Christmas Day

"Wake up, wake up! It's Christmas!"

Clary groaned at Isabelle's overly cheery voice. "Did you two fall asleep here last night?" Isabelle asked as Clary and Jace both stretched out and got up from the sofa. Magnus and Alec joined them at that moment, both with bags under their eyes. Clary internally smirked, she knew they were up to no good last night.

"Merry Christmas everyone" said Magnus through a yawn. "How many Christmases have you seen now?" Simon asked Magnus flopping onto an armchair. "Are we including the first one?" Magnus said considering. Simon's eyes bulged and the others started laughing.

"Can we please exchange presents now?" Isabelle pleaded, practically jumping up and down from excitement. Jace rolled his eyes. "We probably should before Izzy explodes" Alec said. Izzy squealed and went to grab a pile of presents.

Soon the 6 of them sat on the carpet, each with a pile of presents in front of them.

"Clary! Thank you! It's gorgeous!" Izzy said excitedly unwrapping her present and looking at the silver top. Clary watched as Simon unwrapped the video games and grinned. "Wow, video games. I never would have guessed..." he said laughing and Clary grinned back at him. Meanwhile Jace was checking out the new seraph blade she had given him and Magnus was squealing in delight at the tube of scented of body glitter. Alec rolled his eyes and dumped the grey sweater on top of the pile of dark clothing that had already built up next to him.

Simon rolled his eyes as he unwrapped his presents from Jace and crinkled his nose in disgust at the garlic. "I'm a shadowhunter now, you are aware of that?" he said raising an eyebrow. Jace shrugged and held up the nerf gun Simon had bought him. "Really?" Jace asked. Simon grinned. "Well you and weapons..." he said.

Clary unwrapped, surprise surprise, a pile of clothes from Isabelle. "Thanks Iz, they're..." Clary trailed off. "Non-existent" Jace suggested looking at the skimpy clothes. Clary hit Jace's arm but Isabelle wasn't paying attention. Simon handed out the rest of his presents; black heels for Izzy, a new set of watercolour pencils for Clary and matching t-shirts for Alec and Magnus.

Finally it was time for Jace to hand out his presents. He gave Izzy a new whip; gold with a few rhinestones in it, Magnus a jumper for his cat and Alec a pie-making kit. Finally he turned to Clary.

"Clary, I love you. Like really, really love you. And honestly from here on in, I don't see myself with anybody else. Heck, I don't want to be with anybody else. So this Christmas, please make it very special and marry me?" he said getting down on one knee and pulling out a ring.

Clary gasped, clapping her hands over her mouth in shock. "Yes. Oh my gosh, yes, yes." Clary said smiling. Jace grinned and slid the ring onto Clary's finger. Izzy squealed and the others cheered. Clary felt over the moon.

"Ok lovebirds. Moment over. It's time for Christmas lunch!" Isabelle said leading the group into the dining room. The exquisitely laid table was now filled with food, all of which looked incredible.

There was a large bronze turkey surrounded by balls of stuffing, piles of crispy, roasted potatoes, chipolatas and vegetables. Each of them took a seat at the table and began to pile their plates with food. The meal passed with a mixture of comfortable silence as everybody ate and pleasant conversation.

The rest of the day passed easily, Jocelyn and Luke stopping by for a while to hand over gifts and congratulate Jace and Clary on their engagement. Clary didn't think she'd ever had a happier Christmas.

As she headed to bed that night, the smile still hadn't worn off her face. She curled into Jace underneath the covers that night, Jace's arms around her. "Night Clary. I love you" Jace said pressing a kiss to her forehead. "I love you too" Clary said smiling and drifting off to sleep.


Aww, Clace proposal! Thought I would go out with a bang ;)

Also, I know it's not Christmas Day until tomorrow but Ficmas ends today so it's now or never!

Sadly that's Ficmas over now :(

I've had the best time writing these fics. Everyone has been so supportive of my work and I couldn't feel more loved! Thank you to everyone who followed, favourited and reviewed! Thanks a million for making my first experience of doing Ficmas the best ever!

Please favourite (story) if you've enjoyed Ficmas (I hope you have!) and please favourite (author) if you've enjoyed my writing!

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Please leave me a review (either this fic or Ficmas as a whole!)! Also tell me, what has been your favourite fic in this project?

If you want to see more of my work, check out my other stories. There's my two adventure/romance stories 'Alicante Holiday Camp' & the sequel 'Alicante Holiday Camp: The Chaos Continues' if you want a longer story to read, or I've written plenty of fluffy oneshots so check them out too!

I hope you'll read more from me in the future, but thank you for being so amazing during this project and I hope you all have amazing Christmases and fabulous New Years (and if you don't celebrate Christmas, I hope you enjoy whatever event you celebrate or if you don't celebrate anything, I hope you enjoy a bit of time off work/school and have a nice time)!



PS - Thank you for an INSANE 15000 views! I noticed we hit it last night, which is honestly mind blowing! It was only a few days ago I was announcing 10000 views, so 15000 is completely bonkers! Thank you so much for reading this story!