Hey guys wrote another fan fiction for you. Just an idea that came to me hope you enjoy XD

Disclaimer: I do not own The 100

Every year she never approves of who he brings home. Every year! The one year he doesn't bring a date might finally change his mother's mind.

She never picks on Octavia's dates when she brings them, unless they are really bad, which is quite rare. However Bellamy always questions them, being the over protective brother he is, his sister is only 17 she shouldn't be dating; at least that's what he thought. Although sometimes O brought her friend Clarke. Bellamy approved of their friendship as Clarke was always there for O when he or his mother couldn't be where as her old friends wouldn't be so for that Bellamy respects her. To be honest Clarke is the only girl he can be himself with besides Octavia and his best girl who's a friend, Raven and its very rare for him to do that. He always used to pick on Clarke when she was there but she would fight back, which he like. Truth be told he a little crush on her but that faded. Or so he thought. However every year since he was 15 he managed to get a new girlfriend. Every god damn year! He could never keep a girl which is probably why his mother is always peeved at him every year. So when his mother hosted the annual Blake Christmas dinner, he brought a different girl each time to impress his mother. Not all the dates went smoothly though. Like this one girl called Barbara, she sounds old but looking at her you'd be surprised. Despite her looks Bellamy cursed himself for inviting her over, their conversations were disastrous,


"So Barbara what do you do?" Bellamy's mother Aurora asked.

"Oh I'm a waitress" Barbara said.

"Ooo I remember being a waitress when I was your age. It was volunteer work for my group called The Ark. We got to travel all over the world. I think at that time I was waitressing at a small cafe in Berlin" Aurora said

"Oh my god I love that you went Africa to waitress" Barbara said. Bellamy mentally slapped himself while Octavia was laughing in the corner and his mother was giving him the 'Are you serious?' look.

End of flashback

Every year though his mother asks him when is he is going to find someone to settle down with instead of bringing home one of these bimbos. But she wasn't subtle about it, she didn't call him to one side to ask him, if she didn't like his date she would say it right in front of them, not only ticking his date but ticking him off as well. The Blake's annual Christmas holiday lasts for two week so they can be together for Christmas and new years. But as soon as his mother spits out that question his date is gone by Boxing Day sometimes it doesn't bother him but if he really likes a girl it really annoys him. Once they are gone he usually ends up calling Raven, and she spends the rest of the holiday with him and Octavia. Bellamy tried not to think about past experiences as he walks to his friend's house. This year he decided he was going stag. Not that he had a choice, he just doesn't have a girlfriend for once. But he's ok with it as at least this year he doesn't have to teach another person how to ski. Skiing was a big part of Bellamy's life growing up as when his mother won the lottery she bought a cottage near a ski lodge. Luckily his uncle on his father's side works there and lets them ski for free so now they can ski anytime they want. Bellamy approached Jasper's house. Knowing the door would be open he entered. He hung up his coat and took off his shoes. He heard voices and laughing coming from the living room. He walked to the living room and found Jasper, Monty, Raven, Octavia, Clarke and ugh Finn, all sat on the floor with shots.

"Bellamy!" His sister shouted to him and got up to hug him. Everybody else said hi as he came and sat down between Jasper and Clarke.

"Hey you just came in time for shots" Jasper said wrapping an arm round Bellamy's shoulder giving him a side hug.

"Jas you know it's on 7pm right. Isn't it a bit early for shots?" Bellamy asked.

"It's never too early for shots... unless it's the morning"

"Well it's too early for me. Raven chuck us a beer." Bellamy said as Raven got a beer out the cooler and threw it to him.

"So it's not too early for a beer?" Jasper said

"Beer o' clock man" Bellamy smiled.

"Haha whatever man; anyway we're having shots because we're celebrating Clarke getting into med school" Jasper said and they all drank a shot in celebration. Bellamy turned to Clarke.

"Wow congrats princess I knew you really wanted it" Bellamy said whole heartily with a genuine smile, rather than his usual smirk.

"Thanks. And please call me Clarke, you know I hate that nickname." She said.

"I've been calling that you since you were 7" he chuckled.

"Yeah but you were just an arrogant 10 year old" her turn to smirk now but that only boosted his smirk.

"But now I'm an arrogant 23 year old" he laugh causing a chain reaction of laughs, making everybody laugh.

Several drinks and shot later, people were starting to get a bit tipsy. They were all laughing and having a good time though. Somehow the girls had managed to go on one side of the floor talking and the guys on the other.

"Yeah it's true every year he has a new girl, and brings her to dinner" she laughs with the other two girls. Bellamy joins in their conversation, while the rest watch them exchange Banta.

"Oh can it Octavia, just because you can't find anybody" he said sticking his tongue out at her.

"You're just jealous Bell that you can't handle, sorry I mean KEEP a relationship like the rest of us" The girls laughed and the guys had to admit that was a good one. Bellamy frowned but couldn't help a little smile fall through. He loved the Banta between him and his sister.

"So who you bringing this year bro, another dancer? Or will it be somebody like Barbara, 'like oh my god I think Berlin is in Africa, hair flick'" she said with a ditsy dialect while flicking her hair making the others laugh.

"Oh shut up O. I was actually going to ask my buddy Jasper to go." He said.

"Aww nobody to go with, or are you just trying to avoid mother's 'when are you going to settle down' speech because you won't avoid it." She said is a sarcastic sad voice. Bellamy glared playfully at her

"Shut up. Ok wise ass who you taking" he spat.

"I was actually going to ask my friend to go, if she's not doing anything with her family." She said turning to Clarke initially asking her.

"Yeah that would be great, two weeks away from an awkward dinner with my mother and step father and seeing relatives I don't like. This Christmas will be awesome." Clarke said enthusiastically high fiving Octavia.

"And Jasper my good man?" Bellamy said returning the side hug from earlier.

"Sounds great, my folks are out of town anyway" he shrugged.

"Awesome, No dates just friends" Octavia said and she shook Bellamy hand to seal the deal.

"Sorry Raven, my date won't be leaving g this year." he said chuckling while they all laughed. Raven pretended to be sad.

"Damn and I wanted to be your pillow to cry on every time your mother scares away your date" she said with a smirk causing people tom laugh even more.

"Oh you're gonna pay for that one Reyes" Bellamy smiled.

"In your dreams Blake. Besides even if I wanted to go to yours I'm going to fins for Christmas with his family" she said and they held hands"

"Ooo getting serious are we" Monty chuckled.

"You're just jealous you can't get a girl Monty" Finn joked making every one smile; while Monty frowned.

"Pfft whatever guys "Monty said pretending to be hurt. They all laughed and continued to have fun.

As the night moved on Clarke realised what she agreed to earlier. What have I gotten myself into. She thought to herself. She's going to dinner with her best friend and her brother who she used to have a crush on although them feelings gone. Or so she though. But one thing she knew for sure was that these next two weeks were going to be long.

Hope you guys like it, let me know.

Updated 18:26 on 1/12/14 for spelling mistakes. I'm sorry if there's anymore spelling mistakes.