AN: I've hit writers block on my other story and came up with this idea. Please let me know what you think. I have tried to make it pretty cannon for where TO and TVD are currently. I have taken a few liberties. Please give it a chance and let me know what you think. I will try to have a second chapter up soon since this is so short. Otherwise, updates will probably be every other week, or so.
I do not own Vampire Diaries, The Originals or their characters.
Klaus Mikaelson storms into the second floor study of his large mansion like home. He glances around the room, taking in the distraught faces of his family. Elijah is seated on a high back chair, staring out the window. Kol and Finn are both still in their witch bodies, each nursing a glass of alcohol. Rebekah is huddled around Hayley, who is holding Hope close to her. Rebekah has tears openly streaming down her face. Klaus sighs before continuing the family argument. "Hayley."
Hayley looks up from her baby daughter. "We just got her back, Klaus. You can't be so heartless!" She screams, causing the infant in her arms to fuss.
"We just got her back? We only have her back because it was unsafe. Esther is continuing her assault on this family. On our daughter." Everyone's eyes shift to the squirming bundle in Hayley's arms. "If we keep her here, she will not be safe."
Hayley tightened her hold on Hope. "I will protect her. I will lay my life down for her. She will be safe with me." Hayley repeats the same words she told Klaus earlier.
Elijah sighs and stands next to his brother. "I'm afraid Niklaus is right. Hayley, if this becomes an all-out war, we will need all hands on deck."
"But…" Hayley sputters.
"Why can't Hayley leave with Hope? Or I will leave with Hope again?" Bekah chimes in.
"She found you last time." Kol retorts.
"Not helping, Kol." Finn chastises his youngest brother.
"As much as I hate saying this, I think Nik is right, too." Kol adds, quietly.
Hayley growls and holds her daughter to her chest. "I can't. I won't." Hayley says, helplessly.
"Use that anger to fight. To fight Esther. As soon as we can get rid of her, then we will take Hope back. We will give her the life she deserves. Here, in New Orleans." Klaus says.
"We will need a plan."
"Hayley and I will bring Hope to an orphanage out of state. We will compel the workers to never let her be adopted." Klaus begins. He holds up a silver necklace with a dark green stone pendent. "This jade necklace has been spelled to keep Hope's supernatural abilities hidden and to keep her from being found. We will compel the workers to tell her she needs to wear it at all times." Klaus hands the necklace to Bekah, who clasps it around the neck of the infant girl. Bekah does not bother to hide her breaking heart as she smothers Hope in kisses and whispers how much she loves her. Kol and Finn, who have just learned of Hope's existence when they finally decided to work against their mother and father, said a quick but tender goodbye to the baby. Elijah holds his niece and kisses her forehead gently. Klaus takes a deep breath and leads Hayley and Hope out of the house. They drive until they hit Dallas, Texas. Klaus locates a children's home in a town just outside of Dallas. Klaus and Hayley walk up to the door with heavy hearts. Klaus knocks and a woman with strawberry blonde hair and hazel eyes answers the door.
"Hi, can I help you?"
Klaus immediately begins to compel the woman. "What is your name?"
"My name is Kate."
"Kate, please invite us in."
"Please, come in." Kate steps aside, and Klaus and Hayley freely enter the home. They see kids' toys scattered around and a few kids run past them.
"Kate, this is Hope. We need to have her stay here for a while. You will not ever let anyone take her from this home, unless it is myself or Hayley." Klaus gestures to Hayley as he continues to compel Kate.
Kate nods. "Hope will stay here until you or Hayley comes to get her."
"Hope is to wear this necklace at all times and never take it off."
"Never let Hope take off her necklace." Kate repeats in monotone.
"Keep Hope safe and protect her with your life." Hayley rolls her eyes at Klaus, but secretly agrees with the compulsion.
"I will keep Hope safe and protect her with my life." Kate smiles at Hope.
"Thank you." Hayley adds, quietly.
"Come here Hope. Let's get you settled. We have some paperwork for your parents to fill out." Kate begins to walk towards an office with Hope in her arms.
Klaus quickly grabs Kate's arm and pulls back facing him. "We do not have to fill out any paperwork."
"Oh, I forgot there is no paperwork for you to fill out. Say 'bye bye' Hope." Kate let's Hope's chubby little hand wave as Klaus and Hayley solemnly leave to go fight in a war with Esther and Mikael.
Caroline Forbes walks up the driveway of the children's home just outside Dallas, Texas. She thinks back on the past couple of years. Bonnie and Damon finally were rescued and life was good for a while. Then Liz Forbes got in a terrible car accident. Liz had massive internal bleeding and the doctors told Caroline that she would not last the night. Caroline had begged her dying mom to drink her blood and live. But Liz did not want to become a vampire and they could not be sure that the blood would cure her or turn her. Liz's dying wish for Caroline was for Caroline to make sure she kept her humanity, no matter what. Over the past year since Liz's death, Caroline had been traveling and noticed that she was taking more risks with the human life. She thought of her mother's dying wish and made a life changing decision. She would adopt a child. She would care for a small human to regain her humanity and her love of humans. Caroline knocks on the door and waits patiently as a tall woman with tan skin and thick brown hair answers the door. "Hi." The woman says. "What can I do for you?"
"I'm interested in adopting a child." Caroline smiles her Miss. Mystic Falls smile.
"Wonderful. My name is Eva, come on in."
Caroline easily steps over the threshold. "Hi Eva. I'm Caroline."
Caroline follows Eva into an office and sits down in a leather chair. "Caroline, what are you looking for in a child? Age, gender?" Eva settles into the seat on the other side of the desk and pulls out a photo album.
Caroline thinks for a moment. "A girl, definitely. I'm not picky on age, but preferably under the age of 5."
Eva begins to look through the book as a small girl quietly peers into the office. Eva looks up to say something to Caroline and notices the little girl. "Hope, what do you need?" Hope toddles into the room, her auburn hair a mess and falling out of the two pony tails it was in. Her shirt is on backwards and her jeans have grass stains on them. Hope looks up at Caroline with big blue eyes and Caroline is mesmerized by them. They remind her of someone, they remind her of Klaus. Eva shakes her head. "This is Hope. She is two years old. She's a sweetheart, and rather quiet."
Caroline looks at Hope again and smiles. Something about those eyes call to her. "Hope, would you like to come home with me?" Caroline asks. Hope looks at Caroline and nods. "I'd like to adopt Hope." Caroline offers her arms to the toddler and Hope allows Caroline to place her on her lap.
"Wonderful. I think you two will be very happy. Let's get doing the paperwork." Eva starts to pull papers out of a filing cabinet.
"Eva?" Caroline calls the woman's attention. "We don't need to fill out any paperwork. Hope is ok to leave with me. You will not remember me when I leave. Please go get all of Hope's things for me."
Eva nods and agrees to the compulsion. Eva gathers all of Hope's belongings and hands them to Caroline. Eva gives Hope a small kiss and wishes Caroline and Hope luck. Caroline smiles and carries Hope out of the children's home.