So, this is a little Christmas story I thought up. I hope you enjoy it! :)

Disclaimer: I do not own TRC

Welcome to the Cat's Eye!

Hikaru's POV

Night had fallen in Ōto Country, yet the city streets illuminated beautifully with the lights. The scene always took my breath away in the winter time, especially if a light coating of snow was falling. People browsed shops, looking for presents for those they loved. Wish I could say the same. Demons had killed my family a few years ago and I have been living on my own ever since. I knew I wasn't alone, though. Many people checked in on me and invited me over constantly for holiday meals. It was great. I'm so thankful for everything they've done. I loved living in this country. Despite its demons, it was truly beautiful.

I was feeling rather peck-ish and I recalled a new small café that I overheard had just opened. My apartment was just down the road from it so it did not take too long, however, the blistery, cold, December wind made it seem like eternity. Despite my heavy, black, winter coat that I hugged closer to me, if that was possible, the icy winds cut right through me. At last, I had made it to the small restaurant. In a word: cozy. A bell chimed as I stepped into the warmth and light up environment.

"Welcome to the Cat's Eye!" Two people chorused.

"Do make yourself at home, madam." A platinum blond man smiled as he bowed welcomingly.

"Please," a strawberry blond girl, in a waitress' dress, gestured to a quant table with one arm while her other held a circular tray in front of her, "allow me to show you to your seat."

"Thank you." I smiled and sat down.

"Would you care if I brought you some hot chocolate?" Her green eyes shone as warmly as her smile. "It is rather cold outside, and you would be the first to try it! Fai worked especially hard on it." She smiled at the blond man, who returned it gratefully.

"Why, thank you, Princess." He bowed.

I smiled as well, the warmth of these people was almost as equal as the warmth of the café. "Yes, please." I nodded, "Thank you."

"Right, I'll be right out with it!" She bowed and disappeared into the back.

As soon as she did, the bell chimed again and I turned my attention to see two men walk in. One was much taller than the other and he had short jet black hair and red eyes. I must admit my heart skipped a beat when my eyes fell upon him. He seemed so strong and collected. Pushing away those thoughts, though the pattering of my heart did not falter, I took a look at his companion. He was shorter and had longer brown hair and eyes of the same color; both wore black uniforms and carried swords.

"Aw, my two brave men have returned from battle." Fai teased, "How was it out there?"

"We're still trying to keep these demons under control, but managing." The brunette said.

"The kid's still got a lot to learn when it comes to handling a sword." The taller man added.

"Aw, be patient with him, Kuropu." Fai smiled, waving his hand a little.

"Shut up."

"I heard we have a new customer?" Came a new voice and I turned my head to see an adorable small girl walking from the back room, a small white rabbit-like creature perched on her left shoulder. She had large, round, brown eyes, long blond hair, that was slightly wavy at the end, and side bangs. Her skin was fair and she wore a waitress' outfit just as the other girl had. She basically looked like a little doll. The girl stopped in her tracks when she saw me and we took a long look at each other. "I can't believe it. . ." Her voice was full of hushed disbelief, "Brown and red hair, a bright smile, that voice?" Her eyes widened a little more, "Hikaru?"

"Setsuko? Is that you?" I asked with equal disbelief, slowly standing up.

"Do you know her, Setsuko-chan?" The white creature asked and the strawberry blond rejoined everyone.

"Yeah! Oh my gosh you're actually here!" She cried happily as I swung her around in a great big hug. I placed her back down, but our fingers remained clasped as she faced the others. "She was my pen pal for like two years when I was in Japan! Actually, it's a funny story as to how we were introduced: there was a mailing error and, shortly after, Hikaru sent me a rather long, long, long apology letter." She smiled as she gave me a look while emphasizing and I playfully punched her arm, laughing.

"What are you doing here?"

"Yeah, uh, funny story about that." She smiled feebly.

Fai stepped behind her and placed his hand on her right shoulder, "We had the lovely honor in coming across this beautiful young lady quite a while ago." She blushed at his comment as she smiled sheepishly at the floor, her hands clasped in mine, still. "Allow us to introduce ourselves, well," he chuckled, "you know my name, but I'd still like to formally introduce myself. I'm Fai D. Flourite, it's a pleasure to meet you."

"And I'm Mokona!" The tiny white rabbit-like creature exclaimed, jumping into the air, excitedly, before landing in front of me on the white tablecloth. "It's nice to meet you!" It stuck up its right paw and I gladly shook it with my index finger and thumb.

"Likewise, Mokona!"

"My name's Syaoran." The brunet chimed in, "It's nice to meet you, and this is Kurogane."

"Hi, it's wonderful to meet you all!" I smiled before directing my attention back to Setsuko. "So what made you come across this lovely group?"

"I may as well sit down for this one." She laughed a little and sat across from me, neatly folding her hands on her lap. Fai rested his arms on the back of her chair as everyone gathered around to hear. "I was on my way to a shop my friends had told me about. It was a so-called 'wishing shop', so I was curious. But of all days I decide to go, I decide to go during a monsoon." She shrugged. "I had finished my schoolwork and chores and I had nothing better to do, besides I knew my friends would be pestering me about it the next day. Anyways, I was hoping nothing would slow me down into getting inside. Yeah, because it was me, of course we knew that wouldn't happen, because I saw this woman talking to this lot"—she gestured to everyone around her—"at the entrance; a teenage boy, with glasses, wearing a school uniform to her left and two strange pink- and purple-haired girls to her right. Of course not wanting to be caught, I hid behind the fence like a freaking ninja and watched."

I laughed at her cute dweebiness as she imitated a ninja stance.

"They all said they had a wish they wanted granted, but the woman told them a price needed to be paid in return. Shortly after, the school boy ran inside to fetch something, and the woman spotted me. She called me over and asked me what my business was, and when I told her she just stared at me with those creepy red eyes." Setsuko gasped and waved her hands frantically as she looked at Kurogane, who scowled down at her, "N-not that there's anything wrong with red eyes! It's just, well, um." Her voice trailed off as she looked down, embarrassed and guilty.

"Don't worry about it." Fai smiled and patted her head, "Old Kurgerburger doesn't mind." Setsuko's shy smile grew a little more as I noticed her fidget nervously.

"Would you shut up? And call me by my actual name for once, magician!"

I laughed at the scene and returned my attention to the blond in front of me. "What happened next?"

"O-oh, right." She replied looking back at me, snapping out of her daydream, "The woman had told me my intentions for really coming were false. That it was meant to be that I would come across the group, and that I, too, had a wish I wanted granted."

I looked down, "Judging by your letters, I think I know what that wish might have been."

"Yes." She replied, quietly, looking down, "And I was beyond surprised when she made that deduction." Shaking her head, she looked back up, "Anyway, I paid my price and she said I was to travel with the others. I'm not really sure why, but I could just tell talking with her was really going to get me nowhere."

"You got that right." Kurogane muttered.

"Aw, come on." Syaoran says, "She's not all that bad."

"Think about what she took from you, kid."

Syaoran fell silent at the reply and I looked at everyone in confusion. "I'll fill you in later." Setsuko smiles sweetly as she puts a hand on my shoulder.

I nodded with a smile, "All right."

As if on cue, signaling the end of the story, the bell chimed and everyone turned around with a bright smile as they greeted their new customers. "Welcome to the Cat's Eye!" Sakura, Mokona, Fai, Syaoran, and Setsuko chorused together.

I looked at Kurogane, who leaned against the wall, his arms crossed. He sure did seem like a dark cloud just hovering over everyone. Literally, though, he was the tallest one among us. Pushing away that thought, I smiled as I watched the café burst to life; Fai prepared hot chocolates at the bar and Mokona helped him by cleaning dirty glasses. Syaoran and Sakura served while Sakura took the extra work in taking orders, while Kurogane stood near the window, standing watch.

Like I've said before, I loved living in this country. Despite its demons, it was truly beautiful. And now that I have new friends, and a friend of two years, living here as well, it just got all the better.

Well, there you have it! Give it a review and I hope you enjoyed it! :)