Hey Guys and gals, i am Onyx and I bringing you the 6th chapter of this series.

Harem: Miya, Mikoto, Konan

Hope you guys enjoy.

"Do not judge a man or woman whom is trying to change for the better. The worst thing you could possibly do is remind them of the past they are trying to escape from" - ?

Chapter VI

In a council room not a sound was heard as the clan heads waited for Naruto to snapped back into reality.

Its been little over a few minutes since Naruto was called down and to see if he could use the weapons. But since he first touched the large abnormal sword, he looked to be in some kinda trance.

"What do you think we should do Hokage-sama?" Hiashi asked wondering if Naruto his fellow clan head was alright.

'Naru-kun, what's going on? Please be safe' Mikoto chewed her lips in worry about her pillar.

Hiruzen watched his surrogate grandson stay absolutely still only calm breaths were any sign he was alive. 'I knew those blades weren't normal. Maybe the are speaking to him?' Hiruzen thought as he smoked his pipe. "Right now Hiashi-dono all we can do is hope Naruto is ok" Hiurzen said with a calm voice silently praying for his grandson's safety.

'The pup better not die to what ever that sword is doing or I will skin him. He owns me' Tsume thought staring at Naruto with concern.

Before any of the clan heads can move to see Naruto was ok Naruto place the massive sword known as Rebellion on his back which magically stuck to him. Reaching down Naruto tapped on the sword known as Yamato and soon stopped moving right when he touch it.

"The swords must be showing him something Hokage-sama, Naruto-dono seems to be in a trance" Kurama Clan head said studying the 'boy' kneeing down to the O-Katana size blade.

"Indeed but we will need to wait till Naruto is finished" Hiruzen said.

Naruto stayed in a trance for a few more minutes before his hand took the O-Katana and slid it to sit along side Tenseiga and Tessaiga. Naruto breathed calmly for a second before turning to face his leader/grandfather.

"Jiji-sama I would like to call a Vow of Silence on what I learned before I share it with the Shinobi council" Naruto said politely. Hiruzen blinked at this for a moment and nodded. All the Shinobi clans nodded in agreement. A Vow of Silence is to never be taken lightly and since their Head Medic call it it must be important they keep a tight lip.

"Naruto my boy, what did the blades showed you?" Hiruzen questioned.

Naruto was silent for a moment then spoke "A war, a war where 6 different realities collided cause death and destruction. The owners of these weapons, Vergil and Dante were twin brothers fighting against a Demon Lord named Mundus... As I said, it was a massive war where the 2 'heavens', 2 'hells', and 2 'earths' all fought. These weapons are all that is left of the twins and their story. Rebellion and Yamato once wielded by their father Sparda a Devil of God level power fought against his blood brother Mundus as Sparda saw the crimes and shame that Mundus brought upon their mother. Sparda understood the concept of Honor, Loyalty, wisdom, and compassion. Sealing his 'brother' away with several other devils. Sparda stood alone against the hordes of the Demon world or Makai. Before his death the Devil Sparda had twin sons. Vergil the son whom embraced his devils blood and sought after power after losing his mother. And Dante whom became a Devil Hunter in spite and vengeance to punish those who corrupted his brother and killed his mother Eva a powerful Umbra witch" Naruto paused gathering his thoughts.

"After the brothers won the battle against Mundus together for the first time instead of trying to kill each other. Mundus acted out final plan to throw Creation into chaos by forcing several realities to collide. Thus the 2 Heavens, 2 'Hell', and 2 Earths had an all out war and the humans caught in the cross fire. Its the reason no records exist beyond the Sage of Six Paths" Naruto said as Hiruzen eyes widen at all of this.

"In the end so much death and chaos was unleash that nearly all life died out. A Primordial Goddess named Shinju came to our earth to repair the damage done. After Shinju shut the Hell Gate and Heaven she used her powers to terraform the earth to bring back what little humans were left by the chaos. But I do not know what happen after that. These swords and necklaces are all that remains of the brothers and their father. I am certain this is why we keep finding odd artifacts around the place we call home. Its what remains after an all out war on our home" Naruto said with a frown and Hiruzen is too shocked for words.

"By Kami, I don't wanna believe it" Hiruzen said.

"I do know Kekkei Genkai come from some kinda connection with these demons or heavenly beings." Naruto added 'Though this Rinne-Sharingan having some sorta connection to Shinju herself and the fact it helped her reshape this world' Naruto add mentally "That... Makes sense" Hiruzen admitted. He could see where the blood line limits coming from an 'alien' source. The clan heads were silent in as they let what they are hearing sink in.

But unnerved at the fact that their origins of their clan's power may have come from a Heavenly or demonic entity.

"So your saying that most if not all Kekkei Genkai come from the Heaven or Hell like beings?" Hiruzen asked.

Naruto shook his head no. "I am saying it could be a part of it. The Hyuga, Nara, and other clans are human without shadow of a doubt. The powers of these beings provide the mutations to the genes like the Nara able to use shadows as a weapon. What we could have is more like Radiation effect without really turning us into a Hell of Heaven beings. Or simply we are what remains of their bloodline and the mutations in or body are more human than non-human. That leaving impossible to tell if originally came from a 'Hell' or an 'heavenly' being" Naruto said. Hiruzen nodded and rubbed his forehead.

"I can understand now. Something like this is very earth shattering" Hiruzen said in thought trying to wipe his head around this event.

'But what these weapons showed me are nothing but random flashes. I an not 100% sure if this is the full story' Naruto thought. "Jiji I would like to say that what Yamato and Rebellion showed me are nothing but flashes. I don't have the full story" Naruto said honestly. Hiruzen nods and looks at Yamato and Rebellion with a serious gaze..

"Could it be that your related to these two brothers and their father?" Hiruzen pointing out that Naruto some how may have inherited Sparda's power. Naruto's power did seem abnormal and not human at times even though he was in control of it. Hell every fight Naruto is in he learns, grows, and becomes so much stronger. At the rate he is going now, Hiruzen has no doubt even his sensei Hashirama would be pushed back.

Naruto open his mouth to say no but quickly shut it to think about the possibility. "It is possible, but I have no way of knowing since I have no solid evidence to back up such a claim. It could be that the attack that lead me awaking this bloodline triggered some others such as me being their descendant, but the odds of that are less than 3%" Naruto said.

The Clan heads however narrow the eyes at the mention of Naruto's attack. They knew the Inutaisho clan head well enough to see him as a friend and great ally. The fact he he had helped many of their clan members with a sickness or delivering a new born put him in a much higher view than when he started. So to say Naruto is on good terms with the clan heads and support him is nothing less of 100%. The Fact the villagers think he is Kyuubi incarnated makes them dislike the Civilian council all that much more. As they one several occasion tried to vote Naruto out of the Council.

"But regardless of Naruto's heritage we have found out a big part of our history. it could also explain where chakra came from. If our power in fact from this Shinju. Then how come she isn't around or why the fact certain humans can mold and use their chakra like shinobi and some can't" Hiashi pointed out while thinking of some civilian families. They had almost no talent using Chakra as they found it hard or nigh impossible to mold. Now while some can't others can. It truly baffled the clan heads.

"Also the fact that some people have certain abilities like Kekkei Genkai. It would certainly explain how they came around like Hyoton and Mokuton" Tsume said in thought. The fact Blood lines could be connected so far back to the Waring Clan Era. But any records before that are too worn to read or lost to the dust of time. They have no real history to grasp. Only thing they do know is the man whom went by Sage Of Six Paths and how godly powerful he was but that's all they know.

"And with our genetic code still having mutated HUMAN DNA in it. So we can't confirm if it came from a Heavenly being or an Hell being that cause this all in the first place. Naruto-dono, do you know what cause the first Kekkei Genkai to appear?" Shikaku asked with his mind running a mile a minute. Trying to piece together what happen all those centuries ago.

Naruto shook his head no in defeat. "I have no clear picture Shikaku-dono. From what the memories showed me, it could be to many things or it could be a single thing that helped Blood lines and most importantly chakra to come around. Who or whatever caused the Kekkei Genkai and Chakra to come forth had to be insanely powerful"Naruto admitted.

"Like the Sage of Six Paths. But we don't know anything about him. Hell a lot of people see him nothing more than a myth" Choza said pointing out the on figure they knew from Ancient chakra era. A being whom was called a God.

Naruto nodded. "Everything seems to be connected. We are just missing the whole picture and all the pieces are scattered" Naruto said. Hiruzen motion for Naruto to return to his Clan seat which he did.

"In light of recent developments as promised by the Vow of Silence we are not to talk about this out side this room. Naruto, since those swords have showed you such information you will be allowed to keep them since no one but you could possibly use them" Hiruzen said and everyone nodded in agreement.

"Do you think we should tell our clans about this? They are our family after all and should be made aware of this development" Tsume said in a questioning tone. But Hiruzen shook his head no.

"If word got out about kekkei Genkai could be from beings of Hell or Heaven then chaos would ensue. Look at the Hidden Mist Village for example. No I think the phase 'ignorance is bliss' applies here" Hiruzen said. Naruto and the clan heads nodded in agreement at the thought of a Civil war happening all over the world killing Kekkei Genkai users. It would be like saying we are killing innocent people on the fact they may or may not have a 'supernatural' connection. As such killing someone over a Might or Maybe does not work. Just because someone MIGHT be a threat doesn't mean they are. You will make them a threat if you do attack them with intent to kill.

Information was everything in this world.

"This Council Meeting had ended. Please return to your homes and relax. I want you all back in a private meeting three days from now to speak of this farther. Dismissed" Hiruzen said before he Shinshun away with his Anbu guard.

The clan heads sighed and went to their homes.

Naruto, he had two new swords to master.

A Month Later

Naruto was in his living room flying though hand signs at blinding speed mentally going over his techniques that he has learned. He is currently wearing black pants, a thin blue cotton shirt with a V-neck. His hair is let out and allowed to flow freely around his shoulders.

So far he mastered almost every E, D, C, B, And A-ranked jutsu that he knew and thanks to his photographic memory. He could easily recall every jutsu he is currently learning and trying to master. And since his Seals such as Gravity, Resistance, and Chakra Resistance Seal are on high levels he simply took the time flying though the hand-seals needed for every jutsu he knew.

He was also mentally going over his training with Yamato and Rebellion. His progress well in regards to Yamato since is was a katana like style. He is still on 'Level One' of the 'Dark Slayer Style' but he had patience to make to the final level. Rebellion though was a bit different in regards to style. It was bigger than any of his current blades but also alot more raw power compared to Yamato. Instead of levels with Rebellion he will have to train using the sword's main style of fighting and mixing it up with his own. It would take quite a bit of work but he could get it done.

Rebellion's techniques are destructive though.

Also the fact he was keeping an eye out for any more 'Artifacts' they find to see if they have the special connection Naruto needs to piece together the puzzle of what happen during the war. He was also certain some of the bloodlines are neither Demonic nor 'angelic' but a mixture of both bring forth a new power of ability. But again that alone was a theory.

"How do you do it?" Naruto blinked and looks to his left to see a cute pouting girl with a petite body and round cute face. Her pale skin, vivid green eyes, cute feminine facial features, two scarlet dots on her forehead which all the members of her clan possessed. Mid-back length white hair, a cute small nose, and very shall breast barely an mid A-Cup.

She was a year younger than him, Her name?

Sui Inutaisuo a member of the Inutaisho clan. Her former name? Sui Kaguya a former member and survivor of the Kaguya Clan. And maybe one of the last users of the Shikotsumyaku Kekkei Genkai. Naruto found her while wondering in Wave Country. After Naruto found her he treated and cured her medical condition that would have killed her if he didn't have Tenseiga at the time. Personally he was glad he saved the girl, she was amusing to have in his home. Lee and Sui were great entertainment when Naruto was bored. He would hear them argue about clothing, budget, the clan compound, and chores while Naruto just made clones to do everything including cooking.

Lee and Sui could not even cook ramen to save their lives.

And unlike her clan Sui isn't a bloodthirsty savage. Though her feminine fury would suggest other wise.

Naruto raised his 'perfectly trimmed eyebrow' as Sui called them as he gave her a questioning look.

"How do I do what?" Naruto asked curious to what Sui will rant about this time.

"How in the nine levels of hell do you keep your eyebrows and make up so perfect?" Sui yelled while pointing at her clan head dramatic fashion.

Naruto sweat dropped at this. 'One its not make up and two, the advantages of being a Daiyokai. Flawless features' Naruto thought.

"Sui you know this isn't make up. This markings are from when I activated my blood line" Naruto said calmly and an even tone as his face remained impassive.

"BULLSHIT!" Sui yelled in anger with a whiny pout.

"DRAMATIC ENTRY!" Lee yelled coming though the front door as a blur.

"Hi Lee" Naruto greeting calmly

"Hi Naruto-Sama and greeting to you Sui-Chan. I just completed another C-Ranked mission with my team" Lee said in a cheerful voice and a wide grin.

Sui eye twitched as she looks at the monstrous outfit Lee calls clothes. Naruto had a great fashion sense and looked great in anything even causal wear. Lee wear this green spandex jumpsuit and orange leg warms he calls clothes. Its no wonder why he couldn't get a date while Naruto had a line of women wanting him. Naruto also had the patience of a fucking Buddhist monk to deal with Lee day in and day out. How does Naruto deal with Lee any way? Was it the meditation? the tea? the fact Naruto can leave after images of himself and travel from point a to point B faster then Gai can shout youth (Cue shiver)

'Hmm I wonder if I should tell Lee I replace his whole collection of outfits to something more durable and professional' Naruto thought before brushing that thought to the side. It would be more amusing if he left events unfold as to what will happen.

Getting up Naruto went to the kitchen to prepare dinner. Since no one but him can cook, he gets to choose what they eat every night. And honestly cooking was an interesting thing to learn. Sure it took time but it could help him in any life crisis. Well it was more of shaving off his boredom and the fact Naruto likes learning different skills.

"Sui can you answer the door please?" Naruto called and the said girl blinked in confusion.

knock knock knock.

Naruto smiled as to Sui muttered under her breath about all knowing clan head with perfect make up. Naruto slight smiles at this as he got some pots out and turning on the burner.

Meanwhile at the door Sui was engaging in a hushed conversation with a certain woman.

"What can I do for you Uchiha-san" Sui said without any emotion what so ever.

"Yes, I was wondering if Inutaisho-dono was free to chat" an Uchiha female said. Sui eye twitched in annoyance. She knew this woman had been glancing at her clan head for awhile. She didn't mind the woman. But Sui also didn't like the Uchiha clan for a simple reason. They were arrogant as her former clan. And while not as bloodthirsty they did think they were gifts from Kami!

HAH! That's laughable, if anyone is a gift from Kami-sama it would be her clan head Naruto Inutaisho!

Over in the Kitchen Naruo felt his eye twitch in annoyance. Someone was talking about him having a connection with a certain Goddess.

"Oh course Uchiha-san. Come in, Naruto-sama is making dinner" Sui said as she held to door than than Sui can react and in a flash of ebony, the woman was inside. Sui eye twitch in annoyance. 'If that woman is like the others I will skin her alive' Sui snarled in anger before shutting the door.

"Hello Mikoto" Naruto said without looking at the woman whom just enter his house with Sui permission.

Mikoto one of the most beautiful women in the village has a light tinge of pink on her cheeks seeing her pillar/crush cook with a calm expression. "Greeting Naruto-kun, I hope I am not intruding" Mikoto bowed slightly as she watch Lee and Sui playfully fight over which movie they would watch tonight.

"None at all. Tell me what brings you to my compound" Naruto said taking glance at Mikoto seeing a light tinge of pink and how lovely she looks in that light blue sun dress. 'She is very beautiful' Naruto mentally admitted. The way the sundress she is wearing compliments her curves and breast nicely while retaining her modestly. She looks very lovely and with the light touch of make up she looks stunning.

'If I didn't know any better she is trying to grab my attention, which is working' Naruto thought as he looked at her with glances while cooking.

"If there is special reason you look amazingly beautiful in that outfit Mikoto? I feel under dressed" Naruto had a faint smirk to his lips when he saw from the reflection on a bot side she went beat red as her blush cover her whole face. "Ah well. Umm I was wondering if you mind having a late night outing with me. If its not to much trouble" Mikoto poked her fingers together like a certain Hyuga.

Naruto smiles softly and nods. "Of course I would love too. First lets have dinner" Naruto said to which Mikoto beamed at the thought of trying Naruto's dinner. And from the smell of it will be delicious.

Next Day

"I love you Inu-kun" a haunting voice echoed within Naruto's mind. Memories that are from the past have played in Naruto's mind lately. Shaking off the memory tied together with powerful emotions Naruto focused on his clan head duty. He will sort out the feelings of his past self/Jiji later.

Naruto frowned looking at the report in his hand given to him by Sui...

"Is this true?" Naruto said rereading the report.

"Yes Inutaisho-Sama, The Raikage wishes to meet with us in regards of our clan. Instead of forming an alliance with the Leaf he wants a direct alliance with us only. Hokage-sama is worried this newer Raikage will do a repeat of the Hyuga event and try and take you instead" Sui said troubled at to what the Raikage is doing. Its not like she was worried about her leader. He was able to take on a horde of Anbu and Jounin while training. And he made it without a speck of dirt on him.

"What about the mission the old man is sending us on?" Naruto said as he flipped though clan documents on his desk. His golden slits studying everything.

"He wishes two Members of the Inutaisho clan to aid Kakashi Hatake on an A-ranked Escort/Bodyguard Mission. And also to kill the tyrant Gato whom is holding Wave country hostage currently. If we free wave they will drop down the prices we have to pay from rare herbs that only grow there" Sui said in a professional tone.

"How long was this received?" Naruto asked getting up from his desk.

"An Hour at most"

"I see. Sui grab your things and leave a note for Lee. We moving out now"

"Hai Inutaisho-sama"

With that both shinobi of the leaf left with a mission to complete.

With Kakashi

Kakashi sighed as Sai and Sasuke fought... Again. Where was that back up? He sent word after they got attacked by the Demon Brothers. He got rid of them easy, but something about Tazuna explaining about Gato's status caused the Jounin to shift into high alarm. He also knew that the Demon Brothers were last seen with an unknown woman and Zabuza Momochi. Plus the fact he felt like he was being watched as they were coming up the shore plus an abandon shrine.

Every since the Jounin came to wave something felt dark and cold, he wasn't sure what it was but it unnerved him. He kept an eye out and helped the Bridge builder. There ride to the town where Tazuna lives hasn't arrived so he told his student to stick close and keep an eye out. Tazuna himself is trying to remain quiet not wanting to have these Shinobi leave before he finish building the bridge.

'Something doesn't smell right here. This is an old outpost but its still use to this very day. Gato may control the water ways to Wave but he doesn't control this section. Plus not even a few miles back was a town I sent a clone to gather Intel. But from what the Kage Bunshin saw its a ghost town, no even a rat or mouse is in the town and the bread and food is still fresh. Its like everyone just up and left or they simply disappeared. Something isn't right about this whole picture' Kakashi thought on guard. He has been on edge since he felt that dark primal aura coming from the Shrine not too far off. The shrine was built to worship the Goddess of Sea and Water Suijin but even the temple is empty.

Something is clearly happening, he wasn't sure of what it was though.

Suijin, like all their Gods and Goddess played a major role in the nations since they heavily relay on Rain to water their crops. 'Could this be what Monks call an omen?' Kakashi thought as he kept an ear out for any surprises. He like many shinobi weren't religious by any means. But sometimes old sayings and signs were things that happen. And unfortunate for Kakashi he had to get a creepy mission with a Root agent, a avenger, and a fangirl.

Yep his life was just 'perfect'

Kakashi really would choose training with Gai than stuck with these Genin that call themselves a team. Sasuke prefers working alone way too much, Sai is too much of a block head to realize Kakashi already picked up the fact he is a Root Agent, and Sakura is too much of a fangirl. Dammit, he wanted to train that Inutaisho kid. But from what he heard about the kid he knew as many jutsu if not more than Kakashi. 'Well I can dream can't I? Plus he is sensei son so I am sure that he can take care of himself' Kakashi thought. Maybe he should just drop some Jutsu scrolls?

"Hello Kakashi-san" a monotone voice said right behind Kakashi causing the former anbu to jump ten feet in the air.

Sui Inutaisho is panting next to her Clan head as he looked completely fine and impassive as always.

"Naruto, please don't do that to me. I almost had a heart attack" Kakashi put his hand over his racing heart. No matter what Jounin do Naruto always causes them to jump out of their skin in a short fright. They don't know how he does it but he does and he is very good at it. Kakashi oddly wonders if Naruto has some kinda amusement scaring the shit out of people.

"Sorry. But I raced here soon as I could. Your scent allowed me to..." Naruto pauses as his eyes widen for a brief moment. Naruto had this expression for a minute before he calmed down and returned to his blank emotionless face. "Sorry a group of Shadow clones just went up in smoke. We should head to Wave. I take this is Tazuna-san?" Naruto said looking at the bridge builder.

"Yes Inutaisho-sama, I am the Bridge Builder Tazuna. I thank you for your help in our effort to be free from the tyrant Gato" Tazuna said bowing in respect to Naruto. Tazuna doesn't know why but the aura, power, and whole image of Naruto screams Noble blood and royalty. So he was going to be respectful as possible. Plus the fact the man has five swords makes Tazuna question why he has three on his hip and two on his back. One of the blades on his back seem to be magically stuck in place.

Team Kakashi just silently watch the man dressed in armor. Sasuke however was eyeing the swords.

"Don't mention it Tazuna-san. I am just doing what is right. We should leave as soon as possible. No doubt you all have been here long enough" Naruto said as everyone nodded.

Within Five minutes the boat man took Tazuna and co towards Wave as Naruto flew silently over the boat with Sui being held by Naruto in his left arm.

"Inutaisho-sama" Sui called to his attention.

"Yes Sui? What is on your mind?" Naruto asked.

"Back there on the beach when your eyes widen. What did your clones see?" Sui asked. She felt Naruto's grip tighten around her slim petite waist as Naruto narrowed his eyes before relaxing.

"Sui... Its best if you do not know" Naruto said with a stern tone. Sui opened her mouth but only to close it. If Naruto said it was best she didn't know then she will put her trust in him and not press the issue. She trusted her leader with her life and will not ask about it unless he deemed important.

Naruto however was trying to forever get rid of what his clone saw. And what his clone saw troubled him.

Naruto landed on the shore of the beach and waited for Kakashi's team to arrive.

"Sui" Naruto said calling the girls name.

"Yes Naruto-sama?" Sui stood at attention serious as Naruto went from Clan head too bad-ass front line soldier/commander.

"I want you to go and hide within the trees to provide back up on encase we have any unsuspected guests. Use your bone bullets technique to provide lone range support" Naruto said which Sui nodded and vanished within the trees to fulfill her master's intent. Naruto searched for Sui's heartbeat which he found. Pleased with her ability to hide herself he given a silent nod and turned to the other Shinobi whom just arrived.

"Kakashi-san. Since you defeated the Demon Brothers of the Mist we need to continue with our guard high as it can go. I will stand next to Tazuna-san while you take point. Sasuke and Sakura should flank the back while Sai flanks to the left side of Tazuna. I will be on his right side" Naruto said as Kakashi listened

"Solid plan Inutaisho-sama, I will take front and watch for any traps. Let me know when you pick up something" Kakashi said with a more serious tone than he had since the start of the mission. Sai, Sakura, and Sasuke looked surprised at the fact their sensei was taking them mission seriously. Well more at the fact he was being so serious rather than lazy and nonchalant.

Sasuke had his own thoughts while Sakura wanted to voice her opinion on this matter acting like a fangirl. But due to the mood the two Shinobi were given off she threw that out the window. Sai was silently watching the Inutaisho clan head as he took note that the man flew over a body of water without any form of help.

'Danzo-sama will wanna have me write all this down' Sai thought.

"Kakashi-sensei who is this person?" Sakura asked amazingly after stopped pestering the Uchiha for a date.

"Ahh This is Naruto Inutaisho-Uzumaki. Naruto Inutaisho for short. He is the Chef medic in the leaf Village and is seated on the Shinobi council as a clan head. Hokage-sama saw it fit to send Naruto-Sama to help on our mission" Kakashi introduced the clan head. Sakura was in some what of an awe at Naruto's status while Sasuke scoffed.

"Hn, he is no use to us on the battle field then" Sasuke said thinking this newer person is a weak link. Naruto wasn't even fazed by this comment as he could beat/kill the Genin Uchiha with one arm and his eyes closed. He could also seal away Sasuke's Kekkei Genkai the Sharingan and make the boy never awakens it.

"Actually Sasuke, Naruto-sama is the best Medic ninja we ever had. With the same level if not better than Tsunade of the Sannin plus the fact he is much stronger than me. Don't let his seat and title fool you. I sure if Naruto-sama wanted, he could kill you while make it look like you had a heart problem and no one would be the wiser" Kakashi eye smiled which caused Sasuke to shut up, scowl, as a shiver went up Sasuke's spine. Sasuke was no fool on who Tsunade was. Sai was writing something down in his note book while Sakura admired Naruto's status even more.

Tsunade is one of her biggest idols. So too meet a person that is the same if not better then Tsunade excites her. 'Maybe I can ask him on training tips' Sakura thinks.

Tazuna was in awe too but for a completely different reason. Alot of the Villagers are sick and need medical aid. Plus his own daughter Tsunami needs help too as a tumor is within her body and might kill her any day. He would rather sell his arm and leg than to loose anyone else. 'Thank you so much Kami-sama' Tazuna thought with a inner whoop of joy. Now in some way he had hit two birds with one stone. And since Naruto is the same if not better than Tsunade whom is a Legendary medic.

Naruto will be able to spare his daughter. But how would Tazuna repay the man for such a debt?

"Where did that white hair girl go?" Sai asked with a monotone voice but also wanting to keep track of the Inutaisho members. His master made it clear he wanted the Inutaisho's clan under his 'leadership'...

Naruto looked towards Sai and smelled the familiar scent he knew was Danzo's men carry. Now Naruto was no fool about the Root problem and the fact Hiruzen needed solid proof on the cripple War hawk to press charges. But all clan heads were given the 'Under the table' type of order which sums up as this.

Kill all Root agents that you deem a threat.

Since then each clan killed silently at least 2 members each every other month. Naruto however since they are keeping an eye on him the most had racked in a total of 40 kills. Something that caused Hiruzen to be alarm and the Other clan heads to worry. No doubt Kakashi and Hiruzen knew this boy about being in Root. But the fact he is still alive shows he isn't a threat... Yet.

"I commanded Sui to cover us as she remains hidden. What I do on my part of the mission is my concern Genin. Make sure you remember that" Naruto said with a cold voice causing Sai to develop a fake smile. The boy was about to open his mouth and say something to Naruto but the look on Kakashi's face shut Sai up really quick.

"Hn, as least she won't hold me back" Sasuke said boosting his own ego.

"Uchiha-san, if anyone is holding anyone back it would be you. Kakashi is a former anbu" Kakashi nods at the causing his students to be surprised though Sai tried to play along. The acting didn't fool the former anbu and Clan head at all. "I am able to fight the Hokage, several anbu, plus some of our own Jounin on equal ground. Sui is at least High Jounin level without using her Kekei Genkai. So please shut up before your ego gets you killed. I am in a forgiving mood today. But I won't hesitate to silence you if you become to much of a hindrance" Naruto spoke coldly glaring at the Uchiha only sightly. Sasuke silently squirmed under those cold burning golden amber eyes.

Turning to the road he sees ahead Tazuna, Kakashi, and Naruto begin to walk towards the Village where Gato controls.

The genin took their positions as Kakashi lead as Naruto stuck by Tazuna.

"Naruto-Sama" Tazuna tried to get the clan head attention.

"Yes Tazuna-san? Is something bothering you?" Naruto asked without looking at the Bridge builder.

"Ahh you see. I was wondering if you could look at my daughter and any of the sick Villagers. Some are in need of Medical aid. But since Gato controls everything, well you see our last doctor was kill by Gato" Tazuna said hoping the clan head will agree. Naruto blinked at this news and sighed at the stupidity of some people. 'Killing a Doctor was your biggest mistake Gato. Now I know how I will kill you' Naruto thought with a small mental grin.

"I will see what I can do. As for your daughter lets start with her first. What is her current condition?" Naruto asked.

"The last doctor said their was a tumor and mass in her lung. If not treated she will die. I don't know anything else" Tazuna said.

'A tumor and mass in her lung. Could be cancer or a blood clot. I will have to do a run down test of everything. And since I doubt they have a hospital or its gear with me I will need to use Tenseiga to heal any damage done. If I am able to treat her then she can live normally without any problems' Naruto thought.

"Tell me Tazuna-san does the past doctor have an office I can use?" Naruto said to which the man nodded.

"Yes, its a few blocks from our home. If anything its also the most well secured place in the Village" Tazuna admitted.

"Very well I will do all I can to help your daughter" Naruto said with a emotionless voice. Tazuna smiled at this thinking he could have someone finally look at his daughter. Naruto kept an ear out for anything that is out of place. He felt Sui Chakra spike for a split second as his eyes tracked a bone bullet go into a bush.

With the heavy mist around him Naruto has trouble tracking scents, but his sensor and hearing is on point. So when he heard a small squeak he knew something was wrong.

"What was that" Sakura got out her Kunai quick. Said and Sasuke also had a kunai out on guard protecting the bridge builder.

"Kakashi" Naruto said before his senses warned him of incoming danger.

"DOWN" Naruto commanded with a strong tone which caused everyone to obey easy. Naruto however did a back flip as a massive cleaver like blade embedded itself into the tree.

"Zabuza, Demon of the Hidden Mist. One of the Seven Swordsman of the mist" Kakashi narrowed his eyes at the man.

"Well well well. Looks like i hit the jackpot. Kakashi Hatake of the Sharingan and Naruto Inutaisho the Demon Blade. What an honor to meet such legendary shinobi" a tall man said while internally he was cursing his luck. He had to be the one to face Naruto Inutaisho in battle.

Naruto Inutaisho was marked as a S-Ranked Shinobi. Zabuza was out matched here and seeing as the man is famous for his skills with a sword it stands to reason why he beat the shit out of Kisame little over 6 months ago. Not only that the man was also able to not only CUT though the Three tail's Isobu defense he was able to force the Bijuu to reform while he slayed the Mizukage.

"Zabuza, lay down your arms and surrender. No harm shall come to you if you do" Naruto said offering a way out for the man trying to resolve this without drawing out Rebellion. Which has been having a argument with Tessaiga over whom fights Zabuza. How they do this Naruto does not question.

"And why should I kid?" Zabuza said wanting to rial up the Demon blade.

"Because right now your facing someone who can cut open your heart by simply touching you" Naruto said crossing his arms. One skill Naruto was able to 'create' are the move of Chakra Scalpels. Not only that but by a simply touch and his vast knowledge of the way he can use his energy. Naruto can cut major veins, organs, and nerves. This creates a 'Area of Death' within a certain radius of Naruto.

He experimented on thugs for the technique to work. And now he can simply touch a man's chest to cut his heart open or force the man to drown in his own blood. This was his 'cleanest' ability to use if he didn't feel like causing to much damage.

Zabuza froze at this studying the clan head with a curious expression. Honestly no one knew much about Naruto's skills over than he is insanely fast and great with a sword. His Ninjutsu and Taijutsu have never been seen or mention. This could because by the fact no one lived long enough to see those two skills in action. His record does say he is the Leading Medical Ninja in the Leaf Village plus he is far better than Tsunade Senju. If this man claims that he can kill someone by just a touch then he is certainly dangerous.

"Heh nice try kid but your bluff doesn't scare me" Zabuza said as he jumped down and dislodged his sword.

"Kakashi don't interfere please" Naruto said as Kakashi nodded not bothered by Naruto charging before him. Naruto drew Rebellion out and given it a causal swing to the side. That causal swing caused several of the trees to be either cut or blown away by a unseen powerful force. The sound that this caused all but Sui eyes to widen either in fear or awe. Sui spares against her Clan head at least once a week. She knew how dangerous he is with a blade. With Rebellion added into his 'collection' he was able to release destructive waves of energy. Not even Sui's Kekkei Genkai is able to help her defend in her leader's attacks.

Its also why she develop her Bone Armor which she summons for added protection.

"I hope you prove a much better challenge than most of the shinobi in my village" Naruto spoke in a cold tone looking at Zabuza as if he was a bug. Naruto release a bit of his own chakra spiking it to Kage level along with a slight amount of killing intent. He got the reaction he desired as cracks appeared on the ground and Zabuza breath quicken as he took shorter breaths.

'Listen number one when fighting Inutaisho Naruto, he doesn't always hold back even in a spar' Kakashi thought as he tried to sooth away ghost pains. Remembering when Naruto beat him faster than Kakashi can copy a ninjutsu.

With speed on par with a Kage Naruto rushed towards Zabuza with a downwards strike whom the man only had time to block with the flat side of his clever sword. A small shock wave shook the earth beneath their feet as Zabuza fought to hold his ground and avoid being cut in half.

'S- such strength!' Zabuza thoughts struggling to fight back.

Naruto however remained impassive as he pushed down on Zabuza cause the man to knee down under the pressure. Zabuza using Naruto's own force made the blade slammed into the ground as the Ex Mist shinobi went for a throat shot with his fist only for Naruto to catch the man's fist, grip his wrist and throw him into a tree. The caused Zabuza to explode in water as the executioner knife stayed in place embedded into the ground.

'He replaced himself with a Mizu Bunshin at the last minute' Naruto thought.

Naruto looked impassive as he scanned the area around him. With the mist blocking his sense of smell he had to rely on his hearing. His hearing alone allowed him to pick up the heart beats of those within a 30 foot radius without much trouble. Naruto picked up a calming heart beat that was racing not to long ago and slashed at the tree causing it to fall.

Zabuza growled at being found as he landed behind the Naruto.

"Your skilled with a blade I give you that" Zabuza admitted.

"If only you knew" Sui mumbled rubbing away ghost pains. She is watching the battle between her Clan Head and the Missing Nin.

Sui wanted to learn the art of Kenjutsu from her clan head. She learned alright but he was brutal, swift, graceful, and deadly. Much like a beautiful dance of blade Naruto had taught her how to use a blade. Even with Shizuka his chakra sword Naruto was still too strong for her to get toe to toe.

"I will give you one more chance to lay down arms Zabuza. I still have spots on my clan that needs to be filled. You know clan laws can portect you where the Village can not" Naruto said trying to get Zabuza to join his clan. He would make a great addition plus the fact he was a missing nin. So stood to reason for Naruto too offer a spot to Zabuza. If not this tactic will stall him for a brief second which is all Naruto needs to drive a blade though his heart.

Zabuza paused at the thought this man was telling the truth. He couldn't sense any dishonestly nor could he sense lies. Just a blunt truth like nothing could stop him from adding Zazbuza to his clan. in fact Zabuza felt himself moved by the bold statement. To be able to say such a sentence so boldly without a hit of fear or worry.

"How do I know your not lying?" Zabuza narrowed his eyes in suspsion.

Naruto lowered Rebellion and looked at Zabuza with a strong unflinching gaze. "For one I promise on my honor as a swordsman. Secondly I know the Hokage on a personal level so you would only have to serve a probation period. Thirdly you know I killed the Fourth Mizukage there for the Civil War is over. Fourthly I doubt anyone would try and stop me. I am the Chef Medic of the Leaf Village plus I hold a setting on the council. I have favor of every single clan in the village from Major to minor. I doubt you will have much trouble fitting in. Plus I can claim I killed you and enroll you into the Anbu. Such members have their identities kept secret encase you need to bring in money. Its quite simple" Naruto pointed out leaving the Demon of the Mist speechless for once in his life.

"Y-you just came up with that didn't you" Zabuza asked in a shaky voice.

"Do you agree? Or do you..." Naruto picked up Rebellion getting ready for another dash at the Missing nin.

Zabuza blinked and thought for a moment. "I know I can't see you Zabuza-san. But I would take Naruto-sama's offer if I were you" Kakashi called our from the thick fog. Kakashi learned the hard way you take Naruto's offers or you fall. Now the Clan Head can pretty much order Kakashi around when it came to his health or anything pertaining to his condition.

Zabuza felt unsure, hell right down surprised at this sudden offer. He wouldn't say he didn't mind the offer and it sure in hell bested running around the Elemental nations avoiding Hunter-Nin at every turn. Plus the fact this clan head is offering him an asylum in his clan in one of the strongest if not the strongest Village out of the five. There wasn't much to gain from working with Gato either and the demon of the mist was sure that short fat fuck will double cross him later. The more Zabuza thought about this offer the more it appealed to him to take it.

'Well there is really no down side to what he is offering other than following his orders as a clan head. But he seems powerful, level headed, and a seems to come up with solid plans on the fly... Why the hell not but I wanna fight him all out first' Zabuza thought as he put the executioner blade away.

"I will think about it. I will see you in a week to give you my answer" Zabuza said disappearing.

Naruto nodded glad he didn't have to kill a skilled Shinobi like Zabuza. A waste of potential and ally in the Clan Head opinion.

"You still surprise me Naruto-sama" Kakashi said as he walked towards the clan head.

"Hmm" Naruto just hummed as Sui appeared next to him in a Shinshun.

"Naruto-sama, that presence that was trying to hide is gone as well. Shall I follow them?" the petite girl asked.

"No, let them go for now. Our time is short and we need to help Tazuna fix his bridge" Naruto said turning the the Bridge Builder and the rest of 'team' seven.

"Genin stay in formation till we arrive at Tazuna's house. Lets move out" Naruto commanded as he walked forward with the other shinobi and Kunoichi following in formation.

Naruto's Stats

Name: Naruto Inutaisho-Uzumaki

Inu Daiyokai

Age: 13

Elemental Release: Wind, Water, Earth, Lightning, and Fire. (Sub-Elements: Ice and Wood)

Threat Class: S-Class

Rank: Genin, Clan Head, Chef Medic, and Council Member

Relationships: Hurizen(Surrogate Grand Father), Might Guy (Friend and Sensei), Kiba Inuzuka (Friend), Miya Uchiha (Friend/Love Interest), Rock Lee (Friend/Clan Member) Sui (Friend/Clan Member), Anbu Veteran Staff (Allies and Senseis), Ayame (Friend), Teuchi (Friend), Shikamaru Nara (Friend), Yuu Uchiha (Friend), Mikoto Uchiha (Friend/Love Interest), Yamato (Sensei/Friend), and Mei (Ally/Love Interest)

Unique Powers: Psionic Manipulation, Control over Elements, and Life-Force Manipulation.

Youki Techniques: Yūdokuna kattingukurō, Kurimuzon yūdoku hoippu, Kaze no kizu(ato), Kenatsu, and many more.

Chakra Techniques: Crescent Wave, Kawarimi no Jutsu, Kattingu-fū, Kage Bunshin, Nyūmūn no dansu, and many more.

Aether Techniques: Purification, Healing, Barrier, Salvation, Celestial Arrow, Celestial Spear, and Celestial Swords.

Skills: Demonic Arts, Kenjutsu, Taijutsu, Fuinjutsu, Ninjutsu, Bukijutsu, and Iryō Ninjutsu.

Swords or Other Items:

Shizuka - Though the history of this sword remains unclear as of now. It seems to hold a great deal of value towards Naruto. It is know to channel chakra like a Youki sword or blade can channel the demonic power of a Yokai. As such Naruto finds it a great use for this blade as it allows him to due several attacks with Elements and pure chakra.

Another thing that is noted about the blade is it is not curved but a straight double edge blade leaving the blade its self is more of an offense weapon even though in battle it is balanced enough for the user to attack and defend. And even though this sword can't cut like the traditional blades Naruto sees often used, this sword has no problem chopping and slicing and cutting down people as the blade is kept sharp like a razor thanks to Naruto's care.

Tenseiga - Known as the "Heavenly Rebirth Fang" Tenseiga its self is called the 'Sword of the Heaven' as this sword had more of a Holy and Divine aura rather a demonic one. As such this sword was also believed to be one of three that could conquer the three realms. Those three realms being Nirvana, Makai, and Earth.

The sword has a special property in that it cannot harm any living beings, which is ironic for a sword. However its power lies in the fact that it can bring the recently dead back to life as well as healing the wounded. Tenseiga allows a powerful wielder to see and slay the beings from the underworld, as well as bringing up to 100 beings back to life in one swing. Additionally, while Tenseiga is unable to harm humans, it is able to cut through beings that are not from the world of the living, such as the living dead.

Tenseiga has a mind of its own and will express its self though pulses letting its wielder know that it wishes to act for the benefit of another rather than the wielder him/her self. But while the sword is powerful, it is not perfect nor all powerful. While it can heal and bring back the recently deceased, it will either unable or unwilling to help such beings that do not possess a soul to begin with. Meaning even the blade its self has limits.

Tessaiga - Known as the 'Sword of Earth' and "Iron-Crushing Fang". It was the opposite of the Tenseiga. Out of the two, Tessaiga was "the sword of destruction", while Tenseiga was "the sword of life." Tessaiga has a mind of its own much like Tenseiga and will pulse or shake like Tenseiga to give its wielder a message of what the sword wishes to do but most of the time its content with fighting along side its wielder.

In its 'docile' form, the sword looked like a regular (or rather battered) katana. When wielded properly, it transformed into a weapon roughly the size of a car bumper that somewhat resembles a falchion. The Tessaiga only transformed if the user cared for humans and had yōki, this means that humans can never wield it because they do not possess yōki. This also can be said that NO full Yokai shall wield this blade if they do not have compassion in their heart. The Tessaiga had the power to slay 100 demons in one swing by striking the Kaze no Kizu, it also had the ability to absorb the technique or skill of a strong yōkai that was defeated with the sword.

At first glance when not in use, the Tessaiga appeared to be nothing more than a battered katana with a heavily chipped and rusted blade with the hilt's fabric tearing away. When transformed, the blade turned into an over-sized dog's fang, fitting for its name. The cross guard turned into a large patch of fur similar to a dog's also

Sō'unga (Not in possession) - Also can be called "Amassing Cloud Fang" is a demon sword. It is the opposite of Sesshōmaru's inherited sword, Tenseiga, "the sword of life or heaven," as Sō'unga is considered "the sword of death or hell." Sō'unga, "the sword of hell or of world conquest," can summon 100 dead souls in one swing. The combined powers of the Tessaiga and the Tenseiga are the only swords capable of defeating Sō'unga, which was stronger than either of the two swords alone.

Sō'unga, unlike the Tessaiga or Tenseiga, was not created by Tōtōsai from the Inu no Taishō's fang and it is unknown how Inutaisho came to possess it. Also, unlike the other two, Sō'unga contains the spirit of an ancient evil dragon from the depths of hell. When held by a human, Sō'unga takes control of them, and they will kill everything they possibly can, and when held by a yōkai, Sō'unga will try to persuade them to do its bidding. However, if the yōkai is strong enough, they can overpower Sō'unga with their own will and control the sword on their own

Bakusaiga (Not in Possession) (爆砕牙, "Explosive Crushing Fang") is a sword that was created from Sesshōmaru's own body showing that this is Sesshomaru true sword. Bakusaiga takes on the form of a katana with a unique design. The backside of its blade features various rune-like lines running along it with a beige hilt featuring the same design. One of the powers of Bakusaiga is Decomposition.

Bakusaiga's primary ability is to decompose any organic material its blade cuts. Once cut, the target becomes "infected" with spontaneous destruction that disintegrates the main body and nullifies any regenerative properties the target may have. In addition, the remaining destruction will continue to spread to any organic matter that comes into physical contact with the original target, similar to a virus. It is because of this particular ability that Bakusaiga proved to be a bane too any being with a regenerative abilities.

Though the only one immune to this abilities of the sword is its owner.

The Nanatsusaya (Not in possession) - A Holy sword used by a powerful angel by the name of Alexiel. Though not much is know about this blade. It is known for its clear pinkish color and crystal or glass like appearance. Along with three small blade that come out on each side of the double edge sword.

Rebellion - Rebellion is a massive broadsword with a heavy double-edged blade, notched on both sides near the tip. The pommel is a single spike splits open into several spikes giving the appearance of a crown. The grip is plain, but the guard is skeletal, with a skull-design on each side leading to the rib cage from which the blade emerges; on one side of the blade, the skull is that of a human, while the other uses a horned demon's skull. Initially, the crosstree is extends in against the ribs and the skull is that of a Screaming Skull (or Wailing Skull)

This sword used by the Half Devil/Half human Dante Sparda is one of the few 'Devil Arms' floating around the Elemental nations. But like all other demonic or holy weapons one must have demonic power in order to use the full potential of the weapons. Rebellion has a number or abilities though most if not all of the powers of the sword deals with sword play. Though it has been shown this sword use raw demonic magical energy to deal damage.

Yamato - Is a O-katana (Though slightly longer) with an ornate bronze is an oval similar to a O-katana design. And the tsuka-ito seems to be braided from white and black material. The blade features several intricate ornaments, most notable is a relief of a dragon at the endpoint of the hilt. The scabbard is black, made of traditional lacquered wood, and features several metallic ornaments on its far end.

User by Dante's older brother Vergil Sparda. The sword has many powers, one dangerous ability the sword Yamato has is to be able to cut through anything which includes Time/Space. It is also the key to opening the demonic world to the human realm. Like Rebellion this sword is imbued with tremendous magical powers as it was originally Sparda's sword along with Rebellion and Force Edge.