A/N: So I've read Tokyo Ghoul these days and god, that manga is so good! I think putting Louise in Kaneki's place then bring her back to Halkeginia would be an interesting idea. It'd be fun to see how people around her coping with a more mature and broken Louise (of course with her Ghoul power and insanity, too). However, I'll alter some details in both mangas. For example, Saito will stay in Earth in this fic (he could be eaten by some Ghouls back in Tokyo, LOL), etc.

R&R, mina-san!

Disclaimer: I don't own FoZ or Tokyo Ghoul, they belong to their respective creators.

Halkeginia Ghoul

By: Infinite Fate


Ever since her first day of learning magic, the life of Louise Francoise de la Valliere had been a chain of misery and shame. Despite being the daughter of Karin the Heavy Wind, all Louise could do was explosion, explosion and explosion. Her spells always ended up destroying things although she'd tried to be more careful with her power.

She felt ashamed, ashamed of the taint she'd brought to the name Valliere, ashamed of being such a failure, and most of all, ashamed of being a disappointment in her mother's eyes.

Failure after failure…

But it didn't mean she would give up.

She started to research to find out more about her disabilities. Her knowledge in magic had been improved so much that it could rival many famous researchers in Tristain. Yet again, she couldn't point out what was wrong with her magical abilities. Everything was perfect, her wand movements, her chanting, her willpower output… everything.

It exploded… It always exploded!

Louise was tired of the continuous failure and she was sure her mother thought the same.

Karin the Heavy Wind was a woman of steel and rules. Being a perfectionist, she would never allow such a disgrace to exist. And if Louise failed again, the girl would be dismissed from her study and married her 'so-called' fiancé, Wardes.

Days passed and the time to summon her familiar had come.

Louise was afraid. Still, she put on her brave mask and ignored the sneers and mocking of people. Looking at Professor Colbert for permission, she received a nod from him as an agreement.

The girl took a long breath before stepping forward. With head held high, she focused her determined eyes on the space in front of her. Her wand-wielding hand began to move.

I'll prove to everyone…

"My name is Louise Francoise le Blanc de la Valliere…"


"Pentagon of the five elemental powers. Heed my summoning and bring forth…"

I'm not a Zero!

"My familiar!" Seconds after her last words was an explosion and… nothing…

"That was priceless! Did you see that!? Nothing! Zero summoned nothing!"

"I've already told you. As if that girl could do anything decent."

"As expected of Louise the Zero!"

In the midst of those hurtful words, Louise stood, stunned by the event. Seconds later, she snapped back to the reality when Professor Colbert coughed slightly, reminding her of the situation…

"Can… Can I try again, professor?" Her voice wavered as she kept herself from breaking down right there.

Professor Jean Colbert looked at the girl in silence. Louise Francoise de la Valliere was a special case in this academy. Unlike her fellow schoolmates, the girl possessed little talent in magic in spite of having such an intelligent mind. Colbert had seen her struggle with it, standing up after her defeat. She has never backed down. He had a student with this bravery and determination, what could he ask for more? So he felt this little girl deserve a second chance…

"Alright, miss Valliere."

"Thank you." The noble turned back, holding her wand once again.

Again, the whole ritual was flawless. However, the result was the same, an explosion and she summoned nothing.

Louise bit her lips hard. Her eyes remained their focus on the ground, staring blankly. Her small hands trembled at the sides as the laughter and insults become louder and louder. For the first time, Louise felt defeated.

"I'm sorry but the ritual has to end here." Colbert gave her a pat on shoulder when he noticed tears were trailing down her cheeks.

What happened next shocked not only Professor Colbert and the students but also Louise herself. They just didn't expect that. Even Louise didn't expect she would lose herself completely.

The petite girl dodged the man's hand and lunged forward, running sloppily to the ritual place. Yes, Louise was desperate… desperate enough to throw away her pride and rules to do such a dishonored, brash action.

"I, Louise Francoise de la Valliere,…"

"Miss Valliere!" Professor Colbert shouted, running after her.

"What's Zero doing!?"

"Is she trying again!?"

"Someone has to stop her. Her infamous explosion will kill us all."

Kirche von Zerbst bit her lips when she heard the last joke. Were these people too stupid to see what was happening!? By the look on Valliere's face, the girl had lost it and Brimir knew what a desperate person would do when they'd been cornered. Kirche remained concerned despite her usual teasing to the smaller girl. Louise might be her rival but it didn't mean she wanted to see such a sorrowful expression on her.

Next to the redhead, Tabitha eyed said pinkette warily, frowning in the process as she could feel something wrong with Louise's antics

Only when everything had happened did Kirche realize... that she was right. Louise was going do something drastic… something would cost her more than she'd thought.

"In the name of the great Five Pentagon Powers,…" The tears were still falling "Is following my fate…"

Later, this would become Louise Valliere's greatest regret for it led her to the path of eternal torment and made her question her morality…forever.

Fate twisted and all left was a void of darkness.

Louise Francoise de la Valliere was no more.




A chain of misery, indeed.

Louise let out a bitter laugh when she remembered those memories. Her tears mixed with the rain, trailing down her mask. One teary pink eye looked down at the investigator, Amon, as she opened her mouth. Teeth gritted together, she tried to maintain her control and spoke with a broken voice.

"Please… just go away." She had never thought that one day she would beg someone to flee for their life… and under such a circumstance.

The investigator stared at her in shock. He hadn't expected this ghoul to say something like that.

"You…" To him, she didn't look like them but rather, a little girl who refused to become one.

"Please… don't make me kill you…" Sobs escaped her throat.

Please… Don't make me become a monster.

However, it was too late for her to turn back… once walking on this path.

And Louise broke down.