Author's Crap: I don't know why I really felt the urge to make a Triles chapter fic… I suck at writing chapter fics… I don't think this one can be done in a one-shot though… I think this one will be updated whenever I have inspiration. This is hella au Triles and they don't know each other!

"Ugh… I fucking hate this shitty ass car…." Tristan groaned in frustration as he kicked at a tire of his Honda Civic.

He had surprisingly made it to the dorm but the car gave up the second he got near the parking lot. He'd planned on parking it on the loop so he wouldn't have to walk as far to carry all of his belongings. He was in the BFE (Butt-Fuck-Egypt) area of the parking lot and groaned when he saw how far away the Hamlin Hall dorms were. He'd crammed everything he could into this car with his mom's help before he let. He attributed it to years of her playing Tetris. Tristan was fresh out of high school and moving into the freshman dorm as a theater major. He'd been looking forward to this day the second he'd walked across that stage and grasped that diploma. Now, he was already beginning to hate it.

He sighed and opened the creaky rusted door so he could begin to take his things all the way up to the door. He had been about to close the door with his backside but stopped when he saw a person running up to his car.

"Hey! Do you need help? My dad brought a cart and we're all finished moving my things in." a short black haired male asked gesturing at the large box in Tristan's hands.

"OMG. YES." Tristan gaped happily.

The boy ran off in the direction of his father's vehicle and returned shortly after with his father and cart in tow.

"Thank you so much! You're a life saver!" Tristan thanked the boy and his father.

"Don't mention it. You looked like you could use the help." The boy smiled. "I'm Winston Chu. Nice to meet you."

"Tristan Milligan." Tristan shook the extended hand.

"Well, here…" Winston took the box from Tristan and placed it onto the cart. "Let's start loading your stuff."

Tristan unlocked the door again and the three began to pile his many boxes and bags onto the large cart. They managed to get most of it onto the cart and carried what couldn't fit. After Tristan checked in with housing and received his key, he, Winston, and his father all piled into the crammed elevator with two other residents of the dorms.

"So, what's your major?" Tristan asked making conversation.

"I'm going into video game design. Do you play any?" Winston asked excitedly.

"Afraid not…" Tristan chuckled a little awkwardly.

"Oh…" Winston looked slightly dejected at that but, quickly replaced the smile on his face. "What are you going into?"

"I'm a theater major. I want to be an actor." Tristan spoke proudly.

"That's cool." Winston nodded before the elevator grew silent.

The silence was broken a minute later when the elevator dinged at floor eight. Their destination. They walked down the narrow hall of the dorm and Tristan began reading off the room numbers as he looked at his paper to see where his room number was.

"806… 806…" He mumbled glancing left and right.

""806?" I'm in 807!" Winston said excitedly. "We're suitemates bro!"

Tristan smiled at the revelation happy that he'd at least have a friend in their suite. They stopped at the last door on the left of the hall and Tristan unlocked it to reveal a small foyer and two closed doors. The one on the left read "806". Tristan pushed the door open to reveal a slightly barren room. There were two undressed mattresses on unlofted bedposts in opposite corners of the room. There were two desks sitting untouched next to each other as well. It looked like his roommate hadn't arrived at the dorms yet. The three began unloading the boxes from the cart and finished in no time at all. They even lofted Tristan's bed high up near the ceiling so that he could slide the desk underneath it giving him even more room.

"Thanks for all your help… I probably would still be outside carrying in boxes if not for you guys." Tristan spoke with nothing but eternal gratitude as Winston's father bade his son and Tristan good luck on their freshman year of college.

"Not a problem at all dude. You seem pretty cool anyway and you turned out to be living right next door to me!" Winston smiled. "I wonder what room Miles got…"

"Miles?" Tristan asked.

"Miles Hollingsworth the Thrid. My best bro. He's in the dorms here too. He's supposed to be somewhere on this floor…" Winston said flipping through his phone to see what was keeping Miles.

""The Third"?" Tristan raised an eyebrow. "Sounds fancy."

"Trust me. He's not as regal as his name makes him seem." Winston snorted as his phone lit up with a text from someone. "Ah, Frankie!"

Winston's face lit up with happiness as he read the message.

"Girlfriend?" Tristan asked smirking.

"Yeah…" Winston blushed slightly looking off to the side. "Francesca Hollingsworth. Miles' younger sister."

"You're dating his sister?" Tristan balked.

"Trust me. He flipped out when he heard about it." Winston laughed. "He's cool with it now. He still threatens me every chance he gets to not break her heart."

Tristan smiled. If this Miles guy was as awesome as Winston, he was sure they'd all be pretty good friends. He was already looking forward to meeting him.

"He says that he's not coming until later today. He's got "stuff" to do." Winston rolled his eyes. "Oh, well… When you get done unpacking your things, we could go check out the campus?"

"Sounds good to me!" Tristan agreed pulling out his phone. "Here, let's exchange numbers."

After the two exchanged numbers, Winston went in his room presumably to hook up his PS4 and Tristan went back into his own. As he unpacked the boxes, he found himself thinking back on what his best friend Tori said before he left. "I'm not going to be there with you so, make some great friends!" He smiled knowing that he was already off to a good start with his suitemate and sent her a message telling her how happy he was that he'd already made one.

An hour later, Tristan smiled and wiped his brow looking over his half of the now much more inviting room. He had a bright blue rug on the ground underneath his desk and a lounge chair. He had a refrigerator but, it was at his house for when he was supposed to come back to get it. Though, with his car in the state that it was, it didn't look like that would be happening any time soon. He sighed heavily. He could probably use it to get small distances but it probably wouldn't take to well to a trip back home at the moment. Oh, well… At least he still had his microwave.

He knocked on Winston's door and peered in to see the black-haired male quickly mashing buttons on his controller.

"Oh, you're finished?" Winston spoke pausing the game. "Let's go grab some food. I'm starving!"

Winston stood up from his chair and the two proceeded to walk to the elevator. On the way to the elevator, they were stopped by their RA who introduced himself as Drew Torres. He was a junior with a major in Finance. Once outside, Winston looked around to find the building known as "Vandenburg Hall". It was a sophomore dorm that was also home to the cafeteria where they'd spend their meals. After locating the building, the two quickly made their way to the cafeteria and began gaping like fish out of water.

"So much food!" Winston exclaimed wasting no time in grabbing a tray.

"I wonder if they have vegetarian options…" Tristan looked around at all the different stations with so much different food.

"You're a vegetarian?" Winston asked grabbing about three slices of pizza.

"No, I prefer healthier options though in terms of food." Tristan explained smiling when he saw the veggie burgers.

"Whatever floats your boat, dude." Winston shrugged and made about four tacos.

After the two had gotten their food, they sat down at a small booth off to the side.

"Got enough food there?" Tristan spoke chuckling at the ridiculous amount of food on Winston's plate.

"Hey, I wasn't kidding when I said I was starving!" Winston laughed shoveling another slice of pizza into his mouth. "At least it's pretty good!"

Tristan couldn't argue that. The food was actually pretty good here. He'd been warned not to gain the freshman fifteen that everyone said they gained when they went away to college. He'd been pretty good so far at sticking to his diet though so, he wasn't too worried. He had a simple veggie burger and a spinach salad with red onion and drizzled some red wine vinaigrette over it.

The two made light conversation over their dinner and spent time getting to know each other. Winston was a pretty interesting guy. Kind of a nerd but, Tristan found it to be cool. Winston was also accepting of Tristan's sexuality and didn't judge him in the slightest. About two hours later after the two were thoroughly stuffed, they began to make their way slowly back to the freshman dorm. Winston excused himself to use the restroom and Tristan began to unlock his door only to find it unlocked. The scent in the room although faint stood out to him immediately and he looked by the window sill to find a brunet with an impeccable sense of fashion leaning out of the room with a joint. He turned his head at the noise to see the blond standing in the doorway with a worried look.

"You must be my roommate…" the brunet spoke as he stubbed the last of the joint out on the outside of the building and threw it out the window.

He approached the blond in sure steps and Tristan felt his blood rushing through his body. Who was this person? How could he be smoking in this dorm? Wasn't that against dorm regulations? The brunet stopped in front of him smirked.

"Miles Hollingsworth the Thrid." The brunet said extending a hand to Tristan.

Author's Crap: Well, that was chapter one. Hopefully I'm doing alright and you guys wanna see more of this!