making spirits rise
What fun it is to ride and sign
A sleighing song tonight, oh
Jingle bells, jingle bells
Jingle all the way
Jingle bells, jingle bells
Jingle all the way
A day or two ago
I thought I'd take a ride
And see, Glimmer and Katniss
Was seated by my side
We danced and sang along
To all our favorite songs
And let the music play
As we jingled all the way, oh
Jingle bells, jingle bells
Jingle all the way
Jingle bells, jingle bells
Jingle all the way
We then ended up on the stage in the gym in our very cute santa outfit. The rest of the Victors were playing the instruments while Clove Johanna Madge Glimmer and I were dancing. Then Peeta came out to do the rap part.
Jingle bells, hear the beat go
Aaron Fresh, me and the school gyrls
Sleigh bells ring, sing, sing, sing
This what Christmas means to me
Lights on the Christmas tree so bright
Christmas carol, silent night
Me and the school gyrls, we just might
Jingle anywhere through the night
Jingle bells, jingle bells
Jingle all the way
Jingle bells, jingle bells
Jingle all the way
Jingle bells, jingle bells
Jingle all the way
Jingle bells, jingle bells
Jingle all the way
Jingle bells, jingle bells
Jingle all the way
Jingle bells, jingle bells
Jingle all the way
We then did our signature poses. "And there we have 'The Victors' opening our annual Christmas assembly would you like to say anything, our Principal Principal is Cinna he is the best principal ever. He has these awesome assembly's where we get to blow off class except our last 2 period's. But today it got delayed because one of the lights broke. For our performance Annie took all the pictures from summer and before this day and turned it into a slide show also with a few videos and Finnick was doing lights. "Merry Christmas, we all scream.
We then changed back into our clothes and went to the gym to the weapon area. Clove with a her knives, Johanna with her axe, me with my bow, Peeta with his sword as with Thresh Cato Marvel and Gloss, Finnick with his trident, Marvel with his spear, Glimmer with her bow and arrow, Cashmere with her knifes, and Gale also with his bow. Annie Madge were taking a video and pictures. When we finished with the weapons we went into the lunchroom which fell silent again. We got our lunch and walked to our table.
"Hey guys maybe we should invite one more person to 'The Victors', said Katniss. "What about Delly Cartwright, I said then grabbed her hand and intertwined our fingers. "We are good friends with her. "Ya she would be great and I heard she is great with electronics, said Cashmere. "She can me with the videos we do, said Annie. "Come on, Katniss says while grabbing me, Madge, and Glimmer. We walked over to Delly's table where she sits alone sadly, and the whole place went quiet.
"Delly you are inviting you to be a Victor we think we are all very good friends with you like you spent like 3 Christmas's with us, I Katniss. "And have had 10 annual sleepovers with 'The Victors', said Madge. "And as a tradition of the Victors have been on either Basketball Cheerleader Baseball Soccer or Football team, said Glimmer. "Also we think you are like one of the greatest friends we've ever had we have decided for you to bee..., I said. "A VICTOR, we all said. "I would love to thank you guys your the greatest friends ever, said Delly then hugged all 4 of us.
Annie's POV
"Hey guys did you notice that Peeta and Katniss were holding they've been doing that more than usual, I said. "Ya it's starting to get creepy but I think Peet has a thing for her, said Marvel. "Well who wouldn't she is bae, Thresh said then Cashmere smack him upside his head. "Annie, Cashmere, Clove , and Johanna we are going to help Peeta will add Madge, Glimmer ,and Delly the plan later, I said. "You guys tell him nothing or Katniss or I will litterally stab you in the back, said Johanna. "Calm down Johanna, said Gloss while grabbing her hand. In our group everyone has one person that calms them down Gloss calms Johanna down, I calm Finnick down, Marvel and Clove calm each other down, Glimmer calms Cato down, Cashmere calms Thresh down, Madge calms Gale down, and Peeta and Katniss calm each other down because when it comes to our group someone is always mad everyday mostly Johanna Clove and Katniss. "OK guys you will distract Katniss while we make up a plan we'll meet up in an hour in the gym clear, I said. "Clear the guys say.
Delly's POV
I can't believe it I'm finally a Victor. Me and the Victor's have been friends since I was in 3rd grade that's when I met them. It was fun they were like my family. I'm a foster kid. No one's ever adopted me because I was to old but then they finally sent me to a real school because they didn't want me to sit inside all day. So after a while we became best friends but then someone finally wanted to adopt me when I was 9 so they sent me to live in Washington. Soon they said they can't do this anymore because I wouldn't do anything so they sent me back but then someone finally adopted me in Pittsburgh and I'm happy with them but the feel like there not my real family. That's why I always sit alone at lunch somehow someone at school figured out my secret and told everyone at school so now they all think I'm a freak except the Victors well except Finnick. When me and Finnick met we would just throw mean comments around. He was actually happy when I left I was happy to because before that day he made fun of how I'm a foster kid which really hurt me I never talked to him again. "OK NOW ANYONE WHO HERE THINKS DELLY IS A FREAK RAISE YOUR HAND, Katniss screamed on top of a table while Peeta and Madge had there arm around my waist in a friendly way. Everyone in the room raised there hand except the Victors minus Finnick. I looked down at my feet and was almost on the verge of tears. "WELL GUESS WHAT IF ANYONE THINKS SHE'S A FREAK BECAUSE SHE'S A FOSTER KID THEN YOU SON'T CARE ABOUT ANYONE BUT YOURSELF, AND IF ANYONE MAKES FUN OF HER ANYMORE YOU WILL HAVE TO DEAL WITH CATO AND GLOSS GOT IT BECAUSE DELLY IS A BEAUTIFUL TALENTED SMART AND FUNNY GIRL WHO SHOULDN'T BE TREATED THAT WAY, screamed Katniss while I turned to look at Finnick with my teary red eyes. Finnick started to get up slowly while Katniss was talking and with a little bit of red in his eyes. He walked over to me and wrapped his arms around my waist while I wrapped my arms around his neck.
"I'm so sorry Delly I never mean to hurt you, said Finnick while crying a little. "I'm sorry to, I said while crying like crazy. "Delly you were nothing but nice to me when we met and I was just so thoughtless and mean and you are like my sister will you forgive me, he says. "Finnick you are like my brother and I can never loose you I am really sorry and I forgive you, I say. "You are not a freak you are beautiful and talented and I love you your one of my most amazing friends and I can never loose you, he added. "Thank you I love you to, I say then let go from our hug. " YOU SEE GUYS THEY'VE KNOW EACH OTHER SINCE 3RD GRADE YOU GUYS HAVE ONLY KNOW HER SINCE LIKE WHAT 10TH GRADE, THEY APOLOGIZE AFTER 12 YEARS YOU GUYS DON'T KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT HER SO IF I WERE YOU I WOULD THINK ABOUT WHAT YOU SAY BECAUSE DELLY CARTWRIGHT IS KNOW AN HONORARY VICTOR, screamed Katniss while Peeta helped her down off the table. I walked over to Katniss and hugged her. "Thank you so much Katniss out of all the Victors you've helped me the most with this and I don't know what to say I owe you, I say while crying into her shoulder.
"Delly I know we should have invited you into the Victors a long time ago but I thought we should give you some time so come on let's got to the table, Katniss says. I wrap my arm around Finnick's waist and Finnick wraps his arm around my shoulder and I hold onto his hand. When I grabbed Finnicks hand I felt some kind of firework explode through my body. I look up at Finnick and he is looking at me I blush a little and kiss his cheek. "Thank you for this for forgiving me, I tell him. "Delly would you like to go on a date with me I've liked you for a while and I felt terrible when you left but when you came back it was like a new you and I felt terrible and it's OK if you say no I just want to make it clear I like you, he said. "Finn I would love to go on a date with you, I say. "Thank you for giving me another chance, said Finnick as we sat down at the table.
Katniss's POV
"You did a really nice thing Catnap, says Peeta while putting his arm around my waist. "Thank you, I say. Then he kisses my cheek we got use to doing that because when we do that it doesn't seem awkward. (Sorry I just had to add that part)
Delly's POV
"Anytime, I look up from Finnick and see 'The Victors' staring at me. "Guess who has a date tonight, yelled Finnick but only loud enough for us to here. "Congratulation Finn, said Gale. "OK girls first date out of the victors we need a stylist team Katniss Clove Madge and Annie you get Finn Johanna Cashmere and I will get Delly we meet at my house at 4 clear, said Glimmer. "Clear, the girls say. "Oh and Katniss since I know Rue will be at your house tell her to come to my house because she ain't bad with clothes, added Glimmer. "K oh wait here they come know Cato you bought to get jumped, said Katniss.
Rue's POV
Me and Prim were walking into the cafe and it got quiet. Me Prim Brandon and Rory are like the mini version's of the Victor's. When they started talking again we saw the Victors and saw Cato motioning us over there. Me and Prim ran over and hugged Cato and Peeta. "Hey there are my girls, Cato says then put us on his lap. "Rue hows my favorite girl in the world, Peeta says then grabs me and puts me on his lap then kisses my cheek. "Hey, Prim and Katniss say. "Well I see Peeta likes me better. "I like you 3 equally, but I like Rue better, he says in a mocking voice then hugs me tight. We heard someone cough so we turned around and saw ...Delly. Me and Prim gasped and screamed "DELLY".
We ran around the table and hugged her. Me Prim Brandon and Rory were best friends with Delly we loved her and she loved us. She gave us great advice and made us smile. "Hey guys I've missed you, she says. We lost contact with her a few years ago when Finnick had an out burst at her. I looked down at her hands and saw her holding hands with Finnick.
"Uh what's going with you two, I state when I finally noticed Rory with his arms around my waist behind me and Brandon by Prim's side. "What's going on between you 2, said Thresh and Peeta while standing up. "Um where dating, I said. "Oh I thought he was perving you, you cool Rory we bros but remember bros before hoes, Thresh says. "I'm not a hoe, I said. "It was a joke. "K. "Rory if you hurt her my sword will be in you skull, says Peeta. "Gale, he says. "I'm with him Ror don't hurt her, he says.
"Now back to you to, Prim says motioning to Delly and Finnick. "Um were going on a date, Finnick says. "OMG Rue come by my house later to help get Delly ready, said Glimmer. "K I guess I do know fashion, I say then flip my hair. "K bye guys bye Cato and Peeta, Me and Prim say then run over and hug them then Peeta kisses my head.
Finnick's POV
I can't believe it Delly said yes after all the terrible things I did to her. I decided to take Delly out on a picnic and I'm going to have Peeta draw a picture of Delly on a wall. "Finnick what should I wear something fancy or casual, Delly says as I walk her home with my arm around her shoulder and her hand in mine with her arm around my waist. "Casual, I say. "Good now will you tell me where your taking me, she says. "Nope it's a surprise it's going to be the best date you've ever been on it's to show that I am really sorry, I say. "OK oh here's my house, she says then hugs me. I pull back and say "bye be ready by 5:30. "OK bye cuteness, she says then walks away before turning her neck and smiling while giggling. "OK Finn now you can't mess this up, I say to myself while walking to my house. I walk upstairs and see Katniss Clove Madge and Annie already there with Peeta. "What are you guys doing here, I say. "Getting you ready now come on and I live here, Annie says.
Katniss's POV
"Peeta weren't you suppose to draw the picture of Delly on the wall, says Finnick as Clove Madge and Annie fix his shirt. "Oh ya come on Catnap, he says and grabs my hand, backpack, and jacket. We hoped into Peeta's Hummer H3 and drove to the Victor's spot. We found this spot when me Peeta Prim and Brandon were on a walk. Brandon was with us because we told Cato we would watch him which got Prim really excited. We also re decorated it and it became our favorite hangout. "So where are you going to draw it, I say. "Umm right here, Peeta says then splats paint on my face. I grab the paint and dump it all over his head. "Peety you should know me better to never do that, I said. "Your lucky I have extra clothes and paint in the trunk. he says. "You mean your lucky, I say and go on our tree swing. (my profile)
After a few hours he finished the painting and he came up behind the swing and started to push me on the swing I was screaming like a little girl. He stopped pushing me and we started to climb the tree it was hanging from when we got to the top to our favorite branch and he grabbed my hand and I put my head on his shoulder. "Catnap, he says breaking the silent. "I know we are best friends and I really don't want to ruin that but will you be my girlfriend, he says while playing with our hands. I lean up and kiss him. "Did that answer your question. He leans in and thinking he was going to kiss me he kisses my cheek. "But what if we break up Peety we have been friends to long to ruin it, I say. "Don't worry I promise to never break your heart or our friendship as long as we have to trust each other, he says while playing with the tip of my braid. "OK, I say while biting my lip.
"You know you would look even better with your hair unbraided, he says while starting to unbraid it. He finishes taking it out and I shake my hair and it goes down to my butt. "Wow who knew from one small braid can create that. We stay like that for a few hours until we here someone talking. I look down and see Finnick and Delly. "Peety look, I whisper and point towards them.
Delly's POV
Me and Finnick were laying on the tree and I had both my arms around his waist and he had his arm around my should with my head on his chest. He was telling me funny stuff in my ear and I was giggling like when Marvel was running on the football field and tripped on a squirrel which did attack him. We stayed in a comfortable silence but then Finnick broke the silence. "Delly um would you uh like to be my ugh this is so hard, he says but I know what he was saying. "Yes Finnick I would love to be your girlfriend, I say then lean up and kiss him. We stopped when a rock came flying down but didn't hit us. We ignored it but then a shoe came flying out of no where. We look up to see Peeta and Katniss. "Peeta Katniss what are you doing, I say. "Just hanging, from a tree, Katniss says then starts laughing. Me and Finnick started climbing the tree to join them up there. "So how long have you been here, Finnick says. "Ever since you sent us out here to paint Delly. "Damn what did you guys do fall asleep, says Finnick. "No but it's getting late let's get home, Katniss says.
Katniss POV
Me and Peeta jump down from the tree. When Peeta came down I snuck up behind him and tickled his sides but only a little. he then started to chase after me. I was almost to the car when he grabbed me by my waist and lifted me up and spinning me. I started to giggle but then for the rest of the way to the car he carried me on his back. We got to the car and Peeta placed me in the passenger seat. "Peety do you want to sleepover again or go home. "I think I should go home but I'll stay for a few."K. We got home but then I noticed I left my key's in Peeta's locker. yes sometimes we use each others locker space. "Peety I left your my keys in your locker, I say. "Don't worry I got my key's, he says then fishes his key's out his pocket. He unlocked the door and we saw our family sitting in either the living room or kitchen. But then we saw Cato Brandon Prim and Rue in the living room watching a movie. I took out my phone and took a picture.
"Hey guys ,Cato says. "What are you doing in my house, I say. "Brandon wanted to come and see Prim so your parents said that you would be home soon so I stayed oh and Catnip don't go in your room the kids did something.I I run upstairs and see on the ground is all my arrows broken in 2, I scream and run back downstairs. "DAD, I scream and my dad comes running out the kitchen. "Yes Katniss, he says. "Prim Rue and Brandon broke my arrow in 2, I say. "Prim you should know you don't break her arrows I learned that the hard way, Peeta says. "What happened, asked Rue. "You don't want to know little Rue, Peeta says then kisses the top of her head then walks to the kitchen. "Rue Prim and Brandon, you 3 will have to raise money to buy Katniss new arrows, my dad says. "OK , they all say and my dad walks away. "Stay out of my room or I will get Johanna on you, I say.
"No please she scares us, says Brandon. Then my mom walked in. "Cato Brandon your mom said to start heading home. "Mom can you ask her if they can sleepover, says Prim. "Fine, she says. "She said they can sleepover but to make sure they get up at 5:30 am. "Ya, she said then grabbed Brandon and Rue's hand and ran to her room. Then Peeta came out of the kitchen with a bowl of popcorn a soda bottle and a pack of cookies. I look at him weird and then he says "What I'm the quarterback. "Ya and the quarterback needs to stay in shape, I say. "I am in shape see, he lifts his shirt and shows me his six pack. "OK ew gross guys if I'm staying here then I need to keep my food not after last time, he says. "I'll invite the group over, wait I need to ask, Peeta says then walks back into the kitchen before yelling "MOMMA KATHY. (I named her Kathy)
He comes back in the room during a group chat. He then hung up and said "OK Gloss Cashmere Glimmer Johanna and Annie can't come because they are either grounded, chores, or they are lazy. "Is Glimmer coming, he ask excitedly. "Aw does Cato have a wittle crush, Katniss says in a baby voice. "No, he says. "No she isn't coming she's being lazy. "Then I'm leaving, he says. He walks out for like 10 seconds then comes back in and says "Nope Nope not doin it it's to cold. "K Cato I need you to get the spare mattress out of the attic and Peeta tell the little ones that Rory will come and to keep it down. "K, he said then kissed my cheek. I walked into the kitchen and grabbed smartfood popcorn doritos cheetos lays chips and sugar cookies oh and oreos and cheezit's.
Peeta's POV
I walked upstairs and walked into Prim's room and saw them watching TV I think called Lab Rats. "OK kids 'The Victors' are coming over so you mini Victors need to keep it down, I say then walked over to Rue. "So Rue only a little sugar, I say. I know Rue like a book I know what hospital she was born in what time how much she way.I know some of you may say stalker but I learned all of that when I saw her at the park one time that day we spent the whole day with each other she even slept over my house that day. "OK Peeta, she says. I then kiss her head and walk out to Katniss's room to change not before yelling "I'm going to go change in your room Catnap. "K don't touch anything. "No promises, I say. I walk into Katniss's room and see a whole bunch of pictures of me and her the victors some with me and rue which I take and shove in my pocket. I change into a pair of plaid red pants and decide to go shirtless. I walk back downstairs and see the rest of the Victors and the boys dressed like me except different colored pants.
Cato has blue, Finnick has green, Marvel has brown, Gale has gray, and Thresh has green and there all shirtless. We all have abs because we all go to the gym every weekend in the morning while the girls go swimming or shopping. "OK guys I think the mini Victors are a sleep so Marvel you got to shut your freaking mouth, I say. "No promises, he says. "OK guys now want to watch a movie, says Katniss while pulling me down to sit next to her. "Ya, we all say. She gets up and walks to the DVD's. "OK there's Mockingjay Part 1 If I Stay The Giver or Annabelle. We all say Annabelle. I was excited because it was a scary movie and when Katniss get's scared I can help. We were into the middle of the movie and so far the popcorn is all over the floor Delly almost threw up on Finnicks arm from seeing a whole bunch of blood Clove has made a human shield of Marvels shoulder which he was smirking at and Katniss just has her head in my shoulder and she is in my lap. Madge just fell al sleep on Gale. The movie finally finished and we cleaned up every thing and I said I was going to go check on the mini Victors. So I walked upstairs and saw Brandon and Rory asleep snoring and Prim and Rue I think who were asleep. I walked over to Prim and Rue who were on Prim's Queen size bed and kissed there cheeks. I walk back downstairs and sit back down next to her and pull her back into my line.
"Hey Finnick how come Annie didn't come, I ask while brushing my hands through Katniss hair with her still in my lap. "Oh she got grounded apparently someone framed her into burning my moms favorite brush with her straighter will ,will never know, he said while pulling Annie's straighter. We all cracked up laughing and then Prim and Rue came downstairs. "Peeta Cato can you come up stairs and help us fall asleep again we can't go to sleep because of Rory and Brandon's snoring, Rue says with her head coming around the corner. "Sure, Cato says. We walk over to them and pick them and put them on our sides and carry them upstairs. We set them down on there beds and tucked them in. "Want us to sing you guys a song, I say. "Ya, they say. We've only done that like 3 times with them but they were little. "OK how about all of me by John Legend, Cato says. "Yay, says Rue. We laugh and start to sing.
(Cato Peeta Both)
What would I do without your smart mouth?
Drawing me in, and you kicking me out
You've got my head spinning, no kidding, I can't pin you down
What's going on in that beautiful mind
I'm on your magical mystery ride
And I'm so dizzy, don't know what hit me, but I'll be alright
My head's under water
But I'm breathing fine
You're crazy and I'm out of my mind
'Cause all of me
Loves all of you
Love your curves and all your edges
All your perfect imperfections
Give your all to me
I'll give my all to you
You're my end and my beginning
Even when I lose I'm winning
'Cause I give you all of me
And you give me all of you, ohoh
How many times do I have to tell you
Even when you're crying you're beautiful too
The world is beating you down, I'm around through every mood
You're my downfall, you're my muse
My worst distraction, my rhythm and blues
I can't stop singing, it's ringing, in my head for you
My head's under water
But I'm breathing fine
You're crazy and I'm out of my mind
'Cause all of me
Loves all of you
Love your curves and all your edges
All your perfect imperfections
Give your all to me
I'll give my all to you
You're my end and my beginning
Even when I lose I'm winning
'Cause I give you all of me
And you give me all of you, ohoh
Give me all of you
Cards on the table, we're both showing hearts
Risking it all, though it's hard
'Cause all of me
Loves all of you
Love your curves and all your edges
All your perfect imperfections
Give your all to me
I'll give my all to you
You're my end and my beginning
Even when I lose I'm winning
'Cause I give you all of me
And you give me all of you
I give you all of me
And you give me all of you, ohoh
When we finished they were both asleep. We went and kissed there forheads. Then got up and walked out the door. "We are good man, Cato says then does our man handshake. We walked back downstairs to see everyone else asleep. I walk over to Katniss and lay back down and kiss Katniss's cheek and fall asleep.
And that's my chapter there will be more but it probably won't be this long but if it is it will take at least 1 week so thanks to everyone who read and remember the clothes and rooms for this story are on my polyvore account and my username is keyondraswag.
So thanks for reading the story My Life and see you next time I'm Keyondra and remember review and PM me