Hey readers! I know it's been awhile since this got updated, and I really need to set up a calender or something for writing these things. Now, this will be the final chapter I will be posting for this fic. However, I will have a second fic, that is a continuation of this. So don't worry about the ending being rushed.
Levi POV
Hanji places a hand on my chest and pushes me gently back into the room as I quickly ask "What's wrong? He's awake isn't he? Why can't I go see him?" She pants slightly and says "Erwin is with him. You can't see him until Erwin allows it. And I may have… Overshot a little on his age…"
I don't have the energy to keep my emotions on their usual tight leash, and I openly glare at her. Knowing that all the hurt and anger I feel is dancing across my face. "What do you mean Overshot?" Instead of being her usual bouncy self Hanji suddenly returns to her 'Scientist Mode'. "I need you to come with me. Eren is talking to Erwin, and after that you should be able to see him." She says calmly.
I glare at her for a second longer before sighing, nodding at her as she places a hand on my shoulder. "Just calm down okay? He's perfectly fine. That much I can assure you." I nod again as I run a hand through my hair, quickly setting in it's usual way before saying "Lead the way." as I motion toward the stairwell.
She nods and we both quickly jog down the stairs and half run over to her lab. Only to see Erwin standing outside of it with a look of total concentration. His gaze snaps up to us when we rush up, nodding at us as he says "I can see that you heard. You can go see him now. But know that we will be leaving on an expedition in 28 hours." He turns, motioning to Hanji as he walks away.
I stare at the door for a moment, not really sure if I was ready for this before opening it. I keep my eyes on the floor, softly shutting the door before taking a deep breath and looking up. Eren was sitting on the same hospital bed I'd left his child form on. Except instead of the 15 year old I'd come to expect, was a 22 year old looking Eren. Age was kind to him, his hair had darkened from the dark brown he usually had to a few shades lighter than black.
His hair had grown too, reaching his shoulders much like his Titan form had. His boyish features had fully matured, yet he hadn't lost the playful look that his eyes had. He looked like he'd grown too, his chest looking broader than I remember under the simple white button up he was wearing. He smiled at me, opening his arms and saying "Come here midget. I haven't changed that much."
I blink, feeling relief well up in me as I sprint across the room, jumping into the offered hug. He catches me easily, pulling me into his lap and holding me tightly against his chest. I bury my face in his shirt, gripping the fabric so hard I swear I heard it tear, but Eren simply tightened his own grip around me and adjusted so I could wrap my legs around his waist.
He buries his face in my hair, taking a deep breath that turns into a sigh. "Thank you… For keeping me safe when I couldn't do it myself…" He says after a moment, nuzzling into my hair. I press up into the movement, clinging to him as tightly as I could. Still feeling a little shaken over my dream and the pounding rain.
"It's nothing… You'd do the same for me and I know it." I say as I cling to him, finally allowing myself to relax after nearly a week. God dammit I missed you… You weren't gone… But fuck I missed you… I think as I shift, moving so that my face was buried in his neck, pulling him as close as I could in my current state.
He responds by burying his face in my neck, kissing the space softly before pulling away. I cling to him tighter, unable to put into words about how I will not let him go. I had nearly last him twice, seen him covered in blood, told he was in a coma, and now that he's back I will not let him go god dammit.
"Levi… I'm not going anywhere… It's okay to relax a bit… I promise I won't leave you okay? Not until you want me to…" He says softly, pulling a little more insistently. I relax a bit, letting a few inches come between us as I pull my face from his neck. I tighten my grip when I feel like he's getting too far away, and he instantly stops pulling away.
He sets his forehead against mine and let's out a soft sigh. He pulls away after a moment, leaving me to stare at him with a gentle sense of joy. He than says "Is Hanji here? Because I have something important to talk to you about, but I don't want her listening in. And No, it's nothing bad, just really important."
I can't help the way my breath catches as my mind races over every negative outcome that could possibly happen from this. Somehow, before I can even voice anything, Eren kisses me softly, a gentle show of affection I relax into. He pulls away and says "It's nothing bad. I swear to you on my life. It's not bad. Only a matter which I will talk to you about. And no one else."
I nod before switching my grip, hands moving from the back of his shirt to the front. I feel the gentle warmth of lust a slowly take over my thoughts as I look at my extremely attractive lover. I take in the sharp features of his face, gazing deep into the pricing emerald gaze that hasn't left my face since he started talking.
I grip the fabric there and yank him closer, bringing his face barely an inch away from mine before I say "Alright… But you better put that mouth of yours to good use till then." His grin takes a rather evil glint as he suddenly shoves forward, hands moving as I hold onto his shirt, trusting that he won't drop me as he shoves me till I'm parallel with the floor.
My legs tighten around his waist as he adjusts his grip slightly. He has one hand in my hair, arm bracing my back, his other arm is wrapped around my waist, holding up my entire body in his arms. He leans agonizingly close to me, moving until his his mouth is just barely brushing against mine as he says "I think I can put more than just my mouth to good use when you're involved love."
I give him a grin, letting go of his shirt and grabbing his hair, holding his head still before I say "I think you may just have to show me what you can do when I'm involved Eren." Before I yank him down, kissing him deeply. His response is instant, lifting me up again and pinning me to his chest as his hips rut against mine, resulting in a moan from me.
Before Hanji slams the door open. Son of a- Hanji grins at us as Erwin walks in behind her. I can feel my face heat up as a small amount of embarrassment begins to show at how we must look. However before I can say anything Eren ruts against me again, making me moan brokenly before I cover my mouth with my hand, not able to do much else with Eren moving. You asshole! They're not exactly here for a show!
"Have some shame Eren." I hear Erwin chastise him, sounding almost like a father. Eren however grins at him and says "Shame? You'd be doing the same if it were Armin." I see Erwin go a little red at that, turning away as Hanji suddenly let's out an indignant sound. "YOU BLOND BUTTMUNCH. YOU'RE NOT LEAVING UNTIL I HAVE EVERY DETAIL!" She screams, grabbing Erwin in a death grip and dragging the suddenly terrified commander toward a table.
"Begone you two. I have some answers to collect from our commander." She says, sounding absolutely evil. I nod and climb off Eren, who stands beside me and nods as well. However I stop dead in my tracks as I realize exactly how fucking big that brat got. My head barely came up to his fucking shoulder.
No. You may not pounce the tall as fuck muscular as all hell brat in front of you. Eren notices my stare and grins down at me, looking sexy as hell before he suddenly picks me up and throws me over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. "EREN! PUT ME DOWN!" I shouted before I elbowed the back of his head, no where near as hard as I could, but enough to make his head at least hurt.
He just chuckled though, waving at Hanji before walking off with me. The door shutting gently behind us as the darkened corridor consumes us, almost seeming to hush everything around it. Erens stride made him sway at a gentle pace, the silence between us sweet and almost soothing as he made it to the stairs to my tower.
He climbed them slowly, taking care to jostle me. By the time we had finally gotten to my room, this position was starting to get a little uncomfortable. He stepped into the room, snapping on the lights and kicking off his shoes before taking one massive stride and dumping me onto the bed. I huff at the sudden landing before I'm receiving a searing kiss, one I happily reciprocate before he pulls away.
I pout at him while he smiles softly at me, his entire face softening as he looks at me. He gently presses forward until his forehead is touching mine and he closes his eyes, an action I copy. I hear him sigh, letting out a soft hum before he says "I love you…" Voice soft and genuine in a way that made my entire chest warm.
I open my eyes, feeling him pull away as I smile at him as well before I say "I love you too." His smile widens a bit before he gently kneels, situating himself between my legs as he pulls off my boots gently, setting them at the foot of the bed. He softly kisses my calves, rubbing his face against them in a way I'd come to expect.
He gently pulls my hands forward, kissing the inside of my wrists before rubbing against them the same way. He kissed my throat in the same sweet manner, pulling away and kissing my mouth in the same gentle manner. I wanted him to hurry up, to move with that same searing lust that he had earlier. But I couldn't bring myself to stop this, because I could almost feel it. Feel all the love and adoration he held for me, that he showed with every kiss that he gave me.
I wrap an arm around his neck, using the other to balance myself as I pull him closer. He pulls away after a second me, making me whine at the loss of him. He chuckled softly, the sound soft and close. He than says "As much as I'd love to, I have to talk to you." I pout softly but nod and let him go, sitting up a bit more. He doesn't really move, staying in a kneeling position between my legs.
He than swallows, seeming either embarrassed or afraid. "When I slipped into that coma… It wasn't because of what Hanji gave me. It was because I was around 22. And… Wait let me take a step back here… Titan shifters as a whole, have to split their souls in order to gain the ability to shift. The result of this split is a Titan persona, and your human one.
Till you turn around 22 your soul is unstable, the two halves unable to work together and it causes your Titan form to be extremely hard to control." He says, stumbling over words in the beginning. I nod at him, following his words before I ask "Wait. When did you learn all this? Last I checked you were just as confused by your powers as we were."
He nods and says "When I was nine… When we lost Shiganshina my dad gave me a serum. It sealed away every memory I had of shifting. Of my Titan form, and every lesson my parents gave me to help me shift. All the training my dad gave me, every word my mother told me. I forgot all of it. I lost the majority of six years of my fucking life." He sounds almost broken by the end of it, hanging his head.
I grab his face, forcing him to look up at me. His usually bright eyes are darker, showing how much those memories had hurt him to lose. I smile say "Hey… It's okay Eren. There must have been a reason. He wouldn't have done it if it wasn't necessary." He stares up at me, nodding slowly after a moment as I see him absorb my words. He than takes another breath and continues with his story.
"I faced all of my darkest memories and came out of it alive. Gaining complete control over my Titan. I now know every power I can perform with it, and how far I can push myself. But besides that, I remembered what was in my basement, and how to get to it." He says with a grin, seeming rather pleased with himself.
"Well? Don't keep me in suspense. What is it?" I ask, prompting him when he stays silent. He blinks and says "Well… I don't really know how to explain… But it's a person. Someone who can show us how to destroy every Titan in a massive radius with one move." I blink and say "A person? Eren they should be dead! It's been over five years since anyone last stepped foot in Shiganshina. How would they be alive?"
Eren grinned and says "Cryo. They were placed in a cryo tube before the walls. I just have to open it." I raise an eyebrow and ask "How? And how exactly could anyone stay frozen this long?" Eren replies with a simple "Titan Powers. But I have one other thing to tell you…" His face slowly heats up, making him look rather cute as he looks down at the floor.
He takes a breath, exhaling and saying "I'm… I… You can… I want…" He seems to be trying to find the words before I ask "You can what?" Eren takes a deep breath and says "I can turn you into a Titan shifter and I want you to be one because you're my Mate and my lifespan is around 500 years and I don't want to be without you!" After he speaks he hangs his head, making it so that I can't see his face.
I blink at him, taking a second to understand what he just told me. 500… He's going to live 500 years… And he wants to spend it with me? Because I'm his mate? I feel my chest warm as I reach down, pulling up his chin and ask "How? I'd love to be with you for the rest of my life, you know that, but how can I become a Titan Shifter?"
His smile is fucking breathtaking, making him look absolutely adorable while my heart melted a tiny bit. He reaches behind him, apparently going for his pocket and pulling out a black case. It looked my a syringe case that Hanji keeps. When I raise an eyebrow at him he gives me a sheepish grin and says "I woke up almost an hour ago. Hanji had an assload of tests to run on me before she got Erwin. I used the time to make this."
I took the case from him, seeing how delicate he was with it. I opened the case, revealing a fucking massive syringe filled with a light orange liquid. Before I can respond though he grabs my arm, shocking me slightly before I look up at him, seeing that he's suddenly gone deadly serious. "Levi. You have to know. If you go through with this, it can drive you insane. There are other specifics that I'll have to tell you, but the biggest is that. It. Can. Drive. You. Insane."
His voice was steady and low, dripping with an authoritative tone. I raise an eyebrow at him and say "I'll be fine Eren. Besides, I have you. I have something big to fight for." He smiles softly than, serious demeanor fading away as he says "I believe you than. Now, the bigger problems. After the injection you'll slip into a coma like I had. But there is a catch."
I lean a little closer, watching Eren closely. "You'll meet the other half of your soul. Which will be in the form of a Titan, so don't attack it. It will offer you two choices. One, kill it and take over the form, but you'll sacrifice your humanity to do so. Two, face every fear you have, along with any forgotten memories." He says, staring at me intensely.
I look down at the case in my hand. I faced them every night for years. I can do it once more. I nod and say "Okay. And? If that's all, then let's get this over with." Eren chuckles at me, face softening once again as he says "It has some perks though. Like the fact that you could bond to me for life. We would live for a long ass time. As well as the familial perks."
I raise an eyebrow and ask "Familial perks?" Eren blinks and smirks, nodding and saying "Yeah… the 'Submissive'," Eren makes exaggerated air quotes, "Will go into a heat about once every three months. During a heat the 'submissive' can get pregnant. Regardless of gender." I blink at Eren before grinning.
"You mean… We can have kids? Little, tiny, black haired, green eyed brats?" I ask, setting the case on the bed next to me. Eren grins and nods, laughing softly before saying "Yes. We can have as many, or as few, as we want." I feel my own smile widen slightly before I pounce on him, shoving him back as I cling to him.
Unfortunately he loses balance while grabbing onto me and we topple to the floor. I nuzzle into his neck, feeling him wrap his arms around me and holding me tightly. He adjusts, one of his legs slipping between mine as he pulls my body up more, making it so I didn't have to stretch as much to reach his neck. I hum, holding him tighter and saying "Before we have kids. I will marry you."
He chuckles again before saying "You took the words right out of my mouth Levi." Moving so that his face was buried in my hair. I could hear the steady pounding of rain outside, the distant boom of thunder, the warmth of the person under me, the steady beat of the heart against my chest, and the overwhelming joy that had made it's home in my chest. And that's how we stayed, on the floor, while we clung to each other. And for just a second, everything was perfect.
And here we are! The official end of this half of the story. I will be posting the next FIC, the continuation of this at least, very soon so don't kill me! I tried to make it as sweet as I could while working toward the end. Please tell me what you thought about it! Comment, Review, that sort of thing if you don't mind.