Redeeming LoVe
Chapter 22: Hard Realizations
It killed me to watch Veronica run away from me like she just did, but made me livid that she called Weevil. I could murder him right about now. I decided though to drown my sorrows in some Scotch that I found in the pool house. I was laying back in the bed when something caught my eye as I looked at the fan above me. What the hell? My eyes followed the path of a wire going from the fan to the built in book cases. I got up to investigate just as Aaron walked in stopping me dead in my tracks.
"Logan, we need to talk," he snapped as I watched him saunter toward me. He was a man on a mission and currently that mission involved me.
I didn't want to believe that Logan would film me, but the evidence was clearly there. It seemed from all the tapes in the cubby he had been doing it for a while now. It made me sick to think that someone so endearing could do something so vicious. I knew I hadn't given him the benefit of doubt when I ran out on him, but things were getting serious and it scared me. I wanted to trust him, but things just didn't add up.
To add things to the pot my mom was now back in the picture. I mean I wanted her home, but it was strange to wake up and see her. I tried to put it out of my mind how she abandoned me when I needed her, but that was a reality. I could have used her support this last year, but she was nowhere to be found.
"Veronica, you want to help me fix dinner," Lianne asked as I walked in the door. I almost missed her presence in the kitchen until she called my name.
"Sure," I said as I dropped my bag on the stool. "What have you been doing today?" I questioned as she took a long drink from her water bottle.
"I was going through some things trying to find something. I thought I had left some things behind, but I guess your dad got rid of it," she said as I wondered if she was referring to the safety deposit box. I had got that and the money inside of it hiding in the bottom of my closet.
"Yeah, he brought out a box of things and offered it to me, but I think it just got tossed," I replied as I felt a shudder run up my spine from the hidden pictures she had put in the box. It bothered me that she had held off telling my dad that the Kane's had put a target on my back.
"Hi Dad," I said as he opened the front door of our apartment. "This is so stupid," I continued as I tried to keep the spoon under my tongue while I chopped the onion.
"No, I'm telling you. No tears. Keith, the radio, like old times," my mom was saying as she pointed toward my dad. This felt nice to have both my parents in the same room. "It works, see," she said as my dad began flipping through the channels on the radio. I listened to them talking about all the different music that they would listen to when they ate their food.
My mom said the music was setting the mood of the dinner; for Italian you would listen to Connie Francis, hot dogs and tater tots it would be southern rock, pork chops could be country or if they were fried Elvis. My dad finally settled on "La Bamba".
"There you go, how's that?" he questioned as he moved toward us.
"Perfect," my mom replied as I smiled just seeing them together made sense, but there was a nagging feeling that this was hurting Alicia. I liked Alicia, but this was my mom. I had even told Wallace my mom was getting help and might come home. I just hated that someone had to get hurt, but there is always someone in the crossfire. It reminded me of Logan I honestly couldn't bring myself to see him as a cold hard killer. He has anger issues yes, but could he really murder someone. I had to stop obsessing or it would drive me crazy. I headed to bed to try to distract myself after dinner.
When I got up the first thing I saw was the newspaper which carries the front page headline: Eyewitness Steps Forward: Escort claims she was with Koontz at time of Kane murder. I knew my dad had found his missing person. I knew he was up to something fishy, but I wouldn't have even thought this up. I quickly grabbed some food and headed to school. Wallace found me just as I stepped out of my car holding the paper in his hands like it was the best novel ever.
"Girl have you read what your pops has been up to," he questioned as I just nodded my head.
"More than you would like to know," I said as he just looked at me. "I'm sorry about your mom," I added as he looked up from the newspaper.
"Yeah, well you did warn me, though I didn't think you were right," he said as we went into the school and headed toward the main area. "Since his removal from office, Keith Mars, the ousted sheriff, has tirelessly and single-handedly continued his own investigation, despite being shunned by the community at large," he started as I chuckled knowing this was sort of a fan letter.
"Do you think it might be wrong and morally gross to read a love letter to your dad, but I kind of enjoy it," I admitted as he laughed at me.
"I don't know your dad all that well, but if it were me. I'd be all over the idiots shouting how they were all wrong," he said as I nodded my head. I could hear several students talking to one another as I looked up I saw Logan, but quickly and pretty forcibly shoved Wallace into the girl's bathroom.
"You know I have always thought about hooking up in the girl's bathroom, but you've just ruined my fantasy of a hot blonde-pulling-me-into-the-girl's-room!" he snapped at me as I just stared at him dumbstruck.
"Do me a favor?" we both said simultaneously as I looked back at him to see his grin.
"Girl I know you all too well," he says chuckling as I just shake my head. Was I really that predictable? I thought as Wallace just smiles.
"Right, please just go outside and tell me when Logan's gone," I asked as he just shook his head giving me a knowing look.
"Okay, but how much longer do you think you can avoid him? I'm sure he would willingly beat anyone up who hurts you," he says as I just push him toward the door. Wallace leaves me alone as I lean up against the door knowing I would have to face Logan at some point. I needed answers and he had them, but could I trust him after what I found. I was lucky to avoid Logan most of the morning as Wallace ran interference and I took to ducking into small spaces until lunch. I decided to head to the office to talk with my dad.
"Hi, Mrs. Fennel," I say as she almost bumps into me exiting the office. God, she must have just talked with my dad. I headed into the office to see my dad looking toward the window no doubt watching Alicia leaving.
"Are you alright?" I questioned as he turned to look at me.
"Yeah, it's fine. I just had to tell Alicia that my situation is changed," he says trying to keep it together.
"Dad, I know how much you care about her," I said honestly feeling horrible for helping my mom after she walked out on us.
"Yeah, I know sweetie," he says as I just watch him.
"Yet, she's got to understand, though, right? I mean with Mom coming back?" I asked as he looked up at me just nodding his head.
"Yeah, your mom is back and I should be thinking about that not this," he says sourly as he hugs me and then gets up going into his office and closing the door. I decided to head back to school since lunch was almost over.
"Veronica," Beaver says as he walks into the journalism room.
"Beaver, how can I help you," I question looking up from the article I was working on.
"My real name's Cassidy, not Beaver. Dick thinks it's funny to call me that," he mutters looking at the article I was working on.
"Right, sorry. What can I do for you Cassidy?" I ask as he begins to fidget.
"I don't know if you'll be helping me or yourself actually. I think you should know something. I believe it's for your own good," he says looking over his shoulder before closing the door to the room.
"Okay spill," I say as he doesn't look me in the eye. This made me nervous about what he might tell me.
"The weekend that Lilly was killed, me, Dick and Logan, we were down in Mexico, surfing," he begins as I knew all this already.
"Bev... Cassidy, I know this, you're not telling me anything new," I muttered as I felt like he was wasting my time.
"No, I know that but Logan, he, uh, he got-he got all worked up, you know, talking about how he knew Lilly was seeing somebody new, and how he felt about it," he says as I sit up a little straighter thinking this was new information.
"Yes, and what did he do," I questioned as he looked toward the door before looking back toward me.
"Logan up early that morning, the day that Lilly was murdered, he drove back to Neptune to see her. He said he needed to just check in with her, the look though in his eye told another story," he says as I just feel really sick. I mean could he really do what happened with Lilly. I mean Logan had a anger issue, but could he bash her head in. They were always breaking up and getting back together, but Lilly she told me she had a secret. What was her secret?
"Beaver said that Logan had bought Lilly a shot glass that he found in a tourist shop down there," I said flatly looking around at the mess of files and documents.
"Does that seem odd to you? Logan buying Lilly something like that," my dad asked as he was looking over a sheet.
"No, Lilly collected shot glasses. Beaver said it said 'I got baked in Ensenada' and she would have loved it," I said knowing full well she would have liked it. Lilly loved to get anything that would drive Celeste crazy.
"Sweetheart are you alright?" my dad questioned me as I looked away from him.
"Yeah, it's just I can't believe Logan would do anything to Lilly," I said as he looked at me with concerned filled eyes.
"Oh my god, 'Baked in Ensenada!'" he said as he pulled out a file and began searching through it.
"What are you looking for?" I asked as he smiled a little in my direction.
"This is an inventory of everything that we collected from Lilly's bedroom, and everything in Lilly's car. Shot glass. Baked in Ensenada. It's here, it was in her car. You know what this means?" he says looking even more concerned as he looked over at me.
"It could mean several things, but for one Logan found Lilly," I muttered as he nodded his head.
"Veronica, I know that Logan has issues, but this proves he did see her. He lied about his alibi," he said as I just nodded my head before leaving. I couldn't be there any longer. I took off for the beach. I needed to clear my head. I knew that Lilly loved to taunt Logan when they were broken up, but could Logan really find it easy to kill her.
I hated having to get out of my nice warm bed, but I also knew my dad wouldn't let me stay home just to avoid Logan. I got dressed and headed to school. On the drive over I decided to seek him out. I found him at his locker. It killed me to see him and to think he might have murdered Lilly. I cared for Logan, and he has helped me more than once, but the facts were facts. He lied and right now that was all that mattered. I plaster the brightest smile I could muster and walked toward him.
"Logan," I say as he looks and then dramatically looks around pointing at himself before turning back to me. I could see he was unsure of things.
"You can see me, wow I thought today would be different, but this is new," he replied sarcastically flipping through the books in his locker. I deserved that. Oh. I exist? Thought I felt different today.
"I'm sorry, I've been avoiding you," I finally say as he looks up from his notebook at me.
"I hadn't noticed," he muttered leaning against the locker next to his.
"I freaked out the other night in the guest house, we were like crossing over into something and I-I don't know, all of a sudden I just felt really weird and guilty and I started thinking about Duncan and about Lilly and…it wasn't the easiest night to begin with," I said fibbing a little on the details.
"I knew you might not be ready, but Veronica I would never push you to do something you didn't want to do," he said softly as I could see the concern in his eyes. This was what killed me knowing just how he was looking at me. I couldn't see this Logan as a cold blooded killer.
"I know I just couldn't deal at the time," I confessed as he went to touch me, but I backed away.
"You could've told me. No, I mean even if you just said I can't deal but you bolt, and when I catch up with you ramble about recording. You have to know I would never record us or anyone else, but instead of talking with me you dodge me for a couple days…" he says as I could tell he had a point. I could have just talked with him, but then Cassidy told me about the Mexico trip and things have just gone downhill.
"It's what I do. When things get out of control, I need to be alone," I softly replied as I looked him in the eye. I could see the hurt and pain.
"Listen, you know, I am freaked out, too, you know, this whole Abel Koontz thing. I can't understand why he would take the fall for murdering Lilly if he didn't do it. I just help but think things are only going to get worse. I need to know you will be here to keep me sane," he says as I find it hard to keep my upbeat attitude. I stare at him hard before he continues. "I don't want to think this but knowing what we now do about Duncan. Is it possible that he did do this. I don't think he would do it on purpose, but it could have been an accident," he says reaching out to me.
"I don't know. I can't really say anything about it. Only thing I am totally sure about is it wasn't Abel Koontz," I say as I could see just how lost he looked.
"Yeah, I wish that I was with Lilly that day. I could have at least done something," he mutters as I notice a far off look glaze of his features.
"Yeah, I have thought that several times as well," I said.
"Hey do me a favor don't run out on me again, okay, I mean, if you need to do whatever, you just let me know," he asks as he pushes a strand of loose hair behind my ear.
"Sure, I hate to say this, but I need to do whatever," I honestly say trying to comprehend everything we just talked about. I watch him as his shoulders slump and he turns pulling a book out of his locker disappointed before sighing.
"It's just for a couple of days, and then I'll be back to normal or as close to normal as I can get," I say as he looks at me as if I were some puzzle for him to figure out.
"Sure," he softly says before leaning forward and kissing my forehead as he closes his eyes. "You know where to find me, although I have a feeling this is goodbye," he continues as he slowly and quietly walks away from me. It bothers me how badly I want to chase him down and tell him everything, but I don't. I pull my cell phone out.
"Dad, it's me. I just spoke with Logan. I know, I know. I couldn't help it. He mentioned how Duncan could have done it, but I don't know dad. I just don't think this all adds up. Have you got anything back from Tijuana?" I questioned hoping that it all was false.
"The Border Patrol got back to me. Logan's car crossed the border at 8:57am on the day Lilly was murdered. Beaver was telling the truth," he replied as I felt the air being sucked out of me. Logan.
"Dad, he had plenty of time to get back to Neptune and kill her, but do you think he could have done it. I mean you've met him," I tried reasoning as I heard my dad sigh.
"Honey, even the best people can do horrible things when things go downhill. I don't know," he replied as I felt the tears in my eyes. I just couldn't see Logan doing this even in a fit of rage. "Are you alright?' he questions before hanging up.
"I'm fine dad," I retorted a little harsher than I meant to.
"Honey, love you," he says as I let one tear slide down my cheek.
"I love you too dad," I reply as I hang up the phone. I turn around when I hear footsteps behind me. I had thought the classroom was empty but no Weevil stood in the doorway.
"Weevil, that's not what it sounded like," I quickly say as he just nods his head.
"Really because it sounded a lot like Logan killed Lilly. Veronica tell me I'm wrong because I just heard your conversation. I would think you would want Lilly's murderer taken care of," he snaps at me as he turns to leave.
"I don't know," I admitted as he just shook his head as he continued walking off. I quickly typed a message to Logan. 'Please be careful. Weevil thinks you hurt me, watch out for him' I say knowing he wouldn't think too much on it. I only half lied. I decide to call it a day after the odd afternoon I had and headed to the office.
I was walking toward the office as Cliff was exiting the front door. "Hey," he says as he walks by me. I look back toward him as he got into his car a drove off. I headed into the office where I find my dad sitting on the couch staring at some legal papers.
"Dad, you're not trying to burn a hole through a stack of paper using only the power of your stare again?" I asked trying to lighten the mood.
"No sweetie, come have a seat. We need to talk for a moment," he says as I head to the couch and sit beside him. I was nervous as I turned to look at him. "I had a meeting with Celeste Kane to get the money she owed me for finding Duncan Kane," he starts as I decide to joke around.
"She decided to pay you double and sponsoring our club membership?" I say smiling as he chuckles softly before looking at me again.
"No, it would be nice, but honey you know were just humble people. She actually agreed to pay up but only if you sign this contract that says that you'll never sue them again for anything. She wants you to waive any claim on the Kane fortune," he honestly tells me as I look from him to the paper in front of him. I had never been interested in the Kane money even when I hung around them. I picked up the pen off the table and signed the document. I wasn't surprised that my dad watched me.
"Was I supposed to sign in blood?" I questioned nudging him lightly on the shoulder.
"Veronica, baby do you know what you just signed away?" he questions barely containing his emotions. I couldn't tell if I should hug him or just let things be.
"Dad, there is nothing in this world I would from them," I replied dying a little on the inside thinking he would think otherwise.
"Oh baby, that's good to hear because you gave up nothing. You didn't sign away a thing," he says half crying as he pulls out a paternity test from under the contract I had just signed handing it to me. "Veronica, I am without a doubt your father," he responds as I reach for him crying myself because I hadn't had the strength to find out, but my dad did. I wrap my arms around him holding on for life. This was my dad the person who watched me grow up, who took care of me and who stood up to the Kanes for justice.
"You're darn right you are," I said wiping tears from my watering eyes.
"I bet you thought that charm of yours is a learned behavior? That's genetics, baby!" he retort laughing. I guess I can see how happy he is to know I am his. I give him a heartfelt smile as I feel the tears falling freely down my cheeks.
"I think this is a cause for celebration. I say we put a dent in that fi'ty grand and celebrate," I say trying to keep from thinking about another person.
"I hate to say this but with the new information we have on Logan, his alibi is completely blown. I think we can finally go to the authorities," he says softly as I fake my smile knowing this just didn't feel right. All I could do was slowly nod my head as he pulled me in for a kiss.
"Um-hm," I mumble as I try to think of a reason for him not to go to the police. I mean Lamb would just screw this up again, but this wasn't something we could sit on either.
I knew there was more to Veronica disappearing on me, but I hoped it was worth it. I cared for her in more ways than I liked to admit. I also knew the recording set-up she had found wasn't something I set up. I even approached my dad when I got the chance to go over it. He had the nerve to blame my mother for his issues. Yea, he was sleeping with women because my mom wouldn't give him any.
I got the marks from the beating to prove he still had his anger issues, but it was worth it. I even hid the tapes just in case I needed them. I couldn't help but notice there were a few missing dates, but who knows maybe he was out of town or something. I decided to call it a day to soak in the hot tub to ease the muscles in my back when I saw a deputy waiting for me.
"Logan Echolls?" Sacks says as he moves closer to me.
"Yeah, that's me. What's going on?" I ask as he is now standing between me and my SUV.
"We have a few questions we'd like to ask you, so if you'll come with me to the station we'll be on our way," he says holding out his arm to direct me to a waiting police car. The drive to the station is pretty fast, but seeing Mr. Mars exiting the station as I was walking in made me few strange. I was led to a questioning room where the joke of a sheriff was waiting for me.
"You told us the day of Lilly's murder you were in Mexico. Yet, there's evidence showing you were here in Neptune. Why would you lie?" Lamb questions as he begins to tap the table with his finger as if he was trying to intimidate me. He should really spend time with Aaron Echolls if he wanted help.
"Tell me sheriff how many episodes of "NYPD Blue" did you have to watch to get the finger tapping down? Because I can assure you it sucks," I snap irritated by the fact that he thought he could seriously talk to me like that.
"I asked you a question, Mr. Echolls" he says hitting the table with the palm of his hand.
"Right, I ignored it and have moved on. Please do keep up. Don't they teach you anything in cop school," I retort as I snap my fingers to emphasis my point. He was getting on my last nerve.
"Do you think this is just a game? Do I look like I am playing around with you?" he snaps as he sits back in his chair smirking at me.
"I could care less whether you were playing a game or not. I have rights and I think it's time for my phone call," I say as I sit up in my seat and give him a fake smile.
"Right, but your daddy is already sending a lawyer," he smiles at me twisting my cell phone in his hand.
"I'd still like to call someone," I muttered as he held my cell out to me. I jerked it out of his hand and pushed the all too familiar number. I knew it might be a lost cause, but she might help me. "Hey, it's me. I hope you're not busy," I say softly as I could hear her sigh.
"No, I'm just looking into things for a case," she replies as I could tell she was slightly distracted.
"I'm in kind of a jam. I'm here at the lovely sheriff's department, being grilled…," I say as I look toward Lamb as he just gives me a huge smirk. "without representation I might add. Do you think, uh, you could track down my father; maybe work some of that Veronica magic that gets people out of these things?" I continued as Lamb chuckled.
"Logan, I can't promise anything, but I'll do whatever I can," she says slowly as I turn away from Lamb putting my head into the corner hating that I knew who was responsible for me being in this situation.
"Thanks. I'd love to chat more, but I have a guest," I tersely replied as I looked back at Lamb who was amused by the conversation. "I'll call you later," I said as I waited for a moment.
"I'm sorry, bye," she softly replied giving me all I needed to know.
"I can't believe you wasted your call on Veronica Mars," Lamb said laughing as he smacked at the table.
"Yeah, she seems to have a knack for helping things disappear," I replied sitting back down.
"God, to be rich like you but dumb as well. I think this is funny, that's all, I just…I mean, her dad's the one who came to me with information about you," he replied as I felt like this was only going to get worse. Just as I was going to say something there was a knock on the door and in walked my lawyer. He put an end to the questioning quickly and I was escorted out of the station by my dad. I was worried he'd give me a beating for this even though I hadn't done anything.
After talking with Logan I felt like crap. I just couldn't find it in me to see the boy I grew up as a cold blooded killer. Once my dad had left the office I called the border patrol to see if Logan had went back through to Mexico later on that day, but they said no. I was walking backup waiting to hear back on my search of his credit cards for that day. I knew that Lilly was killed after 6, so maybe Logan had charged something after that. I knew it was a long shot, but I needed to do it.
I had went home and picked up Backup to go to the beach. My mom gave me a questioning look when I enter only to leave right after. I needed somewhere to clear my head and the beach was the best place for that. I wasn't sure how long I had sat in the sand just watching my dog run in and out of the water, but knew I had to get back or my dad would send a search party out for me. I walked by a group of surfers with my hand in my bag looking for my keys when I felt the hair on my neck stand up.
"So, I guess we broke up, huh?" Logan questioned as I felt a little afraid by the way he was looking at me. I moved away from him slightly which I could tell he saw the fear in my stance as he rocked forward and back in the sand.
"Logan, what do you want me to say? You lied about where you were. I found out from a friend of yours," I muttered looking him directly in the eye as I spoke.
"God Veronica you could have asked me. No you didn't think of that did you. I think you should say, 'Logan, I'm gonna go home and put my head in the oven because I can't go on living knowing what a heartless BITCH I am.' Something like that!" he says roughly causing me to jerk my head toward him. I couldn't believe it. Logan has moved during my moment of weakness to stand right in front of me.
"Wow, let just be honest then. So you're saying you want me dead?" I snap as he looks up from the sand at me.
"Yes," he sneers as I hear the exhaustion in his voice and the slumping of his shoulders. He might be saying that, but his body was telling me something else. This was killing him; he was upset, angry and on the verges of breaking down. This was the Logan who no one really saw. This was the boy who loved with his whole being and hated with the same passion.
"One word from me and Backup goes for your throat," I half muttered knowing Backup would hurt Logan. He took the moment to look down at my dog and then back t me before giving me a tight smile, before sadness washes over him.
"Is that what you'd do, boy? You'd tear out my throat? You'd end my misery once and for all," he mutters beyond broken. I could hear just how the words were directed at me really and not my dog. I had broken Logan this time. I was the one causing him pain. He drops to his knees giving my dog access to his neck. "Who's a man killer, huh? Who's a man killer?" he mutters as he rubs Backup behind the ear. I couldn't believe how Backup begins to lick his face. Logan chuckles as he wipes his nose on his sleeve.
"Logan," I began as he looked up at me.
"You know, I," he starts as he lets out a deep sigh, "I knew Lilly was seeing someone. It was driving me crazy. I was having a lousy time in Mexico, so I decided to head back. When I left for Neptune, I didn't know if I was gonna scream at her for treating me like dirt or beg her to for forgiveness and to take me back," he says as he sniffs before getting up. "I saw the two of you talking and giggling at the carwash," he continued as I thought back to that day.
"I didn't see you there," I replied suspiciously.
"I just parked across the street and watched you guys. As I watched her talking with you this feeling came over me, you know, I don't…I don't know how to describe it but I just knew it was over. So I sat in my car and I wrote this note to her, explaining it all. I finally decided to break the cycle we were in," he stated as I realized that he was probably telling the truth because I would have hated being second best to whoever Lilly was sneaking off with during their breakups.
"Did you give it to her?" I questioned as he shook his head.
"I didn't want to approach her so I left it in the car," he said.
"You left it with the shot glass," I replied.
"Yes, I left it with the shot glass. You know, if you read that letter, you'd know I'd never hurt her," he is almost crying as he wipes at his nose again. I faintly heard a car horn in the distance as we both turn to look at the sound. It was my dad.
"I didn't go back to Mexico, but I did check in at the Grand and ordered room service," he said quickly as my dad began to yell.
"Get away from her! You get away from her, now!" he was saying as I looked up to my dad who was now right beside me. I am slightly relieved for him to care so much to look for me, but saddened that Logan was hurt in the process.
"You know I thought this couldn't get any worse, but I guess I was wrong. She's all yours Sheriff," Logan says as he motions toward me dad as he gets out of the way while my dad wraps his arm around me pulling me to him. Logan disappears in the crowd as I walk with my dad back to the parking lot.
"I didn't know you two were dating!" he replied as I looked away from him.
"It's in the early stage or it was," I honestly said as he took Backup's leash from me. I followed my dad back home, and went right to my room. I wasn't in the mood for visiting or talking. I just needed to be alone. As I lay back on the bed my phone rang.
"Hello," I said as I answered it.
"Yes, this is Shannon and I was asked to confirm some charges to a Logan Echoll's credit card for October 3rd," the lady on the phone said as I found the fax she said had been sent earlier in the day. Logan was right; he couldn't have been the killer. Damn it!
"Dad," I muttered as I exited my bedroom, and went into the living room.
"Veronica," he replied as he looked up from some paperwork.
"Logan didn't kill Lilly. He was at the Grand during the time she was murdered," I said as he half slammed his hand down on the cushion next to him.
"Are you two talking about the Echoll's boy?" My mom asked as she moved from the kitchen to where we were. "I saw him while I was meeting with Jake Kane," she said as I looked to my dad and then back at her. My dad took the new information I had gathered and headed out no doubt to the office. My mom said she needed to go do something, but she would be back later.
'Dad says that though his deputies found the shot glass Logan left for Lilly, the break up letter Logan says he wrote was never discovered. If Lilly wanted to keep it a secret, I have an idea where she would have kept it'. God, why did I have to always think the worst of people? Right, my mom. I decided that Lilly would only hide things in one place. I needed to get into the Kane Estate. 'If Lilly kept Logan's letter, that's where she would have hidden it. Now, what does one wear to meet the governor?'
I looked through my closet until I found an outfit that looked very much like a waitress. I was slipping on the black pants I planned to wear when I tried to call Logan, but it went right to voicemail.
"You've reached Logan and here's today's inspirational message: 'I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best-Marilyn Monroe'" he says as I just shake my head.
"Logan it's me. Please don't do anything dumb. I know you didn't kill Lilly. Please call me," I say as I finish securing the black curly wig I was going to wear. I stop in the kitchen and grab a cold bottle of water out of the fridge and take a big drink before I sputter it out into the sink. I looked at the bottle. It was a water bottle, but it wasn't filled with water. I called the rehab center my mom was at only to find out she signed herself out. Damn it! I decided to deal with my mom after I dealt with getting into the Kane Estate.
"Weevil," I said into the phone as I drove to the Kane house.
"Blondie, I think we've said everything that needed to be said," he mutters into the line.
"You had your say Paco. Logan didn't kill Lilly," I said quickly as I heard he mutter something.
"Are you always going to protect these rich kids who have hurt you?" he snapped as I had to brush a tear from my eye.
"No, if Logan had killed her I would have turned him in. Hell, Weevil I did turn him in. There is evidence that he was checked in at the Neptune Grand; his credit card and room service have him there," I said as I heard a sigh on the other end.
"What do you want me to do?" he questioned reluctantly.
"Please find him, make sure he doesn't do anything stupid. I'm worried he'll do something that might end in his death," I replied as I heard him telling someone something.
"If my boys find him, we'll drop him off at your place," he said ending the call. I felt a little better knowing Logan would be alright. I would deal with his stupidity when I saw him.
I was quick to get in with the waiters to hide from prying eyes. I wasn't sure who might look too closely at me or question what I was doing. I picked up a tray and headed into the family room as I saw the rich and famous all mingling eating like there was not a care in the world for them. I heard Celeste speaking to someone near her, but kept my head down and moved along. It was hard to find the hallway I was looking for with the amount of people wandering around, but after bumping into someone I noticed the family photo of all the Kanes dressed to impress that Lilly hated so much. Celeste decided to place it leading to their rooms just to annoy Lilly.
As I reach Lilly's door I look both ways to make sure no one had seen me come down the hallway or was in it. I went to place the tray I had been carrying on the side table in the hall when I misplaced it and it fell off the table. I quickly picked up all the scattered food and put them back on the tray carefully setting the tray on the table. I turn back to Lilly's door and try the handle to see if it would open or if I needed a key. The handle turned easily as I slipped into the dark room.
"Okay, Lilly let's see what your hiding," I whisper as I flip on her desk light and pull the screwdriver I had brought with me out to unscrew the screws holding the vent cover. As I stand on the chair I can see that one of the bottom screws has already been messed with. I knew that Weevil had been in her room, but if he had messed with the vent he would have known about the letter or anything else she hide in it. No, maybe she forgot to screw it in tightly.
"Who the hell are you?" I hear Duncan angrily yell out as he pulls me off of the chair I was standing on. I quickly take my wig off to let him know who I was.
"Hey it's me," I say slapping his hands away from my body.
"Why the hell are you in here Veronica?" he says as I pull on my shirt to get him to back off.
"I'm looking for something, that I think Lilly might have hidden to keep Celeste from finding it," I say as I notice her closet door slightly ajar. I move closer to the door in case I need to bolt.
"Well don't you think you should be in my room, not in here? I mean according to you and your dad I killed Lilly," he snaps grabbing my hand and pulling on me roughly. "I would hate for you to leave empty handed," he says as I jerk my hand out of his.
"Just stop!" I snap as I move closer to the vent.
"Surely you would rather be in my room searching. Maybe I wrote the whole ordeal down in my journal. I bet if you looked hard enough you would find my confession," he says reaching for my arm to pull me again.
"Duncan, just stop I thought that Logan had done it, but I got evidence that cleared him. I would like to check to see if the letter he wrote her was in her vent," I replied as he looks startled.
"If you don't think I did it and cleared Logan, then who do you think might have done it," he questions as I get back on the chair to finish opening up the vent.
"I don't know. It bothers me that I blamed either of you, but…" I started and then stopped.
"If I found out my parent tried to cover this up I would think I did it as well," he admits as I look down at him.
"I only thought it was you because of your medical condition and then the fact that you did have an altercation that half the school knew about with your dad," I said as I pulled at the last screw.
"Why did you think Logan did it?" he asked as I pulled the vent cover off.
"Dick and Beaver lied about him being in Mexico with them. He came back that morning and saw Lilly at the carwash. He told me that he thought she was cheating on him with someone and decided to end things with her. He told me he put a letter and a shot glass in her car then left," I said as I reached into the vent grasping for what was end it.
"What's in there?" Duncan questioned as I pulled my hand out holding firmly to several little tapes and a folded up letter.
"I've seen tapes like these before," I muttered as I thought back to finding similar tapes in the pool house at the Echolls estate. That was why I ran out on Logan. Oh my god, I was beginning to feel sick. I pass the tapes to Duncan as he holds his hand out to help me down.
"I think I might have a camera we can play 'em on," he says as I look back up to the vent. Could these tapes be the reason Lilly is dead now. I follow Duncan into his room as I watch him look in a few drawers until he find the recorder he was looking for.
"Which one do you want to begin with?" I asked as I looked over the tapes that were lying innocently on his bed. He picks on up and pulls out the tape sliding it into the video slot then pressed play.
"Where is this at?" he questioned looking slightly sick as we heard a voice from the grave on the video. "Is that the pool house?" he continued as I looked from him to the video.
"It's Logan's," I replied as I could fill the vile that was beginning to come up my throat as I watched Lilly sit up in the bed. "Oh, this is the day she died. I don't have a good feeling about this," I muttered as I continued to look ahead.
"Come here, lover. It's time to earn your keep," Lilly says in her over perky voice that I use to love to hear as she lounges on the bed looking around. I could tell she had noticed the camera and moved to find the source. "You dirty, dog!" she exclaims before it goes static.
"What the hell?" Duncan asks as I grab another tape dated October 1st. I take out the previous one and replace it with the new one as I go back to sit beside Duncan. He points the remote to the tv and pushes a button. I can tell from his posture he is as uncomfortable as I am with watching these, but I needed to know what was on them and if it could lead me to more information on what happened to Lilly.
I am getting even more tensed and uncomfortable as I watch Lilly moaning and rubbing herself on camera. I knew a lot of things about Lilly, but to actually watch her do some of the things she was doing was a little more unsettling than I thought it would be. We both watch as I Lilly lifts up with her bra on and a sheet as she rubs her hands down her body before she braces herself on the body below her. After a few more moans she is flipped over and then another face is seen on camera. I defiantly felt sick.
"Oh my god," I replied as I groan putting my hand over my stomach to try to calm my nerves.
"What the heck, Mr. Echolls?" Duncan mutters as he rubs his face. He freezes the tape on Aaron's smug smile. I knew Lilly was doing other people, but the thought of her sleeping with Logan's father just made me sick. Logan felt bad for himself over her death, and if Lilly was murdered by his dad things were just about to get bad real soon.
"Veronica, are you alright?" Duncan asks as I feel his hand on my cheek as he sits beside me on the bed.
"Yeah, just can't believe Lilly would do something like this," I muttered as I heard Duncan laugh. The laugh was odd because I hadn't heard him laugh in almost a year.
"We're talking about Lilly, she use to love to torment Celeste with how wicked she could be. I don't think sleeping with Aaron Echolls is something she thought wouldn't faze Celeste," he said laughing again as he got up and put the tape back in its case.
"I know what happened. Lilly must have found the tapes. I mean we saw her expression on the first tape, and then Aaron must have realized she had taken them. He followed her back here and tried to get them from her, but we know how Lilly is. She probably made some comment that Aaron didn't like and one thing led to another and he struck her," I said seeing it all play out in my mind of how things might have happened.
"I know Mr. Echolls is a lot of things, but do you really think he would hurt Lilly," he questioned as I stood up.
"He's psychotic, you know. I watched him beat some guy into a bloody mess, and then turn around and ask Logan how his school day was," I said running my hand through my hair thinking on whether or not sharing the next thing, "I'm pretty sure he beats Logan, you know?" I finally said as I looked back at him.
"I had a feeling, but couldn't really say it was true or not," Duncan finally said as he looked to the door of his room. "Aaron Echolls is here. He came to see the governor and to talk with him about something or another," he said as I turned back around to look at him. I picked up the tapes off his bed and held them in my hands. I couldn't believe all that was stopping me from finding Lilly's killer was a couple of tapes.
"I really need to get these tapes to my dad. Can you help me? I need you to keep Aaron Echolls busy until I get to my dad. Call me if you lose him," I say as I put the tapes in my bag and head toward the door.
"Sure, I can try," he says looking more confused than ever. I paused for a moment at the door as I hear him stand, "Veronica, be careful, okay," he says as I turn around to look at him once again.
"My dad had a DNA test done. I'm not your sister," I say leaving him more confused than he was before as I walked out of his room closing the door. I decided to head out the patio doors to avoid Celeste or anyone else from the party. I pulled out my cell phone to call my dad.
"Veronica, I got home only to find you missing. Where are you sweetheart?" he questions as he answers the phone.
"I'm, at the Kanes, dad, its Aaron Echolls. He did it. He is the one who murdered Lilly," I say quickly as I see a young couple kissing by a car as I turn to go to mine.
"Are you sure?" he questions.
"Yes, Duncan and I just watched video of them having sex. The video was taken just before she died. Dad, they were having an affair," I exclaimed upset as I put my key in the door to unlock it.
"Stay put, I'll come to you," he says as I look around.
"No Dad, he's here," I say feeling the shivers running up my back at the thought of staying in the same place as him.
"What is he doing?" he questioned as I got into my car and put the key in the ignition.
"Last I knew he was talking to the governor. Duncan said he would watch him for me," I said as I turned on my car. "Dad I'll be home in ten minutes tops," I said as I pulled out of the Kane driveway.
"All right, you come straight home, you don't stop for anything," he muttered.
"Okay," I said ending the call as I decided to call Logan again.
""You've reached Logan and here's today's inspirational message: 'Always go with the choice that scares you the most, because that's the one that is going to help you grow-Caroline Myss'" he message says as I try to decide that I should leave a message.
"Logan, it's Veronica again. Please call me back as quickly as you get this message. I need to know you are okay," I say as I am startled when it rings again.
"Hey," I answered a little nervous.
"I can't find Aaron. I have looked around, but no one has seen him," Duncan says as I feel goose bumps creeping up on my arm.
"Are you sure you've asked everyone?" I questioned getting a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach.
"Yea," he says.
"Thanks, call my dad and let him know if you would," I say as I disconnect the call looking up to see a shadow in my rearview mirror. I knew where Aaron Echolls was. As I see the light shine in I freak out seeing him in the flesh sitting behind me. He leans forward sending fear creeping deep into my body.
"Keep driving," he sneers at me as I try to stay calm. I am totally terrified of what he might do. I reach for my bag, but he snatches it off the seat before I can.
"I don't think so. Keep your eyes on the road," he snaps as I can hear him rifling through my bag. I knew what he was going after. "Thank you I've been looking for these pesky little things," he smiles as he tosses my bag back into the front seat settling back in the seat as I see where we were. I pulled the seatbelt tighter making it as snug as it could be, then I took the curve as fast as I could swerving into the tree at the end of it. I tried to brace for impact as Aaron realized a little too late what I had planned to do and tried to grab the steering wheel as we hit the tree head on.
Even though I was trying hard to get as drunk as I could I still heard the roaring of the motorcycles heading my way. Great! I took another swig from my flask and poured a little out into the water below. "Seriously, what do you-what do you think you can do to me, huh?" I muttered as he got off of his bike when he pulled up in front of my X-terra.
"Don't worry, I'll think of something," he says rubbing his chin. I turn around slowly teetering on the edge of the railing. I decided to push my luck as I swung my leg to kick Weevil, but one of his men stepped in front of him. "Don't hurt him," Weevil mutters as I feel several arms pulling me down from the ledge.
The first thing I noticed was the throbbing headache that was forming. I felt my forehead to find I was bleeding from somewhere. I unbuckled myself looking to the now unconscious Aaron Echolls who was halfway in my passenger seat. I reached over to pull the tapes out of his hands. I wanted to grab my phone, but didn't want to risk Aaron waking up and grabbing me. I was terrified of him. I felt the tears streaking my face, but moved forward to getting to safety. I had to get to a phone. I looked up and down the road to see if any lights were on. I saw a house with them on so I headed to it.
"Please help me, is anyone home?" I called out knocking on the door. I turn to the side of the house only to look back at my car to notice the door open and it was now empty. Aaron Echolls was somewhere waiting for me. I began to get frantic as I banged on the door harder. I knew I had to get rid of the tape so I began tossing them into different items to keep them out of his reach as I went back to the glass door.
"Is anyone here?" I cried out beginning to lose hope. I see the light on as I walk back wards hoping the person was coming down as I almost call off the deck. "Let me in, please," I call out as I see movement at the glass door. I watch as the curtain is pulled back and someone appears. "Thank goodness, please help me," I say as the man goes to unlock the door only to collapse on the floor instead as the door opens and I see Aaron Echolls standing in the doorway with his arm back. I barely feel the punch as I fall.
"Veronica? Wake up," I hear in the distance as I open my eyes. I try to move only to realize I am in a container of some kind. "You're an odd duck. Seriously, how many teenage girls keep walkie-talkies in their car?" he says chuckling into the other walkie. I feel around until I find the other one. I push on the top of it, but nothing happens. I try the side to find that it was no use. I was stuck.
"Where am I?" I yell out as I push the talk on the walkie.
"Where are my tapes?" he yells out. "If you tell me where they are I might let you out," he snickers as I realize this might be my fault. I should have waited for my dad. I begin to cry harder knowing I may never see him again. I think of Logan as well. I wish that he could know how sorry I was for thinking he would kill Lilly, god I was so stupid.
"You know you were the one who got me to thinking that my tapes were at the Kane house. I mean I followed Lilly back, but I had no clue as to where she put the tapes. No, it wasn't until the sheriffs searched Logan's room did I think of where she would put them. I would never have thought of looking in the vent. I would have had them sooner, but that stupid boy came in as I was about to knock you out. Thank you again for getting them for me," Aaron said into the walkie as I began to feel claustrophobic.
"No, thanks. Honestly, I feel safer in here," I finally find my voice to reply as I heard banging around me.
"I wouldn't feel safe if I were you. I put you somewhere that one little slip would end your precious life," he said chuckling into the walkie.
"You wanna know something Veronica," he said as I began to smell a funny smell. It smelled like gasoline. It's funny about Joan of Arc; God didn't really talk to her. I saw this special on TV. I believe it was on the history channel. No, Joan of Arc had a brain tumor. She thought she was being a martyr when in reality she died for no reason. At least you'll have something in common, burned alive," he yelled as I finally realized this was it.
"It doesn't matter. Duncan saw the tapes," I replied as I moved away from what I thought was the opening of the container.
"That's alright, I'll bury him under with doctors who will say anything I pay them to say," he says laughing as he bangs on the top before yelling again, "Where are my tapes?"
"Please," I give in and beg.
"You know, Lilly never told me where the tapes were hidden either. I would think there's a cautionary tale in that, I mean look what happened to her, Veronica," he sneers into the walkie as I begin to feel sick. "I wasn't going to let her screw me over. No, there was no way I was going to let a seventeen year-old piece of ass ruin my life!" he demands as I realize just what kind of monster Logan had been living with. I couldn't believe I disliked Logan, and he lived through hell on a daily basis.
"They're on the roof. I can't breathe please let me out of here," I sob as I find it harder and harder to breathe.
"Veronica! Veronica!" I barely hear as I feel the suffocating fumes seeping in more.
"Daddy," I call as loud as I could hoping he heard me. I don't hear everything, but I get the gist of what Aaron is telling my dad. He put me in a refrigerator. It wasn't too long I heard grunting and fighting noises as I felt the fridge I was in get stuffy and the air begin to get denser, either I was on fire or it was getting close. I tried to stay as calm as I could, but I was on the verge of losing it when the top opened and I felt two
"Hang on, honey," my dad says as he protectively pulls me to safety as I can see the flames on him. As soon as we are safely away from the flames he collapses in a fireball. I quickly find something to pat him down. I throw the dusty trap over him. I hold him tightly to me crying and taking deep breathes to try to get the smell of smoke out of my system.
"I thought I would never see you again. I love you. I love you so much. I knew you'd come, I knew you'd save me. Daddy," I cry as I cling to him. I could tell he was in bad shape as he closes his eyes. I decide to go after Aaron. There was no way I was letting him get away.
I don't see the van hit Aaron, but I make it to the corner just in time to see a big blooming lily staring at me. Of course! The man in the truck seemed to be kneeling down on the ground over someone.
"Dude, I didn't see you. My god your that action star," the driver says as I opproach them.
"Help me," Aaron moans as I step forward.
"Don't touch him!" I demand as he turns to look at me holding my dad's gun pointed in their direction. "If you have a cell phone call 911 and we need an ambulance," I say as I hover over Aaron just daring him to move.
"Sure," the driver says as he stands back up and begins calling the police. The man called the police and within minutes they are there. I knew a few of them came down from the Kane residence, but was help. Once I knew that Aaron wasn't going anywhere I went back to sit with my dad. I had retrieved my cell, but hadn't looked at it yet.
I watched helplessly as the paramedics looked my dad over and began working on getting him ready to be moved. It was hard to think my strong dad was struggling due to some manic. I follow as the paramedics begin to move him toward a waiting ambulance. I bend down to kiss his head.
"You are the only thing I have so you need to stay strong. You mean the world to me, so don't go thinking you can just leave me. Dad, are you even hearing anything I am saying?" I questioned as he closed his eyes.
"Who's your daddy, huh?" he half jokes as I put my hand up to my mouth to keep myself from groaning.
"You know I hate it when you say that," I say as I begin to cry. My dad groans a little as he is moved to be put into the ambulance. I see the man who was knocked out by Aaron bring patched up at the other ambulance as I see Lamb standing over Aaron. He is saying something to him that I can't really hear, but could tell it was probably his Miranda Rights. I hear tires slamming to a halt as I look back to see Jake Kane and Duncan getting out of a Range Rover coming toward Aaron. Lamb holds his hands up as a different Deputy moves to the Kanes to keep them where they were. Jake puts his hand up stopping Duncan in his tracks as he moves forward.
"You bastard, you killed my daughter. You killed my daughter…" as a couple more deputies rush to intervene.
"Mr. Kane, Sir!" the deputy says as he keeps Jake from advancing on the already half looking dead Aaron.
"I'm going to make sure you pay. I'll watch you fry for this. You killed my baby, and ruined my life. I'll destroy your family," Jake is yelling and sobbing at the same time. The men surrounding Jake have to use some force to keep him where he was. I get into the ambulance as I see Lamb moving toward Jake.
"Jake Kane," he says as I could only imagine what was going to happen, Jake looks over toward Lamb as Duncan moves forward.
"Mr. Kane you are under arrest for obstruction of justice. You have the right to remain silent," Lamb snaps as I could see that Jake was clearly puzzled by the statement directed at him.
"You have some nerve. That bastard murdered my daughter and you did nothing to help. I'll have your job," he yells as the ambulance doors close. I barely caught Duncan's bewildered expression as I looked at my cell.
'Logan is safe, but if you don't call me back ASAP I don't know for how long' Weevil. I would call him back after I made sure my dad was taken care of. The drive to the hospital feels like it takes forever, and then the waiting has me worried.
"Blondie," Weevil says as he answers the phone.
"Where did you stash him?" I questioned as he laughed.
"He's here with my abuela. We cornered him on the Coronado Bridge. He was drinking and standing on the ledge. He went to sucker kick me, but got Felix," he muttered. I was half watching the news as I saw realized that was where Logan had just been.
"Weevil, your sure Logan is with you," I asked as he grunted a little.
"Yea, he's dead to the world in the room next to mine. Why?" he snapped irritated as I watched in horror.
"Who was driving Logan's SUV back?" I replied.
"Felix," he said as I heard him clicking and then the echo of the news reporter in the background.
"No fucking way," he muttered as I heard the line go dead.
'We are coming to you live from the Coronado Bridge where the SUV of Logan Echolls was found with a dead body in it. It seems that the young Echolls heir might be just like his father. We will bring you all the news as we get it in,' the reporter says as I look up to see the doctor coming toward me.
"Ms. Mars, let me say this first your dad will be fine," the doctor says helping me up and explain that he was burned pretty badly and would need several procedures done to help him recover. He led me in the direction of his room.
"When will he wake up?" I questioned as he opened the door.
"You've got to be patient. He has some pretty bad injuries. He will recover, but it will take time. He'll need to be patient," he says as I sit down in the chair next to the bed. I lean my head on the side of the bed holding his hand. I knew I had a pretty severe bruise on my cheek where Aaron had sucker punched me. I had minor injuries as well, but nothing like what happened to my dad. I feel a hand on my shoulder as I look up to see the nurse standing in front of me.
"He's not going to wake up anytime soon. Why don't you go home and rest? You need your rest as well," she says as I rub one of my hands over my face.
"I don't think he should wake up alone," I finally say as she smiles.
"Is there anyone that we can call? Does he have someone that would be willing to sit with him?" she asked as I nodded my head and gave her Alicia's number. Alicia was good for him, and he deserved to be happy. Especially since I was going to land on my mom as soon as I got home.
"Veronica, I'll give you a ride," Deputy Sacks says as I see him coming my way. I follow him out of the hospital to his waiting patrol car and get in. My side hurts so I try to lean away from the door as he heads in the direction of my apartment. I lean my head on the window.
"Thanks," I muttered as I opened the door to get out. He didn't say anything as I closed the door and slowly made my way up the stairs to my apartment.
"Keith," my mom asked as she came out of their bedroom. "Veronica, what happened?" she questioned as she looked me over. She goes to touch me, but I back up.
"Dad's in the hospital," I muttered as my mouth was starting to hurt. My jaw was beginning to swell.
"What? He went to look for you, how did he end up in the hospital," she asked as I started to feel sleepy.
"He'll be fine in time, but you need to leave," I said as she looked puzzled.
"What?" she questioned.
"I know you've been lying to us. You aren't better. I found your liquor in the fridge. I'll tell you everything in the morning, but right now I need you to pack. You can't be here when he comes home," I said as I went to move toward my room.
"It's hard," she mutters as I turn to walk away only to have her jerk me around to face her. "It's not easy," she mutters as I just shake my head picking up my dad's bag as I head back toward my room.
"I know it's hard, Mom but if you really wanted to get better you would have. I spent my college money to help you and you wasted it. I'm trough. Get out, and stay away," I snapped as I slammed my door ending the conversation. I heard her banging things in my dad's room, but didn't have the energy or desire to see what she was doing. I changed out of my dirty clothes and took a fast shower before climbing into my bed
I was dreaming of Lilly and happier times when I heard rough knocking on my door. I looked up at my clock to see it was 3:07. I wasn't sure if it was morning or night as I struggled to get out of bed and headed to the door. I open the door to find the one person I regretted pushing away. I had just seen them not long ago, but was still glad to see them alright.
"I was hoping it would be you," I said giving them a small smile. "Come in," I said as I helped them in and closed the door. We had things we needed to discuss, but that could wait until later as I led them to my room and climbed back into bed.
"I'm sorry," he says as I lay my head on his chest and kissed him softly.
"We'll talk about it in the morning," I said once more as I closed my eyes. I knew things weren't perfect, but I would work on doing better. The person below me was worth it. As I let the sound of my one love's heartbeat lull me back to sleep.