Oh the weather outside is frightful,

But the fire is so delightful,

And since we've got no place to go,

Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow!

December 1st'Let it Snow'

Characters; Allie Westbrook, Justin Fitzgerald, Tiffany Westbrook, Floyd Westbrook and Leo Fitzgerald.

Relationships in the Westbrook-Fitzgerald household had never been particularly good, but even at the worst Leo tried his best to remain optimistic. However relationships had slowly deteriorated since the reveal of Justin and Tiffany's relationship and Leo was beginning to wonder whether this time it really was beyond repair. It was like a strange sensation of déjà vu, would his father leave Allie just like he had left his mother all those years ago? Leo didn't particularly want to go through that again especially after he had just begun to settle in, plus he reasoned Allie seemed nice enough as did Tiffany and Floyd.

Allie and Tiffany weren't talking, neither were Floyd and Justin. Leo was waiting for the explosion; they were all on tenterhooks waiting for the storm to begin.

"Right I'm going if you want a lift here's your chance, Vaughn's already gone so if you don't want a lift you'd better start walking," Allie said trying hard to muster her chirpy attitude that she had tried so hard to adopt after the initial arrival of the Leo and Justin. No-one replied, not a soul stirred, Tiffany gazed into nothingness and Justin narrowed his eyebrows angrily, Leo sighed, it had seemed that they had both taken to addressing Allie like a brick wall or pretending that she was invisible.

"Leo, can you call Floyd?" Allie asked, tousling her hair and shaking her head as hair pins fell to the ground; her hand was shaking as she leant to pick it up, her previously calm and collected demeanour instantly fading. Leo nodded silently, as he darted from the room like a mouse that had found some cheese. Anything was preferable to staying in the room with the thickening tension.

"Floyd?" He called half-heartedly.

The door swung open and once again Leo was thankful that someone was talking to him, despite his quiet personality he disliked the silence that had found homage in his home. "Has mom gone?" Floyd asked. It was only then when Leo caught sight of the calendar in his peripheral vision that he realised what day it was. It was December 1st Christmas was only 24 days away; it was amazing how near it felt yet how far.

"Not yet, Allie's downstairs with Tiffany and Justin," Leo replied biting his lip.

"And world war three begins," Floyd commented dryly, as he headed downstairs, Leo followed him trying to bite back a laugh.

"You lot ready?" Allie asked, Floyd and Leo nodded, Tiffany faked a cough and Justin stared stonily ahead. Leo grimaced it wasn't exactly the start of the month he had been hoping for.

"Mom I'm ill, I've been sick and everything," Tiffany moaned, Leo was sure he saw Allie's widen when Tiffany mentioned she was sick, worry was apparent on her face and she clenched her fists so hard her knuckles turned white. She stared at the floor inspecting the specks of dirt, her hands shaking in frustration; it seemed to take years for her to formulate an answer.

"I don't want to leave you here alone," Allie said her voice wavering as her eyes darted quickly at Justin, "but I'll be home at lunch-," she said trying to avoid looking at Justin.

"Mom I'll be fine," Tiffany replied giving what Leo thought was a fake cough. "I just have a cold that's all, and the weather outside is frightful," she said gesturing outside, a storm was brewing, yet more rain and windy weather was in the forecast.

"But the fire is so delightful!" Floyd chipped in, "and since we've got no place to go, let it snow! Let it snow! Let it snow!" He sang out of tune but at least there was one happy person in the Fitzgerald-Westbrook household beside himself Leo thought to himself. Tiffany grinned it was a ghost of a smile compared to the ones Leo was used to seeing but it was a pleasant change compared to scowl that had become a permanent fixture in her face.

Justin was shooting daggers at Floyd, "well we do have someplace to go," Allie interrupted, "and that would be school," she finished with a note of finality in her tone.

"Come on mom get into the spirit, it's the first of December!" Floyd says smiling.

Leo grinned, inwardly hoping that his father and Allie would sort out their differences in time for Christmas. He wasn't sure what would happen if his father left Allie, Floyd and Tiffany, already he viewed the two as his siblings and he couldn't imagine his life without them. And most of all he wasn't sure he'd be able to cope if his father left him once more, the scar from when his father left him still stung and he didn't want the scar to be reawakened.

Once glimpse was all it took, one glimpse of the happy family that changed everything. Allie had quite reluctantly joined in with the encore of 'Let it snow' along with a very out of tune Floyd, even Tiffany was humming along with a smile on her face. Leo was quite sad to say that the only one who looked out of place was his brother; Justin. But he reasoned that Justin would never be happy as long as Allie was in the picture.

It is only then that Leo has a glimmer of hope that this Christmas may turn out to be okay after all. Perhaps, just maybe everything would turn out all right in the end, if one Christmas song could make everyone happy surely the Christmas cheer would make all the other worries vanish.

"You can keep your Christmas cheer I'm going," Justin announced angrily as he swung his bang over his shoulder and marched out the house. Maybe Christmas would turn out okay, maybe it wouldn't, who knew?

A/N This is the first part of my Christmas story. Each chapter will rotate the POV so some will be in Allie's and some in Tiffany's and so on. I Hope you enjoyed it, there will be an update everyday until Christmas like an advent calendar, please review & favourite & add to alerts! and if you want to participate in the Advent calendar challenge please do, all you need to do is to update everyone day with at least a hundred words! Merry first of December everyone! Please review and suggest Christmas songs c: I hope you like it and I hope the characters weren't too OOC any feedback is greatly appreaciated!