So, yes, I'm rewriting Kiss Kiss Leave Me Alone! Except this is honestly like a brand new story. This was how I wanted Xavier to act, but I just never really committed to it.

Yuukio will be in this story and her name will remain the same so if you don't like it, sorry. Yuukio is a gender neutral name.

Oh gee, I hope you guys like it. Please remember, this story, while it might have some of the same elements, is going to be completely different. Yes, I will keep the original up.

Renge let out a sigh as the last guest left the club room. She plopped down on a couch near her, and rested her chin on her hand.

"What's wrong Renge?" Haruhi questioned, tilting her head at the blonde girl, who looked worried. Renge was usually very bouncy and full of life, but today she seemed distracted.

"My cousin is coming to live with me." She told Haruhi. "My uncle is sending him over hoping Ouran will 'straighten' him out."

"Straighten him out?" Hikaru was interested now. Things had been boring around here, especially since Mori and Honey had graduated.

"He's awful. I really love him, I do, but, he's a mess." Renge told them, shaking her head. "He's been at boarding school in England since uncle runs the English portion of the company. He's apparently gone off the deep end, says uncle."

"Really?" Tamaki questioned, interested now too. "I'm sure he's not so bad! Maybe he could become a Host? We'd help him!"

"Senpai I don't know about this." Haruhi complained, wishing Tamaki would think before he acted.

"I agree with Haruhi." Renge told Tamaki, shaking her head. "Xavier will not be a good host. He's too off in his only little world of music and parties. All he does is drink and play music and go sleep around with people." She made a disgusted face. "He's supposed to be taking over his father's branch of the company but he's made it obvious it's not what he's interested in. Uncle is hoping he'll come here and get his life together. He wants me to keep an eye on him, but I know it'll be difficult."

"I'm sure he isn't that bad." Kaoru mumbled, knowing Renge could be over dramatic. He wasn't too quick to believe what Renge told him.

"He is! He has issues with authority and he doesn't get along with anyone but these friends he made in America while on a music program a year ago. He doesn't listen to anything we tell him, plus, he drinks and smokes and sleeps around! On top of that, he's so moody. He has no respect for anyone, not even himself." Renge continued, getting worked up over it.

"He sounds like trouble." Kyoya pushed his glasses further up his nose, making note to look up Xavier and see what he could find on him. "I don't think he'd be able to help us here, Tamaki."

"We should meet him before making rash decisions." Haruhi said wisely, unsure about the male. He sounded like a piece of work by Renge's standards.

Xavier stretched his back as he stood in front of the door for music room three.

He really didn't want to be here at this school, or even in this country. He had no interest in this high profile school and was sure his time here would be short. He sighed, still standing at the door. It was a nice door, but, he couldn't continue to stand here like this. The other students would think something was wrong with him.

They wouldn't be wrong, but…

He shrugged it off and opened the door to the room, choosing not to knock. He stepped into the room, looking around at the hugeness of it, wondering what type of club needed this space. He didn't see anyone in the room, but he figured he must have gotten here too early, so he headed over the couch and sat down, deciding to wait on his cousin.

He pulled out his phone and played around on it, lazily going through all his social media apps he had on it, wondering when his cousin was going to get here. He didn't want to be here in the first place, at all, but he sure didn't want to be back at his boarding school in England either. He was hoping his father was going to send him to America, but, here he was, in Japan.

He wondered if he could smoke, but he decided that probably wasn't the best idea. He was starting to get bored and irritated when the door opened.

"Oh." Renge said with a group of males behind her.

"Don't act so happy to see me." Xavier stood, sliding his phone into his pocket. He spoke with a heavy British accent. "I thought I had the wrong room for a while there." He shrugged, feeling a bit awkward. The males behind her were giving him odd looks, and he wondered what his cousin had told them about him. "So….hey, I'm Xavier. Renge's cousin. I'm sure she's told you all about me."

"Just a little." Tamaki walked over to him bravely and shook his hand, even though he was a bit startled by the male. He had blonde hair, much like Renge, except it was more golden. It was shaved on the sides and he had a lip piercing jutting out on his lip. He had gray eyes that bore into Tamaki's and he was about the same height as the male. "I'm Tamaki, king of this host club!" He smiled, hoping to dazzle Xavier. "This is Kyoya, Haruhi, and the twins, Hikaru and Kaoru." He introduced the others, who waved to Xavier. "We'll leave you and Renge alone so you two can catch up." He backed off as Renge approached them.

"He doesn't seem so bad." Haruhi told Tamaki as he brought them in for a group discussion.

"Did you not have his eyes bore into yours!?" Tamaki whispered harshly. "I take back what I said, he can't be a host!"

"Senpai, you've barely spoken to him. You can't go off what Renge says." Haruhi was ready to smack Tamaki around. He was being cruel. Xavier looked normal, well, to Haruhi, probably not to these guys though.

"Xavier is seventeen and have been enrolled at Manchester's Fine Arts boarding school since he was ten. He went over to America when he was sixteen as part of a very sought after music program." Kyoya read his file from his manila folder. "He's extremely talented in music and can play guitar, bass, drums, ukulele and has an amazing vocal range. He seems to be quite talented."

"He doesn't seem like he'd want to join our club." The twins said together, looking over their shoulders at him.

"He's not one for social clubs like this one. His grades were decent, his attendance was worse. He spent most nights out whenever he could and seemed to be quite the partyer. His mother is a famous French actress, Jacqueline Labelle and his father is Akio Hōshakuji. They divorced when he was younger." Kyoya continued, skimming as he read. "Nothing much more than that. He doesn't have any bad spots on his records. He seems average."

"Told you, Senpai." Haruhi put her hands on her hips. "You know, he's talented in music and guests would like that. Maybe he just needs to make friends that are better influences?" She looked to Tamaki, trying to get him to lighten up about Xavier.

"You should join our host club!" They heard Renge exclaimed happily, which surprised them all since she was against it yesterday. "It'd be so much fun! Plus, Uncle wants me to help you straighten out, and this club will help!"

"A-Ah, no thanks." He replied, shaking his head at her. "I got better things to do, like sleep, or, I dunno, do other things." He didn't seem interested at all. She continued to whine, and he just crossed his arms, growing irritated by the second. "I'm really in no condition to spend my time doting over girls, Renge. Do you really want me messing with the girls in this school?"

"Not in the manner I know you're thinking of." She smacked his arm, sending a glare his way. "All you'll do is sit and talk to them. Oh! You can sing for them!"

"No thanks…." He was losing interest again and looked like he was ready to leave. "I'm not big on playing for other people. Renge, I really think this is a horrible idea."

"You could be our bad boy!" She continued. "Tamaki, we could use a bad boy! Since we no longer have Mori or Honey, we need another host." Now she hurried over to Tamaki to try and convince him. "Please, Xavier needs help. He's gotta clean himself up, or his life is over!"

"No it isn't." He called out to her but she brushed it off.

"You can make him an amazing host!" Renge held Tamaki's hands with stars in her eyes. "We can make him perfect!"

"That does sound good." Tamaki was thinking it over. The others sighed. "That's it! Men, we're going to help this poor boy out!"

"Oh hell no." Xavier glared, arms crossed. "Look, blondie, I don't play this shit. I'm not rainbows and butterflies like the rest of you lot."

"You're doing it." Renge told him firmly. "Or I'll tell Uncle. You'll never get out of here."

"What?!" He exclaimed, even angrier now. "That's unfair, Renge. That's fucking bullshit with a capital B." He was starting to get hostile, and Haruhi was wondering if Renge had been right about him. "I'll give it a whirl, though, only because I need to get out of here." He sighed, all his angry seeming to disappear.

"She was right about those mood swings." Hikaru muttered to Kaoru, who nodded his head. Hikaru wasn't very impressed by the blonde male. He was different, that was for sure, but Hikaru didn't find him interesting enough to keep around. "He might be decent to play with for a little while."

"I thought we talked about you two using people as play things." Haruhi glared at the twins. The two, while they were getting better, were still trouble makers. Hikaru smiled at her, and she rolled her eyes. "If you really don't want to do it, Xavier, you don't have to." She turned to look at him, hoping this would make him friendlier to her. She knew what it was like being forced into something.

Xavier tilted his head slightly as he looked at Haruhi. He narrowed his eyes, sensing something was up. Haruhi was way to pretty to be a boy. He decided not to say anything about it though, because he honestly didn't care. "Haruhi, right?" He questioned, making sure he got the name right. "Thanks, but, this is Renge we're talking about here. If she wants something enough, she'll get it, no matter what. That's what happens when you're spoiled rotten. Wish my parents did that with me."

"You were spoiled!" Renge argued and Xavier just looked at her like he wanted to punch her for saying that. "They sent you to another country and let you do whatever you wanted!"

Xavier continued to look at Renge, hoping she would understand what she just said. She didn't, unfortunately.

"That's because I'm older and am capable of taking care of myself." He stood now, ready to go unpack all of his things at Renge's place. "And because they're too busy to even realize what I'm actually doing, which is perfect for me. Now I'm heading back to unpack my shit, so, be good and do whatever you usually do. See you later." He waved and walked towards the door.

"Make sure you take your medicine and don't lock the door to your room!" Renge called after him.

"God I need a fag." He grumbled, slamming the club doors' shut.

"So, that's our newest club member?" The twins chimed together, both not impressed. "Boring!"