Chapter 12: The End




"Can I..." She trailed off, but he knew what she wanted.

"Fine." He groaned. "Just for tonight, okay?"

She nodded happily, hoping into the bed beside him.

She blushed a little, burying her face into the pillow, as memories of the kiss flashed through her head.

"You okay, kid?"

"Y-Yeah. I'm fine." Kid. That word made her remember their talk from earlier...Even if he did see her as just a little girl, that did not make her want him any less- in fact the kiss had only made her yearn for him even more.

"Hey, Clem,"


"Don't go kissing any other guys, okay?" He said, suddenly feeling super protective over the girl. Clementine was way too young to be kissing boys.

"...I won't." Clementine said quietly.

Noting her slight hesitation, Nick spoke, "Ya gotta promise me."

"I pinky promise."

The two locked pinkies.

"Good." He smiled. "Not until your thirty-five."

"I don't know about that." Clementine yawned.

"Then you better warn them that I have a riffle."

Clementine giggled, snuggling close to him. He tensed for a second, but allowed it. He lay beside her as the little girl closed her eyes.

"Night, Clem."

"Goodnight, Nick."

Nick was all she needed, even if it was only as a friend.

She didn't plan to give up this crush anytime soon though.

Maybe Nick would be willing to wait for her to grow up. And maybe when she was all grown up he'd be the one giving her the kiss. She could wait. Because it would be worth it.

A small smile played on Clementine's lips as she drifted off.

She'd keep her fingers crossed.

Congratulations, you've made it to the end. I hope you guys liked the story.

I'm debating on if I should write a sequel for this or not. Tell me what you guys think.

Thank you so much for reading. And all the reviews. Holy crap I was surprised. I really appreciate it.