This is my night. The queen has the viking detained in New Orleans. This will be easy. I will punish her right off for whatever she did to our bond. Maybe the queen will even let me assist in her training for court life.

I approach her property but she is not there. Her scent is a bit faded around the house. Her car is still here. It does not smell like she has used it. Is it possible she never returned that night from Fangtasia?

I poke around Bon Temps; neither she nor her scent is anywhere to be found. I am starting to panic. I suppose if Eric interfered he would not be foolish enough to let her out of his sight. I studied him when I first arrived to the area; I know several of his resting places. I spend the next few hours visiting these places searching for any hint of her unique scent. Nothing. I would not have thought him foolish enough to keep her at Fangtasia but it is the only place left I know of.

I race to Shreveport and am rewarded with an overwhelmingly intense version of her scent, mixed with something elseā€¦vampire. It matters not. Eric probably thought he was really clever giving her his blood but it will make no difference to our queen, or me. I stride into the club ready for whatever resistance Pam might offer, no other would stand against an emissary of their queen.

The first sign that things are very wrong is the presence of the Ancient Pythoness in Eric's throne; the second is the young male vampire wrapped around my Sookie in front of the A.P., and last but not least is Thalia who is now dragging me to Fangtasia's lower accommodations swearing at me about my cowardice and audacity.


I wake feeling so much better. The consuming fatigue of the last few days is gone and I feel renewed. It feels like the first day of spring when you wake of, the birds are chirping, the sun is shining, you can smell living things beginning to grow, you feel uplifted, and hope blooms with your every step. I do not feel so afraid or uncertain. Yeah, much better.

Godric is not next to me in bed, it is later than I imagined. I hop out of bed and join Godric in the bathroom. The door was already open a crack; I made very little noise when entering. I was intent on sliding in the shower right behind him when I caught my reflection in the mirror. The mirror was slightly foggy on the edges; he must have just got in. Staring back at me was a different person. My hair had grown several inches and had gained body, it looked fanfreakingtastic, my ears grew from the top about an inch and came to a steep point, my hands seemed more delicate, my skin and nails were perfect, I was slightly taller, and my waist had slimmed. I suppose the individual changes were not drastic but the overall affect was amazing. Godric explained I was different, a fairy. He had said the words and I had listened but apparently I had not comprehended because I never imagined this.

"Startling, isn't it? All the slight changes." I nearly jumped out of my skin when he spoke. I'd been so caught up I had not noticed the water go off or him exiting the shower.

"I know you told me, but I did not know. Do you understand?" I knew he did I could feel it. I could also feel his reassurance and acceptance in our bond.

"I do lover. There are many other changes we have yet to discover. When a fairy goes through their awakening they gain their magical abilities. It is why I believe your telepathy to have originated elsewhere; you would not have the ability until now if it were a fae trait. Do not be frightened or worried we will explore this and master it together. We can call my fae acquaintance tomorrow night he may be very helpful. Let us get ready now, shall we? Pamela has everything perfectly timed. We are to arrive at 9pm and go directly to the throne after you change, where the Ancient One will await us."

I can only answer by throwing myself at him and kissing him passionately.


Everything was going just as I had planned. Sookie just finished changing in Eric's office and we were approaching the Ancient One now. The area vampires present know something big is going on.

The Ancient One addresses all present. "All within, human and vampire alike, you are called to witness the joining of Godric with his beloved Sookie. The thrice bonded pair will now pledge to permanently intertwine their lives, their heart, and their blood." The vampires gasp, the humans stare in fascination not understanding the weight of what they are about to witness. Most of the vampires present have only ever heard of such a bonding; never witnessing one even in their many centuries. A table sat at the AP's side with a beautiful knife and matching chalice. We repeated the words, we said the vows, and then she lifted our clasped hands above the chalice and cut both of our wrists. Fangs came down throughout the club; their senses drawn to my ancient vintage and my dove's sweet scent. I instinctively healed her wound when mine closed; the cup now baring our essence. Sookie drank first and I finished our blood. A hazy glow surrounded us for but a moment but long enough for the area five vampires to see the magic take hold.

Now we are one.


I can feel Godric's deep contentment, overwhelming joy, pure love, and satisfaction crashing like waves through our bond. It took tremendous effort to school my features and hide my pleasure. I would not allow myself to give anything away. I can't wait until Compton arrives empty handed; his failure is inevitable.

As if on cue Andre comes to my door. He summons me to the queen. She informs me that my maker has called. Apparently he'd meant to surprise me by having his pledging performed at my bar and in my presence but I was not present. He was apparently quite upset I had not informed him of my extended absence. Also, the Ancient Pythoness was the presiding officiate and therefore Godric was quite unable to reschedule the ceremony. To make matters worse Bill Compton had rudely interrupted the ceremony. As, punishment he had been restrained in silver for the duration of the ceremony and the Ancient One had ordered him returned to the queen.

My queen is in quite a state. Her plans are not working out and she has managed to insult her most powerful sheriff as well as his maker. She has every reason to be nervous.

"You are free to go. Your maker requests you return to your area immediately. Compton should be arriving here soon. Please make sure your maker understands he will be severely punished for his insults and poor behavior. I had hoped to be sharing a new acquisition with you but the details are still being worked out. I will have you down when I have her secured." She grinned evilly. If only she could cause me fear. She is so far out classed. She still does not realize my maker's pledged and her desired asset is one in the same. I smile to myself, Compton will probably lose his life when he informs her.


When we left the club Godric began driving towards Bon Temps. I did not know that was in the plan. "I thought you would be eager to get back to your place."

"Oh, I am very eager, love. I have a gift for you though. Something for you to remember our pledging and it is in Bon Temps." He held my hand and grinned as he drove.

I can barely contain my excitement and am about to pop as we drive smoothly down my drive way? I look closer and realize that the entire long winding drive is paved and no longer a nasty trap. That is not all that has changed. The house has been re-sided, new windows, and a larger porch that wraps around. A new two story, four car garage stands in the back. I slowly get out of the car and take everything in. Godric is silent watching me.

"It was my hope that we could stay here but I needed it to be safe for both of us and that required some changes. I tried not to interfere with the overall look and feel of your home. I hope that you are not unpleased." For the first time since meeting him, I heard doubt in his voice.

"Do not take my silence as unhappiness. I am just overwhelmed with the changes. Everything looks so beautiful, I'm sure gran would have loved to see this." I kiss him on his cheek and grasp his hand; pulling him with me to enter the house.

Everything has been refreshed from paint to flooring, appliances, and furniture. It appeared where things were in good shape they were cleaned and shined up. Anything that was questionable was replaced with a fitting replacement. The biggest differences were the steel automatic sliding window panels and the new quarters below the house. An entire apartment had been built via a hidden passage from my room. A master bath, bedroom, entertainment room, kitchenette, spare bedroom, bathroom, office, and library completed the space. A special secret passage was also built that led from Godric's vampire digs to the garage out back.

He thought of everything. "We can stay here? It is safe, like now?" I ask with hope in my voice.

"For tonight or for always, it is as you wish" Then his lips found mine.


I am literally dumped at the front door of the Queen's compound and that is after arriving by way of car trunk where I was blindfolded and bound in silver. The queen is going to be so pissed. I am anxious to tell her of Eric and his maker's treachery. They will be sorry they interfered with me.

I wished to get cleaned up before addressing the queen and Andre was very accommodating showing me to available quarters though I would expect nicer for the queen's royal procurer. I dressed in suitable clothing and made my way to the throne room.

I am shone directly in, as I should be. She does not look happy. I am not given the chance to explain or beg.

"You have failed me. You were to retrieve the girl and return. You plotted to insinuate yourself into the situation. You were going to claim her yourself which is why you wanted a bar full of vampires as witness. You just could not stop yourself from dangling her in front of the Viking and now his maker has bonded and pledged to my telepath!" the queen's voice rose higher the longer she screamed at me. She snapped her fingers at the end of her tirade and Sigebeert and Wybert held me before her. Andre handed her a curious device made of silver.

"You will suffer for betraying and failing your queen." My fangs were taken and now I am enjoying the silver accommodations of the queen.