For this story, it will really just be a mix of different one-shots. Each being about either Catoniss, Everlark, Karvel, or even Finniss. No Gale x Katniss, sorry...

Anyways, each individual story will be based off of a quote. Some containing song lyrics at the end, but not all. I'm open to any of y'all's ideas, you can either DM them to me or you can just leave the idea in the reviews! Thanks!

Here you go and please enjoy!


"I know I'm not the easiest one to love..."

"Damn Cato, that final play Friday night was fucking genius! I don't know how you did it, you had at least five guys on you yet you still made the catch, and you ran for the touchdown! You must have broken six tackles, you're like a tank! I don't know what the team would do without you." I hear the voice of Finnick exclaim.

Then the deep voice of Cato rings out, "Y'all would lose." He sums up. "I mean come on, I got all the points last night. Aside from the field goal we had to kick because Gloss couldn't make a fucking touchdown from the five yard line." He says cockily.

I hear the person next to me huff as they furiously whisper to their friend.

"He's such an arrogant jackass!"

"I know! How the hell does he even have friends? Much less a girlfriend!" The other friend rudely responds.

I sigh, I know they are talking about Cato. Who else would they be talking about? I shut my locker and then I feel strong arms encase me from behind, pulling my back against a solid chest, and I feel warm breath on my ear.

"Guess who, love?" The melodic of my voice of my boyfriend asks.

I can't help the smile that forms on my lips. I turn in his arms to meet the vibrant blue eyes of Cato.

He pouts adorably, "You didn't guess."

I chuckle and press a small kiss to his lips, efficiently removing the pout and replacing it with a smile.

You see, I've been dating Cato for about a year now. The two of us being undeniably in love, we have been since only month three of dating. Cato admitted his love to me first, admitting it after only two months of being together. It took me slightly longer to admit mine. He may be the jerk of the school, but I've fallen in love with him anyways. Because as much as he's a jerk to others... he's never like that to me. He's the sweetest guy I've ever met, towards me at least.

He's the best boyfriend a girl could ask for; being a hopeless romantic. He does everything any girl would love, he buys me flowers, sends me good morning texts, makes me stupid love songs that mean the world to me, calls me beautiful even after I've just woken up and no doubt look like shit, he takes me on the most amazing dates, tells me he loves me at random times everyday; he does everything. Sure he's the most popular jock of our school, and that usually screams player. But everyone knows he only has eyes for me. And I for him.

"Ready to go to class?" I ask.

He nods and presses a kiss to my forehead, keeping one arm around my waist as we walk down the halls. He offers to take my books for me and I oblige, letting him carry them for me. As we pass Peeta Mellark, I look at Cato who smirks and slaps Peeta's books out of his hand. Peeta looks up at him and shock and anger.

"Oh gee, I'm so sorry Peeta! I wasn't looking where I was going." Cato sneers, laughing as Peeta scrambles to pick up the papers that flew out of his binder.

I sigh and hang my head, I may love Cato more than anything but I don't have to like what he does to other people. He's a bully; the bully you always dread when high school crosses your mind.

No, he doesn't hurt anyone physically, thankfully, but he does hurt them verbally. And in my opinion that's even worse. Although he has gotten in two fights, they were with two guys from our rival school after two of his football games. He got into the fight because, well, they tried to get with me.

Other than that, he only verbally abuses other students. And I hate it, I hate it more than anything.

He eventually stops laughing and starts to walk again, sighing with a few more chortles of laughter. I still hang my head, and keep my eyes focused on the ground.

"Hey... Are you okay Kitten?" Cato's voice asked, filled with concern. The mockery he previously spoke to Peeta with nowhere to be found.

I nod slightly, lifting my head just barely so that I can give him a small smile that's somewhat forced.

"Oh come on love, I'm not that naive," he says gently. He stops and makes me turn to him, he lifts my chin delicately so that my eyes meet his.

"Are you alright?" He asks again, his eyebrows knitted together in worry and concern.

I smile gently at his worry, and lift my hand to smooth out the wrinkles that appear on his forehead.

"I'm fine Cato," I say gently yet forcefully. Leaving no room for argument.

He nods, not entirely convinced, and we continue to walk to class. People move out of our way as we walk down the hall. Cato's arm is back around my waist, holding me close to him. We walk past Gloss, one of Cato's enemies here at this school.

He winks at me and I hear Cato growl, he pulls me even closer to him.

"Back off fucker, she's mine," he snarls to Gloss.

Gloss simply chuckles and walks in the other direction.

Cato's tense for the rest of the walk to class, so when we sit down in our seats I place my hand on his back and start rubbing it soothingly. His muscles slowly relax and he gives me a grateful smile, leaning down to press a chase kiss to my lips.

I move my hand back to my lap and he takes it, interlacing our fingers under the table. The bell rings and our teacher begins role call, just then Beetee runs in late.

"Ah Beetee, late again. That's your... fourth tardy? One more and you get a weeks worth of detention. Go take a seat." Mr. Snow growls to him.

I hear Cato laughing beside me, making me sigh in shame yet again.

"But if Cato comes in late you simply 'let it slide'! It's not fair!" He complains.

"Well when you become the greatest wide receiver our school has every seen, then you too can arrive late." Cato pipes up arrogantly.

Beetee turns and glares at my boyfriend.

"But since that will never happen, go take your seat Beetee." Cato fake commands, getting half the class to laugh. Including Mr. Snow. Beetee sighs dejectedly and goes to sit down.

"Alright class, settle down." He says, getting ready to write on the board but then the announcements come on.

"Good morning students of Hunger High, today for lunch the special will be roast beef." The monotone voice speaks, and I kind of tune out until I hear Cato's name. The previously monotone voice changing to sound giddy and excited. "Oh! And let's give a a big round of applause to our stay player, Cato Embers! Cato scored 28 points last night, leading us to victory in the final quarter with his 50 yard touchdown. Congratulations on the win Cato! You never seem to let us down." The principal says, concluding the announcements and resulting in the class clapping for Cato. Other than Beetee and a few others.

I look up at Cato and I see the proud look in his eyes, hidden to others by his cocky smile. I lean up to kiss his cheek because I am proud of him for the win, I always am. I'm just not proud of the way he shows it off.

He laughs and nods, reveling in the attention.

"Calm down, calm down!" Snow orders before he begins class.


Cato drives me to his house for dinner with his family. I eat dinner with him and his family once a week actually. It's something Cato requested because family means so much to him, and since I mean everything to him he wanted me to be included in everything that has to do with family. Or at least that's how he explained it. I love his family so of course I agreed to come over for dinner once a week.

I turn on the radio and lay my head on Cato's shoulder as he drives his old truck, his arm going around me as he kisses the top of my head. His CD turns on, it's a mix of different classics I got him for his birthday. It has all his favorite songs on it.

"I love you," he says quietly.

I smile and snuggle closer to him. "I love you too."

We both start quietly singing along with Rod Stewart singing Maggie May. We soon pull into his driveway, he gets out quickly, running to my side so that he can open the truck door for me.

I'm about to step out, but before I can Cato quickly picks me up bridal style. I begin to laugh as he smiles widely, he swings me around as he laughs with me.

"You know, Kitten, when we get married some day, I'm going to be doing the same thing. Only we will be going to our own house." He whispers, all traces of laughter gone.

I look up at him to see him looking back at me softly, so softly. I raise a hand and gently caress his cheek, he leans into my touch, closing his eyes for a small second and he sighs contently.

"I can't wait." I whisper back.

He opens his eyes, showing me all the love swimming within their dark blue depths, and then his lips meet mine in a slow and passionate kiss. He nibbles on my bottom lip, asking for entrance and I happily allow it to him. We keep the kiss slow, allowing me to savor his taste and him mine. I pull away first, being out of breath. I lay my forehead against his, our slightly heavy breaths mingling.

My stomach growls and a blush forms on my cheeks. Cato chuckles and pulls his head away, but not before he kisses my forehead.

"Let's go get some dinner," he says, walking inside with me still in his arms.

"Cato! Katniss!" A young voice squeals. Then Cato's little sister came running to us, she grabs onto Catos leg and hugs it, grinning up at us.

"Hey my little munchkin!" Cato greets her, setting me down gently so that he can pick up his 3 year old sister. He picks her up with one arm and cradles her on one arm.

"Catoooooo, put me down! I wanna see Katniss!" She whines with a pout.

He sets her down, resulting in her running to me.

"Katniss!" She squeals.

I smile at her and kneel down, opening my arms for her to run in to.

"Hey there sweetie," I greet, giving her a hug.

She pulls back and smiles widely, showing her front tooth missing already. She then runs back into the kitchen informing her mother that we are here.

Cato walks back to me and sighs, "How is it that my own sister likes you more than she likes me?"

I shrug, "It's hard not to like me Cato."

He grins and kisses my cheek, "True, very true." He looks towards the kitchen and then at the clock on the wall. "I don't think dinners quite ready, so let's go upstairs. I have something I wanna show you."

I nod and he takes my hand and leads my up to his room. When we get into his room, I run and jump onto his bed, getting consumed in all the pillows placed on it. I snuggle into all of them and grin at Cato who is softly chuckling at me. I find it funny that he has so many pillows actually, because when we first started dating he only had the standard two. I remember commenting one time that I love it when beds are filled with pillows because it makes me feel safe and secure. Then the next time I came to his house, he had at least five more pillows on his bed. He never admitted he got them for me, but it wasn't too hard to guess.

He sits down on the recliner in his room, picks up his guitar that is next to it. Yes, not only is he a hot and muscular football player, but he is also a guitar player. Though he is amazing at the guitar, he can't sing for his life. Which is why I find all his love songs so sweet, because he knows he can't sing either yet he still tries for me.

"So I made another song for you. Well, I didn't really make it, rather I learned how to play it." He tells me as he gets his guitar situated on his lap. He starts to sing the love song, it being 'Fall For You' by Secondhand Serenade. He misses every note while singing it all off key, a big goofy grin plastered to his face. When he finishes, he sets his guitar down and meets my eyes.

"What did you think? Should I stare my own album?" He asks, wiggling his eyebrows.

I laugh and give him a sympathetic smile. "Oh honey, no one would buy it. Except maybe deaf people."

A giant, charming, pout forms on his face as he begins to fake cry. His ridiculously pretend wails make me have to conceal the laughter that wants to escape me.

"You crushed my dreams Kitten!" He sobs.

I get off the bed and walk to him, I kneel down beside his recliner and pull his head out of his hands. He looks at me and I see the amusement glimmering in his eyes as he tries to keep up this facade.

"I'm so sorry, how ever will I make it up to you?" I ask desperately, giving him the most apologetic look I can muster in my state of laughter.

He grins and puckers his lips, making smooching noises that cause my laughter to bubble to the surface.

This is something else I love about him, even though he comes off as a jerk at school, he is really just a big goofball.

I peck his lips like he wants. "Do you forgive me now?"

He shakes his head and I roll my eyes. I lean in to give him another kiss, being slightly longer.


He shakes his head again, a shit eating grin on his face.

I give him another kiss, only this time, when I'm about to pull away, his arms go around my waist and he heaves me onto his lap. Still keeping our lips attached as he does so. He deepens the kiss as out lips battle for dominance. I thread my fingers through his short hair as we kiss, making him moan.

"God Kitten, you don't even realize how much you mean to me." He whispers against my lips.

I smile through the kiss and respond, "I don't think you realize how much you mean to me."

He trails his kisses down my neck, kissing and tasting all my sweet spots that he has memorized over the past year, causing me to moan. He smirks against my skin as he continues to kiss my neck.

"There is no me if there is no you. You are literally my everything." He mumbles as he trails his kisses back to my lips.

I pull back so that I can look in his eyes, "You know... A million words couldn't describe what I feel for you."

His eyes shine with adoration and love, I know mine mirror his.

"How did I get so lucky as to win your love?" He asks quietly, pushing a stray strand of hair behind my ear.

By answering I simply kiss him again. The kiss gets to the point where he picks me up and walks to the bed, laying me down as he crawls on top of me; never breaking the kiss.

"Cato! Katniss! Dinner!" His mother shouts from downstairs, making Cato growl in frustration.

"Every damn time," he mutters. Getting off of me and pulling me up with him.

We walk downstairs and are greeted with the aroma of steak and garlic. I take a big whiff and I hear Cato chuckle beside me.

"Smell good?" He jokes.

I playfully glare at him, just causing him to chuckle again. We enter the kitchen and I greet his mom and dad with hugs like I always do. We all sit down to eat and make small talk over dinner as if we are one big happy family. Which, in a way, I guess we sort of are. Because I see Cato as family, and I see his parents as second parents to me, as well as his little sister a sister to me.

Throughout dinner, Cato held my hand under the table and slowly rubbed it with his thumb. Occasionally winking at me and sneaking kisses here and there. His father talked about all the good plays Cato made Friday night, though he mentioned some things Cato could have done differently. Cato's hand always tenses when his father says those things, but he nods and listens to the advice.

After dinner, Cato takes me home since it's already 7:30. I have to cook dinner for Prim and my mother anyways... We pull into my driveway after 20 minutes, my house being all the way across town. Cato lives where all the Merchants live, and I love what we like to call 'The Seam'.

"Thanks again for dinner," I say as I get out of the truck.

I feel his hand lightly grab my arm and he pulls me back to him so that he can place a soft kiss on my lips.

"Of course," he whispers. "Goodbye beautiful, love you." He says a bit louder when I exit the truck.

I turn and blow him a kiss, he cheekily pretends to catch it and puts it in the breast pocket in his shirt. I laugh and wave as he drives off.


The next day goes basically the same, someone congratulates him on the win and he does something cocky. I hear the people around me whispering about him, and then he hugs me from behind.

"Hey beautiful." He whispers into my ear.

We then walk to class, his arm situated around my waist as always. As we walk past Peeta and his girlfriend, Clove, Cato starts to laugh humorlessly.

"Oh look, it's the mamas boy and his psycho girlfriend. Tell me Clove, hows the nut house treating you?" He asks sarcastically.

Clove stayed at the mental hospital all last year because she went somewhat crazy after her parents were murdered one night, right in front of her. And Peeta's mother got arrested two years ago for abusing him...

I see them both cringe at Cato's words, and I do too. Clove hangs her head and her face pales, Peeta growls at Cato and comforts Clove.

"Oh yeah, and Peeta! Make sure you tell your mom I say hi next time you see her. And be sure to thank her for me." At this Peeta gives Cato a confused look. "Because if she hadn't done what she did, someone else sure would have. And Clove, be sure to tell your parents hi for me. Oh... wait... That's right, you can't!" Cato sneers, bringing Clove to tears in a matter of seconds.

Peeta's mouth drops, as does Cloves and mine. That was just too far.

Peeta shakes his head, his eyes tearing up as well. Clove and him walk away, towards doors. Cato laughs as they exit the building.

"Fucking queers," he mutters as we walk to class.

I... I can't take this anymore! He's being such a jerk and I can't handle it. I've put up with it for so long, but he just crossed the line. I'm over it, I may love him with all I have, but I can't take this anymore. I know what it's like to be bullied and I know what it's like to have a parent gone.

I pull from Cato's grasp and turn to stand in front of him with a scowl on my face.

"Kitten...? What's the matter?" He asks confusedly.

I just shake my head at him, "That wasn't cool Cato."

He cocks his head to the side, "What wasn't cool?"

"What you just said to them! That was way over the top Cato! You need to fucking stop! Because I know what it's like to not have a parent! Hell, I know what it's like to loose both parents! And it sucks, even without someone making your life a living hell as they remind you of it! As they remind you that your parents is never coming back!" I yell, my voice raising throughout my little speech.

Cato's face pales, "Love... I-I'm sorry! I forgot abo-"

"You can't just say sorry because I have a parent who's dead Cato. It's not right! You can't feel bad for something just because it affects me! You can't say any of this shit at all! None of it!" I exclaim.

He knits his eyebrows in confusion. "I don't understand... Katniss, ever since you've known me I've been doing stuff like this and you have never yelled at me before. Why now?"

I sigh and hang my head, "I regret not doing anything before. You think I don't hear what people say? They all wonder why the hell I'm with a jackass like you, and it's because I love you. I really do, more than anything. But... I'm done. I can't do this anymore Cato! I can't stand to see you hurting people the way you do, I know what it feels like to the on the receiving end of it. And it's not fun." I say, gradually getting quieter.

Cato's eyes widen and I see the fear lurking within them. "So, what are you saying?" He asks quietly.

"I-I'm saying we're over." I say in less than a whisper. I risk a glance at him, and he looks as if he's just been hit by a truck.

"W-What? But... But I thought you loved me!" He exclaims desperately.

I look at him in exasperation. "I do love you Cato! I just can't handle all the bullying, the constant putting people down! I can't deal with it anymore... I may love you, but I hate the things you do to other people. I can't be with you so long as you continue this, I'm sorry." By the time I end, I have tears in my eyes. I turn and start to run away, not caring that it's raining outside and that we still have five hours left of school. I just need to get away.

"Katniss! Wait! Please, I'll change! I won't be a jackass anymore! I promise! Please!" He shots after me, the heartbreak evident in his voice.

I turn just before I open the doors to take me away from this hell hole we call high school. "Then prove it." By how quietly I say it, I'm not even sure he heard me.

I don't have time to repeat myself though, because as soon as the words escape my lips, I'm out in the freezing rain; running home where I don't have to deal with all of this madness.

Cato POV

No. No, no, no, no! This cannot be happening, she's not leaving me. It's all a dream; yeah just a dream. A sick and twisted dream that's more like a nightmare than anything else.

But alas, the scene that just unfolded in front of my eyes isn't a nightmare, but instead a cruel reality. Katniss left me. My beautiful Katniss just broke up with me. The love of my life just walked right out of my life, and I really have no one to blame but myself.

I stand there while I stare at the doors she left in for who knows how long. I think I may hear the bell ring, but I'm not exactly sure. Eventually I come to, realizing I've been crying. I feel the wet tears stream down my cheeks silently, not a sob to be heard. I look around me to see people staring at me, each of their faces registering shock.

"What are you all looking at?" I roar brokenly. "Get to class!"

I take my own advice and start my walk to first block. Though my walk feels incomplete without my other half walking with me.


It's been six days, six dreadful days, since she's broken up with me. And I've basically been a walking corpse, I don't talk unless spoken too, I don't eat unless forced, and I don't pay attention to anything or anyone. It's like the life has been drained out of me.

Every night I've shed many tears, yearning for her body to be against mine providing me warmth in the cold of the night. Yearning for her lips to be on mine once again, pouring our hearts out into our kisses. I yearn for her to be in my arms again, where I can hold her as she cries, where I can comfort her, where she can comfort me. She's the one, she's my everything and she's gone. I can't think straight, the only thoughts floating through my mind are of her and what she said to me before leaving school that day.

"Then prove it."

She wasn't at school the first two days, I didn't go the first day. I only know she wasn't there because of Finnick, he's the one that got my ass out of bed the second day. Telling me that she may show up and she may come back to me. The third day was when she finally showed up, and I was ready to go and apologize to her. But she wouldn't even spare me a glance.

Today is no differed, I arrive in class and immediately look for her, Seeing her sitting in the way back of the room, far away from where we usually sit. I try to catch her eye, but to no avail. She won't even look at me.

I know I look like shit, I haven't showered in almost four days. I find no need to, because without her... There's no reason for anything. She's my reason.

I sit down in my seat and stare blankly out the window. My mind floods with thoughts of her, her lips, her hair, her eyes, her everything. She's always in my head, I can't seem to get her out. Nor do I really want to...

I hear the bell ring and someone runs in just after, getting me to avert my eyes to the front of the room. I see Beetee out of breath, his glasses crooked on his face.

"Beetee, late yet again. This is your fifth absence, correct? And five means a week of detention." Mr. Snow growls.

"But Cato-" Beetee starts, but is cut off right away.

"I don't care! This is your fifth and that means detention!" He snaps.

"It's not fair, he shouldn't get special treatment just because he's a football player." Beetee says.

Somehow, I finally realize what Katniss meant when she told me to 'prove it'. When I told her I would change, I didn't really think of what I was saying. I said it simply because I need her, I will do anything to have her with me. But now, now I realize the extent of what I said and what she said. She was right, I am a jackass. I told her I would change, and I will. Starting now.

"Actually, Snow, he's right. I don't think it's very fair either. Sure I've won a few football games, but Beetee here is a math-lete. And the smartest guy on that team, shouldn't that count for something?" I ask, finally speaking after days of almost silence.

Mr. Snow seems shocked as he stammers, trying to find something to say.

"I'm just saying, sir, I think someone as smart as Beetee should get some special treatment as well. Maybe everyone should?" I ask leaning back in my seat and getting comfortable.

Mr. Snow just shuts his mouth and scowls. "Fine. Go take a seat."

The only seat left is the one next to me, Katniss' old seat. So Beetee makes his way to me and plops down.

"How did you know I am a math-lete?"

I shrug, "I know a lot about almost everyone at this school."

He nods and then directs his attention back to the front. But there is still something I have to tell him.

"Beetee, look... I-I'm sorry. I know I've been a jerk to you, and I apologize. I now realize I can't go through life like this. And I'm really, truly, sorry."

He stares at me for the next few minutes, each of us completely disregarding Snow's lesson.

"I just want to apologize for being such a jerk. Because what I've done is in now way right, but I'm just now realizing it like the idiot I am."

Beetee cracks a small smile and then nods, sticking out his hand. It takes me a few seconds to realize he wants me to shake it. I take his hand and give it a firm shake, he gives me a curt nod and we turn back to Mr. Snow.

When class ends, I exit the room after I try to catch Katniss' eye. For the first time since she broke up with me, I do. I look over at her, and as I do I see her turn to look at me. My heart skips a beat, as it always does when her vibrant eyes meet mine, and I give her a crooked smile. She averts her gaze and looks back at her book-bag as she packs her stuff. I sigh and walk out the door.

At least she looked at me, at least I got to see her breathtaking gray eyes. It relieves me to no end when I see her love for me still clear in her eyes.

As I walk down the halls, I see more people who were the main victims of my bullying and I give them each sincere apologies. Then I see Peeta at his locker, so I decide to walk up to him. He cringes when he notices me.

"What do you want Cato?" He asks, and I can hear hints of fear in his voice. Fear because of what I've done.

"Peeta I'm sorry," I begin my apology like anyone else would. I perk his interest and he slowly closes his locker, giving me his full attention. "I know one simple word isn't going to ever make up for everything I've said to you throughout high school. And I'm ashamed to say it can't, I'm ashamed to say I'm that much of a bully. I can't even believe some of the things I've said to you, I don't know how I ever thought it was okay... Because it isn't not even close to being okay. I'm sorry for that, I'm sorry for everything."

Peeta crosses his arms and leans against the lockers, waiting for me to continue.

"I've had no right to say the things I've said, I know that. I regret it all, I honestly do. You don't have to forgive me, that's not exactly what I'm asking. Because if I was you, I wouldn't forgive me. I'm a jackass. But I'm going to change that. I didn't mean anything I've said to you over the years, I didn't mean any of it. You don't deserve what your mother did to you, and I'm sorry that that happened to you. I'm sorry for what I've done to you, I truly am." I conclude.

He narrows his eyes and he seems to be conflicted. "Are you only apologizing to get Katniss back?" He asks skeptically.

I let out a humorless chuckle. "To be completely honest, that's a big part of the reason. I lost her for being a dick and I plan on getting her back. I want to be good enough for her, I want to change for her; be the man she needs. But this is also because I realize what I have done is wrong. Yes, she's the reason I realized it, but I realized it nonetheless. I could say I'm sorry a million times and it wouldn't make up for what I've said to you."

Peeta nods, and that's all he does before he speaks.

"Thanks, I guess. I forgive you, maybe I shouldn't, but I do." He says, pushing off the locker with a heavy sigh. "And I wish you luck in getting her back, as much as I dislike you... you're good to her." He gives me a nod and then walks off.

I don't think I'll ever be as good a guy as he is, that boy is a saint.

"Hey Peeta! Is Clove here today?" I call to him just before he turns the corner.

He turns around, "Yeah. Next class is history with Paylor. You should be able to meet her before the bell rings."

I thank him and begin my run up the stairs towards her classroom. I see her about to enter through the door so I quickly stop her.

"Clove, hey," I say, looking down at her while she looks up at me with panic.

"What? Are you here to remind me of the fact that my parents are dead? Or is that scheduled for later?" She asks sarcastically.

I sigh deeply. "I'm here to say I'm sorry. I'm here to say sorry for all the shit I've said and done. I'm here to say sorry for giving you hell through all the years. I'm here to say sorry about your parents. I'm here to say sorry and take back everything I've said to you. So... I'm sorry. I'm sorry for everything that's happened in your life, and I'm sorry I made it worse."

She looks shocked, of course she is. The boy who's been bullying her for years is all of the sudden apologizing?

"Why? Why would I forgive you? How do I know you don't just want Katniss back and as soon as she's in your arms again, you back to the way you were?"

"I do want Katniss back, more than anything. Loosing her has finally knocked some sense into me and brought me to reality. It's made me realize I need to change, I want to change, I want to change for her and for myself. I want to be better, I don't want to be hated or feared anymore. Being able to change, begins with apologizing. Clove, I'm so sorry." I say sincerely.

She shakes her head, sudden tears in her eyes. "We used to be so close you know. Remember? All through middle school we were inseparable. Just us two; what the hell happened?"

I avert my eyes to the ground before slowly looking back at her. "I don't know. I changed for the worse, you met Peeta, I met Katniss and fell in love."

She nods slowly, then she surprises me by tackling me in a hug.

"I miss having you as a big brother," she whispers.

"I miss having you as a little sister."

She lets me go and steps back, "Can things go back to the way they were?"

I smile, "Of course. But... Katniss is my top priority, like I know Peeta is yours."

She nods, "I know."

The bell rings and she goes into her classroom, leaving me standing in the hall alone.

I look around and make my way to my next class. When I'm almost there I see Katniss making her way there from the other side of the hall. She looks up and her eyes meet mine as gray clashes with blue.

"Katniss..." I whisper, the only thing I've said to her in the past week.

She doesn't reply, she only looks at me blankly, her walls up like they were when we first met.

"I apologized to everyone I've given hell to." I begin, and I feel like I may begin to tear up shortly. "I know I've been a jerk, and I've changed. It may have only been one week, but I have. Loosing you... I don't know. It made something inside me click." I was right, I am tearing up. "It made me realize I couldn't continue to be that way and still be awarded with your love. I went to each person and apologized, I know it won't make up for what I did to them... But it's a start. I-" Then she's in my arms.

I don't see her run to me while I'm talking, but she cuts me off my running into my arms and burying her head in my chest. My arms reflexively wrap around her and I hold her close, one arm around her waist and the other on her upper back. I bury my face in her neck, my tears no doubt wetting her skin. I feel her own tears wetting my shirt.

"That's all I wanted," she whispers through her tears. Her voice is slightly muffled because her face is buried in my chest.

I stay silent, reveling in the fact she's back in my arms where she belongs, where she should always be.

"I just wanted you to realize what you've done is wrong and for you to apologize." She explains quietly.

I nod against her neck, pulling her even closer to me. I take in her smell, she smells of pine, citrus and everything sweet. Part of the reason I'm not talking is because I'm so choked up I can't.

"I missed you."

I bury my face farther in her neck. "I've missed you too, it's been torture without you." My voice is muffled and it's scratchy from my tears.

She starts to gently comb my short hair with her fingers, instantly calming me. My silent tears stop falling and so do hers, my shirt slowly drying. We stay in this position for who knows how long. I pull away first, keeping one arms firmly, yet gently, around her waist as the other pushes a stray strand of hair behind her ear.

"I love you." I whisper.

A smile comes across her tasteful lips as they say, "I love you too."

I immediately attack her lips with my own in a soft and fervor kiss filled with longing, love, and bliss.

"Don't leave me ever again." I request against her lips.

"I don't plan on it, this past week has been pure agony for me too."

We kiss for much, much longer. Completely disregarding our class that's going on just ahead of us. We pull apart because we each run out of oxygen.

I rest my forehead against hers and rub our noses together. This is perfect, she's perfect, we're perfect.


(2 Months Later)

"Hey Cato! That was a great game! When you gave up that catch for Marvel I was flabbergasted! Incredible play!" The voice of Beetee exclaims from somewhere behind me.

"Thanks man, I heard the math-letes won the other day as well." Cato congratulates.

I smile to myself as I open my locker. I hear the two girls next to me deep in conversation.

"He's so nice! I don't know what happened, but whatever it was it worked!"

"I know! Like OMG, he is so dreamy! That Katniss is a lucky girl." The second girl exclaims.

I blush and nod, I really am. I feel the unforgettable arms of Cato engulf me from behind, causing a smile to form on my lips.

"Good morning beautiful. How's my lovely girlfriend doing?" He asks, spinning me around so that I'm facing him.

I kiss his cheek and he smiles like a dork.

"She's great, how's her incredible boyfriend doing?"

He chuckles and pecks my lips in a chaste kiss. "I'm terrific now that I'm with you."

We resume our daily routine, he takes my books for me and we walk to class. As we pass Peeta and Clove, Cato smiles at them.

"Hey guys," they greet.

"Hey Peeta, Clove." I say.

"Morning you two, ready for the calculus test?" Cato asks, stopping momentarily.

Peeta shrugs, "As ready as I'll ever be."

Clove shrugs as well, "I doubt it. Hey, are we all still on for tonight and the movies? 7:30 right?"

I nod, "Yep, sounds about right."

"Alright good, I gotta get to class so I'll see you all later." Clove says, Peeta walking off with her.

Cato and I continue our walk to class, just like any other day. Only now when he walks through the halls people greet him instead of shying away. Girls are jealous of me being with him instead of resenting me for it. Cato is no longer hated, he is no longer a bully. He is now one of the most loved students here, by teachers and fellow classmates.

"Heart Like Yours" (If I Stay soundtrack; Williamette Stone)

"Breathe deep, breathe clear. Know that I'm here, know that I'm here waiting.

Stay strong. Stay gold. You don't have to fear, you don't have to fear waiting.

I'll see you soon, I'll see you soon.

How could a heart like yours, ever love a heart like mine?

How could I live before? How could I have been so blind?

You opened up my eyes. You opened up my eyes.

Sleep sound, sleep tight. Here in my mind, here in my mind; waiting.

Come close my dear. You don't have to fear, you don't have fear; waiting.

I'll see you soon, I'll see you soon.

How could a heart like yours, ever love a heart like mine?

How could I live before? How could I have been so blind?

You opened up my eyes, you opened up my eyes.

Hold fast hope all your love is all I've ever known.

Hold fast hope, all your love is all I've ever known.

How could a heart like yours, ever love a heart like mine?

How could I live before? How could I have been so blind?

You opened up my eyes, you opened up my eyes.

You opened up my eyes, you opened up my eyes.

What did you think? Shall I continue? If yes, the next chapter will be one of the other pairings!

Don't forget to leave a review, they are highly appreciated.