Chapter 1: This Knight Hasn't Shed his Dragon Skin Yet.

The park seemed rather empty today, not many children running and playing, hardly any couples holding hands strolling through for a relaxing walk. However there were still shouts of laughter and cheers of enjoyment as Guilmon, Takato, Terriermon, Henry, and the rest of their entourage played a game of keep away. Terriermon being the one denied the red ball, and Guilmon being the one running around with said ball in his mouth. The rabbit holding as tightly as possible with his little fingers to the dragon's neck the rest of the green bunny flailing around like a rag doll as Guilmon kept running like it was going to help, the humans continued cheering and laughing from the sidelines. However, it seemed the lizard's chewing on the ball had a greater effect on the bunny then the running.

"EEEEEEWWW! Don't chew on the ball! It's going to be covered in Guilmon drool now!" Terrier complained, seeing the saliva slowly seep out around the ball, the only response being more laughter from the sidelines and a deep rumble of amusement from the latter digimon who started salivating more to cover the thing in the clear fluid. "GROSS!"

As the two continued squabbling, a set of green eyes never wavered in their lazy watch from a tree nearby. Impmon laid on a tree branch enclosed by the full green leaves that blocked the sun out almost with the exception of a few thin rays; in short unless you were right under him and looked up you would probably never see him, course that didn't mean he couldn't see you. He laid belly down, on the rough bark of the limb, feet and tail swinging languidly in the air, his hands knitted together and tucked under his chin, elbows locked in place upon the tree limb.

He did this every day, he liked to lie to himself and say he got bored and came here whenever Ai and Mako were out of the house for school and other things he couldn't go to. But he knew the cold truth was he always came here every day, even when he set himself to walk somewhere completely different, his body would always take him back to the park, to watch Guilmon. Why? He didn't know himself, he'd narrowed down the possibilities to; A.) Force of habit from before the world was about to be destroyed by virus' or B.) Holy –digital- shit he had a crush on the dimwitted dino. He was leaning on the lie it was A. However, yes he had to admit, even a digimon like him was honest. That and even he couldn't fool himself with how horrible he was at lying.

He didn't know why, he'd never really liked Guilmon, Hell, they were sworn enemies from the day they met! But every time they fought. Every time they glimpsed one another. Every time emerald green met sparkling gold, heat coiled within him, his legs locked up, his heart stopped for a second, and his ears laid back. Some switch was flicked on even for just a second, he wanted something and Guilmon was the only one who could give it to him. It was something about Guilmon, he knew it was the dragon's attitude that flicked that switch.

It was never his physical body that got his blood pumping, he was defiantly not a lean digimon (all that bakery food took most of the blame in that), and red was never Imp's first choice in favorite colors (however the dragon's color scheme was highly suitable in the purple's opinion). Yet his eyes were the one physicality he so adored. Beautiful, enchanting gold. It reminded him of Ai's fairy tale books with knights fighting dragons to save the princess, kind of ironic how a dragon that caged the damsel in distress could pull back the scales, horns and fire breath and turn into the knight that saves the girl from imprisonment. Ai kept making it a point that a large amount of princess' wore purple or pink clothes and gloves, so she'd always say Imp was a princess. She also made a point that a princess needs a prince, but that was only when they read the book about kissing frogs.

Course going back to Guilmon, Imp wouldn't mind if the lizard that made him his captive; crawled all over his flesh and made it hard to breathe. Shed the scales and dragon body, for sleek armor and human flesh. And then ravish him till he couldn't take anymore. …I did not just think that, I did not just think that. He repeated that in his head for a while till his thighs stopped quivering against the branch. All in all, it all ended in Guilmon's personality.

No matter what anyone did, what anyone said, Guilmon would always be Guilmon. No matter how many times Renamon tried to teach him something. No matter how many times Terriermon made snarky comments. No matter how many times he was laughed at. No matter how many times he made Takato laugh, or how many times he laughed. He was always going to be Guilmon. Nothing about it would ever change, even as Gallantmon, the combined mental capacity with his partner, he was still always going to be Guilmon inside.

Maybe that's why he still came by every day to the park, why he always manage to stare too long, why he always felt this warmth bubble in his stomach every time he thought Guilmon saw him when the lizard stared in his direction too long, why his face felt hot and body tingled whenever he had dreams about the dragon, why he always managed to get his blood pumping where Imp didn't want it to ever travel, why he felt so, so very filthy when he thought about Gallantmon on top of his Beelzemon form. Damn he needed to stop.

Focusing back on the game of keep away again, Terriermon had taken the ball back reluctantly because it was bathed in Guilmon saliva, so now Guilmon was it. Everyone lined up in a circle around the red digimon, Henry was walking back from washing the ball in the water fountain, Terriermon stood on top of someone's shoulders until Henry completed the circle. Taking his place back on his partner's shoulders, Terriermon yelled a quick "GO!" before Henry tossed the ball to someone. The ball flew back and forth between everyone every time just barely in Guilmon's reach, until Takato caught the ball and –as everything in Guilmon's mind- if Takato has it, you are free to tackle. In a second the red digimon leapt up and slammed his partner to the ground with an audible thump, Guilmon didn't tackle the human with all his weight, but he defiantly hit with a large percentage of it. The dragon nipped at Takato's wrist before taking the ball and jumping off.

Takato sat up quickly, about to yell at Guilmon for doing that, but only succeeding in laughing at Guilmon laying belly down in the grass legs looking like he was doing the splits, both of his clawed paws holding the ball as he chewed on it with the side of his mouth. Everyone laughed, except Terrier who complained about the drool on the ball again. Imp himself had to admit to laughing at the pose the red one took, however his soft giggling was only just loud enough for the two digimon on the other side of the clearing to perk up and look in his direction.

Impmon instantly dropped his head and arms to press as far against the branch as physically possible, even though they probably couldn't see him, it was better to be safe than sorry. As Imp spied them once more through the thick leaves, Terriermon just shrugged and went back to making his usual comments about whatever the boys were talking about, Guilmon however never wavered. He stared unblinking at him, as if Imp was standing in the middle of a field with a neon sign on him, the purple shiver, feeling the tingling prickle ghost under his skin again, vibrating down his spine and through his tail. Not realizing the appendage was waving and curling in the air, until Guilmon huffed smoke from his nose letting it slide and caress his crimson snout and jaw, and move languidly past his winged ears.

"Guilmon, are you okay? You haven't blinked for, like, two minutes!" Takato's voice sifted through their ears and Impmon flushed every shade of red in seconds, the heel of a red glove pressed up to his mouth to block any noise from bubbling to the surface. Guilmon's mussel curled a bit in a smirk, not that Impmon saw it, and then went back to being plain old Guilmon as he tackled Takato once more, his tongue lathering the human's face in drool.

"Now we have two things covered in Guilmon drool!" Terrier shouted pointing accusingly at the pair, as if they were demons arisen from Hell. Not that either cared. Imp regaining himself once more looked back upon the scene, still with the apparition of an idea in the far back of his mind. A thought he probably shouldn't of sparked a twinge of fear within him.

The remainder of the afternoon rolled on, the game of keep away lulled to a lazy game of catch, Terrier continued to complain about the dragon drool, and the laughter continued at the same level as always. Guilmon still being Guilmon, played, annoyed Terrier with drool and hogging the ball, tackled Takato every now and then. Yet every once in a while, he would stop and look in Imp's direction, puff some smoke, then carry on like nothing happened. And Imp carried on the same way, watching, and waiting. A blush every now and then when Guilmon looked at him.

Yet the day soon turned dark and warm sun soon turned chilled starlight. The streetlights one by one flickered to life, the skyline was illuminated by the lights of the skyscrapers and other buildings, the cars on the road diminished to near nothing. And by the time the sun set Henry, Takato, Terrier and Guilmon were waving goodbye as their friends did the same in the opposite direction. Heading up the hill to the old shrine where Guilmon stayed. Truthfully, it was a piece of shit, but Guilmon didn't mind, as long as he was allowed out in the morning and Takato gave him bread. There was nothing nice about it, it was a fenced off hole with a door and lead to a dead end, and it was always 20 degrees colder than the temperature outside.

It was a hole in the ground with the AC on high all day every day.

There was nothing else to it, just a hole. He had a pile of old towels and blankets to keep warm all the way at the back of it, which the digimon had collected himself with the help of Takato as his mom would throw away the things every now and then, because of them tearing, a little burnt or moth holes. Place was still a piece of shit, but it was at least a little bit more homey.

Impmon bounded through the trees like he was spring loaded, following at a safe distance where he could follow them without getting lost and not be noticed and be asked what he was doing or worse be blasted at. Landing on a high branch he quietly surveyed as Guilmon sat on the inside of the gate as his partner finished maneuvering the chain in a manner so that if necessary the digimon behind the iron bars could easily open it with a simple tug on two specific links, but also in a way that any passersby would easily dismiss the thing as locked.

"Do you need anything else before we go, Guilmon?"


"Tomorrow, OK, I don't have any on me at the moment cause you eat it all earlier, and I'm not going to walk all the way to the bakery then come back."

"I swear the only think in his brain is bread crumbs."

"Don't you mean a loaf of bread?"

"I would, but I think he eat that loaf too."

Guilmon didn't even blink at Terriermon's snarky words, just waited for them to say goodbye and go to sleep in his pile of blankets that smelt like the bakery, and Takato's house, like home. That and the sooner he went to sleep, the sooner day would come, and the sooner day would come, the sooner he could play with Takato, and the sooner they started playing, the greater the likelihood he'd be able to see Impmon spying on them.

Guilmon always knew Impmon was there, it was like he knew the purple's dirty secret, and it was a secret he'd keep even if Imp didn't even know. He wasn't as stupid as many thought, he just had a hard time with knowing what to say and how to say it. Playing ignorant was easy if he acted like himself; happy and carefree. That's what he was, and always would be. Yet even he had his dirty little secrets, like how he would convince Calumon to tell him Imp's other little secrets, or how filthy minded he could be if he set his mind to it, or how he lusted for Impmon in a very lewd manner of courtship.

Course no one ever would expect it from someone like him; no one would think twice about Guilmon having a crush on Impmon, let alone the idea of Guilmon being a filthy minded digimon. If Takato found out- no if Rika and Renamon found out, then told Takato and Henry –cause those two would never believe it unless the effortless ninja-esc women told them-, Guilmon would either be skinned alive by Renamon or alienated by the group due to Rika and Renamon schooling him in whatever weird lesson they'd put into action, something along the lines of "You cannot think of the enemy in such a lewd fashion we will now teach you to be chaste!" or "You are not to like other males especially the enemy we will now teach you how to be straight!"

No lie, that last one nearly made him puke.

"OK, see you tomorrow Guilmon!"

"Bye Guilmon!"

"Sleep well, Drooler!"

He snapped out of his thoughts to wave at them, he yelled a quick goodnight before walking inside the shrine to curl into himself in his pile.

Impmon sat on his branch for a few minutes making sure the humans were gone and that the lizard was asleep before jumping down. Clearing the fence with ease before realizing he was seriously going to do this. He'd done it once, but even then it ended in miserable failure as he ended up riding around on the back of a frightened Growlmon and making barbeque references before being shot at with his pyro-sphere. All for trying to get one stupid kiss! Why was he trying to do it again? Oh, right, it was Guilmon this time. Growlmon was one thing, but Guilmon was a completely mellow lizard, compared to him when he first digivolved into the titan-esc dragon that was Growlmon. Course the upgrade to such a dominating powerhouse force that was Growlmon was kind of hot. Great muscles wrapped in thick scales, the white scruffy mane, the black bands around his arms and legs, and his huge size in what he could only assume extended to other parts on his body.

Impmon shook his head, nope, no, not going to think about it now. That was something you don't think about when the person you're thinking about is less than 20ft in front of you. Back in focus, Imp walked as quietly as possible over to the multicolored pile of blankets and the dozing dragon. Just a quick peck then book it. That's it, in, out, leave before Guilmon wakes up. He was so close; five steps, four steps, three steps, two steps.

He was right over him.

Kneeling inside the crescent that Guilmon was making with his body paws tucked under his jaw, his gold eyes hidden behind the red lids twitched and flutter in the senses of a dream. Wonder what he would dream about, the thought was mouthed on his lips, but the sound never escaped him. Maybe he was dreaming about the purple digimon, or –like usual Guilmon- bread, bread and more bread. He chuckled to himself on the thought, focus on the objective; kiss and never tell. Just lean in a kiss on the cheek, forehead, nose, a horn, who cares!

Just. He leaned down, hovering over the other for just a second, his own ears falling forward to frame the dragon's face. He was so peaceful when he was asleep.

One. His breath came out in puffs on the red forehead, he trailed his cold breathe down to the end of the red's nose. He leaned down just a little more.

Kiss. Guilmon's lips were warm to the touch, they were scaly and hard against his own soft white ones, but it felt fulfilling. Yet all too fake at the same time.

Impmon pulled away, finding the other still asleep. He sighed a relief, pulling loose blanket from the floor before draping it over Guilmon. And as quietly as possible, ran the hell out of there as fast as he could. Clearing over the fence in one smooth leap, he bounced from tree to tree to buildings to streetlights all the way home. Where "mom" waited for him, smiled and shook her, rather than scold him for coming home so late, she just wrapped her arms around him and carried him like she did with Ai and Mako. She tucked him into bed with the two, kissed his forehead and closed the door, letting him snuggle into the warmth of the sheets and Ai's back; she grew too much, she was already twice his size now. Impmon closed his eyes finding dreaming a good use for his brain as it still replayed the kiss. Even if it didn't sit in his stomach as softly as a meaningful one, his brain exaggerated it enough to make him all tingly inside.

However what he didn't know was that Guilmon was a wonderfully sleep actor. After Impmon ran off over the fence and through the trees, Guilmon laid awake marveling in the feel of those white lips on his, how Impmon seemed so nervous for such a confident digimon. Oh, now he had a challenge, he had a game of courtship, Impmon just offer an invitation for a little chase. He wanted Guilmon. And Guilmon wanted him. You're mine. It was so vulgar, but felt as right as it bounced around his dragon skull. He was going to win, claim what was going to be his, make Impmon lose his mind, before taking his heart in his hands.

There was no way he'd lose someone that wanted him, too.

His prize has been captured by the dragon, now it was a waiting game, until the dragon shed and the knight emerged to take hold of the princess. The players were all in place, the game was just beginning. And there was no going back. As Guilmon closed his eyes a smirk curling around his snout once more. This dragon just had to wait, his prey wasn't going anywhere. He was already looking forward to his princess innocent and sweet, hot and soaked in a submissive lust, for the knight that was coming. That tower his prey hides in won't stand forever, when the dragon still held its foundation hostage.

After all.

In this Game, This Knight Hasn't Shed his Dragon Skin Yet.