A/N: Hello! So, any of you who follow me are probably wondering, "What's Winged Element doing posting something that isn't DMC and not a crossover with it?" Well I'm going to say that I've found something else that I just can't help but write my own fanfiction to :3 To those of you who are new, hello and welcome :) Details on me and my posting habits are on my profile but this is my first fanfiction outside the realm of Devil May Cry, I just couldn't help myself… Dracula Untold was amazing and as I love writing vampires and have read the original Dracula (though I wasn't hugely fond of it, little dry for my tastes) I thought I'd give this a go. Sorry bout the long ramble, I tend to do that sometimes, I'll make up for it in the chapter :)
Disclaimer: *shakes head* I know I don't know you guys very well yet but come on, really?
That Voice So Soft and Sweet
Bu-thump… Bu-thump… The noise echoed in his ears, throbbed in his teeth, he knew what was happening but didn't want to admit, even to himself, especially when his wife was kissing him so nicely, her fingers dug into his back and he pulled back; content for a moment just watching her. She was lovely, the way she tilted her head back, the way her pulse throbbed in her neck… he looked at it, could practically see the blood rushing through the veins… he just wanted to… he backed off the bed as quickly as he could.
"What's wrong?" she asked
"I… need some air…"
Vlad opened his eyes and saw the ceiling above him, his mind filled with images of Mirena, the day they had married, when she held Ingeres for the first time, and even in her next life when she had viewed him as a monster and he'd been pushed as closer to a true death than he'd ever been. Far closer than even that day in the sun when he'd watched his son get dragged to safety. He checked in on his decedents from time to time, it gave him something to do, something to occupy his time every ten years or so. It would have to be tonight… he would have to feed tonight… He had come to hate doing so, every time he did, he couldn't help but be reminded of that moment, that time so many many years ago that Mirena had died in his arms. And he was the one that pulled the last little bit of lifeblood from her veins… worse yet was the fact that he enjoyed it… no matter how much time passed, how much he tried to drown the past in blood, that moment still came back to him when he drank, when he killed a victim… that image of his wife's body, lifeless because of him would haunt him for the rest of his days…
The former prince shook his head, forcing his thoughts back to the present, the sun was still high in the sky, not that it was unusual for him to have fitful sleep, but as the years had passed the effects of the sun had waned, now it was more of an irritation than anything else, he avoided it if possible, simply for comforts sake but he could walk through a patch of sunlight without getting lit up like a torch. He looked up to the ceiling and touched his forehead in a quick prayer for the day, some habits died hard… He dressed himself and made a cup of coffee, human food did little for him but the robust smell and warmth of the drink was pleasant, not nearly as much as it was back in the day. He wished that people still knew how to make a good brew, some local bakeries weren't bad but still… He'd told Mehmed once that the only thing he missed from his childhood was the coffee, that hadn't been a lie. He grabbed the cup and took a sip, his lip curling at the weak taste in comparison to his memories, despite those very memories being hundreds of years old.
Mug in hand the vampire sat down at his laptop and waited patiently for the thing to boot up. Technology was a fascinating thing and something that Vlad tried to keep up on, but damn if it was hard, it was changing so fast. Once the internet was up and running he started checking his stocks and started his work for the day. Online work was the easiest way to keep a low profile, no one could see you or your daily actions to make judgment or question them; occasionally he'd pick up an office job or some such, just to change up the pace or for something to do but when you lived in a paid off house and didn't have to pay for food and didn't use the lights the cost of living was fairly inexpensive. Vlad tipped the mug back only to realize it was empty, today was just dull, dragging on and he'd only just gotten up. He looked outside, it was a pleasant shade of overcast and the sun was just beginning to go past its peak. Perhaps he'd make a trip downtown and see what was going on.
-Forever and a Day-
It was a fine day for a walk, the streets were bustling and despite the lack of sunshine the people seemed to be in a good mood, at least for citygoers, Vlad had long since become accustomed to the rudeness of city-folk but that didn't stop him from enjoying his own day though, he'd do his work tonight after a… well after getting a drink. He had just decided to head toward the extensive library and see if anything there tickled his fancy when he heard it… that voice… that voice so soft and sweet, exactly as he remembered… the vampire turned, hoping beyond hope…
A/N: Okay… so I may have a teensy tinsey little love of cliffhangers… heheheh… please forgive me and the next chapter will be up next week?
Till next time,
-Winged Element