Wedding Day

"When the hell is the hair stylist coming?!" Anna demands.

"Anna, calm down, she just went to get the curling iron," Elsa reassures her sister as her own hair is being curled on the ends, but also feels a bit nervous despite the hair.

"Elsa, you look absolutely gorgeous!" Mrs. Frost compliments as she walks over, her hair already done in curls.

"Doesn't she?" Her Aunt Idina also comes, her hair perfectly flat-ironed.

"Thank you," Elsa smiles.

"Now, one more touch and... Done!" The hairstylist, Sam, says as she spins Elsa around.

Personally, Elsa likes Sam more than other hairdressers. She has short blond hair, freckles, and dresses appropriately. However, hairdressers like Anna's have long hair- most likely extensions- and give off a slutty vibe with the top of their breasts showing.

"Thank you so much!" Elsa gives her a hug.

"We're done!" Rapunzel and Anna come, both of their hair also curled.

The group goes to pay, exits, then goes home in Elsa's car.

"Okay, makeup time!" Anna says in a sing-song voice.

Elsa obeys, sitting on the seat in front of her vanity.

"Close your eyes," Rapunzel demands, and Elsa once again obeys. She feels the girls dust her eyelids with eye shadow, then apply mascara and eye liner.

"Time for lipstick!" Anna states, then slowly and smoothly applies it on.

Minutes later, Rapunzel declares, "Done!"

Elsa opens her eyes and sees pale blue eye shadow along with the mascara and eye liner, and a pinkish-reddish lipstick.

"Thank you so much!" Elsa says, hugging both of them.

"No problem! Now, you put on your veil!" Anna instructs, and Elsa obliges happily.

The wedding music begins playing, and Jack fiddles with the cuff of his sleeve.

The doors open, and Anna and Rapunzel slowly walk up, holding bouquets in their hand. Then Jack's little cousin Sophie begins throwing the petals.

Then Elsa comes.

Jack's breath is taken away as he sees his beautiful, gorgeous, soon-to-be wife. Absolutely stunning.

Her older brother, Hans, is the one giving her away, and Jack notices his radiant smile, yet his slightly wet eyes.

Her Aunt Idina follows, holding up her train. Elsa then reaches the podium, and hands Aunt Idina her bouquet.

"We all are gathered here today to celebrate the wedding of Jackson Overland Frost and Elsa Westerguard," the priest says, and Jack interlocks his fingers with Elsa's.

"Now Jackson, do you take Elsa to be your wife, to have and hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish; from this day forward until death do you part?" The priest asks.

Jack's heart pounds happily and he nods and says, "I do."

"Now Elsa, do you take Jackson to be your husband, to have and hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish; from this day forward until death do you part?" The priest asks.

"I do," Elsa beams, tears watering in her eyes.

"I, Jack Frost," Jack takes his ring from the pillow that Hiccup is carrying it on, "Give you this ring as an eternal symbol of my love and commitment to you."

"And I, Elsa Westerguard," Elsa also picks up the ring for Jack, "Give this ring as an eternal symbol of my love and commitment to you."

"By the power vested in me," the priest bellows happily. "I now announce you husband and wife!" Everyone stands up clapping, cheering, and whistling.

Jack faintly hears the voice of the priest say underneath all the noise, "You may now kiss the bride!"

"Don't mind if I do," Jack smirks at Elsa. Elsa beams, then wraps her arms around his neck and pulls him in for a passionate kiss.

Next chappie will be the wedding reception! :D

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