Well this is it! The final chapter! I'm actually really sad to have to stop this now, haha! Ah well, I have tonnes of new stories planned for this pairing, mainly because I went to see my local Ice Hockey team the other day and all the AUs
Also a lot of you asked me to continue what I posted yesterday in a full length story so just to tell you that that was kind of the point; to promo it and ask for title suggestions *awkward laughter*
This one-shot I've had written since the beginning and it's based off 'Winter Dreams (Brandon's Song)' by Kelly Clarkson, whom I love and adore and the lyrics are here, so I highly recommend you listen to it!
Happy New Year, everyone!
Day 31- Winter Dream
Drawing hearts on the foggy glass
New love chase away my past
Nothing but the open road
Saddle up
Here we go
One, two, three
Distracted from her work, Elsa's attention began to wander away from the letter she was writing, her pen abandoned on the table. Her chin was cradled in her free palm, her elbow resting on the table as she stared absently out of the window in front of her.
Jack had been gone for a while. She understood it, of course, he was a guardian, and technically in charge of bringing winter to the world, but that didn't stop her missing him. It was almost Christmas, and he had promised to be back long before then, but she was still waiting.
Having said that, she trusted him. She knew he would do everything he could to be back in time to spend Christmas with her and-
Elsa started as something moved outside the window. Standing up and moving closer to investigate, she found that it wasn't outside the window at all but on it. Even as she watched, frost began to form on the glass, an almost enchanting pattern that gracefully looped its way into a heart shape, and Elsa's face lit up.
First winter here in your arms
Flames rising as we fall like stars
Making angels in the snow
Warm fuzzies, frozen toes...
Is this a dream?
Elsa, dressed in her comfortable clothes which consisted of a sweater and soft cotton trousers, sat down on the sofa next to Jack. The next moment her legs were swung across his lap, leaving her free to rest her hot cocoa on her knees. The fire was dimly lit; Jack had no real need to keep warm, and she was more comfortable with cooler temperatures anyway so they felt it a waste to have such a big fire on.
"I'm glad you're back." She said, and he grinned, eyes lighting up with mischief. His left hand was running up and down her back in an almost soothing manner and, as their conversation continued, the teasing flying back and forth as easy as breathing he turned to tickling her ribs to come out on top. She squealed and protested, but she was laughing, and eventually he stopped when she relented and agreed that he was, in fact, the best and coolest (pun not intended) partner in the world.
Don't wake me up
If this is love
Please let me be
Swept completely off my feet
This snow globe scene is turning me
This Christmas Eve
'I' became 'we'
Don't wake me please
From this winter dream
Winter dream
Winter dream
"Don't you dare." The words came out firm but Jack laughed them off. It was really more of a tradition for her to deny him now; he knew that some part of her liked it, deep deep down. Probably.
"Oh come on, Queenie. What are you, scared?" He taunted, dancing closer as she retreated in time with his steps, hands up as she protested.
"With good reason! You could drop me!"
"But I won't."
As always she looked back at him, cheeks pink and lips pursed because she knew, like she always knew everything, that he wasn't just talking about the flying.
"Fine." She said, and he knew the same.
With that Jack swept her off her feet and they were suddenly in the air, her arms wrapped tightly around his neck, her face at first buried in his shoulder. The longer they were up there the braver she grew, and eventually she was able to look up as he did. Even so the return trip went much the same; both of them reluctant to give up tradition. When they saw each other so little, it was nice to remember when they were together, even if it was the same every time.
Build a fire to escape the cold
Bing Crosby on the stereo
Tracing letters on my skin
Slowly starts sinking in...
You love me
Elsa giggled as she made her index and middle fingers walk up Jack's bare arm, leaving a trail of frost wherever their skin touched. In his sleep he frowned a little and adjusted himself, turning a little more towards her. The Queen paused, biting her lip gleefully as she waited for him to settle down, then continued her path up his arm, along his shoulder and neck until her index finger came into contact with his cheek.
She pushed herself up off the bed on her elbow, observing every part of him with a gentle yet somehow intense curiosity, before leaning down and pressing her lips to the corner of his mouth. Drawing back she smiled in satisfaction to see the mark made out of frost left by her lips, and settled back down next him, fingers trailing a lazy pattern on his skin as she laid and watched him.
"Having fun?" Jack mumbled, eyes opening blearily to meet hers, a small smirk on his face. She noticed he kept the kiss mark.
"Perhaps." She hummed as he trailed a hand through her loose hair. "Did you sleep well?"
"Perhaps." With that he tugged her closer and pressed his lips to hers.
Oh, don't wake me up
If this is love
Please let me be
Swept completely off my feet
This snow globe scene is turning me
This Christmas Eve
'I' became 'we'
Don't wake me please
From this winter
Dream and dreams
While I'm wide awake
The tree, the lights
Staying up late
It's true...
I'm in love with you
"Do you love me?"
The question caught her off guard, but she soon regained her footing and relaxed. It sounded like a hard question because of its importance, but really it wasn't. She knew the answer to this one.
"Of course." A harder question; one she couldn't answer. "Do you love me?"
He paused.
Swept completely off my feet
This snow globe scene is turning me
This Christmas Eve
'I' became 'we'
Don't wake me please
From this winter dream, dream
Winter dream