''Leo? you don't how to do that, stop? if you can't take care the dishes you sure can't take of this!'' Donald said in a mad voice.

''But Big D?!''

''No buts now go?!'' Donald said pointing at the elevator. Leo pouted all the way the lab where he saw step-brother.

Leo walked over to Donald computer, as he walked over to the computer, Chase walked over to Leo. Chase said holding his stomach. Leo turned around and saw him.

''Chase, are okay?'' Leo asked walking to him. ''I don't feel well.''Chase said still holding his stomach.

''Get Mr. Davenport please?'' Chase said with a tear in his eye.

''Okay hold on I'll go''- Leo couldn't finish, Leo had a great Idea. ''Oh sorry Chase, I can't, you see, Big D had to go somewhere and he won't be back till tonight.'' Leo lied. ''But it is tonight.'' Chase whined with a groaned a little still holding his stomach and he's on his knees.

''Well won't be back till later.'' Leo lied again. Chase groaned in pain holding his stomach tight. ''Leo please it hurts?'' Leo rushed him. ''Hey its okay, you're gonna be okay, I will take care of you.'' Leo said rubbing his back.

Leo put his hand on Chase's forehead and his cheek. ''You're burning up.'' Leo said then took it off. ''Here go in your capsule and I'll be right back.'' Leo said then Chase nodded. Leo helped Chase up and leaded him to his capsule ''Be, back.''Leo said, then ran ran up stairs and walked in the living room where he saw His mom, Donald, Adam, and Bree all in the living room watching a movie.

''Oh hey Leo, wanna watch a movie with us?'' Tasha asked showing him the movie case. ''Um no thanks, I'm good.'' Leo said looking at them with a weird face. ''Leo, about what happened earlier when I shouted at you, just forget it.'' Donald said as he was walking to Leo. ''Oh no Big D, It fine don't worry about it, just-just watch your movie and- and I'll be back.'' Leo said turning around and walking back, but before he even got a chance, Donald stopped him.

''Hey hey hey, where are you going?'' Donald asked stopping Leo. ''Oh I'm just going to the lab.'' Leo replied. ''Why?'' Donald asked looking at Leo.

''Because, I~ wan't to.'' Leo answered. ''Leo is there something you don't wont me to see?'' Donald asked with a serous face.

''What~ no I just don't wan't to watch a movie.'' Leo said then there was coughing coming from the lab that was so loud; ''What was that?'' Donald asked. Leo was coughing over Chase. *Cough*Cough*Cough~ Then the coughing stopped. Donald looked at Leo with a wired face. ''Loe what's going on?'' Donald asked.

''Nothing Big D, Its just that, I'm~ Coming down with something, yeah its really not feeling good*cough* so step back.'' Leo lied.

''Aww why din't you just tell me instead of acting wired?'' Donald said then headed in the kitchen and grabbed some medicine.''Um, Big D, I don't really wan't medicine right now, so, mabe later. Leo said.

''Are you sure?'' He replied. ''I'm sure, very, very, very sure.'' He said backing up.

He gave me a weird look. Then Leo ran off. Leo rushed in the lab, and as he rushed in, he saw my Chase on the floor throwing up. ''Oh my god Chase!'' He shouted he rushed to him.

''Are you okay?'' he asked in concerned.

''No, My stomach hurts.''' He replied. ''Okay buddy let get you up.'' I said calmly.

Chase started to cough.

''Are you okay?'' Leo asked. Chase nodded a little.

''Are you sure?'' He asked again. Chase went in his capsule, and started to fall asleep. Leo smiled. Then Leo headed up stairs. As I got there. Mr. Davenport, Tasha, Bree, and Adam were all looking at me, mad.

''Leo, is there something you need to tell us?'' Mr. Davenport asked.

''Um, nooo.'' Leo replied nervously.

''Loe who was coughing?'' Mr. Davenport asked. ''Yeah, was that you?'' Tasha added. 'Um, yeah, yeah, that, that was me.'' Leo lied. ''Leo do lay down okay sweety.'' Tasah said calmly. ''Okay mom, I will.'' Leo said then he layed down

Hey guys, I hope you liked it, feel free to review see ya later