"Come on try again" Glenn spoke as he watched his fellow blonde climb to her feet, her bat like wings retracting as she shot him a glare. "We have been trying this for hours Glenn, can we please get breakfast" Yang pleaded.

Glenn only sighed softly as he nodded, getting a smile from the girl as she turned to head back towards the academy. "Come on, it'll take longer to walk back" Glenn said, walking up behind Yang as he unfolded his own icy wings.

"Oh come on, let's walk, there's no rush" Yang said as the blonde gave her an odd look. "Says the adrenalin junkie" Glenn pointed out as Yang punched him in the shoulder. "No back talk" Yang laughed as the blonde chuckled with her.

"So, what do you think will happen in the tournament?" Yang spoke up as the two continued towards the academy, passing through the trees of the emerald forest. "Don't know, we have a five man team, so they'll have to adjust the rules for us" Glenn replied as he ducked under a low branch.

"I don't think it's entirely fair to have you in the tournament" Yang said as Glenn shrugged. "Well sorry for being impressive" Glenn said as Yang smiled at him. "Don't let all of this praise go to your head, we don't need to inflate your ego any more" she countered.

"Can't help it, you ladies just keep complimenting me" the devil replied as he flexed his muscles. "Because if we don't you start getting depressed" Yang pointed out as the blonde let his smile drop. "There was no need for that" he mumbled as the girl swung her arm around his neck.

"Oh don't start whining, I love you, and that's all you need" she said, pecking him on the cheek as Glenn smiled to himself. Walking back to the academy, the two blondes spotted the large floating area coming into view.

"Come on Ozpin wanted to see me" Glenn said, sprouting his wings as he sent a challenging smirk towards the newly born devil. Yang glared at him, unfolding her own bat like wings as she prepared to take flight with the demon boy.

"You owe me dinner" she said, leaping into the air, shaking slightly as she flew past the trees ahead of Glenn. "I already cook for everyone!" he yelled back, flying after her, keeping some distance in order to catch her if she fell.

"I wonder where those two went?" Weiss wondered, as she and Blake sat at the edge of the fountain in front of the school. The cat girl shrugged, her eyes never leaving her book as Weiss raised an eyebrow at her.

Peering over her shoulder, Weiss caught a few of the words before Blake pulled the book away. "Hay I was reading that!" the heiress yelled, reaching for the book as Blake pulled away further. "Its my book!" Blake replied, keeping the book out of the smaller girls reach.

"Its one of those dirty ninja books again, isn't it" Weiss said, narrowing her eyes as a dusting of red bloomed across Blakes cheeks. Before she could react, Weiss lunged forward, snatching the book out of her hand and pulling away from the shocked girl.

"Hay give that...!" Blake was cut off as Weiss opened the book, her eyes glinting with an amused expression as Blake stared at her in horror.

"Ahem, Oh satsuki, we cant" Weiss started to read, stepping away from Blake as the cat girl lunged to get the book back. "Weiss" Blake growled, glaring at the ice girl as she continued. "Your sword is so long, let me help you" she read, her voice carrying over the crowd watching the set up for the tournament.

Before the girl could continue, she was tackled into the fountain.

But not by Blake.

By yang, who was falling, out of the sky.

"Oh shit, that was awesome!" Yang gasped, sitting in the water of the fountain as Blake stared at the two of them in utter confusion.

"Yang?" Blake asked as the girl stood up, stretching slightly as her now wet clothes clung to her body. "Oh hay Blake" the brawler responded with a grin, not caring as everyone was seemingly staring at her.

"You dunderhead, I'm all wet now!" Weiss snapped drawing attention to her as the heiress stood, her hands around her chest as the cold water dripped off her dress. Some of the crowd had brought out their phones, preparing to take some photos before the air grew cold.

"I hope you lot are going on your way...now" a new voice spoke as Glenn floated down in front of the crowd, his wings spread wide as the crowd scampered off as quickly as they could. "What took you so long?" Yang asked as she climbed out of the water.

"I can't be faster than someone falling from the sky you know" Glenn sighed as he looked at the girl before glancing back at Weiss. "Come on, lets get you guys dried" he said, walking over to Weiss as she pulled his jacket off to give to her.

"Thank you" Weiss said, her teeth chattering from the cold. "Who knew she could get cold" Yang whispered to Blake, only to notice the girl sitting on the ground holding the wet remains of a book. "Wasn't that the new volume of ninjas of love you got last week?" Yang asked as Blake nodded slowly.

"It was so young, I only got to the bit where natsu was taking Kurumi" Blake was cut off as Yang slapped her hand over her mouth. "I know you're in shock, but at least wait till we are in the room to give me details" Yang said, her cheeks dusting red as both girls stole a glance towards the blonde boy across from them.

"You two get back to the room and chance I'm going to speak with Ozpin" Glenn spoke, bringing Weiss over to the two girls as he raised an eyebrow at Blake. The cat girl shook her head, climbing to her feet as she pulled Yang and Weiss away from the blonde before the brawler could speak.

"Those three" he mumbled turning his attention towards beacon tower. His eyes narrowed as he watched the numerous ships that the atlas military had brought with them to guard the vital festival.

Those would not survive if Thanatos attacked.

Ignoring his morbid thoughts, the blonde demon made his way into the school, ignoring the looks he was getting form both the students of beacon and the other three schools that had come for the festival.

Apparently, causing huge explosions and saving everyone from a hoard of grim made you famous.

Go figure.

"Ah i was wondering where you were Mr Skellington" Ozpin spoke, watching as the young blonde walked into his office. Beside the grey headmaster was Ironwood, the Altas headmaster narrow his eyes at the demonic blonde, almost reaching for the pistol hidden under his coat.

"You wanted to see me Ozpin, I had some training with Yang before I got here" Glenn replied as the headmasters smiled.

"How is that going, I know this change will affect her greatly" Ozpin aske,d interested in how the change from human to an apparent devil of all things would affect his student.

"The change itself doesn't do much Ozpin, I already explained that, but training to use new powers and limbs takes time" Glenn replied as Ironwood stepped forward.

"What did you do to her, she was declared dead by the doctors...and you brought her back to life?" he asked, staring at the golden haired blonde suspiciously.

"Why should I tell you anything, I don't know you" Glenn countered, glaring up at the taller man as Ironwood frowned heavily.

"What you did if something impossible and more than one high standing company is looking for ways to obtain your secrets" the military man replied as Glenn snarled in return.

"They touch me or yang and Ill rip them apart" Glenn replied, his eyes flashing a dark blue as the air in the office grew deathly cold.

"Enough, James don't interrogate my students, I'll speak with you another time" Ozpin spoke up, narrowing his eyes as the other headmaster was about to protest. One look and a shift of his cane made Ironwood scowl as he marched out of the office, shooting the blonde demon one last look before departing.

"How is he in charge of a school?" Glenn asked, looking towards the large open window as the tournament stadium came into view.

"HEs strong and a true leader, but we aren't here to discuse that" Ozpin said, standing up and taking his place beside the blonde demon. "Due to your involvement in the last few attacks on vale and your performance against the demon you know as Thanatos the council and myself have decided you cannot take part in the tournament for the safety of the other students fighting" Ozpin said as Glenn looked at him in shock.

"What but..." Glenn was cut off as Ozpin smiled at him.

"It would be unfair to have someone of your strength fighting, most of the team would forfeit before the tournament begun" he said as Glenn shook his head at the headmasters words. He was right after all, with Albion back and the return of his divine divide it would not take much to win against any of those teams.

"Fine...but what else do you want to talk about?" Glenn asked turning to Ozpin as the man sighed heavily.

"We are in need of your help, but first...what's your favourite fairy tale?" Ozpin asked as the blonde tilted his head to the side in confusion.

What did fairy tales have to do with anything.

Later that night Glenn was standing on the rooftop, watching as the moon slowly rose into the sky above him. A soft flapping sound made the blonde look down, his eyes glinting in amusement as he watched Yang landing beside him, her control of her wings making her landing shake slightly as she glared softly at him.

"Don't laugh" she snapped, letting his wings disappear into her spine as she stood beside the blonde, resting her head on his shoulder as they stood silently together.

"It sucks you can't join in" Yang finally spoke as the two watched the tournament stadium float above the school. Glenn shook his head, glancing down at his sword in thought. "I'm not, most of the first years are strong enough to face me, Ozpin knew that and banned me to keep the tournament fair" he replied as Yang huffed.

"And what's Pyrrha then?" she asked, remembering how the red head destroyed a second year team on her own two weeks ago.

"Hay you are just as strong as her" Glenn countered as the brawler hummed in annoyance.

"No you are stronger than her, if it wasn't for her semblance I would be able to give her a more even match" Yang replied as the two blondes fell into a comfortable silence.

"So how you really feeling?" Glenn asked, turning his head as he glanced at the blonde beside him. Yang cracked an eye open, looking at him in confusion for a second. "About the whole, losing your humanity and becoming a devil" he confused as Yang lifted her head, leaning back in thought.

"I don't really know" she finally spoke, looking down at her chest as the faint scare of where the white Katana had skewered her remained. The only reminder of what had happened that caused all of this. "I guess being a devil doesn't change much for me, I feel stronger at night, I can fly and use magic of all things" Yang said, smiling as she kissed the blonde on his cheek.

"But I'm also confused about these new feelings, like I'm connected to someone that I don't know and it's just...weird" she added as Glenn smiled.

"That would be our master, Rias Gremory, one of the most protective and smart girls I could ever love" Glenn said fondly as Yang bumped her shoulder against his.

"Should I be jealous" she asked as the blonde wrapped his hand around her.

"Yu do have to share me...with a few girls" he said smiling as Yang shook her head. "Why don't I tell you about how all this started" he added as the brawlers eyes perked up. "It started with me and my best friend Sean, he's an asshole but I love that Canadian bastard to death, we were on a year long trip to Japan as exchange students..." Glenn started his story, retelling his adventures for the blonde she devil as she laughed and cried at the amount of stuff he had done in his time as the servant of the crimson haired ruin princess.

Unknown to the two, a green haired young women was watching them from under an illusion, her phone held up as it recorded everything the blonde was saying.

"Greetings everyone, and I thank you for joining us for the first match up of the vital festival!" Dr obleck spoke, smiling as the crowd cheered around them. hundreds if not thousands of people were gathering in the floating stadium, watching as the two teams stood opposite each other.

"Today we have team RWBY of beacon and Team ABRN of haven face of for our opening match!" Port cheered as the two teams stepped forward. Yang smiled, her eyes catching a lone figure standing on top of the stadium watching the fight from out of view of everyone else.

"Remember Yang, no magic" Weiss said as Ruby and Blake got themselves ready. Yang only smiled, unfolding her gauntlets as the area around them shifted the large lava mountain and the cold glacier soon sprouting around them.

"Yeah yeah, don't worry Weiss-cream, I won't need it" Yang replied as the icy girl glared at her.

"Come on team we got to show everyone what team RWBY is made of" Ruby cheered as the others followed suit, watching the starting timer count down from five.

Up above, Glenn watched with a smile as his three girls and Ruby prepared themselves. Feeling someone standing beside him, Glenn narrowed his eyes as he spotted two long horns just out of the corner of his eye.

"Well?" he asked as Thanatos stood, his empty soulless eye sockets never leaving the field.

"We have a lot to do king, get some use of the order jewel, the others are nearby" the demon replied, standing beside his other half as they stood silently beside each other.

The vital festival was going to be interesting.