So one day, Wally and Dick decide to get Roy drunk...
"Dude, quit laughing. He's going to hear us."
"Don't worry Walls. I SPIKED HIS WATER!" Dick yelled at his best friend, who looked at him like he was insane.
"You can spike water? What the hell did you put in it?"
The birds smile grew wider and he couldn't help but giggle at his friends expression when he said...
The red heads jaw nearly hit the ground and they both looked back in Roy's window.
He was dancing around, with a big ass stuffed bear that Wally and Dick gave him for christmas. They were currently dancing around, ballet form and Roy kept tripping over his table making the speedster and the bird laugh harder.
Dick clicked a few buttons on his phone and suddenly Taylor Swift, 'I Knew you were trouble' blasted from his speakers.
"Oh MI GED! I LOVE THIS SONG!" And he started dancing around, jumping on his couch and twerking.
"THIS IS FOR YOU, CHESHIRE!" He stuck his ass out toward the wall and started jumping up and down.
Wally and Dick were dying and couldn't take it anymore. Dick tossed a Wayne Tech pill in his water that will instantly get rid of alcohol substance taken. Roy went to get a drink and before he knew it, he was in his boxers with Taylor Swift playing. He looked pissed.
He looked through the window to see 2 body ba- little brothers recording him with Vodka in their hands. His face was terrifying.
"RICHARD! WALLACE!" They took that as their Que to run so Dick hopped on Wally's back while he put on some goggle and took off.
Roy changed out of his, drunken clothes and changed into his Red Arrow getup. He was going hunting.
And its bird and speedster season.