A/N well hi everyone here I am with a brand new story for you all and it's a Yuri on too, hell this may turn into a Yuri Harem if you guys like? Now what is the story about well you may have to read to find out lol as I will not give it all away just like that now will I. Anyway I do not own Gundam Seed or Naruto if I did well I would have done a far better job and Sasuke would have died or been in jail for all that he did.
Chapter 1 Her name is Naruko
When the Skygrasper landed Cagalli had let out a sigh of relief that she was unharmed aside from just a couple of scrapes and bruises. It was quite a miracle, falling almost two thousand feet in the air and managing to land on the beach of some unknown and most likely uninhabited island. Cagalli figured that either must have had either an extraordinary amount of luck or an angel was watching over her for get out of that situation in one piece.
Either way she was immensely thankful for surviving that crash landing. Cagalli activated the manual release mechanism for the Skygrasper's cockpit and the machine slowly opened allowing her to exit the mobile armor. She stretched her limbs a little before she wandered inland hoping that the place that she found herself on was inhabited by people who would hopefully have some kind of communication unit that would allow her to contact the Archangel.
'Ha, and maybe I'll suddenly just sprout wings and fly back to the Archangel too.' she thought bitterly knowing that while her Skygrasper had been crashing she hadn't see any real indicator that the place would be inhabited but she still wasn't willing to completely give up hope on that. After all Cagalli had been much more concerned with landing the crashing Skygrasper safely rather than taking in the sights.
If this place didn't have a way to call the Archangel she was pretty much screwed as the communications systems had been seriously damaged in the crash. To make matters worse Cagalli didn't even have the first idea on how to fix them. Cagalli began to wander into the nearby jungle hoping that she would find something, anything that would help her get off this island and back to the Archangel.
The jungle itself was very thick with vast amounts of dense foliage and as Cagalli slowly made her way through the various branches and plants walking ahead towards what appeared to be a clearing. Good maybe now she could find something there that could help her get off the island and back to the Archangel. Once she finished clearing the foliage and made it into the clearing which happened to be nearby a small cliff that overlooked the ocean.
Cagalli just simple looked out at the ocean and wondered just how she was going to get off this island. "Damn it I need to get off this place." She said to herself as she jumped down from where she was and looked around to notice a few markings on the stones. "What the..." Cagalli said as she looked at them and saw that there was many more.
Cagalli was a little confused by all this as to what this meant. "What the hell?" Cagalli just looked around the island as she wondered more now than before what was going on.
Turning around she saw a cave and noticed that there was slight movement inside. "I'm not alone here." Cagalli thought as she took out her gun and began to make her way to the cave as Cagalli soon noticed a sleeping blonde girl with pig tails on the ground.
What stuck out was the fact that she had three whisker marks on each cheek but also the fact she had very little, but it was enough to cover her up well only just. Cagalli couldn't help but wonder just what she was doing on this island all alone like this or even how she got here.
It was then that the girl began to move as her eyes began to open showing she had deep sea blue eyes but Cagalli noticed something was very off they were not normal eyes at all. They were silted like a cat's or a fox. 'What the how can someone have eyes like that.' Cagalli thought as something told her that what she had seen outside was meant to keep the girl on the island.
All Cagalli could do was slowly back away hopping that they girl didn't see her. "Hmmmm that was a good nap, just wish I was not stuck on this damn forsaken island." She said with a scowl as Cagalli soon noticed this and knew this island was a prison for this girl, but the question is why. "Oh I wish I had at least someone to talk to at least, I mean look at me." The girl said as she gave a sigh. "I'm talking to myself, well better than going crazy." The whisker blonde said as she gave a giggle.
Cagalli was shocked at what she was hearing as she looked at the girl who just started to giggle a little as she looked around. "But I will get off this island soon and then I will show them why they should fear me the new Kyuubi." The girl giggled once again as Cagalli noticed nine tails come out from her which made her gasp at this.
The girl just looked to where she heard the noise come from as Cagalli quickly moved to hide and she soon heard the girl giggle once more. "Well it looks like that someone has come to my so called home, but I wonder who you are?" She asked as she moved to where Cagalli was and smiled. "You know it not good hiding I can smell you." She said as she began to sniff the air while Cagalli got her gun ready as she made sure to take the safety off.
"Oh what are you trying to do." She asked as Cagalli looked right next to her to see the girl looking at her as she grabbed hold of the gun a throw it away, "Well nice to meet you I'm Naruko." The blonde said with a smile as Cagalli backed away from her.
"Stay away from me!" Cagalli yelled as she wondered what would be the best course of action right now to take right now.
However Naruko just giggle at this as she moved slowly over to her fellow blonde moving her hips back and forth. "I have to say you've got spunk, and I like that." Naruko said with a grin crossed over her face as she moved closer to Cagalli. "Yes I like that in girls very much, I like them with spunk which is what you have."
Cagalli was still shocked by all this as she backed away a little more from Naruko however she soon fell into a small pool of sea that was starting to come in soaking her clothes, as Naruko just looked at her fellow blonde with a sweet and seductive smile on her face. "Oh would you look at that." Naruko said as she giggled as she pulled Cagalli up from the cold water. "Now you all cold I bet trust me I lived here for so long now." Naruko said as she once again smiled at Cagalli.
Cagalli was still worried at what this girl wanted with her. "What do you want with me?" She asked as she looked at the blonde girl.
With a light giggle Naruko just took her to her cave which she called home. "Well firstly I think you're cute, and as you can tell I love girls like you, and I also want to get off this damn island that I have been stuck on for so long." Naruko said as she lit a fire with her hand, which again shocked Cagalli at how she was able to do this.
'How can she do that?' Cagalli thought as she looked at the girl who started to take what little clothes she had on off, while Cagalli was shocked by this. "What the hell are you doing getting naked?!" Cagalli screamed with shock, while Naruko just let out a giggle as she set her clothes next to the fire.
"Well you need to let your clothes dry and I know that you won't want to take them off with me here, so I thought I would do the same. So that at least in this way I can make you feel a lot better, besides you still haven't told me your name and I would like to know that?"
For a moment Cagalli just remained silent towards Naruko wondering if she should really be trust the blonde right now or not. "Cagalli my name is Cagalli Yula." Cagalli spoke as she looked away from Naruko.
Naruko just smiled as she walked over to Cagalli and placed her hand on Cagalli's chin and pulled her head so that Cagalli was now looking at her. "Hmmmm that is a lovely name," Naruto said with a smile. "Now come on you can't stay in those wet clothes can you?"
With a blush on her face Cagalli nodded at this knowing that Naruko was right, as she was starting to feel slightly cold in her clothes. "Well I guess that you're right..." Cagalli said as she was soon cut off from Naruko who and managed to have Cagalli lay on the ground. "What are you doing?" Cagalli asked as she looked up to Naruko.
Once on the ground Cagalli continued too look up at Naruko as the blonde just smiled down at her. "Well I'm helping you out." She said with a grin as she slowly began to take off Cagalli's jeans that she had on as Naruko soon saw the green panties that Cagalli had on her as she girl simple blushed at this.
Naruko didn't stop there as she soon moved forward as Cagalli looked up at Naruko as she began to take off Cagalli bullet proof vest off which Naruko found a little hard as her red shirt was lifted up showing off Cagalli stomach and a breast slightly, even the neck less she had on was showing too.
Yet it didn't take long at all before the vest was taken off as Naruko smiled some more as she removed the last of her clothes and noticed that Cagalli was not wearing a bra. "Oh that is sexy." Naruko said as she giggled a little and removed Cagalli panties with her teeth.
'Oh my...' Cagalli thought as her face was soon bright red at being naked in front of the girl in front of her but Naruko was just smiling at her as she moved closer.
"Now see doesn't that feel better than being in some wet clothes?" Naruko asked sweetly as Cagalli noticed that their faces were getting closer and closer. "You know I meant what I said before Cagalli, you really are a sexy girl, droop dead sexy in fact." Naruko said with a smile that crossed her face as she move her head closer to Cagalli's face as with is a flash Naruko's lips connected to Cagalli's, this just made Cagalli's eyes shot open in shock at this as she soon felt Naruko's tongue rubbing along her lips wanting to gain entrance.
'This is not happening I'm kissing a girl, this is my first kiss I ever had.' Cagalli thought as her face was still red with embarrassment over what was going on as Cagalli was unsure what she should do, but could feel Naruko still licking her lips still. Slowly Cagalli closing her eyes as she opened her mouth and felt Naruko's tongue rubbing on her own, which caused Cagalli to moan a little at this as she began to move her own tongue as Naruko began to lightly moan.
Both blondes continued to kiss as Naruko began to move her hand towards Cagalli's breast as she began to rub it lightly making Cagalli moan a little as she still kissed Naruko. 'So good feels so good.' Cagalli thought as she just continued to kiss Naruko as slowly she wrapped her arms around Naruko and pulled her closer.
Soon the two broke away from their kiss as a string of saliva connected the lips, Naruko just looked down at Cagalli as she saw her blush and simply smirked at seeing this. "Hmmmm, well I must say that was a good kiss, Cagalli chan." Naruko responded as she licked Cagalli neck cause her to moan. "Oh you're so soft."
Naruko moved her hand across Cagalli's breasts as Naruko continued to both lick and suck on Cagalli's neck while using her hands to play with Cagalli's breasts, which only caused Cagalli to moan even more as she began reach out her hands to play with Naruko's own. "Oh that feels good Cagalli chan." Naruko said as she whispered into Cagalli's ear before licking it.
"But I think that we should stop hear." Naruko said as she pulled away much to Cagalli's disappointment.
Cagalli just opened her eyes as she looked up to Naruko. "Why did you stop?" Cagalli asked as she looked into Naruko's eyes, as she just looked at her with a grin over her face.
"Well I don't think your ready for something like that just yet Cagalli-chan." Naruko said as she looked at Cagalli with a smile crossed over her face.
Cagalli on the other hand just looked over at Naruko as she was a little shocked at what the girl had just said to her, which also made a her frown a little. The whisker girl had made her fell so good and all from such simple little things as well and right now Cagalli knew her body needed more, hell she wanted more and she didn't even know why.
Cagalli just looked over to the fire as she noticed that Naruko was moving away or starting to and in that moment Cagalli grabbed hold of Naruko's hand and pulled the girl closer to her. "Oh no your no you don't!" She cried show her fiery attitude that she was well known for as she looked over to Naruko and saw the girl just smiling back at her. "I may not know what going on with me but I felt so good and I sure as hell won't let you end it just like that!"
Naruko on the other hand just gave a smile at her and she looked at Cagalli and gave a smirk towards her. "Well that is good then as I so wanted to make love to you been a long tome since I had someone." She said with a hint of sadness that Cagalli caught.
But Naruko just smiled as she looked at Cagalli and moved a little closer to her. "Cagalli-chan," She called out lovingly, cupping her cheek in her warm hands and smiling at her. "Will you let me show you how much I love you?"
"Yes." she answered.
Leaning down, Naruko's lips collided against Cagalli's once more. Her tongue asking for entrance, the moment she granted it, she began to explore. Cagalli moaned as she felt the passion she was pouring into the kiss, and decided to answer back with the same amount. Nipping her bottom lip, the blonde moaned softly. They panted as they pulled back, their foreheads touching, and the two smiled at one another.
Naruko gave Cagalli a foxy grin which only caused Cagalli to blush at seeing this from her fellow blonde. Cagalli moaned softly as she could feel her hands stroke her sides with love and tender. Naruko groaned as she felt small hands burying themselves into her hair and the other caressing her back. Naruko's lips attacked her neck and began to lick and nibble at the soft flesh. They moaned together as their breasts rubbed against each other which just made both moan once more at each other.
Naruko took her hand and placed it where his heart was. "See, you're making my heart beat crazy."
Cagalli simple blushed in response only to receive a grin from her soon to be lover. Cagalli moaned as Naruko's lips found her neck again and began to leave soft kisses. She giggled as her tongue circled her bellybutton. Quickly, the blonde buried her face between Cagalli's legs and took her sweet delicious scent. It was a unique addictive scent, more importantly it smelled good to Naruko. The blonde tom-boy arched her back as she felt Naruko's wet tongue lick her dripping snatch. She could feel her warm breath against her cold skin. Her body shivered in pleasure as she felt that wet muscle enter her core.
Naruko on the other hand could not get enough of her. She tasted more delicious than ramen which she had not had in such a very long time. She moaned when she felt drops of her essence hit her tongue. This was a taste that she would never forget, and kami, she needed more. Expertly she worked her tongue in her tight wet cavern, trying to coax her into an orgasm. She would switch from licking her inner walls and sucking on her throbbing clit. With just last flick of her tongue, Cagalli arched her back and cried out her first orgasm of the night. Naruko growled approvingly as her juices poured into her mouth. She could feel herself getting wet at the taste of the sweetest nectar Cagalli had given her.
As Cagalli was catching her breath, her eyes widened at the sight of her. Right in front of her was Naruto. "Like what you see?" She teased.
Cagalli began to blush a little as she looked at Naruko's naked body, as Naruko soon started to suck on Cagalli's breasts, while Cagalli let out a moan as some drool came out from her mouth. "So good..." Cagalli gasped out as Naruko smiled at her.
"Oh we have only just begun Cagalli-chan." Naruko told Cagalli as she whispered in her ear. "No, we shall do this long into the night."
"Cagalli-chan, please suck on my tits." Naruko rubbed herself and pulled, letting a bit of milk come out of them. Cagalli started to lick the bit of milk that came out, but she was confused a bit. "You're not pregnant are you?"
"Well no, not yet. I've been able to lactate since my breasts started growing. I think they can help yours grow though." Naruko said with a cheeky grin, while Cagalli started sucking them. 'This tastes so good.' She thought as Naruko guided a hand to her lower-region. "Hmm, yes please eat me out Cagalli-chan." Cagalli pants a little as she looked down at Naruko.
Naruko had her legs spread out for her and her hands were down by her pussy, spreading her lips for her. Cagalli was feeling more and more aroused as she lowered her head and took a long lick. Juices were leaking out of Naruko's pussy and Sakura lapped them up. 'She tastes so good.' She thought as she rubbed Naruko with her finger.
Naruko moaned at the attention Cagalli was giving her. Her milk that Cagalli drank was doing great work at getting Cagalli horny enough to get really into it like she was really go to sleep with her because she wanted too. She did not lie as it will also help Cagalli grow into an even sexier girl with a sexy figure. She moved her hands as Cagalli was holding her spread out by herself. One hand rubs through Cagalli's hair while the other rubbed her own clit.
Cagalli held Naruko's lips open as she dug her tongue deeper and added a finger to her work. Naruko was really leaking now and she was drinking all that she could. She felt Naruko rub her hair and pulled her closer. Cagalli added another finger and began to thrust her tongue harder.
Naruko was close to the edge, she held Cagalli closer to her as she pants. "Cagalli so close. More, you are doing so well."
Cagalli heard her and could not help but feel a sense of pride that she made someone as sexy as Naruko to react like that. Naruko bucked her hips and panting heavily. "Cagalli-chan, I'm cumming!" she screams in pleasure as she flooded all over Cagalli's face.
Cagalli felt the rush of Naruko's love juices and started to drink everything she could. Her face was a mess, and a bunch was leaking on Naruko's thighs and ass, but Cagalli loved the taste of those juices. Once she was done she licked around trying to get everything clean of Naruko's juices before she was pulled up to Naruko's face and pulled into a heated kiss. Cum was shared as Naruko's tongue dominated hers.
Cagalli was so into the kiss she did not notice that they shifted and she was now on her back. Naruko broke the kiss, a strand of saliva connecting them, before she licked her face and started to clean Cagalli up.
When she was done she smiled and shifted her hips so that their pussies were rubbing against each other. "You did very good Cagalli, now it is my turn to make you scream my name." and Naruko started to buck her hips.
Cagalli was enjoying the feel of their pussies rubbing together. She was panting and moaning as Naruko bucked. 'Kami this feels so good.' She thought as Naruko started to rub her breasts and pulled them. She was getting so wet that she had a sex-crazed expression.
With Cagalli moaning on top her, it felt more like lovers having sex. Cagalli was still moaning, but Naruko tried to shift the positions. It wasn't an uncomfortable position, but it took a bit of work as they got on their sides with their pussies touching.
Soon the let out a cry of joy as they both came at the same time. "That hit the spot." Cagalli then positioned and cuddled next to Naruko, as she was tired from sex.
Naruko turned her head and kissed Cagalli on the lips while Cagalli seemed happy as she kissed Naruko, getting ready for another potential round. Cagalli was shifted so she was on her back. Naruko was in between her spread legs with their pussies against each other, their clits bumping into one another. Naruko was bent over Cagalli with her large breast hanging over hers so as she shifted and buck her hips Naruko's breast were rubbing Cagalli's. Cagalli moaned as their nipples rubbed together as their pussies bumped. Cagalli looked up at Naruko and blushed at the loving look she was getting.
"Cagalli I am (Oooh) about to come." She heard Naruko moan with joy.
"Yes so good Naruko me too Naruko. (Moans) Cum with me Naruko please!" Cagalli said as she let out a cry of joy.
They bucked harder before they cum together. They fell panting before Naruko rolled over and shifted Cagalli so she was resting on her breasts. Cagalli panted and nuzzled closer as she drifted off to sleep as Naruko stroke her hair. As she move to Cagalli neck and smiled at her looked at Cagalli's amber eyes with a smile that was crossed over her face. "Now my sweet blonde vixen I will mark you as my mate." Naruko said with a smile as she slowly began to move towards Cagalli neck.
Cagalli herself saw the two sharp teeth that soon found her way to her neck and they dug into her tender flesh As Cagalli just cried out in pain at what was going on, and as quick as it happened it soon ended and Naruko pulled away as a mark appeared on Cagalli neck. "There we go, your my mate now Cagalli-chan." Naruko said to her new mate with a smile as she smiled even more now at Cagalli.
A/N well there we go I know that its a little short and all but I am very busy with so much going on in my life right now and so little time so I will call it and end it with this chapter now as for who else will join the Yuri Harem well that is all up to you the readers.
So far its Cagalli and maybe one another girl, but I will not say anymore. Anyway please read and review and let me hear your ideas as I do like to hear them so I can add them so you can feel happy that you ideas are in this story.