Family Secrets
A/N: So I just came up with this after watching the latest episode, and I talked briefly with a mate about this idea and she said to go for it so yeah, oh and by the way I am still working on my other fanfic at the moment, so yeah
Sophia had been staying at Kate's old apartment for three weeks now and for two weeks Sophia has been keeping her secret from Kate. Well its not really her secret its more of Gracie's secret. Gracie had been staying with Sophia ever since her sister had moved out of the apartment. Thats right, Kate Beckett has a little baby sister. After the murder of their mother, little baby girl Gracie was shipped off to her Aunt Teresa's. Sophia just happens to be Teresa's daughter. Gracie had finally decided to move back to New York in hope to reunite with her father and big sister. Two weeks ago Gracie had arrived at the apartment in hope to be greeted by her older sister, but instead was shocked to see her cousin greeting her at the door. Gracie decided it was best if she stayed with Sophia, so that she could have some time to think about how to tell Kate about everything and why she had moved back
Gracie was only 9months old when her mother had died, Jim had turned to drinking and Kate had decided that it would be best for Gracie to be brought up in an enviroment that safer than the enviroment they were living already. With their fathers drinking problem and with the slight possibility that someone was out to get their family. Kate would visit her every few months, but mainly when they had closed a tough case that involved their victim being a teenager or a minor. Kate had a soft spot when it came to her little sister, never could she ever say no to her, no matter what the situation.
After a long day at work, Sophia unlocked the door and entered the apartment and was greeted by the smell of warm, delicious food being cooked.
"Wow. Something smells good." she said dragging herself towards the kitchen.
"Well, after the week you've had I just thought maybe it was time for me to do a little cooking of my own, instead of ordering takeout all the time, and also to celebrate two weeks of me being here and two weeks without you blabbing to Kate about this whole stuation." she said mixing the spaghetti bolonaigse together.
"Trust me, after I heard how you got kicked out that boarding school academy I'm just a tad bit more scared of you then I am of your sister." Sophia said setting the table.
"Seriously though, you cannot tell Kate why I'm here she will either kill me or ship me off somewhere else." Gracie replied as she put all the food onto the table.
Rick heard the door open and looked up from his laptop, to see his beautiful wife taking off her coat.
"Hey hon, did you close the case?" he asked getting up off the couch. Rick grabbed the phone while Kate sat down on the couch.
"Yeah, turns out it was just a drug deal gone wrong and the poor young girl was in the wrong place at the wrong time." she said looking down at her hands.
"Thinking of Gracie?..." he questioned, she responded with a small nod, "look babe, I'm sure she's perfectly fine wherever she is right now, so what you want tonight? Chinese? Italian? Pizza? What ever you want." he asked, she still hadon't looked at him yet.
"Yeah, I know she can take care of herself, its just that all this time I just wish I was closer to her, you know?" she said finally looking up at his blue eyes.
"Oh honey, I know you just wanna protect her, but that girl wasn't her, Gracie is at that boarding school academy with ugly uniforms, she's working her butt off for her dreams to come true. You don't have to worry... and plus shes a Beckett..." he said looking deep into her eyes, "Now, Chinese, Italian, or Pizza your pick." he asked again.
"Italian, it's Gracie's favourite." she said looking at a photo take three months ago of her and Gracie, the last time she had gotten the chance to see her baby sister.
So that's the first chapter of this fanfic, hope you like. Please review, so I get an idea of whether its a thumbs up or down.