This is a challenge for me. This is a series of drabbles for the 25 days til Christmas. They won't be very long, which is what a drabble is, but I hope you enjoy them all the same!

Please remember to review at the end! :)

AU/AH or anyway you look at it. LOL!

For the first day of Christmas, Caroline's true love gave to her: A blue Christmas tree.

She stood in front of the tree, and smiled as it came alive. Turning her head, she smiled as he stood up, and she walked towards him.

Folding into his embrace, she smiled as her head rested on his shoulder. "It's beautiful." She whispered, smiling.

He smiled, and hugged her close, and kissed her forehead, grateful that she was there with him. "Only the best for you, love." He whispered, feeling her laugh, as she pulled back.

"I love it." She replied, stepping away from him. With tender fingers, she touched the tree, and smiled as the blue lights reflected off the small ornaments hanging on the limbs.

He watched as she smiled, and noticed how the lights from the tree encircled her, creating an angel-like light.

She turned around, and smiled. "Thank you, Klaus." She replied, stepping towards him.

He smiled, and enveloped her in his arms once more. "You are very welcome, Caroline." He whispered, searching her eyes in the tree-lit room.

She smiled, and closed the distance between them, and placed her lips on his. Sealing the first day of December with a loving, grateful kiss.



Please be kind!

If you have a suggestion for any of the days of Christmas, please let me know, and I will do my best!


Until Next Time...